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/lit/ - Literature

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17846821 No.17846821 [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature from/about Ancient Egypt?

>> No.17846865

The bulk of my familiarity with Ancient Egyptian literature is with their mythology. I'd suggest reading an anthology of that. In addition, there's a story which I don't remember the name of, but it goes like this:
>Priest tries to find wood needed to build a boat, bumbles from place to place in the Ancient Levant, gets pushed around
It's supposed to be representative of the decline of Egyptian power in the Late Bronze Age. I don't remember the name of it, but I read it in college.

>> No.17847268

Death Comes as the End by Agatha Christie. She lived in Egypt where her husband was an Egyptologist. She also wrote a play about Akhenaton.

>> No.17847281
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My favorite.

>> No.17847284

Aeschylus' the Suppliant Maidens

>> No.17847316

Check out the Assmann

>> No.17847325

Burroughs has a novel you might enjoy

>> No.17847518

Is that a crocodile-dog? Also bump

>> No.17847557

The Egyptian by Mika Waltari

>> No.17847569

Didn't Schwaller de Lubicz's wife write some fucking weird fanfics based on his work? Her-Bak the Egyptian or something.

But there's a classic Egyptian historical fiction I learned about on /lit/ back in the day, and that's not it. Anyone help me out? It was like The Long Ships but for Egypt.

Hey, the Assmann's in town!

>> No.17847689
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Pic related if you are interested in ancient wisdom literature. It tends to be a mixed bag in terms of content but great insight into Egyptian religion and life

>> No.17847706

Ancient Evenings by Mailer

>> No.17847710

The Western Lands. it is based but Burroughs is officially ON NOTICE for being a pedo and a murderer.

>> No.17847930

It's Ammit, a crocodile-lion-hippo, a chimera of the deadliest beasts according to ancient egyptians.

>> No.17848293
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>> No.17848313
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I recommend starting with one of the text on mythology in this list and not one of the history books, read it later if you care, because you will lose interest quickly, I just read Writings From Ancient Egypt and it was interesting and comfy.

The /lit/ wiki is a good source for reading list in general, mods should sticky it

>> No.17848335
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Why do we start with the Greeks and not the Egyptians if the Egyptians influenced the Greeks?

>> No.17848344

They are never directly cited in the Greeks.

>> No.17848352

Read a few Egyptian myths and you will know why. Horus vs. Sett basically boils down to Horus cumming in Sett's sandwich (yes, really)

>> No.17848359


>> No.17848387

Maybe we could make a chart of secondary texts that detail the influence

>> No.17848503

Because only until relatively recently have Egyptian text been translated, same goes for Mesopotamia.

>> No.17849083

Good times in old Egypt

>> No.17849090

Based Egyptian pantheon punishing coombrains vs cringe Mesopotamian Ishtar simps

>> No.17849119

Miriam Lichteim has some fantastic translations of the unfortunatedly overlooked egyptian literature. She has two comprehensive volumen and its available on libgen. I recommend you start with the Middle Kingdom, arguably egyptian letters golden age.

>> No.17849160

Isn't that outdated.

>> No.17849331
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Uzdavinys did alot of work on Egypt, and how its ideas connect with other cultures. Pic related is good

>> No.17849499

I'd like to write something about Egypt one day but I don't know if I'd ever have the time to research it well enough and write it all.
Seen this rec'd before but never tried it, but I assume it's good.

>> No.17849534
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Egyptian Writings by Wilkinson and Story of Sinuhe by Parkison for translations of texts
The Egyptian World by Wilkinson for general overviews
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt by Smith for, well, in-depth analyses of the art and architecture.

>> No.17849544
File: 351 KB, 1280x558, Turin_Erotic_Papyrus_Scene,_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not coomers
Sister without rival,
most beautiful of all,
she looks like the star-goddess, rising
at the start of the good New Year.
Perfect and bright, shining skin,
seductive in her eyes when she glances,
sweet in her lips when she speaks,
and never a word too many.
Slender neck, shining body,
her hair is true lapis,
her arm gathers gold,
her fingers are like lotus flowers,
ample behind, tight waist,
her thighs extend her beauty,
shapely in stride when she steps on the earth.
She has stolen my heart with her embrace,
She has made the neck of every man
turn round at the sight of her.
Whoever embraces her is happy,
he is like the head of lovers,
and she is seen going outside
like That Goddess, the One Goddess.

>> No.17849903


>> No.17850127

What are those rings around their thighs?

>> No.17850424

Is this "(206) 441-4618"?

>> No.17850438
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>> No.17850748


>> No.17850790

Plato? Pythagoras/pythagoreans? Solon?

>> No.17850826

Yes, but unfortunately there is no single volume as comprehensive that contains the latest scholarship.

>> No.17851115

Ancient Evenings by Norman Mailer

>> No.17851432

How about an autistic alt-history fanfiction about Atenism?

>> No.17852002

Nothing coomer tier about writing about beautiful woman in a non crass manner

>> No.17852285

>ample behind, tight waist,
>her thighs extend her beauty,

>> No.17852297
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Good Penguin book. Oxford’s History of Ancient Egypt is good also. yes

>> No.17852819

The tale of Sinuhe. Most /lit/ doesn't know it because plebs, but this was the gilgamesh before gilgamesh.

>> No.17853042

Who are the Edith Hamilton and Robert Graves of Egyptian mythology?

>> No.17853614

I read that one yesterday, very comfy and interesting collection does not get boring, I particularly liked the longer battle narratives, the more philosophical parts of lamentations, and the songs.

>> No.17853626

I knoew Sinuhe from the charts but I personally think the Mesopotamians were better writers, not to say that there are not many smaller Egyptian pieces which are on the same level.

>> No.17853651

Perhaps substitute something for Oxford? Some of it is fine but I got bored quickly (it is more of a collection of essays by different authors)

>> No.17854440

not really coomer

>> No.17854942

set in Ancient Egypt, Khai of Khem by Brian Lumley.
Good read, very descriptive at times, the geografical scenery is nice too. Easily imaginable.