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17855708 No.17855708 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here loved Plato but got filtered hard by Aristotle?

>> No.17855713

Dude have you ever read a textbook before, it's not that hard.

>> No.17855714

thanks doc

>> No.17855728

If you had no issue with Plato, Aristotle should be a breeze to understand.

>> No.17855744

pretty sure he is refering to “x is the presedence of y” repeated for forever. the basic logical stuff he does which is kind of boring.

maybe try reading the less dry Aristotle stuff like his discourse on the polis and political theory? thats a lot easier to digest.

>> No.17855811

Plato was wrong on so many things if not everything.

>> No.17855815

It's because Aristotle is just lecture notes. His dialogues were lost and they were supposedly very good.

>> No.17855851

Plato wrote in poetry, Aristotle was an autistic academic through and through.

>> No.17855871

>le ebin lecture notes meme
I never had a class with 400 pages of lecture notes. That's called a textbook.

>> No.17855897

I refuse to believe thinker as high-profile as Aristotle would have had every single one of his works lost to time.

>> No.17856539

Plato is better than Aristotle any way.

>> No.17856549

That is because Aristotle never existed and was invented by Arabs during the post-classical era.

>> No.17856556

smelly modern man, who cares what you think

>> No.17856652


>> No.17856770

Mortimer J Adler's Aristotle for Everybody is a very good introduction.

>> No.17858342

>Be me
>Love Plato
>Love Aristotle
>Filtered by Xeno
fuck philosophy

>> No.17858623

Read Feser