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17847587 No.17847587 [Reply] [Original]

>chatting with landlord's wife about books
>she brings up madame boviary and starts talking about much she loves it and how "scandalous" it is
T-this is a come on right?

>> No.17847624

what century do you live in? or rather, what century is your fantasy set in?

>> No.17847648

I swear to god this literally happened like 30 minutes ago

My landlord rents the top floor of his house to me. I was talking with his wife earlier because I'll be tutoring their eldest daughter and we started talking about books, then the conversation in OP happened

>> No.17847658

>T-this is a come on right?
Speak to more people, you sound like those incels getting their hopes up when the cashier says obligatory nice remarks due to her jobs.

>> No.17847674

Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Do you expect me to believe that a western female takes what happens in Bovary to be scandalous?

>> No.17847677

you didn't see the way she smiled ok

>> No.17847692

>I'll be tutoring their eldest daughter
This is essential information. Yes, most likely she's flirting.

>> No.17847703

>My landlord rents the top floor of his house to me. I was talking with his wife earlier because I'll be tutoring their eldest daughter
well well well

>> No.17847704

She wants you to fuck her and/or her daughter

>> No.17847712

until she starts grabbing your crotch assume she isn't interested; even then, it could all mean nothing, so don't assume it means anything

>> No.17847714

Why do people find the daughter-tutoring to add a whole new layer to it?

>> No.17847719

>I'll be tutoring their eldest daughter
OP how old is the eldest daughter???

>> No.17847730

It's like my hentai and I'm assuming OP is being a total fag and making shit up.

>> No.17847731

This is the result of an exaggerated common sense perspective, and as a result you're going to be getting no pussy acting so timidly.

>> No.17847738

And that's how you stay a virgin, pick-me boy.

>> No.17847759

Yeah, until you get accused of rape.

>> No.17847765

You don't bring up sexual images in someone's mind if that person is about to enter into a close relationship with your daughter.

>> No.17847845

Not sure exactly age wise, but she's in 9th grade rn

Look I was as surprised as you.
Her husband came in literally right after she said that and she started talking to him so I didn't get to follow up on it

>> No.17847854

>9th grade
so like 15-16? bruh...

>> No.17847860

9th grade is 13-15 depending on time of birthday

>> No.17847864

Not true a girl grabbed my dick like five times before I teared up and fucked her

>> No.17847869

By entertaining this notion, you've already committed rape. Probably best to off yourself now before the accusations start to fly.

>> No.17847880

Oh god no
Don't let the allcaps pedo tripfag see this thread

>> No.17847900

Oversocialized American detected

>> No.17847976

The best option is to lightly flirt back if you're interested. Going too hard can scare her off but being too passive can jade her. You have to give her just enough rope

>> No.17848018

It's 14-15 anon.

>> No.17848032

for me it was 13-14 because I'm born in the fall

>> No.17848281

leave her a letter with time of a rendezvous signed rodolophe

>> No.17848350

I don't get it.

>> No.17848430

you enter the school year based on what year you are born in. Say you are born in 2000, ninth grade starts in fall 2014 and ends in summer 2015. If your birthday is before september then you will be 14 when it starts and 15 when it ends, if your birthday is later than september you will be 13 when it starts and 14 when it ends.

This is how it works in USA anyway

>> No.17848448

My stepmom pretend-came-onto me one time and gave me some pity sex. I was 16.

>> No.17848470
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Wow, another real story.

>> No.17848556

It's true. She was pretty dumb. And an alcoholic. It was pretty easy to move on her.

I worked her over with a Modest Mouse song lol. I knew she would love that dumb shit.

>> No.17849821


>> No.17850324

Take your axe just in case, maybe she's got some nice garments and jewelry in her trunk....

>> No.17850401

So how did she "pretend" to come onto YOU?

>> No.17850415

>this post
The D, Anon, do it.

>> No.17850440

You sjouldn't do it because infedelity is wrong
Think about your poor landlord, why would you do such a thing to him? Also what's stopping him from just kicking you out if things go sour

>> No.17850457

This happened to me lately, this fine quality 50+ milf i work with kept talking to me about how she used to read harlequin romance novels. She also offered me a massage once when i was out digging all day, and generally turns into spaghetti when I'm around.

Honestly i think she was flirting in the only way she knew how, but as a man of principle I have never acted on it because she is married, even though strangely she is not living with her husband for a year or so now. Otherwise I would definitely tap that ass and probably BTFO her husband with my 8.5incher

>> No.17851104

bumpin this mf

>> No.17851570

they would be too self-conscious for that to happen so you don't even have your fake stereotype right

>> No.17851592

>but as a man of principle I have never acted on it because she is married

>> No.17851598

you HAVE to fuck her, anon

>> No.17851599


>> No.17851670

>encouraging fornication and infidelity
I am ashamed of you /lit/

>> No.17851680

and the mother too!

>> No.17852045

I think the mother of the boy I tutor was flirting with me too a few years back. Not worth the cushy job, imo.

>> No.17852077
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>Well here's to you Mrs. Robinson
>Jesus loves you more than you will know

>> No.17852354

Anon you realize that if you fuck her you'll literally be taking Rodolphe's role in the novel, right?

>> No.17852795

Our relationship started off with her giving me pity sex but I managed to string her along for a while after.

>> No.17853645

>8.5 incher
could have maybe been believable until this

>> No.17854037


>> No.17854075

If the relationship's unstable might as well end it and get some action.

>> No.17854789

>Think about your poor landlord
All landlords should be gassed
Cuck him, op

>> No.17854843

yes OP fuck his mom just make sure the kids are out
I hope the husband kills your ass