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File: 364 KB, 1200x1588, 1200px-George-W-Bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17843619 No.17843619 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book I can read to understand what makes someone do what he did?

>> No.17843623

He was a retarded puppet. Cheney did everything.

>> No.17843633

He's in a satanic cult. That's all you need to know to understand his actions. People like him do not exist in normal human flesh

>> No.17843635

Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.17843638


>> No.17843644

The Pet Goat

>> No.17843653

He didn't really do anything. I guess his idealism was a problem but other than that he just performed within the narrow parameters detemined by greater dynamics.

>> No.17843670

What would've happened to him if he didn't act according to greater dynamics? They wouldn't have killed him for sure.

>> No.17843678

There are a few angles. One is that in the absence of an enemy like the Soviet Union he wanted to create a new crusade to unite the world. A final American victory where everywhere(with geopolitical significance) would a sort of America lite. I could see it working, but obviously it didn't. No idea what book to read on this though. The second, perhaps more cynical angle is the balance of power angle. You could read The Great Chessboard, and then try to find a book about Germany's railroad projects in the 1890s, read about the British and American involvement in Isreal, and then look at a map of Iran.

>> No.17843693
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Wolfowitz documents

>> No.17843699

A Brief History of Neoliberalism.

>> No.17843702

Read his memoir Decision Points. You can get through it in about 2 days and it gives some impression of his thought process. He seems like a fairly normal guy who fell into the trap of thinking that he and his advisors were capable of knowing more than they really were. He's not a terribly interesting figure - I think he was to a great extent swept in the same sort of hysteria over terrorism that people accuse him of stoking. I get the impression that he very much what he appears to be at first glance, unlike his father, who is actually fascinating.

>> No.17843703

Intellectuals and Society by Sowell
Any time the US army made any progress, he dragged it back because of media pressure

>> No.17843704

He was a demonic puppet doing Moloch's bidding. No other posibility exists.

>> No.17843710

legacy of ashes

>> No.17843712

Not really. You saw to some extent what happens with the Trump presidency. Instead of just the left shitting on you, you also get a broader alliance of the state and the corporate world resulting into a cacophony of vulgarity that makes any reasoned discussion impossible.

>> No.17843717


Many in this thread are not giving you the proper answer to your question due to its politics. The angle by which you must understand George W. Bush is the very same angle by which you must understand neoconservative politics. In that regard, I would encourage you check out this reading list and the works below it.

- https://imgur.com/a/VP8Y7vD (Covers many economic, ethical, philosophical, theological, and contemporary bases for such)

- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/the-neoconservative-persuasion

- https://delong.typepad.com/egregious_moderation/2009/10/irving-kristol-my-cold-war-april-1-1993.html

- https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/05_neoconservatism_vaisse.pdf

- https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/20040227_book755text.pdf

As >>17843702 mentions it would also be useful to examine his memoir.

>> No.17843722

I think most right wingers at this point understand that leftoids are genuinely evil, yes?

>> No.17843743

I would disagree but I guess it depends on your definition of a 'leftoid'. You can technically be in favor of state interventions without adopting a sort of missionary relativism.

>> No.17843771

Just leftism in general. I don't usually bother making distinctions unless absolutely necessary. Obviously, bolsheviks and stalinists and all of those minutiae obsessed borderline schizophrenics hate to be put under the label of "liberal" and there are obvious differences between the ideologies, but it's much funnier to simply watch them be upset that the fruits of their labor has spawned the most insufferable people imaginable and that most people automatically associate the liberals with them. There are consequences for the laissez-faire approach to definitions they take with their opposition (i.e they are all some form of "fascist") and that consequence is retaliatory sweeping generalizations.

>> No.17843784

Crossing the Rubicon explains it all

>> No.17843818

I think its important to differentiate in terms of legitimate concerns with equality or whatever and ideas that are on the radical spectrum. It's also essential to have a voice that speaks for the individual in relation to society. You can't get rid of it. What's not up for discussion are hierarchies in general and sadly that's where the mainstream left is focused on these days. What I consider the 'evil' left are those who for example attack social norms as a concept. That's pretty much evil by definition if you think about it, it's certainly satanic.

>> No.17843857

>we’ll smoke em out of their holes
>heck of a job brownie
Where did the times go?

>> No.17843875

He is in all honesty a boring figure, he will be remembered as little more than a footnote in the slow decline of America. How many Emperors of Rome do you remember from 250AD to 500AD?

>> No.17843878

Gotta understand HW to understand the son. I'm in the middle of Family of Secrets right now.

>> No.17843882

Oh definitely. I would not describe most people as being essentially "evil" on the left, mostly just people who are on the liberation side of the liberty vs. liberation argument. The way that they view what a human is and what a human needs is different from me, but fundamentally, their goal is to cause the least amount of harm possible, which is the goal of any intellectually honest person.
>What I consider the 'evil' left are those who for example attack social norms as a concept. That's pretty much evil by definition if you think about it, it's certainly satanic.
This, I would agree, is evil. It's very transparently being done out of a desire to do harm to innocent people and to usurp the current social order for the sake of a new, ideologically repressive one filled with idiots and manchildren. Liberals are probably the closest thing you could get to being an objective evil. They're memetic cancer.

>> No.17843897
File: 16 KB, 268x265, 0A15FEE6-CCB6-4A85-B09B-0DA6305D0D6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bush made the exact right response to two planes breaking through one of the world’s most sophisticated defense and radar systems in a brilliant plot masterminded by a former CIA asset in a cave halfway across the world, destroying three buildings in a manner many experts have said is exactly like a controlled demolition, the majority of the hijackers being Saudi Arabian, one of their passports miraculously falling from the plane and being found untouched enough to be legible, and five Israelis (some of whom were found by the FBI to be Mossad agents) recording the event, high-fiving, and laughing. The brutal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the gutting of the right to privacy from unreasonable search and seizure guaranteed by the 4th Amendment with the Patriot Act, and the creation of a neo-Gestapo given the rights to vast surveillance, arrests without trial, and torture, were all to defend us from terrorism. The oil reserves and creation of a police state were just an added plus.

>> No.17843898

My point being, it's mostly just bantz because annoying leftoids is funny.

>> No.17843913

Take your meds

>> No.17843916
File: 54 KB, 1096x697, 3CDFEF73-B37F-4B2E-83FE-74F2FE9BCC16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my COCK in your fucking MOUTH you stupid amerimutt fat FUCK.

>> No.17843928
File: 784 KB, 260x173, 0B96459E-A2BD-4438-B11B-6ED13875675C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17843944

Go away fed

>> No.17843973

Bush was a neocon. Blair was a neolib

>> No.17844003

What’s the difference

>> No.17844013
File: 23 KB, 300x166, 853919DD-F6D9-490B-A97D-D838805E2C6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon his arrest, Sivan Kurzberg told the arresting officer, “We are Israeli; we are not your problem. Your problems are our problems, The Palestinians are the problem.”

Quit being an antisemite, the Mossad dindu nuffin, we don’t work with the CIA to do false flags or anything. Anyway, goys, we have the Anti-Defamation League to blast you for “hate speech” and “antisemitism” if you ever suggest it.


>> No.17844015
File: 154 KB, 614x918, Ponerology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17844064
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>> No.17844138


>> No.17844190

Leon Trotsky - The Permanent Revolution

>> No.17844494
File: 124 KB, 680x680, 1428081507574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neolibs follow neocon foreign policy and there isn't a single neocon alive who isn't economically neoliberal. enough with the labels, it's time we call them what they really are: anglos

>> No.17845435

The Grand Chessboard*
Good book

>> No.17845443

>He's in a satanic cult
Are you serious?

>> No.17845445

A lot according to Blair himself

>> No.17845452

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.17845478

Stfu retard

>> No.17845486


>> No.17845491

Thanks for this. Good resources.

>> No.17845503

He'll be remembered as long as 9/11 is remembered.

>> No.17845530

Why are covers of books written about Bush family so creepy looking?

>> No.17845543

He's performing a ritual with the students at the time of the plane crash

>> No.17845569


>> No.17845575

It is propaganda and the result of it. The image of Bush that was fed to the public was grotesque, the incarnation of war and corruption. The guy seems so nice when you see him now, a very odd thing if you lived through those times.

>> No.17845617

No matter how dependant he was on advisers, anyone who has the bare minimum intelligence of becoming a president would see it as an absolute bonkers of a plan unless he himself played a good role in devising it.

>> No.17845691

So are you claiming iranian anti-isrealism is by extension self-made by commonwealth coalition with isr? If that’s the case - boy tell me you’re naive!

>> No.17845729

Fed to the public by who? And a what time specifically

>> No.17845742

Actually very well written post!

>> No.17845744

You have to give room to the complexity of the problem here. The US couldn't just go in there kill everyone in oppposition and take over the place, which propably would've been the correct thing to do for the people who live there, instead they had to endeavour on some sort of humanitarian project to flatter the internal drama of the west. If they acted like the Romans or even the British it wouldn't have been too much of a problem but instead they had to create democracies, keep the countries in one piece and run an occupation under humanist constraints with a home constituency that expected fantastical results in a matter of months. You just have to meditate on the fact that only something like 2,400 soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan. In historical terms that's not even war, that's a battle. Yet we talk about it as if it were Vietnam. There's no more historical perspective or a tragic view of life. Everything has to be perfect and if it isn't some enormous holocaust is going on.

>> No.17845758

The left, the Democratic Party and Europe. Time since the beginning of the Afghan war until Obama took over.

>> No.17846259

Its more the number of deaths of Iraqis people take issue with I imagine

>> No.17846533

don't all politicians have ghostwritten memoirs?

>> No.17846687

There's not really a proper calculation of that. Wiki estimates range from 150,000-1,000,000. The vast majority of which died in the ensuing civil war that could've been prevented by proper use of force, then again you can't really fundamentally blame the Americans for something that would've happened without their involvement. There's no scenario where Kurds, Shias and Sunnis would've parted in peace and the only reason that didn't happen already is because the US prevented it.
Also, people don't really care about these things. The second Obama was elected the whole outrage was tabled until Trump came into office. It's all so cynical. To think people care when they choose every day to eat a snickers instead of saving a starving child is delusional. It's all internally political and moral peacocking.