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17840738 No.17840738 [Reply] [Original]

Why does there seem to be so much dislike for this here? Very rarely does a book make me laugh out loud, so I thought it was delightful

>> No.17840812

4chan hates Jews and doesn’t understand social complexity, which is where the humor comes from. Thus they call it Reddit as if that shell of an insult encapsulates their true resentment.

>> No.17840819

One of my favorites. Possibly the only book that made me laugh and get misty eyes. Wonderful read, I'm with you on the confusion about /lit/'s dislike of it. Posters shit on it a bunch, but it always makes top 30 in the yearly charts.

>> No.17840849

i rarely see ppl shit on it, because it rarely comes up so idk. i think its enjoyable.

>> No.17840902

I was waiting for Dunbar to reappear...

>> No.17840952

Same bro. Him just vanishing really sucked, I wish we found out what happened :(

>> No.17842145

im so tired of muh war bad and irrational

>> No.17842279

It's funny and adventurous, but also very much a first novel. The prose is rather lurid and heavy with adjectives. Heller was no stylist.
We know what happened. They disappeared him.
Because you haven't experienced it, like Heller did.

>> No.17842647

Stopped being funny after the first few chapters
Everything else was either unfunnily incoherent or eerily normal

>> No.17842672

>Because you haven't experienced it, like Heller did.
that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.17842696


>> No.17842710

>Why does there seem to be so much dislike for this here?
The plot is that a butthurt Jew fantasizes about being better than everyone else while acting like a degenerate. The "humor" consists entirely of rants about how dumb the goyim are.

>> No.17842786
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>> No.17843050

White fragility!

>> No.17843424

Literally not even the point of the book. Yossarian is upset not at the war (which he agrees was justly fought) but at the leadership for throwing away lives needlessly. It's a criticism of bureaucracy and the military industrial complex more than it is "War bad." I mean, just look at the Milo chapters or the ridiculous trial for the Chaplin near the end. Yossarian, through Snowden's death, knows that man is matter, but no one recognizes this except for the soldiers. *That* is why he wants to stop fighting.

>> No.17843546

Idk it is maybe my favorite book.

>> No.17843559

Same here OP. Good story, interesting characters and made me laugh out loud multiple times. Great book.

>> No.17843570

Also I think the central theme is really nice and consistent and important. The inherent insanity of war and the denial of it. I might read this one again someday.

>> No.17843881

>another contrarian thread
what kind of -vu is this?

>> No.17844980

>implying it’s not

Heller admitted that WWII was obviously a cause worth fighting but the anti-military sentiment reflected in the novel was levelled at the Korean War and McCarthyism, which were certainly bad and irrational

>> No.17844995

> The prose is rather lurid and heavy with adjectives. Heller was no stylist.

Agreed, it reads a bit like a thesaurus at times

>> No.17846079

same here

>> No.17846279

>The prose is rather lurid and heavy with adjectives. Heller was no stylist.
True, but he didn't really need to be, obviously spectacular prose wasn't his focus.

>> No.17846306

Every thread I've seen on Catch22 has been positive. Where the fuck have you been?