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17846028 No.17846028 [Reply] [Original]

>audiobook narrator breaks down and starts crying

>> No.17846035

All Librivox recordings are SNIFFF BOOHOOHOOO in the public domain

>> No.17846042
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>audiobook narrator reracks the bar after each paragraph

>> No.17846256
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>sweet old man audiobook narrator reaches a 50 page sex scene and moaning as he acts out both parts

>> No.17846415
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>audiobook narrator reads all periods as "stop"

>> No.17846434

>listening to audiobooks

Fucking kill yourselves,

>> No.17846439 [DELETED] 


>> No.17846451 [DELETED] 
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>sex scene

>> No.17846462

>narrater doesnt have a brittish accent
>narrator is not male

>> No.17846474
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>audiobook narrator fucks up and laughs and just keeps reading

>> No.17846493

it's the proper way to 'read' the Odyssey and Iliad

>> No.17847583

>narrator's stomach keeps rumbling

>> No.17847595
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>audiobook narrator starts insulting the decor in my living room

>> No.17847849

>audiobook narrator speaks softly so you turn up the volume and then starts shouting

>> No.17848187

dont care for audiobooks but im always willing to have a smile
any of the examples mentioned in this thread real?

>> No.17848214
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>Old dude narrating The Iliad
>Get to catalogue of ships
>Tells me this is boring and wants to do something fun now
>tells me to take out my dick and start jerking for him
it was a good book

>> No.17848783

that's what happens when you force the cheerleader in your basement, instead of actually paying for a professional.

>> No.17848822

did you do it?

>> No.17848948
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>Audiobook narrator calls out the author for being a pseud
>Audiobook narrator calls me a pseud for liking this author

>> No.17848960

My audiobook diary desu

>> No.17848978
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>story is so scary that the narrator puts down the book and waits until it's morning to finish it

>> No.17849032
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>you can hear the narrator's parents fighting in the background

>> No.17849063
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>Audiobook narrator starts reading The Scouring of the Shire

>> No.17849065
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>The narrator's water breaks and you can hear her panting and grunting and the amniotic liquid hitting the floor

>> No.17849079
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>narrator starts reading my diary desu

>> No.17850261
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>Narrator has a stroke and after long silence you can hear an ambulance and the recording ends

>> No.17850280
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>> No.17850510

The female narrator for The Red and the Black was pretty good, I thought it was funny how she emphasized "Julian" every time she said it like she was in love with him.

>> No.17850525
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>narrator begins with a disclaimer that H.P. Lovecraft lived in a different era and his cat's name does not reflect the views of the narrator

>> No.17850544
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>narrator begins reading about frizzy haired ape women

>> No.17850577

>tfw your favourite narrator is a basedboy

>> No.17850591


>> No.17850598
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>narrator is clearly hitting something during the recording
>hear whimpering

>> No.17850637

Pursits actually can't refute this

>> No.17850685

Nah, this is the only valid way. Audiobooks are just as bad as reading.

>> No.17850698
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>narrator asks me to analyse variant cuneiform manuscripts of Gilgamesh to follow his narration

>> No.17850752
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>audiobook narrator breaks character and starts telling me that this is the only way he could warn me about all the secret government agencies watching me.

>> No.17850764
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i listen the whole thing

>> No.17851505

>audiobook narrator yadda yaddas over the best part

>> No.17851985

Kek this would be perfect for a pomo novel

>> No.17852023

>narrator recites my social security number and checking account balance and tells me he'll bankrupt me if I don't kill my neighbor's dog
Just one of my many complaints about Infinite Jest, I don't know why you pseuds love it so much

>> No.17852250

based department

>> No.17852256
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>audio book narrator's voice actually comes from within the walls of my room

>> No.17853253

>audiobook narrator mentions he's been browsing /pol/ a lot lately.

>> No.17853341
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>Narrator starts talking about QAnon and the White house Satanic pedophile cults

>> No.17853412

LEAVE this board before I DESTROY your wind-pipe with my fist.

>> No.17853453

Good luck destroying anything with that limp wrist.
On the daily I throw mud harder than you can throw a punch.

>> No.17853656
File: 864 KB, 1355x719, Screenshot_20201214-230011_VLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each chapter is a different narrator
>wildly different volumes

>> No.17853674

>narrator vomits in your ears through the earbuds

>> No.17853740

Sounds kinda like throat singing desu
Makes sense considering that most pre-Homeric Greek myth is Turgic.

>> No.17853829

Yeah, that's kind of the problem with LibriVox. They can use a 5 dollar microphone if they wish too.

>> No.17854157

Which books does this?

>> No.17854218

based librivox enjoyers

but unironically, you can find some pretty decent readers though between the mic deapthroaghters. there is an old man who reads the republic in a great way and a gravelly guy who does the bible. think the later is called Micheal Armenta.

also, found a cute foreign girl who read japan:an attempt at interpretation and the story of the middle ages.

>> No.17854239
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>audiobook narrator suddenly stops in the middle of a sentence to recite your full name and address

>> No.17854240

that's just the beginning of fight club

>> No.17854246
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>when the reader really doesnt like the author, or has a strong interpretation of the nature of a excerpt as being sarcastic and they go way overboard with a funny voice to make sure the intent is understood

>> No.17854270

uhh not if youre listening to it in English retard

>> No.17854279
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>narrator pauses at every line break

>> No.17854293
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tfw the recited full name and adress are an old alias and adress you went by so you know you are still a few steps ahead of them.

>> No.17854514

You like that?

>> No.17854573
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>audiobook narrator called me a nigger

>> No.17854588

it's cute

>> No.17854644
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>audiobook narrator says “negro” with emphasis

>> No.17855113
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>audiobook reader says "huh!" or "hmm!" in the gayest fucking voice everytime the author says something they find poignant
not even memeing. look up the culture of critique audiobook on youtube.

>> No.17855316
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>Audiobook narrator starts off reading before slowly trailing off and starts reading to themselves

>> No.17855336
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>audiobook narrator starts off using voices for characters before getting embarrassed and going back to speaking normally for dialogue

>> No.17855358

wait it was protocols of the learned elders of zion.

>> No.17855813
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>audiobook narrator propositions me, then calls me a slut when I turn him down

>> No.17855850

Moby dick has the best audiobook ever made
Even better than the Odyssey

>> No.17855855
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>narrator suddenly sounds kinda like bill murray
>says, "no one will ever believe you. now blow your load for me you fucking piggy"

>> No.17855881

hootkins or muller?

>> No.17855883

>narrator tells me its time to coom hands free

>> No.17855912

I liked the guy who did the mark twain books
Tristsham shandy. one of the narrator was a women who mumbles her words and there was a siren in the background. I thought she was some crack head reading a British classic.

>> No.17855970
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>listening to american psycho
>bateman draw a picture a rat and apperently includes it with the text
>"uhhh... its a rat"
>still no idea what it looks like

>> No.17855987

I've never heard an audiobook
any fun ones to get started?

>> No.17855991

pnin read by stephan rudnicki.

>> No.17856012

>butterfly actually modified a post of hers tonight like my cocktail was pressing on her lips but then stabs me
Feels good :3

>> No.17856019

cock I'm phonepos6ing

>> No.17856081

this video is unironically cool

>> No.17856143

>audiobook reader speaks in a funny accent

>> No.17856154

The Tempest by Shakespeare on LibriVox is a complete atrocity.

>> No.17857155
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>narrating suddenly stops and you hear knocking at the door
>as you get closer to the door you can hear the narrator's voice more and more clearly
>All Librivox recordings are in the public domain

>> No.17857214
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>listening to crime thriller audiobook
>detectives are talking about possible suspects
>hear my name, my address, date of birth, place of birth, schools, place of work, everything about me
>silence for a moment
>"No this isn't him"
>they continue

>> No.17857299

The GR audiobook is kino

>> No.17857479

>No Sergeant, I was asking for the *perp*'s address

>> No.17857728

based preggo fetishist anon. patrician taste

>> No.17857747
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>audiobook of Julius Caesar's Commentaries
>narrator is a woman with an American accent

>> No.17858181
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>narrator announces the opening and closing of parentheses