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17857058 No.17857058 [Reply] [Original]

How do you consistently believe in God?
Sometimes I simply know he exists, I feel his warmth deep within my soul.
Sometimes the entire idea seems ludicrous to me.
I wish he would give me a clear sign, but I know it is too much to ask and it wouldn't be true faith.

>> No.17857132


>> No.17857144
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Read your Jewish fairy tales, anon.

>> No.17857239

Christianity is weak, convert to Islam

>> No.17857252

How come everybody with that name is incredibly dumb?

>> No.17857280
File: 163 KB, 1200x800, cicero-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indeed, there is no topic on which not merely the unlearned but even educated people disagree so much, and since their beliefs range so widely and are so much at odds with each other, two possibilities exist: it may be that none of them is true, or at any rate no more than one of them can be.
Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods

After many years in the same quagmire as you OP, tormenting myself, I eventually suspended my belief.

>> No.17857292

>I feel his warmth deep within my soul.
yo that’s super gay

>> No.17857293
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what exactly is believe in god, faggot? how do you prove you or someone else believes?

>> No.17857295

Oh no we wouldn't want that

>> No.17857305


>> No.17857315

Prayer took me out of my spiritual dryness. If you feel unworthy of praying for yourself (I feel this way often), pray for a friend or loved one.

>> No.17857348

Unironically i keep playing the lottery.

>> No.17857349

>I feel his warmth deep within my soul
thats called being happy you fucking retard, it's a basic emotion

>> No.17857351

Being gay for God is the only acceptable gay, that's why being gay for men is a sin, it's cheating on God. Lesbianism likewise is cheating on Mary and the Holy Spirit.

>> No.17857387

Feeling happy and feeling the presence of god are two different things.
I actually tend to feel the presence of god when I am unhappy

>> No.17857444
File: 20 KB, 800x450, klaus_schwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly racist of you.

Simple as.

>> No.17857686

as usual, stupid faggots argue not defining common ground and not having common definitions.

>> No.17857723

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. He (Jesus) replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.

>> No.17857969

a cope

>> No.17857974
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Meditate, stop looking for autistic proofs around you

>> No.17858122

>I wish he would give me a clear sign,
Robert Anton Wilson

Because they’re anonymous trying to make me look dumb.
Off topic thread

>> No.17858427

>>I wish he would give me a clear sign,
>Robert Anton Wilson
Is that a joke?

>> No.17858456

This entire time I thought you were referring to William Walker Atkinson and confused both.

>> No.17858465

As far as I know, the spiritual life is ephemeral and must be chased for minute after minute, but I don't know, maybe Robert Anton Wilson has said something that makes a spiritual life less of a pain.

>> No.17858472


>> No.17858486

Do you do your Stoßgebete anon? Our God is a jealous God and its not enough to sit down once a week for your relationship with him. Praise him constantly and ask for his blessings and for him to keep you on the path constantly.

>> No.17858508

Also I do the sign of the cross constantly, like an old Russian woman. For example whenever I see coombait out in the world or online. He immediately sends me strength and my nofap streak is unbroken since I started doing this.

>> No.17858522

I don't usually actually. Every once in a while a synchronicity event will happen which feels like divine intervention. Like something is listening in on my thoughts and decided to throw me a bone.

>> No.17858525

faith is a conscious choice friend

>> No.17858547

You don’t “choose” to believe in anything. Your brain is presented with new data and compares it to existing data using logic. That’s why it’s so easy to convince kids that God is real, because they don’t have any existing data.

>> No.17858590

You have placed your faith in materialism, I in the Lord. Truth is subjective.