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File: 97 KB, 400x275, cornel-west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1783786 No.1783786 [Reply] [Original]

Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be a word without meaning.

>> No.1783791

>Atheism turns out to be too simple.
This disproves a theory to some people? That it's simple, and works? Sigh.

Also? Not taking the bait. Sage thread.

>> No.1783798
File: 46 KB, 276x480, mere-christianity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Very well then, atheism is too simple [ ... ] a boys' philosophy."

- C.S. Lewis

>> No.1783802

2 + 2 is too simple. If 2 + 2 equals 4, all the time, if there was never any chance of it ever being 5, then how would we know 5 exists? 5 would be a number without meaning.

>> No.1783912

and yet atheism which implies non-belief in a governing system of rules makes an appeal to mathematical certainty.

the self-evidence of logic would seem to imply design

>> No.1783978


>> No.1783983

I like your suit OP. Men's Warehouse?

>> No.1783990

>you're going to like the way you look

>> No.1784004
File: 29 KB, 300x373, 1284860527425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw i read that earlier today
and it still took me a good 15 seconds to realize where it.

anyone else hate lewis?

>> No.1784009

*came from*

>> No.1784013
File: 30 KB, 410x308, my way with you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy fine whatever start with the standard definitional questions at least

-what is meaning

-what is god

pantheism the religion of metaphor mysticism the experience of the absolute beliefism narrative encasement the placebo effect blah blah blah

oh just do some acid already


>> No.1784017
File: 5 KB, 120x120, 1302170107276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try harder
you're thinking of absurdism OP, not atheism,

>> No.1784022

I have tried multiple times to figure out what the fuck the OP's quote was trying to say and have been unsuccessful.

>> No.1784025


You're right - and for everyone else, OP is a quote from Lewis' Mere Christianity

>> No.1784031

look at me guys. i'm ridiculing anonymous and think highly of my intelligence and my many e-penises.

>> No.1784033


As a general rule I don't listen to people who trip because they have allowed themselves to forgo making quality posts in order to build some mystical pointless online persona.

>> No.1784934 [DELETED] 

Atheism is when someone doesn't believe in god.
Without people's belief in god, atheism has no context
Therefore Atheism in and of itself is dependent on other peoples belief systems in order to sustain their conviction.
Without religion, this group of people would have nothing to create this identity from.
So my question is; what are your thoughts in identifying yourself with something that requires religious belief systems?

Because "theism" is the word used for religious beliefs, we use the word "atheism", or opposite of theism. If there was no such thing as theism, we would all be "atheists", but it would not have a name, because the name Is objective to theism. Nihilist speaking.

>> No.1784960

Creatures without eyes: This makes me think of those blind crawdads they got down in Texas or somewhere.

Once in high school I was camping down by the creek and my friend had a snorkel and a gig and a little wire basket. He'd go under and come back up with a crawdad impaled on the spikes of the gig and he'd pull it off and put it in the basket. When the basket was full he brought them up to the campsite where I'd built a fire. We got a skillet from his jeep cherokee and threw the little crustaceans in over the fire. After a while they smelled done so I picked one up and bit it in half but as it happened the little fella was still alive and all the legs started kicking around in my mouth and overall it was very unpleasant.

Country Roads: Memoirs From Vdubby. Now available at Books-a-million

>> No.1785005

God damn you Cornel West! stop showing up in places you aren't warranted and go back to being the worlds most soemwhat intelligent however thoroughly unintelligible down home, wisdom drenched smilin happy nappy ole negro
It's either you or Miles Eric Dyson. And you are about a fraction less insufferable than he is.

>> No.1785018

I think it's something along the lines of "Because we can imagine divinity, it must be so"
Lewis was a cretin. Try reading his sci-fi trilogy without raging.