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/lit/ - Literature

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17849541 No.17849541 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any capecomics that could be found to have /lit/ merit? Due to the themes explored and their writing and execution? I’m talking specifically about Capeshit and not comics as a genre, due to how popular they are in the current day. And I’m wondering if there’s any actual merit to them beyond guys in underpants cucking and punching each other.

Personally I’ve always thought the X-Men had a really cool hook but the execution was lacking. The “X-Gene” is basically magic and none of the allegories make any sense. It could’ve been used as an example of modern hero worship but it disappeared far up its own arse. I don’t know, I think if you move beyond
>hurdur muh modern myths
and just use Capeshit for its resemblance to the commercialisation of worship you could have something interesting on your hands.

The X-Books are now basically about Mutants being isolationist supremacists and heading up for the inevitable (Post)-Human/Machine/Mutant War. In this new age of information and generic tampering, it’s topical.

>> No.17849618

Comics can and do address and exaggerate issues like the OP, but Ive never seen a comic give an answer to them, like what a sci-fi novel would do. And theres a lot of anons who have said even those arent /lit/.
so, yes I think, a capeshit comic could be lit, but ive never seen one that i would consider lit.

>> No.17849627

Wordless novels were pretty /lit/, and the vorticism experiments with typography and illustration were definitely /lit/.
Cartoons aren't. Even graphic novels are pushing it.

>> No.17849632

Anything by Alan Moore is /lit/. The fact that he was able to create one of the greatest literary artifacts of the 21st century in Jerusalem after refusing millions from DC et al is testimony to his integrity. Read the Promethea, its a treatsie on Ritual Magick via Edmund Spenser.

>> No.17849647
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posting this before someone posts the normie pick Mouse

>> No.17849654

Literature is a bunch of words. Comics are a collection of far fewer words overlaid on pictures. If you added pictures to literature, it would be comics. If you took away the pictures from comics, it would be literature. A comic cannot have literary merit because a comic is not literature, in the same way that literature cannot have comic merit because it is not a comic.

>> No.17849666

Meds, pronto.

>> No.17849669

Retard. Autist. Why put such a semantic view on what "literary" means? Pro tip: it doesn't mean "book-y".

>> No.17849767

Because otherwise literally everything is just a homogenous glut of "art" and can't be specified any further. The fact is that it's entirely possible to arbitrarily widen or constrict the scope of any one container and mount a rational defense of it. I believe there are good arguments for maintaining distinct categories of what I see at distinct forms of art, not the least of which being my personal distaste for comic books and desire to have places where I can discuss the art I prefer without being unnecessarily exposed to schlock like comics.

>> No.17849770

Only /lit/ capeshit is All star Superman and Moore's Miracleman.

>> No.17849927

There are a lot of well-written comics that are absolutely awful because they're obtusely paneled, poorly paced and badly drawn. It's a completely different medium to literature with its own set of standards. Any attempt to bring them closer together is, to me, a cynical marketing exercise to make "graphic novels" more palatable to people who wouldn't be caught dead reading a "comic."

>> No.17849992

Alan Moore is as /lit/ as it gets, also wrote two novels - Voice of the Fire and Jerusalem.

/lit/ is sleeping on Jerusalem, no wonder this is such a pleb board.

>> No.17850199

>/lit/ is sleeping on Jerusalem
>over 1000 pages
as if my reading list wasn't already bloated as hell

>> No.17850288

I have Jerusalem, it was a present from my wife, my it's too thicc. I'd rather read Juliette.

>> No.17850702

People keep bringing up Moore which is fair, but I think there are several other writers in capeshit that I'd argue achieve his levels. Sandman by Gaiman, Cerebus by Dave Sim (as memed as it is), and several works by Morrison all are pretty effective at exploring themes more interestingly than the simple shit you tend to see from comics.

>> No.17850833

In his novels only the first chapter of voice of fire is /lit/, otherwise his comic book work is way better. Jerusalem doesn't have even meme potential.

>> No.17850839

still forgetting Moebius and Manara

>> No.17851618

I was just trying to talk about capeshit here

>> No.17851647

Morrison, Moore and Gaiman are the 3 comic guy people brought up when talking about great comic writter for good reason. I like comic a lot, but I know it's mostly shlock

>> No.17851656

does anyone draw porn of that bird thing?
asking for a friend

>> No.17852319

>Are there any capecomics that could be found to have /lit/ merit?
No you fat manchild. Read a fucking book and stop wasting this board's time.

>> No.17852328

The only good comic is Akagi. We know he's going to win, but the question is how. 300 issues for one game of mahjong. It's absurd. It's fantastic and every time I revisit it, I learn something new about the game.

>> No.17852341

>/lit/ is sleeping on Jerusalem
Because it's shit.

>> No.17852364

>muh gambling thriller
Everyone knows Kurosawa is Fukumuto's real masterpiece of modernist literature.

>> No.17852389


>> No.17852392

lol it's not that it's good it's just I play mahjong. I bet the dude has made great other series. I really liked the pachinko episodes.

>> No.17852470

>The fact that he was able to create one of the greatest literary artifacts of the 21st century in Jerusalem
You clearly don't read modern literature much if you thought Jerusalem was anything but shameless mimicry of superior talents.

>> No.17852553

Fuck off to your """graphic novel""" ghetto, comic nigger.

>> No.17852586

Go Nagai's Devilman is one of the finest piece of literature I've ever read.

>> No.17852589


>> No.17852607

> Because of his strong physical stature, by 1943 an SS overseer trained him to be a boxer, and had him compete at fights to the death in front of the military personnel. The fights took place at the concentration camp Jaworzno, which was situated at a coal mine north of Auschwitz. Haft fought a total of 76 fights there.

>> No.17852635


>> No.17852748

What is it with normalfags and thinking that X-Men is anything past Jews self-inserting in capeshit? It's not deep, the allegory makes no sense, the continuity's fucked, the characters are unlikeable, it's literally the worst of the big franchises, mostly due to the hamfisted "themes". But normalfags have convinced themselves that makes the brand "special"? Why?!

>> No.17852919


>> No.17852938

You totally sound like a person that read the entirety of Claremont's run and someone that knows what he's talking about.

>> No.17852965

>Actual edgy shonen trash

>> No.17852972

Technically and potentially yes. You could technically make a comic book of enormous quality, spending months on single panels and it would be as good as good literature or cinema. The issue is that comics by their very nature can only be sustainable as a mass-printed thing or a "graphic novel' for teenage pseuds, so it's sadly a medium that will never be used at its full potential.
The best of comics is still Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.17852975

Ok Jew

>> No.17852978

The first chapter of Voice of fire is the hardest thing he ever wrote, barring the finnegans wake mimic chapter in Jerusalem.

>> No.17852983

I can't even put into words the hate I feel for nu-/lit/ giving this thread so much attention. This board has become too fast and too meme oriented. Can we get a /phil/ board? This is all so very tiring..

>> No.17853029

>39 replies
anon, I know it's /lit/ but...

>> No.17853035

Yeah, because some dirty Kike's sexual kinks are oh, so profound.
>dude, God Loves, Man Kills
>dude, Kitty calling people niggers
>dude, Magneto's heel turn
Go ahead and tell me how the Outback Era and Jean having tentacles for arms is "deep" and "complex". It's shitty capeshit that also doubles as propaganda and a jew-coded power fantasy.

>> No.17854135

Seethe. I'm bumping it just to make (you) mad.

>> No.17854807

I don't like Moore when he writes prose, but his comics work is great. I agree, Promethea is brilliant, but From Hell is his masterpiece.

>> No.17854839

Capeshit is fucking garbage

>> No.17855201
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it can be, but every time hickman gets a run with marvel, it turns into the space opera he wishes was writing.
>now x-men
every time it's "oh the team gets organized and gains a fuckton of new members and we go and explore the multiverse
I mean I like the book so far but geez dude

>> No.17855255

>Can we get a /phil/ board?
You mean /pseud/? Please make one and go there as fast as you can.

>> No.17855289

I've tried checking out some Grant Morrison before and just found it to be random and poorly written.

What's his number 1 work?

>> No.17855313

I wish someone would approach X-Men and Magneto with the goal of trying to justify him as Magneto-Hitler with the most coherent and realistic arguments possible.

I also wish someone would approach superman as a kind of platonic philosopher king or Jesus Christ figure (I know there has been some Christ-comparison but mostly superficially). I don't like that it's generally just Superman vs a Universe threatening bad guy.

>> No.17855364

hickman's current x-run has magneto and all other mutie scum living together in and ethnostate with no humans allowed
read all star superman by grant morrison

>> No.17855374

A great one is Superman - Red Son

As a baby his pod crash lands on a farm in soviet Russia instead of Kansas USA. He has the same farmboy wholesomeness and honest morality, but he's Stalins right hand man.
When he becomes an adult, Lex Luthor is elected president of the USA.

>> No.17855911

All star superman
The Invisibles

>> No.17855914


>> No.17856161
File: 132 KB, 701x652, DIBFSSBXoAIM08C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transmetropolitan is lit. watchmen is lit. corto maltese is lit.

>> No.17856171

When Jerusalem came out, /lit/ called anyone who tried to talk about it a woman. Make of that what you will.

>> No.17856188

None are capeshit.

>> No.17856193

There was that retarded fight between Gaddisfag(s?) and Moorefags for some fucking reason.

>> No.17856196

Transmetropolitan was great

>> No.17856217

Watchmen is still the peak of comic books to this day, it honestly spoiled any expectations that I had for other works in it's medium. Picked up Miracleman a while back and it's also top notch

>> No.17856232

Morrison's New X-Men > Hickman's X-Men
Both are great tho

>> No.17856247
File: 718 KB, 2250x3000, from hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out From Hell if you haven't already. I think it's Moore's best work and I prefer it to Watchmen.

>> No.17856320
File: 20 KB, 640x472, mich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alan moore and grant morrison are the heirs of western esoteric tradition and bless them for freely and openly sharing the knowledge instead of hoarding it

>> No.17856331
File: 152 KB, 639x992, kabuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would also recommend david mack. he starts off conventionally in his early work, but it really takes off

>> No.17856338
File: 71 KB, 312x475, dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't judge a book by its cover: check out Lucifer's Halo by Linsner

>> No.17856384

Comics can have merit but they are ultimately a very different from of art they have more in common with movies than with literature

>> No.17856398

I've read a lot of comics. Here are some great works besides Watchmen and the obvious:
A Small Killing by Alan Moore
this Superman fancomic from 1993 is about philosophy and literature
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic (a lot of literature discussion)
From Hell by Alan Moore
Kokou no Hito is a /lit/ manga. It seems like it's just a very good sports manga but it turns into something very literary and very good.
probably more I'm forgetting

>> No.17856413
File: 505 KB, 1200x1779, flex mentallo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flex Mentallo is abstruse in a way that seems /lit/

>> No.17856427


>> No.17856430

transmet is redditcore for 16 year olds

>> No.17856433

I read it when I was like 18 or some shit

>> No.17856457

so did i when i was an edgy teenager: it's entertaining, cheesy, juvenile, but the fact that it was written by a grown man is embarrassing

i had fun reading it because "lol weird future america hellscape" but it's fucking shallow garbage used as a political powertrip for ellis, "oh if only i could zap all the mean politicians with my diarrhea gun and get people to read my political rants"

>> No.17856990

>same panel repeated eight times
>peak comic work

>> No.17857012

adjust your spectacles and look at it again grandpa

>> No.17857024

It's bad. Write a book.

>> No.17857041

lol it's literally like one paragraph spaced out over an entire page. Not that much text.

>> No.17857296

Love and Rockets

>> No.17858064
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, steel ball run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its manga but still

>> No.17858304

Surely the most efficient way to kill your captured enemies during wartime is by having them fight gladiatorial death matches. Makes sense

>> No.17859378

flex mentallo, animal man, the invisibles, and seven soldiers of victory are the easiest for me to recommend