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17852481 No.17852481 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I'm retarded and don't have a clue about economics. Recommend me a book.

>> No.17852496
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Das Kapital

>> No.17852558

Othmar Spann, History of Economics

>> No.17852564

The ascent of money is really good, I was in the same boat as you

>> No.17852577
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Debunking Economics, Steve Keen

>> No.17852624

History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, Goodson

These four articles too

Slobodian, Tooze

>> No.17852710
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little bit of libertarianism
little bit of common sense social market economy

that way you'll be a classical liberal who understands you can bank off of empathy

>> No.17852714
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This will be infinitely more useful than all that has been recommended so far.

>> No.17852719

This is just the right thing for you:

>> No.17852777

That's probably a little too advanced for Econ majors, remember they think their AP calculus models make them into mathematical titans

>> No.17852822
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Many gems worth digging up and displaying in the warosu lit archives.

>> No.17852842

Just read Wealth of Nations. If you want to learn more read Capitalism and Freedom. You don't need more than that. Wealth of Nations is the pinnacle of economic theory and economic theory in an academic sense progress very little, it only contradicts itself more and more as time goes on.

>> No.17852850
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Gotta start somewhere, besides, when compared with most social “scientists” and with the bulk of the population they might as well be.

>> No.17852891

Everyone keeps posting economics books but not tackling the main issue of OPs post, the fact that he’s retarded.

>> No.17852906
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>> No.17852929

What are you talking about? Every recommendation has been pretty ad hoc desu.

>> No.17852945
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read the first chapter which is a short overview of topics as well as a brief history of economic thought

then from table of contents you can find topics that sound interesting and peruse at your leisure

don't listen to the commies shilling marx philosophy to you

>> No.17852950

keked and checked.
I think if you acquired some sub-par AP Calc. skills, the ability to make vague graphs, a penchant for making hasty generalizations, and got some guy with an agenda to fund you, you would probably unstoppable in Econ.
Bonus points if you make reference to psychology in your work because we all know economics needs the scientific prestige of that field to help bolster it's claims.

>> No.17852971


>> No.17852989

If you really are retarded you would be foolish to start with Smith, Ricardo et cetera. Of course the purists here will tell you that, but let's be realistic here.

Start with Naked Economics or something along those lines to just get an introduction. Check out MIT's course on microeconomics as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OkTw766oCs&list=PLUl4u3cNGP62oJSoqb4Rf-vZMGUBe59G-

>> No.17853006

Disregard this post.

>> No.17853039
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Not in the least.
I love Economics but there a clear flaws with it as a science, both a priori and in reality.
Keep coping tho.

>> No.17853041

>people recommending Marx and Smith
If OP asked for a book about chemistry, would you tell him to read medieval alchemists?

OP, the book you want is Acemoglu's Principles of Economics, it is the standard introductory economics text right now at universities. It will teach you what a market is, how supply and demand interact to determine somethings price, and the difference between macro and microeconomics.

>> No.17853053
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Enough to reply, kek.

>> No.17853056


it's funny, actually you are not too far off but it's clear you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.17853061


>> No.17853198

1. Capital and much of Marx's work in general
For knowledge of how capitalism basically works and a more historic/anthropological perspective looking at production processes.
2. Wealth of nations
The first of the movement away from mercantilism, towards free markets, classical economics and modern industrialism.
3. The general theory of employment interest and money
Revolutionary work in the field of macroeconomics that has a lot to do with business cycles. Keynes triggers a lot of people because of how he is a market capitalist but rejects the laissez faire meme. To me he seems very logical. He insights into the multiplier effect, consumption, savings etc. should be common sense.
4. 21st century economics a reference handbook
A good overview. Less specific/historical and more normie than the others I have mentioned. Tbh this is probably what you're looking for.

>> No.17853213

David Graeber - Debt. The 5000 years.

>> No.17853490
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Start here. Bit long but tolerable.

>> No.17853541

Not OP, but I read that long ago and enjoyed it.
Any suggestions for a follow-up after I finish my current series?

>> No.17853544
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yep, you clearly know more about mathematics AND economics than pic related. enlighten us as to what achievements you have besides being an anonymous poster on an Indonesian child rapist forum

>> No.17854985
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>> No.17855010
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Give your macro economics some macro context

>> No.17855043

don't bother, it's literally all "free market is best, here's 12321521 gorillion data that proves it". That's not wrong but the only reason to read it is if you need proof for that.

>> No.17855826

>basic economics by thomas sowell
this is the correct answer. the most recent edition is comprehensive and makes other introductory works obsolete.

>> No.17855872

Economics is a bit of a fraud, he's not wrong about that. There's just such pressure that large parts of the field have degenerated into political apologia. God knows where that comes from but our societies have always demanded reason to be applied to power and economics is at the heart of that. Even kings had to employ economists to justify their rapaciousness and not much has changed here.

>> No.17855879

House of Leaves was pretty neat.

>> No.17855889 [DELETED] 

your alma mater didn't make econ a general req for all grads? oof

>> No.17855964

Don't bother. None of the """"""expert"""""" economists have any idea what the fuck is going on and pray their theories are correct at least in the short run so they can get more grant money. It's all modern day astrology.


>> No.17856490
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>the scientific prestige of that field

>> No.17856603

The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Its very good trust me, not much texts (but Big book) , easy to understand, pictures and so.
Its about historical, ideological, personal economics literally everything.

>> No.17857069


>> No.17857084

ABC of Economics, by Ezra Pound.

>> No.17857463

Hi OP, lots of good advice in this thread already. Econ has many facets. I'd personally start with something about microeconomics to understand the basics. This is definitely the most boring part and most technical, but is necessary for getting and understanding. Understanding how utility is derived, how basic supply and demand work, how markets work in monopolies, perfect competition and oligopoly (Cournot, Stackelberg, Bertrand) are all crucial to not get stuck later on. Then read a work/textbook on macro to understand how interest, unemployment, money supply, currency value etc. between countries all interplay, here it already becomes more interesting.

After you know basic micro and macro, the world's your oyster. There are many disciplines you can start to look into. >>17852822 is a great reference for that. Like they said, Sen (or Piketty) would be great to start if you want to learn more about inequality. Stiglitz is quite interesting if you enjoy reading about Currency. For behavioural economics, Tversky and Kahneman are a good (but a little bit too pop-sci in my opinion) starting point, or Duesenberry if you're interested in the social aspect of behavioural economics. Of course, there's works on policy (austerity vs spending), implementing tolls in transport, whatever you find interesting.

I would definitely avoid >>17852496 >>17852577 >>17852906 when starting out in economics. While Marxist economy is definitely interesting, it does represent a niche, and in some aspects negates what is now seen as common theory (think for example about his value theory of labor). It would also directly push you into a certain political side of economics. Starting with Micro and Macro (I'd suggest textbooks) is probably the most 'neutral' way of getting into econ, after that feel free to develop your own theories. You can't start playing Jimi Hendrix' solo's without first knowing some basic chords either.

>> No.17857516

economics in one lesson by hazlitt is a good starting point for jewish libertarianism, followed by sowell's basic economics

>> No.17857530

fuck no, this is the real bookstopper dwarfing infinite jest - you could probably kill somebody with a copy of this

>> No.17857542

What’s the consensus on this? Is praxeology astrology for Austrian men?

>> No.17858633
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Anything from the Mises Institute.

>> No.17858793


Anti-Oedipus and/or the Nomadic War Machine