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/lit/ - Literature

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17850943 No.17850943 [Reply] [Original]

The deadline is in 2 hours and i havent done jack shit mane.....
Anything to help..

>> No.17850955

Charge you phone.

>> No.17850972


The teacup quote in title could be half of your paper if you're familiar with realism and naturalism in American literature.

>> No.17850994

Is this even a paper? Seems like you only have to write a paragraph or two?

>> No.17850995

Also, Edith Wharton, Kate Chopin, Charlotte Gilman are all women authors in American lit fostering a change during the 1800s.

>> No.17851004

I seem to have taken pride and prejudice and jane eyre as the two texts

>> No.17851008

I have to write 7 pages at least

>> No.17851026

I came to this thread to suggest using Jane Eyre.

It's a massive book however so you really can't find supporting quotes in 2 hours if you don't already have them.

>> No.17851028

Welp, /lit/ isn't going to help you. Manage your time better.

>> No.17851032

do you?? or any links i havent read the books mane.....

>> No.17851038

This. Zoomzoom even has Discord going.

>> No.17851045
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>i havent read the books mane

>> No.17851064
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>2 hours
Christ, you can't even cheat probably.
You're ngmi being this much of a fuckup.

>> No.17851089

>The semenal work American Psycho, written in 1876, represents a change in which women's rights have progressed so significantly that people can now feel comfortable making comedy of the archaic abuse of women
There's one paragraph for you

>> No.17851119

I can't empathize with such a fucking slacker. You understand that you're paying for this shit, right?

>> No.17851164

19th century marks an important and bullish benchmark as humanity faces the tide of evolution of the mental landscape of the very inhabitants of this society. Times changed, and people alike, followed suit. Broadened their viewpoint , refraining from menial thinking and cause.

Jane Eyre And Pride and Prejudice, are two extremely renowned novels flipping the pages of which helps us take an invigorative glance inside the judgement of the 19th Century.

"I'd rather be happy than dignified" -Jane Eyre

“Do anything rather than marry without affection”-Pride and Prejudice

It Successfully represents in creating a sympathetic and cordial desire of women in the 19th century.
Whereas Most pre 1900 novels if anything were Patriarchal in dialect.
Like most novels of the 19th century it is constructed on marriage and about the availability of it, however it is the approach which makes it honest and vulnerable of the sexually secluded women of the 19th century, strong feminine figures potraying modesty and genuinity is what separates these books from the tiring shelves of the Victorian period.

The books vision and directory is in a constant conflict between two mentalities which is the penetrating male gaze that attempts to fix and define a women and the sexual wants and need of an independent and progressive women of the 19th century.

The novel opens up with jane retreating from the reed family group into the other room, and taking a picture-book from the bookcase tells us.

“. I mounted into the window-seat: gathering up my feet, I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close, I was shrined in double retirement. Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass, protecting, but not separating me from the drear November day. At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon. Afar, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and stormbeat shrub, with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast.”

This vision that we see at the window, defines and shapes the path of the book as we advance further. It represents Jane as the crossroads she is on throughout the entire book. She is encapsulated within the outside and inside, encapsulating the moral challenges she faces throughout the entire reading.

>> No.17851171

This is the first page? How is it bros?

>> No.17851192
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>tfw forced to take a feminist position in my paper

>> No.17851412

Do your own homework, please.

>> No.17851442
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I'm in OP's position except my paper has been late for 10 days

>> No.17851462
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also there's papers that were due a month ago I still haven't done. Guess I'm dropping out and killing myself.