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/lit/ - Literature

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17847464 No.17847464 [Reply] [Original]

For me it was talking to Caesar in FNV. There was just something about the way he talks where I want to hear more, and naturally I tried to understand Hegelian Dialectics more deeply which led me to read philosophy. Pic related, I know Caesar is clueless

>> No.17847574

Low iq: cool heglian dialetics
midwit: um actually that's not what hegel said
high iq: yeah that's pretty much what he said and caesar is going off like 3 books with half the pages missing because it's the post apocalypse AND he doesn't care if it's precisely accurate because he's taking what he likes from "hegel" and discarding the rest

>> No.17847596

>Pic related, I know Caesar is clueless
Ceasar is right you idiot.

>> No.17847613
File: 66 KB, 652x1024, 1616102325636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the flailing, impotent midwit that wrote the text in that image. Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>> No.17847644

"imminent critique" belongs to critical theory and Adorno, not Hegel as such

>> No.17849078

>What got you into reading philosophy?

>> No.17849087

Studying it in highschool

>> No.17849089

I kept saying things and people kept saying that's in this or that philosophy. So now i just sort of wing it after reading the cliff notes in the debates.

Works pretty well really.

>> No.17849091

OH yeah and star trek next gen. Primo shit there.

>> No.17849092

taking hrt

>> No.17849098

LSD, mostly. I felt like i was going insane from realization I had, which lead me to readinf Sartre and The Situationists. Not a good place to start with philosophy, but I've kept at it the last 5 years.

>> No.17849100
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I had no friends so I started asking myself questions such as "why can't I make any friends?," things like that.

So I would go on google and type that or even stuff like "how to avoid being sad due to loneliness"

Then I found stoicim and one thing led to another.

>> No.17849102

>200 years after the Thermonuclear War, Murrica had reverted back to the Iron Age with trophy ancient plasma rifles and an occasional atomic robot
>the number of people able to read is around the Bronze Age numbers
>the number of extant written sources is about the same number as after the Bronze Age Collapse
>muh Harvard 7 years, I sure showed this imaginary tribal warlord who supposedly read a burned piece of Very Short Introduction into Hegel 30 years ago who's the pampered academic boss of 200 years ago
Degenerates like him belong on the cross.

>> No.17849115

Why are pseudo-intellectuals threatened by Caesar and his philosophy?

>> No.17849223
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Can't bullshit a savage.

>> No.17849235
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I saw the word stoic, and didn't know what it meant. So I decided to look it up, and I stumbled into the rabbit hole known as philosophy.

>> No.17849260

I think most people nowadays started with stoicism, and to a less extent dokkodo. It was both for me and decided to read "The Book of Five Rings" first because it was smaller, and then read "Meditations". Still need to decide what to read next though.

>> No.17849286

who's smarter; the pseudo intellectual who has read every work from every philosopher ever and memorised them but not made a single unique contribution or extrapolation of his own, or the video game writer who took a complex philosophy and distilled it into a soundbite that anyone can understand?

>> No.17849287

>the video game writer who took a complex philosophy and distilled it into a soundbite that anyone can understand?
This. How is this even a questioned to begin with?

>> No.17849291

>/v/edditors trying to justify their children toys

>> No.17849373

How about you refute it, instead of greentexting.

>> No.17849475

Kids use toys to learn. If a vidya exposes a gamer to Hegel with a tiny bit of what might be philosophy, the toy has fulfilled its goal. Some gamers will read wikipedia on Hegel, and some of them might read an intro or actually take note that philosophy and its social applications exist for once.

It would have been kino if House alluded to Hayek once, or maybe Hobbes to justify his sovereign tyranny. The "to see the fates of democracies, look out the window" point.

>> No.17849507

How do i put this basiclly enough. It’s a philosophical concept. Something you’d get if you took the time to read some books.

>> No.17849513

also he's explaining it to a courier that probably never had any formal education, and says himself that he's dumbing it down for that reason

>> No.17849520

Hegel scholars regularly use the thesis-antithesis-synthesis model, even though they all know it's Fichte's terms. The attitude in the pic is peak midwit.

>> No.17849527

Everything being couched in new atheist phariseism, and there needing to be an aesthetic ground for art in an environment where God really is dead

>> No.17849781

>caesar specifically says hes making it simple
>you spaz out in front of him
ah yes

>> No.17849885

Gamers are huge faggots. Just look at the average gamer physique

>> No.17850395
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Get on the cross OP

>> No.17851542

but why? I love the mighty caesar

>> No.17851632

a good teacher.

>> No.17851728

the fact that the person who typed all that shit thinks he's smart is hilarious

>> No.17852637

Is Stoicism the ultimate cope?

>> No.17852680

Do you retards have any interest beyond video games, comic books, entry level film, and "/lit/ canon"? The only time I see good discussion here is when you're talking about composers of all people for fuck's sake.

>> No.17852689

> If a vidya exposes a gamer to Hegel with a tiny bit of what might be philosophy, the toy has fulfilled its goal.
So what you're trying to say is video games are better as propaganda tools rather than actual legitimate artforms.

>> No.17852701
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>> No.17852817
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>> No.17852892

Epic video game quote my gamer friend. You really are a paragon of masculinity.

>> No.17852924

its to bad they went so far out of their way to make the legion comic book bad guys

>> No.17852996

Wtf is /lit/ canon?
Also name some non entry films then you pretentious faggot

>> No.17853004

>Wtf is /lit/ canon?
Bunch of books that pseudo-intellectuals read to appear smart.

>> No.17853009

>What got you into reading philosophy?
Having a good philosophy teacher in high school.

>> No.17853066

Obviously, since composers aren't video games, comic books, entry level film, or the "/lit/ canon". Are you an idiot that doesn't understand what he writes?

>> No.17853080

The same exact books you guys circlejerk over time and time after time again.
>Are you an idiot that doesn't understand what he writes?
Are you? What a nonsense post.

>> No.17853100

I started in middle school, was interested in it

>> No.17853141

>samefagging to agree with yourself
That is fucking pathetic. Also this whole thread screams Reddit.

>> No.17853205

Fallout: New Vegas is emotionless tripe for the ideologically obsessed bugman who cares more for the pretense of intellectualism rather than legitimate artistry. The shocking appraisal of New Vegas is further proof video games are far away from being a serious artform.

>> No.17853215

>What got you into reading philosophy? Anonymous 03/22/21(Mon)18:33:44 No.17847

omg you cucks are so uppity about your authours. Caesar is just referencing a part of hegel it wasnt supposed to be a history lesson.

>> No.17853250

i was 14 and depressed, meh

>> No.17853296


>> No.17853347

Another awful thread.