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/lit/ - Literature

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17835473 No.17835473 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the literary tastes of young men and young women differ so much?

Real talk.

>> No.17835475

>Why do the literary tastes of young men and young women differ so much?
>Why do the literary tastes of grown men and children differ so much?
Fuck, I have no clue.

>> No.17835482

do they? i thought it was all dogshit

>> No.17835486


>> No.17835488

young men dont read -- they play video games and masturbate to cartoons all day. young women dont read since YA novels dont count.

>> No.17835489


>> No.17835510

This. Also, the explanation you’re looking for is capitalism, and books are no use when all you want is obedient workers and consumers

>> No.17835527
File: 9 KB, 283x178, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ding* *ding*

>> No.17835531

This. Also, the explanation you're looking for is socialism, and books are no use when all you want is obedient workers and conformist ideologues

>> No.17835534

What about self-help books, they're selling quite well I believe.

>> No.17835543

This. Also, the explanation you're looking for is pheudalism, and books are no use when all you want is obedient peasants and church goers.

>> No.17835551

phew, lad

>> No.17835556


>> No.17835561

Literally this >>17835510

>> No.17835562

Self-help books almost invariably blame you for your plight, and never anything outside of you, such as the systems of power. Also, the very genre of self-help is aimed at trying to change the lives of people, without ever addressing or questioning the basic assumptions that someone holds, such as ‘is a life of working, consuming, reproducing and finally dying even worthy to adapt to’?

>> No.17835640
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>Hey anon, I heard you're a big lover of books. Could you recommend me something good?

>> No.17835657
File: 610 KB, 640x505, arthoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, I heard you're into Philosophy and Literature, wanna join my reading group? We do book discussions every Wednesday after school :3.

>> No.17835666

>Reccomend her some Nietzsche and act surprised when she tells you it was too difficult for her

>> No.17835667

God I'm so horny and lonely

>> No.17835835

yeah sure is your boyfriend gonna be there dude and I get along so well

>> No.17835867

Idk I need more at hoes in my life tho

>> No.17835869

Oh, god, she's beautiful.

>> No.17835870

what a cute little twink boy

>> No.17835871

i want that stank ass pussy in my mouth

>> No.17835914

Anna is a whore

>> No.17835937

Purebred white trash.

>> No.17835951

>implying white trash isn't the best fuck you'll ever have

>> No.17835976

I'm too old to care about the best fuck.
The lack of worthwhile individuals especially amongst the females of our age is an existential threat to civilization.

>> No.17835991

I need more art hoes in my life

>> No.17836016

Delete this thread OP, your question has been answered.

>> No.17836045

Post more FUCKIN hoes

>> No.17836051

Lurking for this

>> No.17836229
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>Uhm hey anon, that's not a very nice word to describe women xoxo.

>> No.17836348

It's ok, anon. If we improve ourselves enough, we can find a good wife someday. Keep reading, keep working out, maybe learn an instrument if you don't already know one. They are hard to find but good women do exist.

>> No.17836377

This. Also, the explanation you're looking for is slave society, and books are no use when all you want is city state peasants and slaves.

>> No.17836394

These days, even the good wife material already got gangbanged on MDMA college party

>> No.17836395

Who is the cute girl, OP?

>> No.17836416

They probably are about to go extinct then. I've not yet met a female of my generation even remotely as worthy as traditional women of my parents' generation.
Women around 30, my age, are not just not worth it. They don't cook, don't housekeep, don't stop worshipping their vagina and don't retain any traditional values, thus are not worth the trouble of marrying them.
Suffering their disgusting existence just to get kids won't work either because they'll either produce shit kids, or fuck their character up with neo age globohomo poison.

>> No.17836442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17836453
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>> No.17836462

slim pickings for you anon if you're aiming for that range, the good ones have been picked out already. go younger, make use of your worldly older male benefits

>> No.17836463


>> No.17836468


>> No.17836469

Best look 1
Best taste 8
Worst everything 6


>> No.17836472

let's go

>> No.17836479

such normie tastes

>> No.17836484

2 is a good balance.

>> No.17836487


>> No.17836518

It's a safe-space (i.e. YA Fiction) shitshow. Ogi Ogas' A Billon Wicked Thoughts (2011) pop premise would suggest an element of desire for omnicompetence + idiosyncrasies enough to distinguish the "male' without altering some sort of associative prestige. In the YA milieu, women write for women (and the ovary adjacent).

>> No.17836556

That's not really true. Both young men and young women are having less sex. Don't let the media's depiction of female sexuality or the paranoia of the blackpilled make you lose hope.

If you're already 30, I can see how that may be a problem. I assume everyone I'm talking to here is like 18-25. You could always try to find a younger woman but the age gap might make things a bit weird. Also, they won't fuck up your kids with globohomo nonsense if you just make them trad. Most women adopt the belief system of their boyfriend or husband.

>> No.17836561

i guess i have to

>> No.17836562

He' identifies as a boy.

>> No.17836566

...Because men and women are different?

>> No.17836572

Wow I haven’t seen this girl in a while. She used to run this site around 2016-2017.

This woman on the other hand looks like the kid from Stranger Things

>> No.17836579

please dont say that.

>> No.17836585

who is she and what happened to her?

>> No.17836595

I'm not parroting adapted media narratives but what I've experienced myself. Catholic girls, shy library girls, that girl who only ever had one bf - all fucked like porn pigs while snorting coke when they had the opportunity. Even got my own dick wet on occassion. Millennial/zoomer women disgust me so much I've later chosen the volcel route.

>> No.17836596

rolling for Zoey

>> No.17836607

Ok but do you know their name?

>> No.17836626

I'm sorry to hear that's been your experience. I hope you find someone worth marrying someday but if you're already 30, that may be difficult. One of these days, maybe when our great grandchildren are our age, this period of degeneracy will be over.

>> No.17836634

Fuck you bitch

>> No.17836639

I'm the other poster and 31, thank you for your kind words but I'm just fine without women. Have enough dirty memories to die with.

>> No.17836642

would fuck 1 5 6 7 and 0, 50% change plz

>> No.17836648
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This look familiar?

>> No.17836647

why do you think they are like that, anon? what makes them that way? my best guess is that it's our culture glorifying promiscuity. some people say it's just the nature of women but throughout much of history women have been the less promiscuous sex so I don't think that's the case.

>> No.17836650

By the time your grandchildren reach adolescence, there won't be any "women" (bigot).

>> No.17836656


>> No.17836672

Female sexuality was always strictly controlled across all cultures all across the globe, this has only gradually been changing in the West since late 1960s' and look where we are today. Unfortunately, the female sex drive is inherently promiscuous but that doesn't mean it has to be tolerated. There's a clear social/political agenda behind current dating culture.

>> No.17836677 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, its that obnoxious retard from infowars

>> No.17836688


>> No.17836694


>> No.17836696
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Having a short haircut doesn't mean she's a man but judging by her presence at an anti-Trump rally, I worry that you aren't just messing with us. I mean, I hate Trump too but my problem with him is that he isn't a fascist. Oh, please don't tell me she's on hormones. What the fuck is wrong with our society? Every single time I see shit like this I just can't undestand how we let this happen. What can be done to reverse it? I don't want to live in this hellish clownworld anymore.

>> No.17836730

Young men want to know more about themselves, and about the world, and their place within it, and they read works about these things. Young women only want to see themselves or their material desires reflected in a work - a mirror, rather than an x-ray.

>> No.17836776

gimme a charlotte or emma

>> No.17836799

zoey and emma have good taste

>> No.17836817

>since YA novels dont count.
why not?

>> No.17836830
File: 1.11 MB, 900x1167, ifonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit makes me so fucking sad. I know it's possible she just has a short haircut and isn't trans like another anon said but even if she isn't trans, she still almost certainly embraces a bunch of other degeneracy based off her presence at this protest. I have to stop coming to this board. I should quit using the internet in general. It's best to look away. If I'm powerless to do anything about this disaster of a society we live in, what's the point of learning new of new reasons to hate the present age? I'm not some sort of Petersonian individualist but unless you are willing to commit your life to a movement, you might as well just focus on improving yourself. Go to the gym, read, try to find a decent job, get married, and have a big family. Not everyone can be saved but a few can.

The future belongs to those who show up. Bugmen don't have kids.

>> No.17836848


>> No.17836859

That's like saying you enjoy film because you watch Nickelodeon

>> No.17836865

My gf read Grass when she was 12 and Dosto at 14, even earlier than I did

For context, that is when you subhumans were dressing in hot topic, eating nuggies and watching gay ass cartoons.

You only have yourself to blame for attracting low intelligence, low drive females.

>> No.17836886

She still dreams about the guy who took her virginity at 13 while you're simping for her on Indonesian incel forum.

>> No.17836914

August West. I need to leave this site, no one here even recognizes this bitch from two years ago. How am I the one still here

>> No.17836923

Only the best. It's amazing that some ppo never knew good whitetrash folk

>> No.17836935

Can someone please answers OP's goddamn question, I want to know as well

>> No.17836949

What happened to her? Is she really trans? I was here 2 years ago (and before that) but I don't remember seeing the posts about her. Maybe it was when I was going through a period of spending less time on 4chan.

>> No.17836953
File: 20 KB, 353x400, 3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism wants retarded workers unable to think and do complex tasks

>> No.17836973

I am sorry to brake it to you, but the vast majority of your suffering comes from you.
Unless you are a prisoner of war rotting away in a dark cell somewhere, you have the means to make your life bearable, if not enjoyable.

>> No.17837008

Femanaons post pooper

>> No.17837020

Post pp first

>> No.17837042

Is that really your best cope? This thread is about how men don't read, not about your deviant fantasies.

My mom is well-read, too, btw, even though she was discouraged from it because 'women aren't supposed to read'. So is my grandma.

Smart, well read women DO exist, they just never want to talk to you or humble you or even notice you, because they can instinctively tell you're a bottom-feeder who is not worth any time. You do know this deep down, which is why you're full of resentment and self hatred.

>> No.17837050

Imagine seething so hard you bring your own mother and grandmother into discussion when your gf is exposed as a whore.

Anon's losing it!

>> No.17837058

This is obviously true. Have you ever held a job, nigger? The majority of bullshit jobs could be done by trained monkeys and go absolutely nowhere. Only the most privileged get a semblance of complex, creative or otherwise challenging jobs. The rest cleans toilets or works at sweatshops or drives more important people around town.

>> No.17837060
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>> No.17837064

In my experience women rarely ask themselves metaphysical questions, and find it hard to understand why or how men do.
Women can be incredibly knowledgeable and well read, but they will often read out of social obligation, or peer pressure.
Also, women will only read what they like to read, if they believe in feminism, they will drown themselves in feminist books because it makes them feel better about their beliefs, but they will very rarely question what they read or even read things opposed to their beliefs (which are often socially acquired and rarely the result of introspection and thought).

I would say women are much more socially inclined than men, they're not dumb, they can be very competent, they just lack the tools to question what is widely accepted around them.
There are, however, a few women capable of thinking like men (i've met some) but they are rare.
One last thing, if 99.9% of women are incapable of what I described, 90% of men are too.

>> No.17837065
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>> No.17837069

And where is your mother right now, Anon? When was the last time you called her?

>> No.17837070


>> No.17837071

Capitalism offers monkey jobs to the monkeys and human jobs to the humans.

>> No.17837081

>implying we aren't laughing at your simp posts together

>> No.17837086

This is so hilariously cocked. The average first-worlder doesn't have an occupation comparable to sweat-shops.

>> No.17837157

Incredible smooth brained take.

Counterargument: I am a talentless, lazy looser and I have a good job that pays me way too much with great benefits even though I actually deserve a monkey job. I only got there because I'm privileged and got into a good school and was incredibly lucky in life.

Meanwhile more talented people are driving Uber to survive and feed themselves.

Have you ever worked in a restaurant, faggot? Ever done a 12 hour shift in a really hot kitchen even though you're terribly overworked?

Also, the majority of people aren't first worlders and the majority of jobs are indeed low paid unskilled labor. Most people don't live in Norway, they live in India, China and Indonesia.

>> No.17837165

That's wholesome. Is your mom well read?

>> No.17837175

does most of /lit/ live in moderately wealthy places like new york, boston, san fransisco? i'd beat most of you up if i saw you irl

>> No.17837178

Because women dumb

>> No.17837194
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>> No.17837219

I have, yes (Red Lobster x 2 months, no car, walking shift to shift). I also now make bank (medical field). School isn't difficult, everyone has access in the first-world. Your personal failings (imposter syndrome, etc) don't generalize. Why don't you do some actual traveling and build a better personality?

>> No.17837306

I'm from Detroit

>> No.17837319
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don't be silly. but can recognize her instead?

>> No.17837322


>> No.17838135


>> No.17838140

No, fuck off.

>> No.17838153

Lucky you!

>> No.17838185

roll for 6, azn cinema is superior

>> No.17838200

I never dressed in hot topic and I still eat tendies.

>> No.17838284

Found this site from the Gamestonk thing when 4chan was all over the news. Not going to know some ancient meme

>> No.17838345


>> No.17838646

French cinema is the best

>> No.17838676

People grow when they receive constructive criticism. Women receive praise for anything they do because the world is full of simps.

That's why women are bad at everything they do for a hobby.

>> No.17838750

We used to bully people like you on this website 15 years ago. Lurk moar. Now people aren't going to give a shit or just tell you to go back to r*ddit. We have lost all sense of culture. God I fucking hate it here.

>> No.17838817


>> No.17838882


>> No.17838975
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>I don't want to live in this hellish clownworld anymore
then leave

>> No.17838981

>young men
don't read
>young women
don't read

seem pretty similar to me

>> No.17838991

pump n dump

>> No.17838992

Why are you so upset about it? What matters is women's suitability for raising your children, ultimately. Do you think women in the past, in the days when women's sexuality was tightly regulated, loved their husbands? Please.

>> No.17838997

I'm pretty sure the tastes of young men and women that actually read is largely convergent.

>> No.17839012

oh, the gamestonks thing, wasn't that funny? xD

Now leave. Whore.

>> No.17839029

Emma best taste but least fuckable :( why can't we have nice things

>> No.17839034


>> No.17839048


>> No.17839050

my theory is that the things women read range from the absolute worst drivel to some pretty good literary fiction, whereas men just don't really read at all but the small percentage that do filter out the trash.

>> No.17839054

>whereas men just don't really read at all but the small percentage that do filter out the trash
Then who reads all those garbage military fictions?

>> No.17839067

Boomers and future chris kyles

>> No.17839070

>Smart, well read women DO exist
No, they don't.

>> No.17839083

ok you're right lets just say regardless they both read mostly trash but it seems the very small % of men are the ones concerned about gathering some sort of meaning from life, whether it be from philosophy or just a fictional book. It might all be cope but eh.

>> No.17839092

they do, their just as fucked mentally as their male counterparts who read Hegel.

>> No.17839118


>> No.17839161

Real talk.

I think there is a fundamental difference in literary aesthetics between men and women. Of course, I, being an egomaniac, consider my taste the best, and I believe that there is beauty in both female and male authors.

BUT, the most fundamental difference between the taste of literary men and women is that men can find beauty in things, clarity of purpose and a craft done well, while women find beauty in the relationships between characters. Consider Jane Austen. I like Jane Austen, I think she is a great writer. I just read Persuasion a few weeks ago and I found great pleasure in it. Women love Jane Austen, but most men struggle to find enjoyment in her. Now, consider Hemingway, very very few women “get” Hemingway. They call him plain, boring, inhuman. I think this is because he finds a great beauty and pleasure in the quality of objects, of the craft of things (I don’t mean the writing, but the craft of his characters, hunting, soldiering, fishing, these things described truly and plainly can be beautiful to a male reader) but women cannot understand the beauty of describing the manner in which a soldier cleans a gun or takes aim at a lion. Of course Hemingway does have a human side to his writing, The Sun Also Rises is very psychologically true, I admire it. Hemingway’s characters often exemplify a kind of courage and grace under pressure which is very human and admirable Women only find beauty in psychologically true depictions of human interactions, the precise and carefully calibrated conversations of a romantic duel, like between Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot in Austen’s Persuasion. They do not find much pleasure in the realism of objects, the precision of Flaubert or Tolstoy’s descriptions of peasants. There must be love, hate, human emotions.

Women often find Virginia Woolf very pleasing. I often find her prose fake and purple. “I looked into his eyes and his eyes were flowers and I was death and this was good.” Etc., etc., quite annoying to me. I never got how people enjoyed Woolf when Joyce did everything she tried to do before her and better. Perhaps someone else can swoop in and counter me.

Cheers, I’m drunk as fuck but I’m a PhD student and all I think about is literature so I hope this still contributes something worthwhile to the discussion. Would be curious to consider the authors that women almost always love, yet men don’t get, and vice versa. For men I think it’s Hemingway and Joyce. For women I think they love Austen and Woolf and maybe Iris Murdoch (although I kinda like Murdoch as well).

>> No.17839191

Wide faces & narrow eyes are indicative of a fast life history strategy in women; the laws of physiognomy are immutable

>> No.17839215


>> No.17839560

Thank you for the insightful post, anon.

>> No.17839613
File: 49 KB, 474x595, 1539494720624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw small penis
I will never get a arthoe GF...

>> No.17839622

that's a man

>> No.17839632

rolling :(

>> No.17839668


>> No.17839669

claire, chloe or zoey - gods be good to me

>> No.17839671

6 or 7 gets

>> No.17839674
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i'd rather be gay

>> No.17839699

you just got to show her you have good tastes anon

>> No.17839714

Based take, thanks anon

>> No.17839723
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FPBP strikes again

>> No.17839748

That won't solve anything. I want to fix it, not run away.

>> No.17839757

>women read harry potter, 50 shades of grey and ya

>men read history , philosophy , reference

>> No.17839793

HEre we go bitches

>> No.17839802

Your post makes you sad.

You’re not the only one

>males read Baldacci, Grisham, Clancy, Cussler.

We’re a pack of weirdos, anon.

>> No.17839811
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Women read this.

>> No.17839822
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>anon, please stop shilling your shitty book and come read coleridge to me

>> No.17839840
File: 298 KB, 385x506, still1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get away from John David Card, he's mine.

>> No.17839860

Nipples protruding. Disgusting.

>> No.17839868

Nipples protruding. Beautiful.

>> No.17839931

What makes someone get a tripcode? Why did you feel the need to do this? Is it the attention or what?

>> No.17839937

The attention from hordes of male internet trolls makes her vagina tingle

>> No.17839942

Isn't she a lesbian? I feel like that would make our attention less desirable.

>> No.17839960
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>Real Talk

most young men and young women don't read.

>> No.17839966

It's funny how much seethe she causes.

>> No.17839985

It's pretty obvious she is a repressed bisexual

>> No.17839998

men and women are different.
Why are you shocked?
serious question.

>> No.17840018


>> No.17840036

This cover looks like it smells.

>> No.17840043

Stop making it into a big deal.

I’m really not.

>> No.17840068

na he's gay

>> No.17840076


>> No.17840092

I'm genuinely curious as to why you use a trip.

>> No.17840112
File: 113 KB, 540x575, 0F947043-EA09-411D-84A8-094120BD0809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One uses a trip to keep others from impersonating them.

>> No.17840168

hey Arthoe your childlike painting of a magickal spirit Negro is very uplifting? Who did you use for a model? I've never once seen you interact with a negress IRL.

>> No.17840183

but we are anonymous...how could someone impersonate you? its not like youre a public figure.

>> No.17840492

Because women are fucking retarded

>> No.17840610

How do I get an arthoe gf lads

>> No.17840616

uh, based?

>> No.17840623


>> No.17840888


>> No.17840935


>> No.17841068

I'm not rolling because it's against the rules.
That's what I say so the jannies don't hurt me

>> No.17841086

I ship Butterfly with the chick shilling People Mover

>> No.17841091


>> No.17841104

Fuck off

>> No.17841111 [DELETED] 
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Unf, really.

>> No.17841134


>> No.17841136

is it really against the rules? i didnt know that. it probably should be though. why did i even roll? whats the point? i just wish i had a gf

>> No.17841162

They’ll ban anyone for anything anytime they feel like it.
I post a perfectly clothed woman and get banned. A thread OP with some sick guro porn stays up past 300 posts

>> No.17841172

I think you are technically only allowed to roll on /b/, but I'm not 100% certain on that. I know for a fact though I've been banned on /tv/ for participating with roll posts.

>> No.17841173

Stop posting this fag

>> No.17841212

I think it's a lovely sentiment.
In fact, if you buy all three John David Card books, (and post proof) I might want to post another pic.

>> No.17841218
File: 513 KB, 413x829, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach pic

>> No.17841223

Women will read whatever their crush/boyfriend reads

>> No.17841244

Solid bait. Believable, because I don't doubt gamestop brought a shit tonne of traffic to 4chan, but no one out's themselves as a newfaggot.

>> No.17841251

How does it feel to have testosterone levels in the 100-200ng/dl range?

>> No.17841262

stop posting fag.

>> No.17841269

when did Literature become Robot9001

>> No.17841272

Who is she?

>> No.17841343

No bitch, I'm reading call of the crocodile

>> No.17841356


>> No.17841359

It's a man

>> No.17841504

1,2, and 7. Those are best.

>> No.17841576

It doesn't matter that you did something or when you did something, but what you do with it. I had to learn this myself.

>> No.17841595

>She still dreams about the guy who took her virginity at 13
This is true tho. A lot of women keep for life some sort of actraction/preference to the guys who took their virginity, even if they eventually settled with someone else

>> No.17841704

>why do the literary tastes of two sets of people who spend their entire existence being treated differently even if they act the same way and have different expectations put upon them different
gee no fucking idea?

>> No.17841707

Because it is in the ruling classes' interests to limit the rate of population expansion.

Simple as.

>> No.17841832

He's a retarded psycho that's why
Yup that's what I'm talking about, why THE FUCK would anyone want to ""impersonate"" you

>> No.17841985

Secular young women these days are so satisfied that they fail to become real people. Hence their persistent love of YA nonsense.

>> No.17842011

Are you implying that teenage church girls are reading Kierkegaard instead of sucking off their classmates? Anon...

>> No.17842021


>> No.17842032

Btfo here becuasease im a entp

>> No.17842036


Damn, my social class isn't high enough to meet any arthoes. I'm at uni and I never see any on campus. Would I have to make be to a big city? My uni isn't prestigious btw

>> No.17842041
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>> No.17842055

You aren't missing out Anon, arthoes are just regular hoes who aren't pretty enough for the hot chick role so they put on an artsy costume and look up entry level intellectual cinema and literature on wiki. They're shallow, vain, selfish and whorish. If you fall for one of those, you'll end up hurt badly.

>> No.17842078


I guess it's just odd that I don't even see the niche being filled in my current millieu. Seems like these women come from upper class, educated parents where reading Joyce and DFW is socially fashionable or something and try to clumsily mimic an interest in things like that. Being openly into literature is seen as socially weird to most people

>> No.17842095

>Seems like these women come from upper class
Yeah that's correct in most cases.

>> No.17842104


>> No.17842106

Depends entirely on the church.

>> No.17842118

Why do I always get this stupid slut. Anyone wants to exchange?

>> No.17842123

When someone offers a criticism of capitalism it would behoove the right-winger to think of the podliving consoomer bugman on HRT, and the structures that enables him, in order to take the point to heart. It will allow you to circumvent your kneejerk associations.

>> No.17842134

>Is it the attention or what?
does this really need to be answered?

>> No.17842139

Post the /lit/ one?

>> No.17842147

This is only a problem if you use a name/trip in the first place. People cannot reliably impersonate Anonymous. In addition, you also avatarfag - completely laughable how you try to divert the attention on your need to be an internet celebrity.

>> No.17842201

the trip is shared you fucking mong it gets given out and leaked on ocassion

>> No.17842215


>> No.17842230

im lonely

>> No.17842384

Because Men wants Woman and Woman wants Men.
Due to a difference in their role models and the biological urge, to either be chased or to chase, men and women differ.
Stories that men like are usually a yearning to chase something, whatever it is.
Stories that women like are usually a yearning to be chased by something, whatever it is.
Both themes have the capacity to be blindingly beautiful and both can be relatable to both genders at different levels because all human beings are different ratios of feminine and masculine.

>> No.17842633
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>> No.17842660

nobody recognizes your dick size on first glance. that can't be the reason anon.

>> No.17842670


>> No.17842734

If I don't get 3, 7, or 9 I'm an heroing myself.

>> No.17842743


>> No.17842755

of course they can

>> No.17842764

posts like this make this board shittier day by day
I still roll tho

>> No.17842765

>when all you want is obedient workers and conformist ideologues
You know that there exist libertarian version of Marxism? In this case, the "revolution" is the prolariat, abolishing his shackles, wage labor.
Anyone who isn't in favor of the proletariat abolishing it's proletarian condition, is simply someone wanting the status quo, and want to reform the Capital, again and again, with Swatiskas, with sickle and hammer, with a King or a new republic, whatever. All this doesn't change the social relation. Only the proletariat, abolishing himself it's own proletarian condition, is changing the social relation.

>> No.17842793

Why the F U C K would any want to impersonate Anonymous?
It’s for trolling. The whole site is for trolling.
The problem is your ill behavior, cocksucker pedophile. I’m not a celebrity, I’m anonymous and honest.
Imbecile with a thousand brains. It’s just a password. I could get another. Who cares? YOU ALL CARES. shut up.

>> No.17842912


>> No.17843011

sorry to hear bud :(

>> No.17843044

No, I wanna play pokemon.

>> No.17843130

>I’m anonymous and honest.
How many hoops did you have to jump through to get to that conclusion? Please just fucking off yourself already, you're tainting an already abysmal board with your half-baked substanceless sardonic one-liners befitting a toad with half a brain.

>> No.17843141

Hey leave butterfly alone I've simped for my potential mother for three years and she's a decent woman

>> No.17843144

Shots fired

>> No.17843159

It's incredible how much the board would improve if mods just fucking banned the avatarfagging namefag retard.

>> No.17843174

I'm starting to believe in cyclical events now

>> No.17843218

Based. Thank you very much anon! Women value relationships, men value objects.

Women are interested in people, men are interested in things, that's why there are more male engineers than female engineers, and more female nurses than male nurses.

>> No.17843378


>> No.17843405

You get younger with age. I'm drooling. I should get busy or I'll just keep simping harder

>> No.17843430


>> No.17843469

Also, people that are rolling, I must make the disclaimer that art hoes are absolutely insufferable more than half the time and that if you have any particular opinion that's in direct conflict with theirs it's actually going to be a problem and an "agree to disagree" scenario won't be possible.

>> No.17843561

Because books are effectively clothing now. Why do men and women wear different clothes? Not sure exactly, but probably some sort sexual strategy thing.

>> No.17843742


>> No.17843748

Claire FUCKs lmao

>> No.17843765
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don’t care didn't ask plus you're white

>> No.17843785
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They are non-binary. Pronouns are on their twitter

>> No.17843842

heather, luna, and emma (in that order) are objectively the best gets if you care about both sex and conversation

>> No.17843868
File: 33 KB, 318x640, 450b74b28e9c8ed78c157d3ef09a74aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHERE IS my fucking
ART HOE these fucks aren't watching fuking anything good, goddamn IT

not even fucking HOLLIS FRAMPTOM

>> No.17843931

Chloe or jessica pls

>> No.17843949

she's a tranny now, I hope she doesn't kill herself

>> No.17843959

this is what happens when a girl reads too much nietzsche

>> No.17843972

its a bronze buddha retard

>> No.17844021
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>> No.17844036

Love this arthoe. Best video is her laughing at and being disgusted by incels:

>> No.17844050

Nietzsche would not approve of this madness.

>> No.17844111

>They are non-binary.
*she is bored of sex and stopped shaving

>> No.17844118

she said she got raped and betrayed by friends, soon after she became a tranny and started taking hormones

>> No.17844147

im sorry she got raped
but doesnt contradict me

>> No.17844170

she didn't get bored, she got traumatized. she didn't just stop shaving, she is taking hormones.

>> No.17844182


>> No.17844209


>> No.17844218

read it on her twitter, it's gone now probably

>> No.17844222

The world is being fixed, and you are living in the past. You are the problem that needs solving.

>> No.17844272


>> No.17844340

prayin for 3


>> No.17844676


>> No.17844699


>> No.17844706

you sound 14

>> No.17844726

char pls

>> No.17844735


>> No.17844751

Based and blackpilled

>> No.17844872

can you lefties speak in something else than gibbers holy shit get laid you virgin

>> No.17844891

derailed thread

>> No.17844977


>> No.17844998

Fuck off you retarded Marxist. Do you really think that the workers on Stalin's collective farms were reading Lermontov in between grain reaps? Fucking faggot.

>> No.17845361


>> No.17845374


>> No.17845379

I'll be the Kang

>> No.17845878

Sorry I can't I have a guild war

>> No.17846072


>> No.17847490


>> No.17847552
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>> No.17847555


>> No.17847632

The world is only being in the fixed in the sense that most progressives have fewer children than nationalists and traditionalists. Over the course of the new few generations, we will outbreed those of you who think we are living in the past. Revenge of the cradle.

>> No.17847693


That is if nationalists and traditionalists can actually raise their children to accept their own ideals. So far, said children have just been indoctrinated by progressive institutions, ruining the "revenge of the cradle". Really, that'll only work once society fucking collapses, and those progressive institutions no longer exist to indoctrinate others. And don't go and say homeschooling or private schooling will work, because progressivism has entrenched itself too much in society for that alone to work.

>> No.17847728
File: 887 KB, 563x826, 71E9AA10-D308-41B1-A8BB-BDCE8C29ED9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing in flannel does not make one “trans” you tards

>> No.17847733

Political views are more heritable than a lot of people realize. It's possible to counter this with inescapable indoctrination but good parenting should prepare the children for a world that is sick and provide them with what they need to understand how to defend themselves against its poisons.


>> No.17847823

Yet that kind of engaged parenting is near impossible unless you have a decent job, and even then you would have to settle on a lot of things. One major reason society is fucked is because of out materialist mindset; to provide your kids a middle class upbringing life today, the goal of every parent today, both parents need to work *at least* 40 hours a week at your average job, so parents don't give the time of day to teach their kids jack shit, or at least everything they need. Because of that, children learn more from out schools about all that than their own parents, and it all spirals downwards once Gender-Studies and that kind of shit seeps in. Parents need to stop giving such a shit about things and care about their children; preparing your child is much more important than being able to afford shiny toys & paying for college.

>> No.17847843

As a start, you could stop calling dimwit moralists "Progressives". This concedes "Progress = mass migration of 80IQ welfare claimants, fat black women in the infantry, children on puberty blockers, etc." which is obviously false.

>> No.17847888

Don't forget pregnant women in fighter jets! At this point, I keep calling them that as an insult; sure they're "progressing", moving forward, but toward what? They don't know when to stop, so they keep on pushing "progress" wherever idealistic concepts like equity, equality, justice or whatever bullshit buzzword they like leads them, damn the consequences. They need to learn to not replace or reform shit that actually kept humanity going, like the family unit, to not progress out culture any further than what is rational and reasonable.

>> No.17848010

Back in the early 1900s progressives were in favor of prohibition, helping workers, restricting immigration, and eugenics. Many were Anglo-Saxon supremacists. What happened?

>> No.17848026

pls Give me a Chloe

>> No.17848027

Moral shift in reaction to WW2. The most odious elements of contemporary leftism existed in embryonic form at that time, though.

>> No.17848029

>What happened?
Progress :)

>> No.17848050

So what about the moral shift in reaction to WW1? Very weak explanation you're making.

>> No.17848064

I don't think it's that weak. All contemporary left-moralism is at its core a reaction to National Socialism, as I see it.

>> No.17848092


>> No.17848101

Religious Decline in the West really picked up in reaction to WW1, in Europe at least (The United States held out longer). Not sure about the specifics, but I think it was disillusionment with Religion over the cruel reality of war thanks to photography and such. As society turned away from religion, they tuned towards ideology to fill the void, political most often. It's how we to some of the most cancerous ideologies back then and today; trying to replace the Religious moral compass with a political ideology that almost aligns with it, or replace it if they think an alternative is better.

>> No.17848115

Actually I do agree with that, and also mostly true for what remains of the establishment 'right'.
That could be the thesis of a book desu, good points

>> No.17848117

>As society turned away from religion, they tuned towards ideology to fill the void, political most often.
In the US for example it's hardly a coincidence that political rallies bear a great deal of resemblance to tent revivals.

>> No.17848153

here again

>Actually I do agree with that, and also mostly true for what remains of the establishment 'right'.
Take "the right" right around the end of WW2 and cut out everything that could be considered "Nazish" at that time. Now consider that "Nazism" becomes an evolving category that comes to encompass any form of "victimization" based on innate characteristics. Repeated application of this principle gives you the contemporary right. In 1990 or so it would have been acceptable to consider something like "transexuality" as foolish or harmful. Now it must be celebrated, because we are to see the Jew on the road to Auschwitz in them, as with other victim categories.

I think religious decline probably started earlier than WW1 though, probably around the mid-late 1800s with the development of the railroad really. Once people stopped living in "traditional societies" where church was one's only social outlet, lukewarm believers tended to fall away.

>> No.17848155


>> No.17848163


>> No.17848199

>probably around the mid-late 1800s
Earlier, just look at the French Revolution. Currently reading Guenon and he would be SPERGING on you right now.

>> No.17848210

Hence "picked up". I won't be so bold to say that WW1 is *the* reason religion declined in the West, and I really like your observation, but I think the devastation of war really accelerated the decline if it was a trend beforehand. The US wasn't affected as soon because the Wars weren't on their soil; God bless America, our peaceful land and all that...

>> No.17848234

end my suffering

>> No.17848249

Meh, I don't think Traditionalist historiography is too useful for explaining religious decline. I haven't read Guenon, but I've usually viewed these types of historiographies as being of the form "Alas, idea I_n begat I_(n+1) begat (...) the modern world. And that's a bad thing." Of course you can always go one Idea backwards and accuse it of being the cause of decline.

As I see it, Ideas don't ascend or decline on their merits or their demerits, but because of the desire of the elite in a society to enforce them. The 20th Century seems to have proven this fairly conclusively.

>Send your neighbors to a gas chamber.
Ok, whatever the Fuhrer tells me.
>Start a people's war against sparrow wreckers! You've got it Chairman, whatever you say.
>Kill everyone with glasses.
Whatever Brother Number One says.

I'm being a bit facetious here but I think it's essentially accurate. Maybe this isn't really what Guenon argues and I'm just criticizing Inverse Whig Historiography. At any rate, people were easily induced to believing in foolish political ideologies which are on worse footing than any major religion - and American social justice is on even worse footing! This is why I've largely chalked religious decline up to lack of ability/desire to enforce it on the masses, who are largely lukewarm in belief in anything and highly suggestible.

>> No.17848705


>> No.17848834


>> No.17849043

Good post.

>> No.17849619


Embarrassing really.