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17839919 No.17839919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about why young men (zoomers?) are getting more passive/submissive both in their sexuality (being trans/a femboy) and their normal life? Is it because women are getting more powerful fiscally? Is the culture finally getting more open and accepting thus allowing repressed traits to bloom?

>> No.17839927

You are a faggot and should kill yourself.

Also why even post this trap so often? He just looks like a twink.

>> No.17839929

Are they, or does it appear this way? Keep in mind: social media is not a good reflection of reality and is, quite often, the antithesis of it.

>> No.17839944
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Please, just stop making these threads. This is supposed to be a literature board. Not a place where you can complain about every fault you find with modern society and addend it with "Any books for this feel?"
Kindly go fuck yourself OP.

>> No.17839953


>> No.17839961

Think before diving into books

Milk, phone radiation, junk food - lack of greens, bad sleep, the wheel

>> No.17839969

i have heard the transgender industrial complex is good but it also sounds a bit shizo.

>> No.17839971

It's the shit they out in our food

>> No.17839980

She gets rock hard whenever she's getting pounded it's so fucking hot

>> No.17839982

That guy looks just like my female cousin who's a biological women. What the fuck.

>> No.17840031

They probably just do their makeup the same way

>> No.17840032

How did you get like this, anon? How did you come to find a man dressed like a woman getting an erection while getting pounded in the butt hot?

>> No.17840057

Because the below average man and soon to be the average man have been priced out of the sexual dating market. Nearly all facets of society are deliberately and perniciously set up to devalue males. Online dating, the emancipation of women, allowing women into the workforce, normalization of intense body shaming directed towards men, Intense hate towards men by most institutions i.e the media, villanizing expressions of masculinity (besides nigger masculinity which is honestly the last bastion of celebrated masculinity but it no accident that it is heavily perverted). I won't elaborate on the reasons I have given devaluing men because their consequences are all very obvious. And conversely and deliberately nearly all aspects of society are built around enhancing female power. Females are naturally hypergamous, as the average man loses value and the average female gains value, the percentage of men females are willing to have sex with and date decreases. And because the below average and even the average man has no incentive to contribute to society (the only incentive for these men is to secure a mate and pass on their genes) they will drop out and give up. A small percentage of these men will become trannies or gay to deal with the fact that they cannot get a partner. This is why so many anons of 4chan hate trannies (besides the most obvious reasons for them hating them) because it is a cop out. You only have to look at Japan which is ahead in the process, probably because of the homogenous population, with large swathes of males dropping out. The problem is recognized in Japan, but not in the west. It will be soon though.

>> No.17840062

Libido Dominandi buy E Michael Jones, The Transgender Industrial Complex by Scott Howard

>> No.17840066

>He just looks like a twink

>> No.17840077


read sex & character by weininger. he prophetically analyzes the actuality of male/female to be little more than a spectrum, and is directly responsible for some of the problems that we see today, even if he had good intentions. taking the dualism of Christianity away (male/female, good/evil) allows all kinds of freaks to rise up

>> No.17840083

It's not like transitioning will help you though. The only people who fuck transfolx are other transfolx and weirdos with a trap fetish. It's not a cop out. It's an attempted escape, maybe, but it's not a successful one 99% of the time. They are not desirable. Most people see them as freaks.

>> No.17840135

who's this cutie?