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17843754 No.17843754 [Reply] [Original]

What are some history books that have decent prose and aren't dull dry reads?

>> No.17843759

>history books
>aren't dull dry reads
No such thing

>> No.17843781

Indro Montanelli's Storia dei Greci and Historia de Roma are pretty entertaining while remaining informative. The former in particular hooked me like few other books have and I finished in in very few sittings; I wholeheartedly recommend it.

>> No.17843792
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I loved this, and I recommend it every chance I get. Be aware that the newer and better translations have a slightly different title.

>> No.17843806

It’s recent history but Black Hawk Down by Bowden.

>> No.17844010
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A World Lit Only by Fire

>> No.17844072

There is great narrative history like Shelby Foote's work on the civil war or the (WW2) Liberation Trilogy by Rick Atkinson. If you want something more academic you just have to move further back in time. People like Moses (M.I.) Finley wrote very engaging history. I think it's the result of a broad classical education that you just don't get anymore.

>> No.17844104
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The Guns of August & The Proud Tower

>> No.17844134

Any books with a balanced view of the Middle Ages?

>> No.17844139
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The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt and The Last Lion

>> No.17844206

The Power Broker

>> No.17844914
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Most books by John Keegan are entertaining reads.

>> No.17845469
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Read some Jacob Burckhardt.

>> No.17846913

Edward Gibbon

>> No.17846934

The Civil War: A Narrative - Shelby Foote

>> No.17846972

Guns of August is borderline historical fiction

>> No.17847725
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>> No.17847781

The World of Late Antiquity - Peter Brown

almost poetic in certain parts. my fav history book

>> No.17848336
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>> No.17848628
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Fire & Blood - A History of Mexico by Fehrenbach

>> No.17848983
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>> No.17849198

Boring and dull.