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1784771 No.1784771 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the kindle?

There is something to say in having a large book collection, whereas kindle is just one device. You can loan out books to friends after you have read them.

Worth the price?

>> No.1784776


>> No.1784788

it is worth the price for some people and not worth it for others. make the choice for yourself. a kindle isnt better than a physical book and a physical book isnt better than a kindle, both have advantages and disadvantages, as you have already mentioned. make your choice. some of us use kindles, some of us buy books, and some of us use libraries.

>> No.1784792

Didn't mean to make you sad.

>> No.1784807


I bought all three volumes of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (paperback) for about the price of the kindle. I think it is worth the money.

Does anyone have the kobo? What do people think of that device?

>> No.1784810

does anyone know if kindle has a dictionary feature, where you can look up a word instantly?

i would buy one just for that

>> No.1784814

it has two dictionaries

>> No.1784815

Yes, yes it does have that.

>> No.1784828

my favorite thing about my kindle is the fact that i can select passages as i read a book and then just go through the selected passages later without flipping through the entire book looking for highlighted and underlined sentences.

>> No.1784852
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With the kindle you never have the problem where your friend with chronic cheetohs fingers wants to borrow your books. You never have to loan out SHIT. When your degenerate, subhuman friend-creatures ask if they can read something of yours you can tell them that they can read your books IN HELL because you have a MOTHERFUCKING KINDLE and you are actually BETTER than they are. You can wipe the shit from your ass with the yellowed papers of their obsolete volumes and laugh in their faces as you rain hurtful insults on the hideous anachronisms which now cower before you. Every time one of the insipid dogs suggests a trip to the used book shop you are afforded the opportunity to level a gaze of contempt upon his person so devastating that he'll be afraid to come within 20 feet of any print for the remainder of his miserable life.

Yes, with the kindle you are truly elevated. You are more than human.

>> No.1784853
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Yeah, that is cool. Often times you get a cool quote but forget about it.

Are the books saved on the kindle itself? I assume you could get books back if anything everything malfunctioned on the reader?

>> No.1784855

$189 for a 3G/Wi-Fi device that slashes most book prices by 80% and conveniently wires you all of your literary purchases? Forget novelty, man, knowledge is knowledge, and we don't need expensive publishing to supply the warm and fuzzies that aged literary buffs experience when fondling their aged copy of Crime and Punishment.
I'm saving up.

>> No.1784875

>Are the books saved on the kindle itself?


>I assume you could get books back if anything everything malfunctioned on the reader?

You can always copy books from your Kindle to your desktop using the supplied USB cable. Also, if it's a book you purchased from Amazon, it'll be permanently "synced" to your account, and you can download it on any Kindle device or Kindle app (Mac OS X, Windows, mobile phones, etc.). However, if you use the USB cord to copy a book that you didn't buy from Amazon, it won't get synced. That's the only real downside.

>> No.1784879

Well said.

>> No.1784882
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I use both my kindle as well as an iPad. They sync with each-other and there are an ass-load of books available for free. Especially the stuff I typically read and read again, such as any old philosophy or political philosophy works. It's definitely worth it bro, but it won't stop you from buying paperbacks or real books. It's nice for travel or on the go. I'm an attorney and use my iPad for a ton of different things, but I use my kindle at the house or if I take my kids to the park or want to chill outside or whatever. Night reading on the iPad kindle app is great, given that it is backlit and, as said before, synced with wherever I left off in whatever book on the kindle.

>> No.1784907

So, when you say books don't get synched from sources other than Amazon.....is that to limit pirating, or does that mean you always have to get the book through amazon.com?

>> No.1784921

You prefer the iPad for night time reading to the kindle? Does the kindle have anything in it's screen to help with night time reading? Or do you just have to buy a little lamp attachment?

>> No.1784935

You can get books from anywhere, as long as they're in a format the kindle can read (i.e. primarily .mobi books from sources other than Amazon).

Amazon won't sync up books to your account that you don't buy from it, though. What I usually do is get an ebook from the library, strip it of any DRM, and then copy it to my Kindle. I won't have any problems reading it on my Kindle, it'll be fine, but I won't be able to access it on my phone (which also has a Kindle app) unless I copy it manually to the phone.

However, if I buy a book from Amazon, it'll automatically show up as available in any Kindle app or on my Kindle itself, because it'll be synced to my account permanently.

That help explain it?

>> No.1784995

Yup, thanks.

>> No.1785008
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Yeah, iPad for night reading because it has a screen that is, obviously, backlit. In the sunlight, though, the iPad is worthless, and that's when I opt for the kindle. I have an older kindle2, but it's perfect outside or inside with normal/ lamp lighting.

As far as synching, books that you have on the kindle or iPad sync to each other. If you are purchasing books from the kindle, they obviously go onto the kindle. However, if you buy directly from the amazon website, from a PC or iPad, you can opt to send your purchase via whispersync to either the kindle or iPad. All your purchases are saved in your amazon account under digital purchases, so you can always go back and send them to one or the other. Also, from the iPad kindle app you can pull things from your archive that are loaded on your kindle. It's really easy.

Further yet, if you get a .mobi format book from any other source, you can put it on your kindle or iPad. I typically download books in .mobi or even .pdf and then put them in Dropbox so that I can open them on my iPad. From there it will automatically allow you to open with the kindle app and will save it in your library. You can also email yourself any format (.doc/.rtf/.pdf/.mobi/) at your @kindle.com address and there is a small fee (cents on the dollar) that will go to convert anything to kindle format and whispersync it to your kindle.

>> No.1785012
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It's really not all that complicated. I'm just being thorough in explanation. I have probably 200 books on my kindle with an amazing amount of room to spare. It's definitely worth it. I accidentally dropped my first kindle2 right after I bought it and so I called customer service. They overnighted me a new one, pre-loaded with all my purchased content, and with a paid shipping bill to return the broken one. Amazon's library and selection, customer service, and overall quality are second to none and for that reason I wouldn't own any other reading device. Too much red tape when you go with copy-cats or generics. Sometimes getting the real-deal is worth it, ya know?

>> No.1785024


Exactly :3

>> No.1785080

Awesome, thanks. I can also vouch for the quality service of Amazon with my past business with them.

I have yet to really get into all the smartphone app stuff, being that I am still in school and can't foot the bill yet for a data plan, but its great to know the options are there for when I do.

Thanks again for all the helpful replies /lit/.

>> No.1785186

So, to add to it...

I bought the new $114 dollar add supported kindle a couple weeks ago. There's a little banner add at the bottom of the browse window while going through your books. The screensaver is random adds. It's not a big deal.

The book experience has no adds.

I ordered the kindle. Before it arrived, I had the entire works of H.G wells, Burroughs mars novels, the Oz novels, the kamasutra, several books on knots, a wide variety of other classics...qued to be downloaded for free. Some 90+ books. Lowball a paperback price of $4 each, used. $360 dollars worth of books....plus thousands more, free and legal out on the internet.

For this alone the device is actually worth the money. Go outside of the ebooks you can download for free from amazon, and go over to project gutenburg, and you add thousands more. And so on.

Then move on to the fact that I have more than five hundred novels back home. I can now carry every one of those books in digital format in my back pocket.

Add to that...well frankly, I can't transport books. I move a lot, and I have books scattered all over the country at this point. Now, I can have them all with me.

Ad to that the fact that...face it. we all pirate shit. $114 dollars and most of us would never spend another dollar on books we don't like ever again.

Myself, I preview books on it. I read them. If it's worth owning, I buy a hardcopy.

>> No.1785191

Also, look into a program called calibre. It can turn any ebook format, .lit, .epub, .mobi, .txt. .word. .pdf, whatever, into a format you can put on your device.

>> No.1785222

This post made me happy

>> No.1785234

Kindle 3 [Wi-Fi] + Calibre + Demonoid / <Other torrent sites are availble> = Win.

I seriously love my Kindle. Though it's fucked up that some of the e-books are more expensive than hardback, physical books [at least here in the UK].

>> No.1785241

>Myself, I preview books on it. I read them. If it's worth owning, I buy a hardcopy.

Nice to see I'm not alone in doing this - my local library service is woeful, at best, so generally speaking, if there's a book I'm not entirely convinced about, I'll torrent it, and then if I like it, pick up a physical copy later. Essentially the Kindle + Calibre + Demonoid, has replaced the need for me to goto my library.

>> No.1785250

>Myself, I preview books on it. I read them. If it's worth owning, I buy a hardcopy.

I do this with music and movies (used to with games too, but I don't play much anymore) and I can see myself doing this with books if I do get a Kindle. I think I'll start saving up for one starting now.