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/lit/ - Literature

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17835239 No.17835239 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /lit/ tv show?

>> No.17835270


>> No.17835339

Obviously mad men and sopranos if you say anything else you're a dumb as dog shit normie simpleton who probably enjoys capeshit as well

>> No.17835359

Nothing's more embarrassing than losers living vicariously though big tough cool guys. Without ever meeting you I already know that you're an insecure dweeb that looks like shit in a suit.

>> No.17835362

Deadwood has cool dialogue

>> No.17835371
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Brideshead Revisited

>> No.17835378

Gilmore Girls and it’s not even close.

>> No.17835394

kek seethe harder because I shat on your favorite tv show the fact that both leads of the shows I mentioned are incredibly insecure and flawed individuals kinda debunks your point

>> No.17835398

the prisoner

>> No.17835400

One that's at least based on literature, I'd imagine

>he thinks that normies don't watch Mad Men and The Sopranos
>he thinks that watching arguably the most popular TV shows of their respective eras is a niche hobby

>> No.17835406

Mad men is indeed a good lit show. Full of smut and its audience is vaginas and beta males dreaming of being selected for casual sex.

I wonder why girls love soap operas so much.

>> No.17835412

normies these days prefer breaking bad

>> No.17835420

The Singing Detective.

>> No.17835424

mad men wasn't that popular, it's average viewer age was like 65+

>> No.17835428


>> No.17835433

it seems so intense to me. I don't want to live at that high of an energy level desu

the obvious and probably right answer is Twin Peaks. it's a little predictable though, not the show but the answer. Honorable mention is the Danish horror series Riget and the swedish morbid comedy 4 Shades of Brown. Very warmly recommend both of them

>> No.17835449

They're all part of the same sphere - The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad.

The Sopranos and Breaking Bad are good shows of course, but let's not pretend that sitting down in front of a TV screen to consume media which is referenced in Family Guy is something which distinguishes its viewers from "the normies".

>> No.17835744

Seconding these

>> No.17835749

Sopranos is absolute garbage.

>> No.17835753

The Wire.

>> No.17835758

Breaking Bad. I don´t care if its worshipped by normies, that show is a 10/10

>> No.17835767

None. TV shows are absolutely midwit media, even anime is more respectable.

>> No.17835813

Wolf Hall

>> No.17835815

Obviously Californication. Midwit pseudery at its finest.


>> No.17835821

Mad men is over rated and I don't see how it's lit. It's fa for sure, but lit? Idk I've only seen like one season tho

>> No.17835853
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The Prisoner is fantastic, I wish more people outside the UK knew about it.

>> No.17835880

They're not "midwit" media they're low brow media.
Now if you think that "back in the old days" cultured folk didn't engage in low brow media you are very mistaken
It's a tragedy but believe it or not we live in such a terrifying horrific time that low brow, stupid escapism might be necessary if you don't want to kill yourself while engaging with the other during such terrible times

>> No.17835891

Don't do this to me. Don't make me engage with "the golden era of television" again

>> No.17835912

Watched it last year. I mean I get it. It very well made and it is a great character study as well as a study of a whole us city. But it does not feel like this is the best shit ever written for this fucking box of television. Soulless and boring too. I mean if this is the best, then watching tv shows should be extremely useless, unless it is for pure fun

>> No.17836053

Breaking bad sucks cock. It's capeshit, not lit

>> No.17836058


>> No.17836093
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Firing Line.

>> No.17836102

TV shows all suck and drain your life, watch anime instead

>> No.17836113

TV is not /lit/ and cannot be /lit/. It is the antithesis of /lit/.

>> No.17836144

Don't forget about the Dick Cavett show.


>> No.17836146

Sopgunanos and Wire apply

>> No.17836153


First season is the worst one. It really only gets better and better.

>> No.17836185

Why aren't writer feuds as kino as Vidal-Mailer anymore?

>> No.17836256

Agreed, it is actually sublime and normies like it - rare combo.

>> No.17836369

First season is the best season..

>> No.17836389

Do it

>> No.17836420
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Why are western television shows so inferior to those of the East? Legitimately, the shlock that midwits love to suggest (Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Sopranos) don't even scratch the surface of the depth and poetry inherent in shows like Evangelion and Hunter x Hunter, to say nothing of actually refined works like Shingeki no Kyojin and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

>> No.17836437
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Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.17836531

Breaking bad is the atheist male equivalent of mad men. A beta cuck realizing his power fantasy. Lol.

>> No.17836540

>TV and books in the mass entertainment of the secular democracy are completely different, because... THEY JUST ARE OKAY!!!!!11


>> No.17836554


>> No.17836583
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True detective season 1 is the best piece of television ever made.
Kino atmosphere, chad philosophy, superb acting.
Also called out pizzagate before its time.

>> No.17836617
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>refined works like Shingeki no Kyojin

>> No.17836742

Slings and Arrows

>> No.17836805

came here to post this

>> No.17836847


I disagree.
Pedos and Nazies are the weakest villains a screenwriter or writer in general could choose in this day and age. They are so universally socially condemned that is like shooting a fish in a barrel.

>> No.17836871

The show is for NPCs

>> No.17836888

The girls are really good looking though.

>> No.17836891

Anyone who rates Breaking Bad over Sopranos is a huge pleb.

>> No.17836985

Very nice choice, and comfy to the max

>> No.17837195

three kingdoms once it gets past the setup

>> No.17837236

>four shades of brown
is the movie or the series better?

>> No.17837248

if I'm not interested by the first ten episodes of Monster, will I ever enjoy anime?

>> No.17837263

>even anime is more respectable
Absolutely not.

>> No.17837267

yes, but monster and logh are the best that anime has to offer.

>> No.17837268
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>> No.17837282

Doesn't seem to be so condemned when the elites are doing it. Google "Dutroux affair" and Jeffery Epstein.
I think a brilliant piece of art should portray and challenge the zeitgeist and TDS1 does it perfectly. (or atleast better than any other tv show I've watched)

>> No.17837309

does Monster get that much better?

>> No.17837317

Mad Men

>> No.17837365

what i say is that those villains are sauron tier in shows that sell themself overall as "study of characters".

>> No.17837379

Wonderful choice, Number Six.

>> No.17837399
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BBC version of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is quite good; the follow up (Smiley's People) is good too but not as good as TTSS.

>> No.17837426

based weebtard

>> No.17837431

/lit and /tv/ are mutually incompatible and if you disagree you simply don't read very much.

>> No.17837442

i will accept /tv/ conditionally if it strictly excludes /v/

>> No.17837444
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>Number Six
I will not be quoted, screencapped, stickied, reported, banned, unbanned, or numbered. My posts are my own.

>> No.17837475

/tv/ does a better job of gatekeeping /v/ than /lit/ does. We all need to learn from /a/ the most though.

>> No.17837491
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>> No.17837509
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I love Mad Men and consider it a /lit/ television show, but assuming a /lit/ status just because a character is shown reading literature is a very pseudy thing to do.

>> No.17837545

>but assuming a /lit/ status just because a character is shown reading literature is a very pseudy thing to do.

OP did the same thing

>> No.17837558
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Wishbone, of course.

>> No.17837582

That scraped knee makes my soul sing

>> No.17837611

I don't see how they are sauron tier when they are:
1) Based on actual existing elite pedos
2) Philosophically sound
This is a very good video analysis if you are interested.

>> No.17837728

>a brilliant piece of art should portray and challenge the zeitgeist and TDS1 does it perfectly.
it's just a retread of 80s satanic panic shit. there was nothing cutting edge about it, it could have easily been an episode of millennium or something (remember that one, with lance henrkisen? very similar tone). you're obviously just championing it because it reinforces your preexisting beliefs in bill gates secretly raping toddlers during a black mass or whatever, not because of its value as "art".

>> No.17837778
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>> No.17837779

Only correct answer ITT

>> No.17837918
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I'm not an american , nor was I alive in the 80s to have experienced the satanic panic shit.
Also I wasn't into conspiracy theories then, so the show was a novelty to me. The only preexisting belief was a pessimistic philosophy. I highly doubt that the shit you'd be championing, would be from a purely objective observation.

>> No.17837936

Peaky Blinders

>> No.17837962
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L'Héritage de la chouette by Chris Marker

>> No.17837977

And anyone who utters the word pleb is a huge retard

>> No.17837988

>midwit media
So if half the media that there is is midwit, what isn't? Are you really calling books media? Because I assume you think the same about movies as you do about tv shows

>> No.17838010

Same. I don't regret putting it off for years, the first 3 seasons are very good, and the school parts of season 4 are also awesome, but season 5 is literally unwatchable. It's all just dialogue, people call you filtered for not liking the wire, as if there's anything to like and we're missing it lol there ain't shit, the show sucks and if you asked me why I think people like it so much is because of its realism

>> No.17838035
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>ctrl f
>no Twilight Zone
Faggots and zoomers, all of you. Watch time enough at last, it's about a guy who's a compulsive reader. One day he's reading during lunch and an atomic bomb falls on the US. He survives. Another cool one is To Serve Men - about an alien race who comes to Earth and solve all of our problems.

>> No.17838036 [DELETED] 

Being based on actual existing X doesn't need be well rounded.

read and confront:
Mazzarò in "Property" by Giovanni Verga
Plyushkin chapter in "Dead Souls" by Gogol

>> No.17838056

west wing unironically

>> No.17838062

Being based on actual existing X doesn't need be well rounded.

read and compare:
Mazzarò in "Property" by Giovanni Verga
Plyushkin chapter in "Dead Souls" by Gogol

>> No.17838095

>I'm not an american , nor was I alive in the 80s to have experienced the satanic panic shit.
so your judgement of the show as "perfectly expressing and challenging the zeitgeist" comes from a place of ignorance about the subject matter.

>> No.17838124
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>not Reading Rainbow

>> No.17838243

I was Charles Ryder, but I chose my counterpart poorly.

>> No.17838257

Heimat - Eine deutsche Chronik

>> No.17838263

Peaky Blinders is fucking awful, everything that happens is an excuse for the guys to walk in slow motion with cigarettes in their mouths and look badass

>> No.17838282

You apparently have poor reading comprehension friend. Not what I'm talking about, nor do I believe in such a thing

>> No.17838411
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Babylon 5

>Soulless and boring too.
No, you didn't get it.

>> No.17838426

The compulsive reader is one of the weakest episodes in the first season, at least pick the one in which soldiers start to disappear, the author who wrote himself a wife and a lover, and wrote Sterling out of the show, the one with Aliens on Maple Street, the one with the nazi captain stuck in a nightmarish loop.

>> No.17839000


>> No.17839030

nice bait

>> No.17839058
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Is this even a discussion?

>> No.17839069


Fucking plebs

>> No.17839080

Force you to be engaged.
Completely passive.

If you can't see the difference then you're a midwit.

>> No.17839088
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The only way a tv show can be /lit/ is if its an adaption of a book.

>> No.17839101

>text and images are the same thing

You read hieroglyphics nigga?

>> No.17839111


>> No.17839117
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>> No.17839299

Absolutely based. I need to rewatch it now.

Season 2 was okay but Season 3 was a pile of garbage.

>> No.17839317

What pokemon movie is this?

>> No.17839322

Gay pop-culture threads are the absolute worst off-topic shit

>> No.17839334


>> No.17839359

Nah. Thinly disguised /pol/ threads are worse.

>> No.17839377

I disagree because those are very obviously off-topic and against the rules but it actually is possible that /lit/ can become an off-topic hangout for meming about pop-culture and millenial/zoomer problems like /tv/ did