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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 478x478, Voldemort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1783292 No.1783292 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering if the idea ever crossed the mind of a dark wizard to try hurling a horcrux into space. Can't destroy what you can't find.

>> No.1783302

I can't believe i'm tolerating this thread, but...

Isn't the point of magic that it's tied to the powers of nature in Earth?

>> No.1783304


I'm not really that much of an expert on the world of HP. So I can't confirm or deny that.

>> No.1783305

uh, no?

different fantasy milieu feature different magic systems, god damn son you're not even up to date on your cliches

>> No.1783307

This thread is going places.

>> No.1783315

I like where this thread is going.

>> No.1783318

Why didn't an eagle just drop the horcrux into a volcano?

>> No.1783319
File: 387 KB, 550x718, alumni_og1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yfw undead mages that hide their souls in small objects so as to cheat death were invented by D&D writers thirty years ago
> yfw it's a Phylactery, not a Horcrux
> yfw Vecna the Lich Lord hid his on the astral fucking plane fuck yeah nigger

>> No.1783322

OK. If I understand your response, I'm wrong because someone's made up fantasy book says otherwise.

Does this qualify as religious persecution?

>> No.1783326


like an express train

>> No.1783327

>Be a Dark Wizard with 7 horcruxes(that I know of)
>Teleport one to the center of the Earth
>Teleport one to the sun
>Teleport one in a blackhole
>Hurl two into space, in opposite directions
>Use a time turner to turn a one into a country's most valued heirloom in their past that no one would suspect to be a horcrux.
>have fakes of these 6, along with 1 real ones hidden somewhere on Earth(most trusted servant would carry one of the fakes), the real one would be in some old lady's house.

Have fun, Mr. Potter.

>> No.1783329

I don't see why wizards cant fly into space.. im sure there is some spell to give them an astronaut suit and they can already fly.. even if they dont have a spell for the suit.. id just get one and then ride my broom to the moon.. haha

>> No.1783333


It's more of a *very* long search. The Universe is ridiculously huge.

>> No.1783339

thank rowling he didn't because the last book was insufferable as it was.

>> No.1783342

make a horcrux of weed and cast a spell to make harry straight edge

>> No.1783345

because if you ever get killed to come back to life you have to seek out your own horcrux

>> No.1783359
File: 36 KB, 440x339, badum-tish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to cast a spell for that!
For a straight-edge guy he's awfully fucking gay though!

>> No.1783361

Lock him in a room with Stag and Quentin for two hours

>> No.1783388
File: 17 KB, 444x299, woman+laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stag AND quentin
nice try stuentin

>> No.1783398

No you don't. All Voldie needed was Harry's blood, Peter's hand and his father's bones.

>> No.1783409


And what was Harry revealed to be? Oh, that's right!

>> No.1783436

But Voldemort didn't know Harry was a horcrux. Harry's blood worked because he was Voldemort's enemy, and it was taken by force AND was combined with the others elements.

>> No.1783439

>Harry was a horcrux

Fucking spoilers man, I hate you.

>> No.1783442


Sorry. i tried to shield you.

>> No.1783449

I have to admire J. K. Rowling's balls. Her metaphorical ones, I mean. She comes up to the last book with a whole Macguffin-finding plot all in place and everyone waiting for the EXCITING CONCLUSION, and what does she do? Suddenly adds more Macguffins out of nowhere. She pushed the Macguffin envelope.

>> No.1783465

To be fair, every Macguffin was usually referenced in passing at least a book beforehand, with a few exceptions that are given a hasty introduction in the prologue or something. So they are Chekov's armory if you can be a little forgiving, or deus ex if not.

And it would behoove moldevort to have his Horcruxes within reach. He can protect them [i'm sure there is a macguffin for this, but can anything survive going near a star?] He probably needs to be near them, and they need to be accesable if he dies.

>> No.1783482

>ctrl+f "rationa"
>no results
It's like you people don't even read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.
>protip: that's exactly what Voldemort does.

>> No.1783494

Probably wizards think that space is a dome over the flat earth, or something

>> No.1783577

>implying /lit/ isn't full of snobs who wouldn't read fan fiction even if it happened to be good

>> No.1783584

Tvtropes is kind of dumb, is there any reason to say 'chekov's armory'

also, she doesn't mention portkeys before book 4, doesn't mention horcruxes before book 6, doesn't mention the deathly hallows before book 7

also: don't try and think logically about harry potter because none of it makes sense for longer than 5 minutes. literally none of it.

>> No.1783587


Fanfiction is for halfhearted masturbation & nothing more.

>> No.1783593
File: 24 KB, 400x365, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying wizards are aware of outer space
>implying Rowling didn't show remarkable foresight by constructing a magical world-vs.-Muggle world dynamic that perfectly paralleled that between /lit/ and the rest of 4chan

>> No.1783595

in this analogy are we the wizards or the muggles


>> No.1783624
