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/lit/ - Literature

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17859717 No.17859717 [Reply] [Original]

>Books with X theme?
>What am I in for?
>What was his/her problem?
>Books like X?
>Do I need to read X to understand Y?
>other questions I can't think of right now

This is an experiment, /lit/ is complaining lately.
I think this could help the board quality overall.
Direct all questions that in your opinion don't deserve their own thread to here.
Keep this thread open if you like to help fellow anons out with their questions.
Turning this in a general avoids newfags asking those same questions over and over again.
Also, other repetitive posts that don't really need their own thread can be directed here.

Feel free to discuss your thoughts about this becoming a general and maybe improve the template, and save it on our wiki so we could easily copy paste.

>> No.17859753
File: 19 KB, 357x500, 48-laws-of-power-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the think it was medieval text that he ripped off for this book.

what i remember was it was shot and structured like a book of aphorisms

>> No.17859797

any good books on knowing your rights ( as a U.S citizen)?

>> No.17859815

you havin a stroke over there?

>> No.17859826

Machiavelli’s the prince.

>> No.17859840

Might not be exactly what you are looking for but heard goodish things about

You Have the Right to Remain Innocent
by James Duane


Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent
by Harvey Silverglate

>> No.17859851

it was something more obscure and it was out of print at the time.

>> No.17859909

had the first in my wish list, will get to the second one sometime down the road

>> No.17859939

I asked this in the other thread that got deleted (thanks jannies), but which translation of The Ego and its Own do you guys like better? The revised Bylington or the new Landstreicher? it's next on my reading list and I'd love some input on which I should seek out.

>> No.17860050
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Last call before I buy this book, is it worth the read or is there a different starting book with Guénon?

>> No.17860094

Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines is where I started with Guenon; I'd recommend it and I've seen many people on this board do the same.

>> No.17860131

I'm not as concerned with Hindu doctrines as I am with modernity, am I wrong in assuming that's what these books are about?

>> No.17860472

Any books about an impulsive/reckless character learning to use that energy in a more creative/constructed way?

>> No.17860679

The chart says so

>> No.17861990
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Are there any stories where female Eldritch beings fall in love with regular human males?

>> No.17862002

Threadly reminder these threads are made by /sci/nigger refugees.

>> No.17862812

Does stacking books (all books laying down, like in a stack) hurt the books? I've run out of room on my shelves and I don't really have room for more bookshelves either, but I'd like to avoid hurting what books I have.

>> No.17862830

I really doubt it's like vinyl where side stacking is bad for them. Thinking more about it, just make sure its in a pyramid tower type deal where it gets smaller and smaller so that gravity doesn't do anything weird to the edges of paperbacks.

>> No.17862832

That's a good starting point. Reign of Quantity is harder but you should try reading it next. It's worth at least trying his Hindu stuff too.

Black Company series but you will have to wait a few books in for it to really happen.

What is a /sci/nigger refugee? Why would /sci/ posters come here?

>> No.17862844

Yes. It can warp the spine the same way that overpacking shelves can. Basically, books aren't meant to be squeezed with a vice, and one of the ways you can somewhat imitate that is by weighing them down with more books. You can minimize the damage by putting the heaviest ones on the bottom, but over time it'll fuck the spines.

>> No.17862899
File: 320 KB, 1200x1394, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered Ethics by pic related.
>What am I in for?
>Anything that could be good to know going in?
>Whats your take on his work?

>> No.17862944

It's been years since I read him but I remember he was more like a technical manual than Kant. I mean, he's not wrong, but he could write for the people who used make VCR or flatpack furniture manuals.

>> No.17862954

So it´s kinda dry?

>> No.17862989

He'll describe slot A to you. Then slot B. Then why they might not fit together. Then why they might. Then why they are both called slots. Why one is A and one is B and why that may or may not have some relation to lettering.
Or at least that was my experience of learning about intuition. Iirc he basically explains we've got flawed senses so what looks like X distance to us might not be exactly how we perceive it. But then he goes on to explain this is true whether that X distance is breadth or depth or height. Just in case you thought we might be getting one more right than the other.

>> No.17862997

I'm indecisive. What genre should I look for a book in?

If I narrow my choices, I might be able to find a book I can read or an unknown author. Non fiction and fiction is an option.

>> No.17863070

>No, it will be fine
>Yes, it will hurt them

>> No.17863095

Don't trust the /mu/tant, he only cares about not warping his vinyl.

>> No.17863104

Spinoza wrote "more geometrico," in the style of the geometer, namely the style of Euclidean proof which proceeds from apodictic assertion to apodictic assertion to leave no gaps and no uncertainty.

Read Herder's God: Some Conversations once you've taken a whack at Spinoza. Also read a bit about Spinoza's followers in the "radical enlightenment." Spinoza was read differently in the 18th century and in the 17th.

>> No.17863142

Why can parking infringement "officers" show their faces in public?

>> No.17863156

come someone explain this sentence to me from blood meridian?
>For this will to deceive that is in
things luminous may manifest itself likewise in retrospect and so by sleight of some
fixed part of a journey already accomplished may also post men to fraudulent destinies.
thanks mccarthy

>> No.17863165

Yeah. I wouldn’t listen to me either. I’ve run out of room for books and now have piles everywhere. But my vinyl is safe.

>> No.17863194

It's the same principle as with vinyls, but the spine compresses differently to the rest of the book because of the binding. Stacking them high also exacerbates the situation because more weight.

>> No.17863280
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>these lies may also be found in things that have already happened, and may have assigned men to fake destinies

pls help me. I'm leaning towards Landstreicher based on some reviews on amazon/goodreads, but i would still like some input from someone who's read both/either

>> No.17863392

Interesting, that makes sense. Is there a safe way to fit extra books on shelves then?

>> No.17864672

>I'm indecisive. What genre should I look for a book in?
Fantasy or sci-fi.

>> No.17864972
File: 1.95 MB, 2320x3088, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the bloke in this pic?

>> No.17865371

How do I find some good erotica? Most of the stuff sold online is some bdsm fantasy wrote by women and stories on sites like literotica are often laughably short.

>> No.17865424


>> No.17865464

Having read both I like the Landstreicher translation more. It's in more modern language and so easier to understand both what he is saying and the jokes he's making.

>> No.17865577
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What are some good introductory books to art, art history and architecture?

>> No.17865578

Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.17865988

Most people's solution is having two deep if the shelves are deep enough. This can cause it's own problems because it's harder to clean around them. Actually, to be fair, I think most people's solution is stacking them horizontally or packing them too tightly, but for people who don't want to damage the books, two deep is usually the solution because it doubles your shelf space while taking up the same amount of wall space.

>> No.17866495

I just got a Kindle Paperwhite, is it worth it to connect it to the Internet and to my Amazon account?
I already loaded a shit ton of pirated books, will that be a problem if I connect it?
I cant find another way to download the dictionaries I need.

>> No.17866799
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Im looking for the best Swashbucklersbin space and on the sea! Please show me the stars!

>> No.17867094
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>is it worth it to connect it to the internet, etc?
maybe, it depends. if you have one of the "cheap" kindles then connecting it to the internet will replace the screensavers with advertisements (which costs like $20 to get rid of lololol), but it'll also let you use "email to my kindle" (it also works through calibre) to get books without having to physically plug in your kindle, and I guess do whatever else kindles do on the internet. For me, it's not worth it.
>will that be a problem if I connect it?
no, amazon doesn't care if you have pirated books on your kindle
I've found that this isn't really a big issue, since I always have my phone on me anyway if I have trouble with something, even in my second language.

I know that some people also jailbreak their kindles, but I don't know what that would accomplish that just keeping it offline doesn't (and I don't really care about any of the online features anyway); but that could also be an option if you don't wanna give Jeff his $20 to not carry around a billboard.

>> No.17867321

i'm looking for literary descriptions of naked/undressingwomen for reference, any suggestions?

>> No.17867707

anything similar to tao lin?

>> No.17868436

Erotic literature?

>> No.17869069


>> No.17869073

Just discribe what it's like to watch your gf undress anon

>> No.17869074

What music should I listen to while reading Phillip K Dick?

>> No.17869213
File: 69 KB, 460x215, header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for classic literature about conquest or the tactics used by dictators or both? Something like this game.

no fantasy and can you try not to act like bitch over me posting a vidya.

>> No.17869262

what are your favorite history books anons?
also, are there any good alt-history books?

>> No.17869281
File: 22 KB, 236x335, efd15f8b311d28a21b59ebda11e85906--xiv-secolo-patron-saints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly specific request, but can anyone rec me a scholarly work about the role of violence and brutality in medieval art and iconography, particularly where it relates to martyrs?

>> No.17869449
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Which translation of the trial do read

>> No.17869921

Can somebody post the Plato reading order which has two columns of his works with Republic in the middle?

>> No.17870283


>> No.17870645

Anyone know anywhere online I can find some linguistics practice problems and practice tests?
Especially phonology

>> No.17870652

The original

>> No.17871545

is ford shorthand worth learning? learning curve for greggs shorthand seems to steep

>> No.17872150

It is, and you should go for it.

>> No.17872158

What is the way out of being a pseudointellectual into becoming an actual intellectual? Is it a matter of attitude or of knowledge?

>> No.17872995

Where can I buy Iron Gates and have it shipped to Mexico for cheap?

>> No.17873008

Joe Meek

>> No.17873011

Yes to both

>> No.17873038
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I think bookdepository has good rates but not 100% sure about Mexico

>> No.17873073

I know some anons mentioned using a VPN to get cheapest prices on bookdepository (think they said the UK was cheapest but YMMV with currency exchange). You can ship anywhere and bill anywhere regardless of country, so it's just the price listed for the book that might change based on region.

>> No.17873102
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also AbeBooks might have a good "local" price

>> No.17873363

Abe books always screws me in shipping more than anything else. Bookdepository is so popular outside of the places that have prime because bookdepository doesn't charge for shipping.

>> No.17873431

ah I'm a burger and have had only good experiences the few times I used abe.

>> No.17873532

>most of /lit/ is meme and bait threads
>the threads that actually discuss /lit/ are always about books I haven't read
is there a way to fix this?

>> No.17873566

Read more books

>> No.17873634

They can be good for rare books, but out of all the ones held by Amazon, bookdepository is the cheapest usually for people outside the US. I've only had good experiences with them too, but the only times it's been worth paying their shipping prices was for rare shit like first editions or signed copies where you're already likely to pay more for the book than for the shipping.

>> No.17873686
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I feel lost whenever I read philosophy, even Nietzsche. How can I improve? I can't focus on the Greeks because my desire lies with the Germans and the French, is there an introductory text that would let me skip Aristotle?

>> No.17873753

Sophie's World. You can skip the YA plotline if you like and just read the letters. You'll wind up better versed in western Phil than most of /lit/

>> No.17873781

I'll give it a shot, thank you

>> No.17873915

Thanks for answering anon, I couldn't find the book I wanted but at least bookdepository looks pretty cool. Will probably buy from there in the future

>> No.17873932

>bookdepository doesn't charge for shipping.
Have they fixed the brexit problem for Europe?

>> No.17874836

Bumping so anons stop making stupid threads

>> No.17875767


>> No.17876209
File: 1.06 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20201031_191239-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought a kindle and I'm wondering what are some good places to download books?
Only know of lib gen and z library.
Any other sites you guys would recommend?

>> No.17876488

books with gangs like the outsiders or from the pov of criminals in general (petty crime like theft, vandalism or drugs no murder or rape please)

>> No.17876505

What are some books I can read as a lazy midwit pseudointellectual? Wanted to read about accelerationism but I'd rather think about it.

>> No.17876702

Jean Genet or Emmett Grogan

>> No.17876726

based stroke victim

>> No.17876769

Read Hobbes first because he rips off most of his stuff and tries to pass it as his own. The only important parts are the first 2 chapters (the metaphysics and the epistemology). Overall it's mediocre.

>> No.17876829

Can someone recommend me a book on Saints throughout history? Their life stories and deeds

>> No.17876868

Butler's Lives of Saints is the Catholic classic.

>> No.17876968

Just start reading the futurists. Worst thing that happens is you become a Nazi and get run over by your own tank, or you try their sandwiches. Either way, they're pretty quick for painful deaths.

>> No.17877038

Bumping to prevent "books like X" threads.

>> No.17877040
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, Drowned elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in another thread a couple of days ago that i want to terraform a barren planet and release the bare minimum of organisms on it and see how they would evolve over millions of years. Would mice evolve into giant herbivores? Would the house cats evolve into t-rex sized mega predators? Or would perhaps the mice give rise to predators? Would lizards evolve to become whales or crocodiles?

>> No.17877049

Like the Flores man? https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36463668

>> No.17877079


>> No.17877102
File: 702 KB, 1024x611, Serina the world of birds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Speculative biology or speculative zoology?

Like the link below?


>> No.17877112

I don't know if it's historically accurate or not but I thoroughly enjoyed Little Flowers of St. Francis

>> No.17877117

Yeah a lot like that

>> No.17877439

Do those "reading" pillows (the ones with the arms that go on either side of you) actually work? Do they actually make sitting up in bed against the wall comfortable for reading?

>> No.17878491

Good luck on it, anon.

>> No.17878973

Haven't seen those but those old hospital bed frames where the headrest pulls out to become a sloped back rest are comfy as fuck. I think it's the level of support the metal frame gives so I doubt just cushions would cut it?

>> No.17879089
File: 46 KB, 512x325, takeyourmeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't keep books stacked high. Small stacks are fine but big heavy stacks are detrimental. The spines of the books at the bottom will suffer noticeably.
>current year
are you a 1960s coed graduate in a cone-shaped bra getting her first steno job?
Nick Land
those pillows suck.

>> No.17879325

Do you take the dust jacket off when you read hardcovers? Just curious

>> No.17879420

Permanently. I have a pile of dustcovers from cheap hardcovers at the bottom of my bokokshelf. Occasionally I'll think about making some hipster bullshit art piece out of it, but the idea is so embarrassing that I put it out of my mind immediately every time.

>> No.17879430

Can any anon tell me if the last sentence to this excerpt sounds cliche? Sorry if this is the wrong place for it, i.e. if it should go in the writing general.
"The real American beauty with which we have concerned ourselves over the course of the preceding essay has been that which is predicated on those attributes common to all existence chained to the world and thus to being and time and that primordial struggle that has obscured them from our modern perception. That American beauty is that struggle between being and time, reason and sensation, decay and beauty. That American beauty is life itself."
Yeah, I do that, but it's up to you.

>> No.17879492

Depends. Some make it more awkward to read and are ugly as fuck so I ditch those entirely. Most good ones aren't an encumbrance even when reading. Some of them I take off while reading because they're slightly awkward but still worth keeping. Usually those ones are ones that complete the cover design, like with cutouts.

>> No.17879962

>if it should go in the writing general
Probably. I think it's a bit purple even if you were writing a glowing review of the American Beauty rose for Home and Garden.

>> No.17880471

People buy those.

>> No.17881018

That’s a nice story, I wonder why those aren’t more common.

>> No.17882576
File: 141 KB, 1200x675, Ds72E6LVAAEEikR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books about cereal?

>> No.17882899
File: 312 KB, 1050x700, romanlatrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think a thread on /his/ about the history of toilet paper would be well received. Mostly interested in the different things used prior to the coalescence around some kind of paper product.

>> No.17882923

iirc lowbrow guide to world history has a few pages on this I could post for you if you want.

>> No.17882947

if you'd like, go for it!

>> No.17883001
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>> No.17883135

thanks for the tid bit. Coconuts huh that's a new one, ouch. Reminds me of how people in the east used to use turtle shells as contraceptives. The Roman shared sponge tersorium sounds so gnarly, surely that caused tons of UTI/STDs

>> No.17883625


>> No.17883858

idk if i can request pdfs in here, but ive been trying to find fucking "German for reading (second edition)" for hours and hours, ive searched through the whole internet and i cant find the second edition no matter what

>> No.17884442


>> No.17884473

Road to Wellville. It'll give you a vocab boost too

>> No.17885683

What’s going on.

>> No.17885796
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>> No.17886053

You might have better luck on >>>/wsr/

>> No.17887297
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>> No.17887677


>> No.17888071


>> No.17888473

This is helpful, thanks.

>> No.17888918
File: 870 KB, 1280x1083, BLOONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause you need a fuckload of autism to make it
And i dont mean that in a derogatory way; this is simply the kind of commitment that's very rare outside of autism.
Lots of cool stuff in this though

>> No.17889045

I want to read *Erotism by Bataille*
is there anything I need to read/be familiar with to understand the book?

>> No.17889164

And to think, so few will ever read it.

>> No.17889214

just know that the french bourgeois are bisexual sex addicts

>> No.17889220

Any Germans/Junger readers here: how hard would it be to read 'Auf den Marmorklippen' in German? As someone who is only just beginning to read German texts in their original language.

>> No.17889398

How will that help?

>> No.17889633

You have to admire the author’s commitment to his work.

>> No.17889797

OK. Thanks, Anon

>> No.17889804

it's honestly amazing, and as an eco-fag i can really appreciate it.

>> No.17889901

There is speculative zoology general on /an/ and it's pretty decent thread with anons sharing drawings and ideas. You might want to check it out.

>> No.17891104
File: 25 KB, 580x435, 1556736847556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys have felt something similar when reading a book?

Im currently finishing a Spanish translation of Book of Disquiet, Spanish is supposed to be my mother tongue even if my English reading level is much much higher, I've gone up to Gravitys Rainbow with no problem in English, but I've never gone beyond high school reading level (and I read very few of the Spanish books I was assigned), when it comes to Spanish (so probably Borges at the very most id say, and even that book I rushed through), the thing is that I can only read book of disquiet lying down in bed at night, anyplace else I simply can't make sense of anything I haven't previously read before, none of the words sticks and I'm unable to form connections between them.

Is that something special to the book or is it simply due to my "Spanish"?

>> No.17891124

As I said I havent really done much Spanish reading before but its the first time I've experienced something like that
When im in bed I can read the book of disquiet perfectly and I've been reading 50 entries every day before bed

>> No.17891899

How do you guys tackle a book that seems beyond your intelligence/reading level? I haven't read a book since high school and now I'm reading old poetry, and converting the classical language into something I can understand is hard enough, how am I supposed to even recognize the subtext, intended comedy, sarcasm, etc?

>> No.17892033

The only dialogues I haven't read by Plato are Sophist and Protagoras, because I don't really give a shit about sophistry. Is there anything more to them or can they be skipped and I can move on to Aristotle?

>> No.17892853

The girl is being unexpectedly run over by a truck.

>> No.17892984

nice pic

>> No.17892994

Why are people so uncreative with the images they use for there general threads, every time it is some cringe gook cartoon that they swoon over because it is female

>> No.17893011

anyone know a good place to commission erotic friction?

>> No.17893016

What would you like it to be about?

>> No.17893037

not exactly vanilla, but nothing anybody's never heard of

>> No.17893862

im having some kind of experience, im not sure if its an ego death, im not even taking drugs, im just severely depressed and uncertain about my place in the universe.

what can/should i consider doing?

>> No.17894273


>> No.17894831

It's an exposure thing. You can pick any random fanclub or cult from the internet and just read those and you'll find yourself understanding more and more of the acronyms and oddly used words the more exposure you get: it's how people become accultured.
Spend 5,000 hours reading 4chan and it'll be hard not to describe things as based; spend 5,000 hours reading Shakespeare and you'll find yourself objecting to it being shown to children.

>> No.17894897 [DELETED] 

what should I look for if I want to read folk tales? particularly from Irish culture.
help please

>> No.17895203

How do I read more? After about 20-30 pages I start to feel kinda burnt out and forcing myself. It's not a concentration problem, more like brain exhaustion.

>> No.17895206

>not exactly vanilla, but nothing anybody's never heard of
Everything been written under the sun.

>> No.17895326
File: 97 KB, 629x900, saint-sebastian-nicolas-guy-brenet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some gaylit that doesn't feature pederasty at all and is about adult men who are into adult men, or at the very least boys who are into boys of a similar age?

>> No.17895345

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.17895356

Ah shit should've specified anything but The Picture of Dorian Gray because I've already read it, but thanks.

>> No.17895394

of course, but i wasnt gonna commission something because it was an obscure fetish, but rather to control tiny little specific details that despite seeming inconsequential are the difference for me between a great story and me cooming my brains out. you guys have tiny little details in your fantasies?

>> No.17895402
File: 949 KB, 1644x3520, 5C90E08F-356F-47DB-8729-A3BC031B9419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17895644

Lets say that my story needs a character who does mushrooms or other psychedelic. Is it a go or no-go if i haven’t done it myself? I could just use user reports as a source for close enough approximation of the matter, right?

>> No.17895691


>> No.17895853

Brideshead Revisited

>> No.17896352

I have no original ideas for my Bachelor's thesis. What do?

>> No.17896408
File: 73 KB, 266x371, Me reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't read.
I was diagnosed with mild dyslexia at the age of 13, never read a book before that (except the ones I was forced to read for school).I don't even know what's wrong with me because this shit isn't consistent, sometimes I can't even focus to read a single line while other times I read a book in two days. Moreover I have literally 0 problems reading things like articles online or subtitles in multiple languages (italian, english, spanish, chinese etc.)
This definitely DID NOT encourage me to read even after the age of 13, now I'm 23 and I have read like 10 proper books or so. I usually listen to audiobooks but I find it quite embarrassing, moreover it often happens that I can't find the books that I'm looking for in audiobook format.
Is it too late to start reading? will I always be held back by this? are there any other fellow anons with reading problems that can give me tips?

>> No.17896505

Accept the inevitable.

>> No.17896522

Sounds like adhd if anything. Just read daily and it'll probably get better.

>> No.17896902
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My nigga, I got ADD and dyslexia and I read daily.
Putting too much emphasis on finishing a text will cripple your thought, killing coherency.
Relax your jaw muscles, Anon, calm down... Stop eating soo much sugar and you will be more calm, less hyper active...

>> No.17896907

Have some interest as well in what your reading, dont read shit you feel is important, they serve a better cause of putting you to sleep

>> No.17897899

What's there to be embarrassed about with an audiobook, besides playing it from a speaker in public like a twit? Reading also isn't some kind of competition, so "too late to start reading" isn't applicable. Just find something that genuinely interests you, read it until it doesn't, and move on to the next one, and if somedays you just can't read anything, just don't. Reading is only for you, so go at your own pace and just try to keep at it.

>> No.17898031

If I'm reading the bible for literary merit, is the new king james version okay or do I really need to go get a copy of the original KJV? I stole a new KJV from a hotel room my only version that's original kjv was my grandfather's and it's old, I'm scared I'll rip it.

>> No.17898090
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Books about why I can't trust people until I've touched my penis to their penis (or equivalent) in a sexual context?

>> No.17898925

What should I read next? I've narrowed it down to either Hillbilly Elegy or Man and His Symbols.

>> No.17899390

Haven't read Man and his Symbols but Hillbilly Elegy falter the minute the author tries to reach further than just telling a personal story.

>> No.17899674
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Any books similar to the long ships by frans bengtsson? Other books I like are:
Geek love by Katherine dunn
The vegetarian by han kang
Stephen King and John steinbeck are a couple of my favorites

>> No.17899743

Any recommendations for books on the psychology of a monarch? Generally about how monarchs or any person holding supreme authority were treated, how they treated others, and what a position of such power warrants and how it may affect the holder. Preferably going into detail and taking sort of a philosophical approach.

It's a very broad description but I'm always thinking about this and never really see any books on it.

>> No.17900832

I've been looking for Siddharta like crazy at barnes n nobles but can't find it. Anyone got it there? What section did you go to?

>> No.17900854
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You might like this. I haven't read it, but I've seen it cited all over the place and it's supposed to be a classic. It's also supposed to be kind of dense, which is why I've put off reading it for so long.

>> No.17900879

I mean there are lots of character studies and autobiographies/memoirs of monarchs and people close to monarchs in the past 200-300 years, which might have pieces of what you're looking for, but I imagine you're looking for something more like Egyptian pharaohs. But I have a feeling most European style monarchs, kings, were closer to the realpolitik and surprisingly self-conscious (and self-conscious of the need to self-justify) perceptions of a modern monarch, than to the Egyptian pharaoh.. And who knows about the pharaohs

Einhard's biography of Charlemagne (he knew him and accompanied him) might be good. I'm trying to think of other "admiring but also human" portraits of monarchs written by friends but I recall Einhard being in that direction.

I wonder if you could look at some kind of extremely close-up biographical history on the Stuart monarchs' absolutism, something that gets at their self-perception and the nature of their courts

Kantorowicz also wrote an famous and famously strange half-history half-hagiography of Frederick II that he could look at

>> No.17902209

What do you mean?

>> No.17903558

God, I wish I had that, must be well known if an anon knows about it.

>> No.17903567

Had what?

>> No.17903965

Had had.

>> No.17903990

had had what?

>> No.17905057

i'm still reading blood meridian. is it implied the judge is a rapist/child molester? did he rape that one child they picked up from the slain village (who they later killed)?

>> No.17905084

I read it to have those implications, but anon will be mad if I say the Judge raped anybody because it's not explicitly shown