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/lit/ - Literature

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17855839 No.17855839 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good?

>> No.17855859

it's ok

>> No.17855958

right... thanks anon

>> No.17856009

Some parts are genuinely pretty funny and some parts are a little insightful, but it's nothing groundbreaking or super interesting overall.

>> No.17856056

I enjoyed it. Lots of funny little bits in there. Sort of like the fever dream every disaffected angry white dude has while waitng in an inner city dmv turned into a novella.

>> No.17856071

Read it. I did it in half a day, it’s an easy read. Incredibly creative. I enjoyed the way he uses language and the themes Mike writes about are important to every strong white male on the planet today. It activates something primal in you.

>> No.17856165

I’m interested, but I get the vibe that it incorporates a lot of edginess and reliance on shocking things to make up for a lack of depth and actual content. Does this seem to be the case for anyone that’s actually read the book?

>> No.17856187

There's definitely some aspects that read of "very online" edginess, but overall it didn't bother me. Very much a contemporary work and if you're a little older you might miss some of the references and irony I suppose.

Overall though it's not that shocking. There's some parts that are in black redacted boxes. The narrative isn't linear and reads like disconnected thoughts and experiences. It's about as edgy as fight club.

>> No.17856374

if you know the word "pozzed" you'll enjoy it.

>> No.17858043

first half of the book is good, but the rest is pretty repetitive and weighs the quality down

>> No.17858055

Just read BAP

>> No.17858091

Get a real job, Mike.

>> No.17858103

Bronze Age Mindset tier cringe, it's self aggrandizing and uses strange yet familiar language to impress retards vulnerable to that kind of thing. I haven't even read neither of these books I just intuitively know what's in them and I can gurantee you it's gonna be that. E celebs are worms, they never have anything interesting to say, like you can just tell by BAP's twitter that he's gonna take schoppenhauers cringe philosophy (of whom I also only the synopsis cause fuck reading philosophy LOL) twist it on his head, act like he and the people who read them are musclebound warriors standing on top of hills and mountains with "POWER" echoing through their souls. It's boring. It's predictable. Nothing insightful or unique or original to be found. Avoid.

>> No.17858110

damn bros I should really start double checking what I write, can't into grammar at all lately.

>> No.17858144

you come off like a dumb black, retard

>> No.17858160

give me 1 (one) thing I was wrong about

>> No.17858185

I prefer Mein Kampf at least Hitler had real convictions

>> No.17858199

the most based and most beautiful anon in this thread besides myself

>> No.17858240

it's not just musclebound warriors, it's mitt romney slash alchibiades becoming a pirate mercenary in search for armed conflict

>> No.17858289

yeah bitch I actually happened to read that part as one of my friends sent it to me, it's however exactly what I said it is. He just takes schoppenhauer, flips what he said on its head, and now that the value system is reversed and violent risk taking behaviour is seen as good. It's nothing insightful, ok retard? Boring, predictable, and CRINGE.

>> No.17858345

>has a strong opinion on something he has no intention of reading
that's pretty gay

>> No.17858358

yeah but larping as the strong when you have to hide from the apparatus of state which actually does all the things you can't is based huh? face it you're a bunch of onionboys. You need ideas to release your inner negro rather than do so by instinct, cause instinctive you're weak and timid and were you actually come out to fight I'd pulverize each and every single one of you.

>> No.17858399

>tells others to stop larping as strongmen
>larps as a strongman

>> No.17858455

t. weak chin, narrow shoulders, wide hips, small wrists, gets mogged hard despite lifting.

>> No.17858494

Ye this.

Its more of a novel/story.

>> No.17858601

It's fine

>> No.17858675

Reading synopses and deciding that's equivalent to the real thing. Nigger.

>> No.17858711

lol imagine reading 100 pages to get to a point which can be made with a single sentence. What kind of retarded nigger would do such a thing?

>> No.17858723

not that guy but why did you describe me? ;_;

>> No.17858735

I’ve been reading it, it’s good

>> No.17858938
File: 14 KB, 235x369, 0D5233F4-29D3-40D1-86E7-1615BBF55B41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking brainlet

>> No.17858963

it reads like a schizophrenic doomer's diary
i liked it

>> No.17858989
File: 549 KB, 498x268, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw strong chin, wide shoulders, ribcage width hips, ripped wrists, and mog people hard without lifting

>> No.17858996

The cover and title give tryhard insincere zoomer vibes

>> No.17859058

But I like the cover, anon

>> No.17859087

no thats me son I fucking mog you and everyone on this board unless you have a 22 inch bideltoid without lifting, 137+ IQ, caveman facial aesthetics, and 8"+ wrists you are MOGGED.

>> No.17859146

havent read anythign just dropping by to say CIA niggers should be shot like animals and you sound like a spook

>> No.17859486

Does seem the case for me. I thought it sucked, it was repetitive, boring, poorly written, it quickly became unfunny. I wrote this sort of stuff when I was a edgy
redpilled 17 year old. Nothing groundbreaking. Yeah I know it's supposed to be ironic and pretentious, that doesn't make it good/enjoyable or anything of the sort. Imo it's a waste of time.

>> No.17859756

You might be confused, this is /lit/ not /fit/ and we e-stat the books we've read not our barbell lifts.

>> No.17859915

I lift books exclusively desu

>> No.17859934

Working my way up to Oxford Unabridged, currently pressing War and Peace x10

>> No.17860055

You joke about this but I'm literally too poor to afford weights. I press a carboard box with Plato, Plutarch, and a few other textbooks.

>> No.17860246

Sandbags from Fitshit or Rep Fitness are $60 apiece, fill them with dirt and go to town. You can even adjust the weight by removing or adding filler bags as needed. I have two because my gym got shut down and I wanted to keep training. In total I spent $120 for full-body weight training equipment that will last for decades of daily use.