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/lit/ - Literature

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17837970 No.17837970 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading?

>> No.17838031
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After finishing Mr. Nice again I decided to start Schiller's Maria Stuart

>> No.17838090
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>> No.17838094

what book is Jez reading?

>> No.17838118

Wuthering Heights

>> No.17838151

Porsche - Cars with Soul (Gui Bernardes)
Lolita (Nabokov)

>> No.17838156

The Flowers of Evil

>> No.17838230

the collector by john fowles

he really nails the tone and mindset of the narrator, it’s identical to some of the creeps you’ll find around here

>> No.17838275

Doris Lessing's first sci-fi book. I read The Good Terrorist many years ago but now got on a Lessing spree - The Golden Notebook last week and Grass is Singing this weekend.

>> No.17838276

lolita & War and Peace

>> No.17838289

Serotonin. Somebody made a thread about it the other day and it sounded interesting. Not that far in, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far.

>> No.17838307
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>> No.17838309

Finished Serotonin yesterday, top 3 Houellebeqc - it could be shorter tho. Now I'm pondering between The Master and Margarita and Dead Souls. Which one?

>> No.17838313

Finishing the last part of Germinal and reading Masters of Doom for a light reprieve.

>> No.17838314

It's a slow burner. It may get tiresome in the middle but the ending compensates.

>> No.17838318

Arabia Felix - An exploration of the archaeological history of Yemen. It's quite nice, I know very little of the context of the history it discusses, but it has a fair few interesting tidbits

>> No.17838351
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>> No.17838359

Yesterday did the latter half of Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler and half of The Weird and the Eerie, Mark Fisher.
Today, I did the rest of the above book. tried You Will Love What You Have Killed, Kevin Lambert - had bad writing and french, so i dropped it.
Will start and finish tomorrow Find You First, Linwood Barclay.
Wonder if I'll hit 400 before midyear.

>> No.17838360

With the Old Breed

>> No.17838395

Agreed, it is a great book.

>> No.17838452

Master and Margarita

>> No.17838522

The Poisonwood Bible. Adah Price's narration is a treasure.

>> No.17838526

Powering through the third part of Atlas Shrugged. Shit’s excruciating, Harry Potter level writing.
Also reading the Intelligent Investor which I’m really liking but I have to read some paragraphs at least 3 times in order to fully absorb them.

>> No.17838562

Dead Souls. I though the other one was shit.

>> No.17838569

The Tragedy Of Man - Madách Imre

>> No.17838579
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Both are great but Master and Margarita is better because it actually has an ending desu.

>> No.17838622
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>> No.17838651

lord of the rings.

>> No.17838867


>> No.17838960

for fiction I'm reading Picture of Dorian Gray.
I'm also reading 4 poetry collections very slowly: one by Ezra Pound, one by Emily Dickinson, one by W B Yeats and one anthology ('The Rattle Bag').

I basically read no literature for the entirety of my adolescence, partially out of disdain for english class and partially out of laziness, and have come to the realization now how much a mistake that was. I'm enjoying it but I also often feel like Jez in the OP pic.

I read Pynchon's Entropy and felt like at least half of it went over my head, so I guess I'll have to print it out and read it again and take notes.

>> No.17838970

All of Houellebecq

>> No.17838976

Both amazing. Flip a coin

>> No.17839175
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What distinguishes the books of the Berlin philosopher and consciousness researcher Jochen Kirchhoff, who is still to be discovered and who focuses on Giordano Bruno, F.W.J. Schelling, Helmut F. Krause and Hermann Schmitz appointed from? - Above all, that he has deeply understood and internalized their essential basic ideas. Kirchhoff has a real education, which means: thorough knowledge and existential experience. His thinking is radical, existential, authentic. Here is not something written about, but truly thought. Kirchhoff shows the premises that the mainstream scientific worldview takes for granted and no longer questions. The world-picture, however, is the mirror of the self, of subjectivity, which modern natural science has long tried to eliminate in the interests of ostensibly objective knowledge. Science - a product of the mind that forgets itself and perishes as a result. Man has to remember himself, his true origin and destination. Knowledge is remembrance. Only then does the path lead beyond mere egoism. Kirchhoff knows about the urgent necessity of this path, which must be taken by each individual, but he also knows the danger of falling into intoxication and regression. Only the R-evolution of consciousness, the integral wholeness, can save us. In Kirchhoff's books, the reader encounters a depth and radicalism that at present can only be matched in the depth phenomenology of the poet and philosopher José Sánchez de Murillo.

>> No.17839379

The Darkness That Comes Before and The Knight.

>> No.17839397

On the Suffering of the World

>> No.17839416

City of thieves.

>> No.17839424

this carnival of hell. finished it like a month ago and was already dying for a re-read so i have been doing that. great book, amazing stories

>> No.17839464
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>> No.17839468

Plato's State. The language is kind of outdated but whatever.

>> No.17839635

discourse on universal history. im reading it as someone who was taught nothing in highschool about world history

>> No.17839663

The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa. Pretty good.

>> No.17839670

Yet the narrator is still somehow more sympathetic than the woman he abducts.

>> No.17839678

I finished Journey to the End of the Night today, not sure if I want to read Death on Credit or Process and Reality by Whitehead tomorrow help.

>> No.17841035

Suetonius' Twelve Caesers.

>> No.17841220
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>> No.17841753


>> No.17841808
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dangerously comfy post-apocalyptic kino

>> No.17841822

Joyce, Dubliners

>> No.17841885

awe shit, I have that book on my shelf rn. I should really pick it back up and continue reading again

>> No.17841906

moby dick

>> No.17841952

On Blues Waters

>> No.17842949
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White Noise, by DeLillo. I thought it would start right in the middle of chemical accident, though.

>> No.17842973

Dipping my toes into poetry but I'm not sure where to start. Do you recomend flowers for a beginner?

>> No.17843072

this thread lmao

>> No.17843073

this reply HEHE le meta

>> No.17843085
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This question is asked too frequently. I am among other things reading Paul Scott's Raj Quartett and will be doing so for quite some time.

>> No.17843098

tommyknockers, sirs

>> No.17843124

I’ve been reading The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. About halfway through and I was hoping for more of a trippy psychedelic adventure but it’s more like Inception with drama and regrets instead of action. Still strangely compelling, especially the mystery surrounding Eldritch.

>> No.17843163
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I've false-started like four books in a row after reading The Sorrows of Young Werther so I'm back to non-fiction again. I don't know why I find fiction boring right now. It just feels like a time sink, and I haven't had a lot of time to just chill in a cafe or something.

>> No.17843203

I just finished Mean Business on North Ganson St by S Craig Zahler. If you like his movies, definitely check out his books. Pulpy and violent. I'm now rereading Snow Crash.

>> No.17843528

Richard III
it's a slog and huge disappointment compared to the rest of the histories

>> No.17843945

50% done, it's good. Also, has jabs at figures such as Jeffery Epstein or Peter Nygard.
Thinking of doing "Smashed in the USSR: Fear, Loathing and Vodka on the Steppes, Ivan Walton, Caroline Petrov" next.

>> No.17843954

Lost Horizon

>> No.17843960

Been reading V. Goddamn some of these stencil chapters are fucking rough. This book has taken me a month. At the last chapter though.

>> No.17843990
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Against the Day. It’s ok but too much to slog through. I’ll finish it tho out of love for pinecone.

>> No.17843999

edith hamilton's mythology

its a slog

>> No.17844014
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>> No.17844016

Was about to read this after

Is it really that boring?

>> No.17845106
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girl interrupted

>> No.17845252
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I like it so far

>> No.17845308
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It's a Ross Macdonald novel, and I like Ross Macdonald. I might read Eudora Welty's "Losing Battles" next. They were good friends.

>> No.17845335
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this bad boy. im sure that 95% of information will fly over my head but i hope that those 5% will make me more critical.

>> No.17845407

White Noise. At first I thought it sucked but then I stopped taking it seriously and it became funny

>> No.17845723
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Currently in the middle of "La pesanteur et la grâce" by Simone Weil.
It's a trully beautiful book even if it is quite dense and raw.
It's really helping a lot with my faith, putting words on concepts I've had struggles with lately, notably prayer, transcendance etc.

>> No.17845738

Bought Antigone recently, I have to update my greek readings haha

>> No.17845802

My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Its about a rich girl who goes on a year long prescription drug bender with the goal of sleeping as much as possible.
I get very jealous reading it.

>> No.17845858

Maybe if you speak French. Otherwise I go with something that isn't translated.

>> No.17845937
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This thing, little weird, but fun

>> No.17846022
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as a man of culture I only read dense books, so I'm reading Konosuba vol.7 now

>> No.17846175

I hadn't seen this cover better, it's real, real nice. Thanks for sharing.
It was my first pure German book to read, really appreciated how every 3rd word came from his south German dialect.

>> No.17846277

I'm reading it in english. appreciate the insight on the dialect stuff, sounds like itll be worth revisiting, at the very latest, when i get my german reading comprehension to a decent level.
i'm not too deep into it, but so far i like the 'no nonsense' pacing it seems to have

>> No.17846299

Finishing up 2666

>> No.17846344
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I thought it would be funny to read all the lit that’s mentioned in peepshow, so far I have read Wuthering heights, Hamlet (again) and A child called it. Currently 80% through pictured.

Mr Nice is on my radar.

>> No.17846358

Fitche’s foundation of transcendental philosophy

>> No.17846365

Charlotte Brontë's "Villete" at the endorsement of an anon; thanks for the recommendation, it's been great so far.
Also, "Letters from a Stoic", a history essay on the historical perception of Spain, Jules Verne "Le tour du monde en 80 jours" and Sophocles's complete works. Also, I'm reading the original Devilman; pretty cool manga.

>> No.17846580

Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor. Although I can in no way compare my struggle reading it with that of the Red Army, it has been a very big read.

>> No.17846587

I'm currently reading Ovid's Metamorphoses alongside Heidegger's Nietzsche Lectures and Being and Time.

>> No.17846600

the horse the wheel and language. need to unlock the knowledge of the indo european world view

>> No.17847794
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>> No.17847985
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>Juvenal's Satires.
He hated w*myn so I'm really enjoying it
>War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin.
Applies theories from cultural evolution to understanding why empires rise and fall. Pretty interesting

>> No.17848001

Found this book looking for doomer lit.

Read half of it last year, forgot why i didn't finish it. Got bored i think.

>> No.17848009
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>> No.17848061

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.17848066
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Beauty and Sadness by Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.17848164
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>> No.17848656


>> No.17848673

I’m about to start Plato’s complete works. Might read Walden too but I’m not sure.

>> No.17849184
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struggling to retain information with the audiobook, though. But I'm just gonna finish it, then buy the physical copy once I can afford it for a reread and to take notes.

>> No.17849191
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I want to kill myself

>> No.17849197

>Falling for the short sun meme

>> No.17849301
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This, to me it seems like a nice simple explanation of the concept of self identity.

>> No.17849308

actually surprsingly good. Not the anti-colonial shitfest I expected it to be.

>> No.17849313

R.A. Lafferty's short stories

>> No.17849319


>> No.17849344

Sex and Character

>> No.17849363

Infinite Jest
Since english is my second language I'm somewhat struggling with the more advanced vocabulary and with the references to American geography, pop culture and mindset

>> No.17849504

Just finished If on a Winter's Night a Traveller last night, now reading the Kolb biography of Mozart.

>> No.17849529
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Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope
Just started ~5%, quite a heffer but good

>> No.17849582

Have you read "portrait" yet?

>> No.17849588

One of the best books I've read this year, so damn comfy. Pan is good too.

>> No.17849589

Notes from Underground

>> No.17849609

The Swindler (El buscón) by Francisco de Quevedo in Spanish and I'm loving it.

>> No.17849664
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The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington. I'm really enjoying it, and I think I'm going to read more of the OG Surrealists after this. Pic related is one of the author's illustrations in the book. Doesn't the guy look just the Virgin meme?
This looks really interesting, anon. I probably would have never found it otherwise, so thanks for sharing.
You can't just say that and not specify what book, bro. I fucked hard with The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena as a kid.
I think learning about another culture's country through their literature is one of the best ways to do it. Keep it up, anon.
This looks fascinating. What are your thoughts so far?

>> No.17850003

The Iliad
French Suite by Nemirovsky
Satires by Horace
De Tranquillitate Animi by Seneca

Also the comic Uber, bretty good :DDD

>> No.17850092

so, was it a love story or a fuck story?

>> No.17850104

Greg Egan - Quarantine

>> No.17850107

I asked Chomsky if he had read it (it seems to contradict a lot of his theories) and he said "no".

>> No.17850868

A Clockwork Orange. I also just bought Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for 2$ each so that's nice.

>> No.17850916


>> No.17850923

General Limguistics: a survey

>> No.17850942

Pan, by Knut Hamsun. It's fucking horrendous. It might just be the translation but I don't know. I loved Hunger and Growth of the Soil and this sorta feels like a novella version of both, but holy fucking hell it's a slog.

>> No.17851150

Dysgenics by Richard Lynn

>> No.17851492

Culture of narcissism

>> No.17851712

A History of The Occult by Collin Wilson. Its a decent, generaly neccesary read. A bit new agey by esoterica standards, and Wilson goes about the topic as a scholar rather than mystic, but serviceable and at times even good.
Master and Margarita. Its a rather fast, and if you like Russian humor, fun read.

>> No.17851743
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Bumping to include pic related, which I found particularly egregious.

>> No.17851997

I recently finished Knausgaard's My Struggle vol 1, Socrates to Sartre overview of philosophy, The Adventures of Augie March and a primer on PoMo and Art History and it's Methods.

So now I'm going to take it easy and see if I can break into genre fare sci-fi like Hyperion and Axiomatic plus a collection of Daniel Hammet's hard-boiled detective short-stories before perusing the used bookstores for some primary PoMo stuff like Adorno and Jameson

>> No.17852175

Slightly predictable, after the 75%, but still overall good. Lotsa Epstein went into it, and maybe a bit too much sentimentalism at times. Still good though.
Anyways, currently ~10% thru with Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease, Gary Greenberg
Liking it so far, but this is more intro-y, wonder if I'll learn anything new at all.

>> No.17852415

On the Genealogy of Morals (selections)
Visions of Excess - baitaille
The Heat Death of the Universe & Other Stories

>> No.17852451

Snow country

>> No.17852522
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>> No.17852526
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>> No.17852544
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my next book :)

>> No.17852723
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>> No.17853002
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"Forefathers' Eve part III"

>> No.17853093

What have you read prior to prepare for this?