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17838810 No.17838810 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what passes for great poetry to politically correct Canadians
Ooga booga

>> No.17838895

Sorry, no hablo whatever this is

>> No.17838913

I'm having an aneurysm reading that

>> No.17838933

it's not that bad actually. there's nothing wrong with writing in a different orthography, what matters is the content as understood. i'm really racist btw so please don't confuse me for some negro apologist

>> No.17838943

Looks a bit like redditors writing from the perspective of dogs.

>> No.17838951

I don't see what's so bad about this.
It's not 'great,' but it's nice.
What's so bad about a song of family and community?
Sitting around a campfire with friends and beers is comfy.

>> No.17839005

While the camp is warm and the fire is bright
and the bottle is close at hand -
Out on the river the north wind blows
down in the valley is a pile of snow
but what do we care so long we know
we're safe in the log cabane

Drink to the health of your wife and girl
another one for your friend
then give me a chance, for in all the world
I've not many friends to spare -
Im born where the mountain scrapes the sky
And bones of my father and mother lie
So I fill the glass and raise it high
and drink to the voyageur

For this is the night of the jour de l'an
when the man of the Great North West
Thinks of his home on the Saint Laurent
And friends he may never see -
Gone he is now, and the big canoe
No more youll see with the red shirt crew
But long as he lived he was always true
so we'll drink to his memory

Ask him the north wind what he sees
Of the voyageur long ago
And hell say to you what he says to me,
So listen his story well -
I see the track of his botte sauvage
On many a hill and long portage
Far far away from his own vill-age
And sound of the parish bell

Don't understand why you would imagine this is a PC friendly poem when its literally about colonists. Read in Quebecois accent for best effect

very nice poem desu, drink to anglo-franco friendship au Quebec

>> No.17839037

>i'm really racist btw so please don't confuse me for some negro apologist
I agree though it's fine

>> No.17839046


Are yall retarded?

>> No.17839120
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It's so... Simplistic. We can do better as a people.

>> No.17839143

Isn't this translated from French?

>> No.17839159

No worse than Rabbie Burns. And lots of great poets loved him.

>> No.17839184

If you don’t appreciate the spelling in this poem, you shouldn’t be discussing poetry at all. Instead, you should be reading it because you clearly don’t understand it. It’s like getting angry at the spelling of spenser. RETARDS

>> No.17839293

you couldn't even stand Beowulf with this attitude.

why do you hate western literature?

>> No.17839460

Pretty good ngl

>> No.17839904


>> No.17839950

why what? i don't think it's bad because it expresses something adequately, it paints an emotional picture, whatever you want to call it, which is at least somewhat interesting and distinct. it's not the best poetry i've ever read, and its subject is not the most fascinating thing to me, but it's not gibberish or laughably bad either

>> No.17839956

I meant why you feel the need to be "really racist."

>> No.17839974
File: 80 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anoder wan for your frien

>> No.17839981

The orthography alone isn't really a problem, but it takes on a caricaturish and self-consciously childlike tone in those awful triplets.

>> No.17839989

i mean, isn't that just normal? you ARE racist, right? i just mentioned it because i didn't want to be mistaken for a negro apologist
as for why i am a racist, i mean it's the natural conclusion you'd get after spending time around them, or reading a history textbook, so i'm not really sure what to say about it

>> No.17840044

No, I wouldn't say I'm racist at all. I encounter blacks and such in my day to day life. There are some who aggravate me, and their are some who are great friends of mine.
Those who aggravate me do not do so because of their skin color, there are whites who annoy me for the very same reasons, usually having to do with rudeness, or unpleasantness.
I enjoy reading history books, but I can't say that a history book has ever prompted me to arbitrarily hate people in the present.

>> No.17840088

i'm not sure what preconceived notions you have about racism, but i didn't mention hate at all. i mostly just mean, isn't their lack of accomplishment as a race pretty obvious? their whole history is basically just white people manipulating them for their own ends, right up until the present day. i'm not really sure how i'm supposed to not think less of them after realizing that

>> No.17840139

1 John 4:20-21
>If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
>And his commandment we have from him, That he who loveth God love also his brother.

The Lord tells me to love my brother, and so I love him as I love God. Should I think less of my brother, I should think less of God. Should I think myself given the right to manipulate, or strike down my brother, then I should think myself able to do the same unto my Lord.

>> No.17840150

I suggest you worry about your lack of accomplishment as an individual before you start taking credit for what your ancestors were up to

>> No.17840192

yeah i don't think "brother" is supposed to cross the species barrier, sorry bro
don't you think it's kind of interesting that i pointed out an actual phenomenon, and your response is try and point out some perceived personal flaw of mine instead of, like, refuting what i said? why can't you explain that actual phenomenon that i described in a way that is consistent with your worldview?

>> No.17840214

Some of the "racists", I assume, are good people, but man you're poor critics.

>> No.17840226

They are not of a different species from you and I.

However, even if they were, you and I would find ourselves excluded ourselves, for he who wrote these words was not white.

>> No.17840234

whats different to this and joyces irish-speak?

>> No.17840241


I wasnt part of the original conversation, and I don't know or care to refute it - I simply believe that anyone who thinks in terms of racial accomplishments - especially on anonymous image boards - needs to be reminded that they, personally, have not done anything worthwhile in their lives

>> No.17840248

>people who notice patterns are probably scum
i'm sure you're a great person though

>> No.17840265

Maybe youre right! Maybe they havent done anything! But you haven't either. My pattern recognition tells me you must be a nigger

>> No.17840380

Because it is not fitting for the white race to write such puerile nonsense. Best leave that to the savages desu

>> No.17840639

Heem writey

>> No.17841031

Have you met a quebecois?? They're all caricaturish and childlike, this poem hits the nail on the head

>> No.17841079

this sounds exactly like a quebecois talking in english though