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17839973 No.17839973 [Reply] [Original]

What of Bataille do I have to read before starting with this?

>> No.17840113


>> No.17840182

Nig Land

>> No.17840186

Tweet that at him. He'll laugh and retweet for sure.

>> No.17840198
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>> No.17840200

i didnt read much of him, i think i understood it well enough.
I had read his poetry though, if you mull over it you might get the gist.

>> No.17840217

>On Nietzsche
>The accursed Share
That chart seems more hwo to read Fanged Noumena and not Thirst for Annihilation

>> No.17840323


>> No.17840739


>> No.17841415

What is Nick Land writing at the moment ?

Any news from him as of late ? Any interviews or something ?

>> No.17841567
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if he answeres this question to you on twitter, please post answer itt.
He is publishing some thoughts every other week on his substack. His latest is also the one with the most views, likes and comments: https://zerophilosophy.substack.com/p/rules

>> No.17842052

I'd say "The Notion of Expenditure", The Accursed Share (I), Madame Edwarda, and Inner Experience (and maybe the theoretical part of On Nietzsche). Land quotes from all over Bataille's Oeuvres complètes, but you can't to have read all of Bataille; but you should at least have a general idea of Bataille. However, keep in mind that this is not a book "about" or "on" Bataille (just as Bataille's On Nietzsche is not "on" Nietzsche); it is a book written in the spirit and in the company of Bataille, but is really about Land's own (early) philosophy, and deals just as much with Kant, Schopenhauer, Hegel, and thermodynamicists like Boltzmann. It further plays up an antihumanist thirst for dissipation into a misocosmist nihilism, something not at all evident in Bataille, who, especially in his late works, showed restraint and a (different kind of) humanism... But it (Thirst) is an interesting book nevertheless, and quite little discussed (people only spam Fanged Noumena).

>> No.17842056

*but you can't expect to have read...

>> No.17842861

Sadly I do not have a twitter account.

>> No.17842926

God that's a shitty chart

>> No.17843012

>notion of expenditure
>accursed share
>Madame Edwarda
>inner experience
>(on Nietzsche)
Thanks for the explanatory posts. appreciated!

>> No.17843185

These threads are so sad.

>> No.17844301

didn't nick land recount most of this writing he's known for as a meth-fueled fever dream

>> No.17844873

you Landians do realize that as soon as you try to explain a non-autist about his stuff, you get laughed out of the room, right?

>> No.17844892

It's advanced anti-theology. What's your non-laughable theory?

>> No.17844904

>explaining to non-autists
this exposes a fundamental misunderstanding of landians

>> No.17845182

Nick follows me on Twitter

>> No.17845198

cool can you ask him then for me?

>> No.17845207

Yeah sure

>> No.17845210

cool! Do share when he replies.

>> No.17845224
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Just try to keep this thread alive and I’ll tell you what he says

>> No.17845228
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Don’t worry I fixed it

>> No.17845230

dont you think that messages will be misunderstood?
Or do you think he will know by "Bataille" you mean his work?

>> No.17845243

kek. thanks!

>> No.17845315

I think he’ll know lol

>> No.17845372

heres my take on land: if you can't understand what the fuck hes saying, then he isnt saying much of importance. the only thing that matters is being so strong, so good at something you will never fail. Anti oedpus this, oedipus that, blah blah blah. sounds like it was written by a virgin. try going outside k bud you might learn a thing or two from team sports. anyways im off to metaphysically conquer the wife tonight, accelerate that spic land.

>> No.17845434

Why would I be in a room with another person?

>> No.17846128

nick humppah umpah

>> No.17847030

one more time

>> No.17847573

Does anyone have that image of Lain reading fanged noumena and a monke reading industrial society and its future?

>> No.17848180


>> No.17848197

I explained it to my non-/lit/ friend and he thought it was cool.

>> No.17848719


>> No.17849521


why does he follow you?

>> No.17849564


>> No.17850354


>> No.17850599

Land follows everyone

>> No.17850949

My impression of his most recent Substack essay:

Very epistemically focused, or rather presents a very convincing geometrization of the nature and, more to the point, fraudulencies of the present episteme qua episteme. It's an emperor-has-no-clothes situation at this point (no mystique) as far as the functioning of the American imperial regime, captured and sequestered as it reciprocally is by financialized oligarchism, then ideologically obfuscated by that part of the so-called intelligentsia that interfaces with the middle classes, i.e. the MSM. The function of this latter being to confect capitalist dominative ideology on the basis of constant epistemic contradiction, best exemplified by the insuperable contradictions of trans ideology, where this latter can basically function, by a reverse reading inherent within itself, as metonymy for the basic sophistic methodology of the entire anti-logical oligarchic "war game" as a whole. Install a regime of quite incessant and minutiose anti-logic as defence against class consciousness-based response against a financial oligarchic regime that desperately wishes to believe it has secured for itself a permanent oligarchic "utopia" that makes it automatically and infinitely accumulative of wealth by a sort of scientific/technological (computational full spectrum security state) capture of government, military, and Wall Street. And whose obfuscation of the arbitrary multi-generational sustainment of the aforesaid capture occurs through the massively obscurantist neoliberal ideology, which seeks to smother the dominated masses (left out majority) of society under endless layers of simulacra, and which uses the specific case of the simulacra of trans ideology to instill the wider subliminal mind control of anti-logic throughout all the principal strata and dimensions of mass society.

>> No.17851074
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What did Justin Murphy and Nina Power mean by this?

>> No.17851287

What a shit thread

>> No.17851339

My parasociality needs to see senpai's reply.

>> No.17852434

how i've come to be as well :(

>> No.17852852

Holy based. No one can explain his ideas and their implications on this board, and those that understand them know that they're mediocre (at best).

>> No.17853632


>> No.17853706

accfag still making the worst threads on lit

>> No.17853810

post metrics

>> No.17853834


This book like with most of fanged noumena is quite clearly a product of an accute psychotic episode. It is meant to be experienced like with poetry and theory fiction, not analysed academically. In fact this is probably the first serious theory fiction book in the west. Its a cathartic exercize meant to be taken with drugs. This is not a book a Bataille but a book about Land experiencing the late 90's while lusting for his sister.

>> No.17853844

>late 90s

>> No.17853845


He will never answer , he wants to leave that edgelord phase behind him, and I can understand that.

>> No.17853852


I meant for fanged noumena , but it sort of weges in because he left that Warwick position shortly after that book.

>> No.17853973

>lusting for his (own) sister
Really, care to detail? Is this what the trakl essays were about?

>> No.17853994

accfag everyone knows you are talking to yourself.

>> No.17854677

>Justin Murphy

What's his endgame? Why is he promoting dangerous philosophers?

>> No.17855151


>> No.17855520

What is his fiction like compared to his philosophy, also how much does he talk about Freud?

>> No.17855600
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>> No.17856089


>> No.17856284

It looks like he's trying to preserve the intellectual tradition by picking up the thinkers that the ruins of the academy have dropped.

>> No.17856449


>> No.17856981

I have a slightly above general knowledge of philosophy. Could I go straight into these suggestions?

>> No.17857010

>Coil and Current 93
I dont really understand much about Nick Land but that seems very based

>> No.17857413


>> No.17857428

Worst thread

>> No.17858001

>I have a slightly above general knowledge of philosophy. Could I go straight into these suggestions?

Yes. It's more about attitude and aptitude with philosophy anyways. The knowledge comes through osmosis.

>> No.17858070
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>> No.17858083

>Current 93

Plus they have nothing to do with Nick Land's writing, outside being a bunch of neopagan schizos. Annihilation is the greatest work of Bataillean LARP ever created tho, very entertaining.

>> No.17858211

(Assuming you're talking about Bataille; of Land's I've only read Phyl-Undu, which was cringe.)
In terms of style/writing, they are quite similar to his philosophy: the same heavy elliptic and unsystematic style, of lots of short paragraphs and white spaces (except for Story of the Eye, which is a fast-paced picaresque pornography; and My Mother, which is a quite nicely developed, though still fast-moving, Bildungsroman). They definitely share in the content of his philosophy, especially in the focus on death, eroticism and ecstatic religious experiences (L'Abbé C, The Impossible, etc.); or in the case of Blue of Noon, his attitudes toward current (1935) political events. I don't think he is the finest writer, but despite everything left to be desired, I still quite like him (My Mother, Madame Edwarda, Story of the Eye; - I recommended Edwarda earlier, because I believe Land alludes to it in Thirst, and because it's a short-story length capturing of his thought-infused fiction at its best). Bataille does not talk too often about Freud directly, but he was familiar with him (underwent psychoanalysis himself), and there's enough secondary readings out there commenting on both Bataille and Freud. Land refers to Freud a bit in Thirst, and also in the earlier essays of Noumena (the importance of the death drive; Lacan being more the Oedipalist than Freud).

>> No.17858300

Definitely (it's listed as the "primary source"). Sadly Thirst for Annihilation is still often overlooked (even Mackay and Brassier's introduction to FN hardly references it). For Thirst you'd need to know (besides Bataille) Aquinas, Boltzmann, Freud, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida (Of Spirit), Lyotard (Lib. Ec.), Sade, Rimbaud, Trakl, Henry Miller

>If by 1980 [i.e. A Thousand Plateaux] the option is between an adherence to paralyzing post-holocaust neurosis - Hitler's last and most devastating secret weapon - or a rethinking of Freudian thanatos, it is perhaps time to challenge what might earlier have seemed a merely comically overblown antipathy to Freud. It is worth asking firstly: is Freud ever really engaged in Anti-Oedipus? Is it not rather Lacan, who had already transformed the jungle wilderness at the heart of psychoanalysis into a structuralist parking-lot, before proceeding to analyse Guattari for seven years, who programmes the supposed anti-Freudianism of the book? Of course, Oedipus is peculiarly nauseating Viennese nursery pap, but where is Oedipus in Beyond the Pleasure Principle? A question which could be asked of the majority of Freud's texts. (Fanged Noumena, p. 282)

>> No.17859054


>> No.17860259


>> No.17860646
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Just read this and story of the eye. I've heard that "Georges Bataille: A Critical Introduction" by Benjamin Noys is also pretty good and I highly recommend "Georges Bataille: An Intellectual Biography" by Michel Surya and "The Sacred Conspiracy: The Internal Papers of the Secret Society of Acéphale and Lectures to the College of Sociology" as well.

>> No.17861904


>> No.17861970

Why isn't accfag permabanned?

>> No.17862753


>> No.17863358


>> No.17863589

is he a spook or just extremely autistic?

>> No.17863827

I'm working through Freud's complete works, and in his later ouvre Oedipus does figure as essential. If it doesn't appear on Beyond the Pleasure Principle, it's because they deal with different somatic bodies. Although I agree with land, it is Freud, and not Lacan, who at times feels uncertain of the Oedipus (as he writes in his new introductory lectures to psychoanalysis).

>> No.17863832


>> No.17864370

he's a fed

>> No.17865010


>> No.17865745

so. still no reply?