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File: 338 KB, 854x480, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17843951 No.17843951 [Reply] [Original]

Enough with the proving that God exists or doesn't. It's too played out. Prove to me that I should give a shit if God exists. I mean I'll cross that bridge when I get there so why even care if God is real?

>> No.17843975

you shouldn't

>> No.17843977

So you don't go to hell dumbass

>> No.17844042

The real question is why God should give a shit about you or me

>> No.17844102

Okay, so which one do I pick to prevent this?

>> No.17844115

No, the real question is how you became such a cuck

>> No.17844194

>If God exists:
>Confirmation of higher planes of existence
>Possibility of Ascension
>Philosophy can be proven in a state of true or false
>Truth and understanding become core tenants of life
>Edgefags btfo
>If God does not exist:
>There are no gods but us
>Humanity has an end state, most likely of "dead"
>Morality btfo
The question alone is enough to warrant care. The implications of the truth of the matter would shake the foundations of the entire human race.

>> No.17844205

>>Confirmation of higher planes of existence
>>Possibility of Ascension
>>Philosophy can be proven in a state of true or false
>>Truth and understanding become core tenants of life
>>Edgefags btfo
How does any of that follow from a god existing? How do you know it’s even the god you’re worshipping? Just because your feelfeels say so?

>> No.17844227

the one that threatens it most.

>> No.17844241
File: 33 KB, 720x537, 1605651631298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>If God exists:
>>Confirmation of higher planes of existence
wish fulfillment
>>Possibility of Ascension
wish fulfillment
>>Philosophy can be proven in a state of true or false
wish fulfillment
>>Truth and understanding become core tenants of life
wish fulfillment
>>Edgefags btfo
wish fulfillment

>>If God does not exist:
>>There are no gods but us
>>Humanity has an end state, most likely of "dead"
>>Morality btfo

i think id rather believe im god if im going to engage is such blatant wish fulfillment

>> No.17844247


>> No.17844278

God existing or not changes nothing. It's clear he doesn't intervene or does so in ways we can't even see. Maybe he intervenes all the time just by making things exist. Either way, you have an obligation to be a decent person whether there's anything after death or not.

>> No.17844283

Because you are just as much a part of God and His love as I am.

>> No.17844288

None of those propositions follow form God existing, you'd have to comprehend God in full for any of those to be valid.

>> No.17844296
File: 117 KB, 671x708, distressed cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some muslims say Hell doesn't exist in Islam
>Some say it's the worst fucking hell in all of theology

>> No.17844329

You have no obligation to be a decent person if there's no God nor afterlife. Being a le decent human being is the most reddit thing imaginable.

>> No.17844338

>You have no obligation to be a decent person if there's no God nor afterlife.
Most heavily religious people you don’t have that with God either. In fact, the most religious, the less decent they are

>> No.17844479

Because He granted us reason out of all the living beings in the Universe.

>> No.17844495

>i think id rather believe im god if im going to engage is such blatant wish fulfillment

>> No.17844497

How do you know?

>> No.17844513

'cause aliens aren't real.

>> No.17844517

To all christcucks ITT:
Stop worshiping semitic desert demons!

>> No.17844542

>>Morality btfo
Morality is largely orthogonal to God.

>> No.17844561

It means that reality was created with purpose and it stands to reason that we're supposed to figure out what our role in this is. Why do we live in misery and starve if we don't work together for example? What does it mean that morality creates civilization? Through the assumption of God every thought and action becomes meaningful.

>> No.17844594

Yes you do, Socrates makes a great case for why. Even if you don't believe philosophy matters without a god, if you want to live in a society and not be hunted like a dangerous animal it pays to behave decently.

>> No.17844595

Because if God exists it ultimately means he is the fullness of truth and goodness itself. What kind of person rejects goodness and truth in one way or another? Even a madman or a Stirnerfag thinks what he is doing is good and true.

>> No.17844602

you will never be a real pagan

>> No.17844620

>“Therefore our natural desire for knowledge cannot come to rest within us until we know the first cause, and that not in any way, but in its very essence. The first cause is God. Consequently the ultimate end of an intellectual creature is the vision of God in His essence” (The Divine Trinity, Chapter 104).”
― St. Thomas Aquinas

>> No.17844660

That doesn't necessarily follow. God could be morally indifferent, or beyond any concept of morality.

>> No.17844670

There are advantages sometimes, sure, but there's no obligation.

>> No.17844684

God exists because he is the animator of this show. Our shoebox-diorama world could not move on its own. Time, the dimension we are subject to (rather than observers of), is the stopmotion which we perceive as fluid. God exists outside of the frames and animates these bodies of matter.

>> No.17844695

God IS morality if we are going by Christian, Exodus theology(I am who am) and divine simplicity arguments. Morality does not exist outside of God if God exists. The Euthyphro dilemma is irrelevant here.

>> No.17844718

>God IS morality if we are going by Christian, Exodus theology
Yeah IF. There is more than one idea of God.

>> No.17844738

>christcuck assumes what he's trying to prove

>> No.17844770

>Prove to me that I should give a shit if God exists
The thread literally presupposes that God exists. Assuming a Christian (key word: assuming) framework it would be silly to reject God and be indifferent to Him. That was my point.
Alternatively, from a theological standpoint I hold that the definition of God is, the most fundamental being. Working from this I could see no other avenue for God not to be simple (argument from composition) or "The One" as seen in Neoplatonism. It follows, that theologically, God cannot be indifferent to morals and morals cannot be outside of God even if we were to assume that God is not the Christian God..

>> No.17844786

>Our shoebox-diorama world could not move on its own.
How do you know?

>> No.17845458

if he does exist you better get your ass to church and repent you filthy sinner

>> No.17845471

I’m pretty sure Allah wouldn’t be okay with me worshipping three gods

>> No.17845667
File: 187 KB, 900x699, tumblr_ot7fllaeD01v3hmyeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“A Supreme Power and Wisdom governs the Universe. The Supreme Mind is measureless, and pervades endless space. The Supreme Wisdom, Power and Intelligence is in everything that exists from the atom to the planet.

The Supreme Power and Wisdom is more than in everything. The Supreme Mind is everything. The Supreme Mind is every atom of the mountain, the sea, the tree, the bird, the animal, the man, the woman. The Supreme Wisdom cannot be understood by man or by beings superior to man. But man will gladly receive the Supreme thought and wisdom, and let it work for happiness through him, caring not to fathom its mystery.

The Supreme Power has us in its charge, as it has the suns and endless systems of worlds in space. As we grow more to recognize this sublime and exhaustless wisdom, we shall learn more and more to demand that wisdom, draw it to ourselves, make it a part of ourselves, and thereby be ever making ourselves newer and newer. This means ever perfecting health, greater and greater power to enjoy all that exists, gradual transition into a higher state of being and the development of powers we do not now realize as belonging to us.

We are the limited yet ever growing parts and expressions of the Supreme Never Ending Whole. It is the destiny of all in time to see their relation to the Supreme and also to see that the straight and narrow path to ever-increasing happiness is a perfect trust and dependence on the Supreme for the all round symmetrical wisdom and idea which we individually cannot originate. Let us then daily demand faith, for faith is power to believe and power to see that all things are parts of the Infinite Spirit of God, that all things have good or God in them, and that all things when recognized by us as parts of God must work for our good.”

— Prentice Mulford, Your Forces, and How to Use Them