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/lit/ - Literature

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17828945 No.17828945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This entire board is /pol/tards (who's entire world view formed in 2014 in reaction to gamergate and wanting to own the libs so now they are neo-nazis) with 20 books read on their goodreads half of which they read in high school and 2000 books on their want to read. Let that sink in.

>> No.17828954


>> No.17828963

Nice psyop bunkertranny.
Go back to where you belong

>> No.17828965

This is pretty ironic coming from a frogposter.

>> No.17828972

This is why /lit/ became shit after 2016.

>> No.17828974

The joke is that the former owner was Chuck, therefore to maintain the rhyme scheme when Chuck owned the store it must have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck", which doesn't make any sense so it's funny. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.17828976

I agree that /pol/yps can be annoying (zoomer catholic larpers being the most obnoxious and demented) but on the hand, would you rather have twitter trannies shitting around the board? Look what they have done to /mu/.

>> No.17828978
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>> No.17828983
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>> No.17828985


most of the people here don't have any genuine interest in political philosophy, or in living a political life, because they know its a joke and it does nothing to help. like most fools, you're confusing people enjoying the entertainment provided by twitter and youtube grifters as an identity, or worldview

>> No.17828986

I'm just tired of wikipedia scholars

what year is it man, when will you get over this stuff

>> No.17828988
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>> No.17828994

You will never be a woman

>> No.17829004

insightful commentary

>> No.17829008
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>> No.17829024 [DELETED] 

4chan has long since fallen behind and lost its relevance and is gradually dying out
I seriously advise everyone to leave it because the shadow of what it was and the is very boring compared to everything that exists, already now 4chan is in the position of a filter of vomited obsolete content in which 9gag was at the climax of its dispute with 4chan, and now as 5 years ago, people here make a lot of fun of Reddit, but it is even more knowledgeable than 4chan, and in modern times, many mimes that are set up here originally come from Reddit

>> No.17829032

Q came from Kek came from MAGA came from pol came from gamer gate came from own SJW came from fedora atheists came from reactionary southern Baptists 00’s came from 90s decadents came from neoliberal 80s policy came from 70s corporatism came from 60s hippy culture came from 50s conservatism came from 40s jingoism came from the Great Depression which came from the market failure which came from ww1 which came from the industrial revolution which came from imperialism which came from monarchy which came from god.

It’s all god’s fault.

>> No.17829034

touched a nerve, didnt it?

>> No.17829038

all these political movements within the postmodern right and metapolitics in general and the aesthetics related to them were conceived on social networks.
4chan has long since fallen behind and lost its relevance and is gradually dying out
I seriously advise everyone to leave it because the shadow of what it was and the is very boring compared to everything that exists, already now 4chan is in the position of a filter of vomited obsolete content in which 9gag was at the climax of its dispute with 4chan, and now as 5 years ago, people here make a lot of fun of Reddit, but it is even more knowledgeable than 4chan, and in modern times, many mimes that are set up here originally come from Reddit

>> No.17829040

You mean all of 4 chan

>> No.17829046
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>touched a nerve, didnt it?

>> No.17829054

>le who cares bro uncapitalized wearyposter
You belong on twitter

>> No.17829053

Fuck good read camus

>> No.17829057

Well post your shelf/goodreads and I'll just mog you if you want

your thread is dumb and so r u

>> No.17829062
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The issue, anon, is that you just use this board as a platform to soapbox your conservative views. You come here to discuss your politics (or at best, literature about your politics) - not literature in general.

>> No.17829064

Is having the same argument about IQ and crime stats over and over really a political movement. I get that this makes me a nazi or whatever in most people's eyes but it's honestly just funny

>> No.17829068


>> No.17829072


>> No.17829083
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>> No.17829085

I'm not even disagreeing with you, I'm just saying people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, frogposter.

>> No.17829089

Im just insulting you don't worry about it

>> No.17829093

based random jocko poster

>> No.17829114
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>leftists think they're counter cultural


>> No.17829127

Perpetual victims

>> No.17829128
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I don't care whether I'm counter culture or not - I care that I'm right, which I am. Cope.

>> No.17829129

You are not the original blind-people-friendly-vocaroo poster are you?

>> No.17829130

>the origin of the police state was created solely to bust union picket lines
>the vast majority of labor laws passed in the U.S. are detrimental to the worker
>entire decades of blacklisting workers and creatives from working because of their ideological beliefs
>hundred years of anti-communist and anti-union propaganda has inundated even the most lowly prole
How is leftism NOT counter culture to the modern zeitgeist?

>> No.17829141


>> No.17829158

If Leftists talked purely about class they would be countercultural, but this requires going against the prog grain where gender and race are concerned. That sort of orthodox leftie actually does get censored alongside the altright these days.

>> No.17829161
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left right dichotomy hasn't been relevant since the french revolution

>> No.17829164

counter culture is retarded

>> No.17829169

just like progressives

>> No.17829191

Good. This is one of the few remaining easily accessible places where people can discuss ideas that aren't fashionable. If you want dishonest discussions that are always confined to a small window of acceptable opinions there's always Reddit, HN and basically every other website in existence.

>> No.17829201
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I am a class reductionist. Race and gender have historical grounds for their types of oppression, but solving those issues does nothing for the grander schema of class consciousness besides having the blacks, women, and cripples all realize they would benefit under a different system. Their oppression is a biproduct of capital using propaganda and economic power to segregate the working class.

To make this /lit/ related, I've been reading the first 5000 years of debt, and it's fuckin' blowin' my mind dude. I highly rec it.

>> No.17829207

The workforce is made up of fucking straight white male/females and thats just........uhhhhhhh

>> No.17829211

thats not class reductionism

>> No.17829215

so what?

>> No.17829217
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>viewpoints propagated by billionaires that own the institutions of the world
>unironically believes it to be mere happenstance of history
>wonders not why

truly, ngmi

it is relevant insofar as people refer to themselves as such

>> No.17829223

>Rich people split up poor people. Solving divide does nothing to fix fact rich people are rich people.

How is that not class reductionism?

>> No.17829236

The race and gender questions are orthogonal to the Marxist point about surplus labor. They are biological questions about the distribution of psychological traits in human populations.

>> No.17829241

>it is relevant insofar as people refer to themselves as such
even then is completelly useless to describe anything I can say Im a leftist and you could use your schizo imagination to presupose what I belive but it wouldn't be accurate at all
because saying class is the deffining factor and everything is secondary is not reductionism is truth

>> No.17829244

>t surplus labor
surplus value* my bad

>> No.17829253

Well it's not very diverse is it? What of minorities and other oppresed groups. I thoguht you care about people being exploited?

>> No.17829271

No it’s not. The polfags and bunkertrannies are both vocal minorities

>> No.17829272
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>> No.17829294

>monarchy which came from god.
Read 1 Samuel, friend.

>> No.17829295

You seem obsessed with trannies, you have a fetish or something?

>> No.17829297

they're not vocal minorities are you kidding? reading is a political project for most of this board

>> No.17829299

I don't give a fuck about their race or sexual orientation that shit is completelly irrelevant I care about workers not because they are exploited but because they have the revolutionary poitential to end this form of explotaiton, this has nothing to do with morality

>> No.17829302

But you were with me up to that point?

>> No.17829303

good thing your faggot idiosyncrasies never mattered

>> No.17829309

Muh exploitation
Read Nick Land

>> No.17829322

accelerationism is cope for the cowards

>> No.17829331

You’re going to be raped by techno capital until you die

>> No.17829332

What prevents workers from exploiting other workers?

>> No.17829345

the fear of being thrown into the dissenter pit

>> No.17829361

Absolutely nothing but Marxists think rule by workers over workers is fine and eventually the ones with all the power will press the delete state button.

>> No.17829375
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>> No.17829384

explotaiton is the extraction of surplus value if you exploited other workers you would become a bourg

>> No.17829389

Small scale communism. The fact that two workers share the same goal and must work together to complete it. If we were two plumbers and our job was to fix a busted pipe, I wouldn’t charge you for borrowing my wrench or for information on how to fix the busted pipe. The same characteristics of this low level communism hold true for flat managed organizations. Law firms that are partnerships are basically just the head partners doing communism between them while being dictators to those below them. Corporations do the same but for stock holders. Being able to use direct democracy at a flat level hierarchy destroys any power imbalance one would use to exploit their fellow worker. Sure there will be people who are lazy and could take advantage of this system, but through the use of community tools and decisions made by the democracy they could either kick that dude out, punish him, spend time training him, or spend time determining his motivations.

>> No.17829542

Which is the inevitable cycle of socialist systems since the heart of Man is corruptly hypocritical. You should not seek to change the system as much as you should seek a regeneration of the sinner, who is his own biggest exploiter.

>> No.17829626
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Stop assuming that humans are neutral moral agents. Communism had had 100 years to prove the righteousness of the average man and it always ends in firing squads and breadlines. The working class needs more than material provision, as it is written: "Man cannot live on bread alone, but by every word spoken from the mouth of God."

>> No.17829636

When a christcuck is more correct than a commie you know the state of commies is really bad

>> No.17829642

Late 2015 is more like it. Moot quitting and Trump push

>> No.17829677

That's what happens when you speak for God: you're right even in the eyes of the reprobate heathen. Such is the power of the Lord.

>> No.17829678

moralcucks kys

>> No.17829684

including you btw

>> No.17829772

I see the raids are taking place again. We are certain to get some decent discussion and definitely no derailed threads.....
The muh poltard complaints never stop

>> No.17829805

>soapbox for your political views
And what, pray tell, is OP doing in Xer post? You're so fucking disingenuous dude it's actually unreal. Imagine complaining that people have a different opinion than you. You can make all the left wing posts and threads you want, just don't expect to be unchallenged by people with different beliefs. If you don't want your views challenged, don't go on the internet, faggot

>> No.17829810

/pol/ is right about literally everything. We are everywhere. You can't stop us.

The paradigm shift is happening. Leftism has already lost. You idiots just don't know it yet.

>> No.17829817


>> No.17829822

That's probably right. I remember learning about m00t in high school. The man was a legend to us

>> No.17829823

Seethe more. Deep down in your heart you know I am right.

>> No.17829829

Source on quote?

>> No.17829832

>Leftism has already lost. You idiots just don't know it yet.
I agree with you, but for entirely different reasons than the ones I'm guessing you have.

>> No.17829842

Elaborate. We might agree, you never know.

>> No.17829876

This is true.
No board on 4chan is just internal board culture anymore, it's all been saturated with 2016 politics and it has killed this website. You see the same paradigm on every board with posts about trannies, incels and other hot topic shit. It used to be like a safari, each board had its own lingo and attitude, now it's just a big blob of zoomer politics and diet /pol/ threads.
Fuck I hate this website, but I can't fucking leave.

>> No.17829882

same thing happened to the rest of the internet btw

>> No.17829893

In my eyes, the main challenge to liberalism comes not from political forces, but from impending ecological crises and the stresses these crises will place on the global capitalism that provides the material wealth that liberalism depends on. I do not see our current liberal zeitgeist surviving in a world where shortages of goods, water, and food are major concerns, even in 1st world countries. Unless a solution to climate change, environmental destruction, and resource shortages is found, liberalism is living on borrowed time.

>> No.17829895

If watching subhuman niggers burn down cities in Baltimore and Ferguson didn't instantly make you racist overnight and realize that Hitler did nothing wrong, then you are unironically and in the most literal sense an evolutionary dead end.
How you can not be right wing in 2021 shows severe lack of understanding of how bad things really are.

>> No.17829905

I am completely correct in my assessment and you have no argument besides childish vulgarities.
Matthew 4:4 when Jesus is being tempted by the devil. Trust me, those commie red fiends act in much the same capacity
>you want food? shoot child. Be not moralfag, comrade.

>> No.17829907

I think we're roughly on the same page actually. The issues are on a biological level, not on petty shit, like ethnic or social or class. Those are only the surface level symptoms of the actual problems. This is what people don't get.

>> No.17829962

Yeah socialism is just secular jesuitism. L

>> No.17829968

Yeah it was all gamergate. The 500 books had nothing to do with it.

>> No.17829974


>> No.17829988

Really? Has American politics really eclipsed everything and all English speaking websites have degenerated into shitty zoomer tranny /pol/ posting?
I'm not surprised, but perhaps sad. Iw as hoping there were other sites I could go to so I wouldn't have to engage in this constant retarded /pol/ shit, but I guess not. What happened? How did internet culture die like this?

>> No.17829989
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Well you see, the rcaial IQ gap increases when the most culturally biased questions are factored out, indicating that the gap is due to inate some reasoning capacity.

>> No.17830001

The sad truth is this is, on the level many modern liberals are working at, a valid reaction to them. I don’t agree with it, since I adhere to the old cliche that “you can’t fight fire with fire,” but if the homosexual Marxists on CNN want to gloss over and justify or ignore BLM and antifa violence, then get their panties in a bunch when Trump supporters do the same thing, the hypocrisy is enough to radicalize people and drive them mad.

>> No.17830004

ho-ly mo-ther of B.A.S.E.D.

>> No.17830011

rightists belong in camps

>> No.17830023

What do you think modern marxism is about mate? It's against the way we fucking over produce currently for the sake of profit. This has everything to do with leftism, all the race shit is just neoliberals who needs some easy to grasp shit to cling to while everything else burns around them. Non retarded lefties that read theory are fucking distressed at the state of the world and how we're producing our way into extinction.

>> No.17830026
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Ladies (male) first

>> No.17830033

Fale and gay

>> No.17830056

Leftists do not own anti capitalism

>> No.17830062

You may get this one day, maybe even soon they'll try to genocide the heartland. But all you'll end up with is Brazil 2.0, there will be no utopia, you will still get assfucked by elites, everything will just suck more due to your demographics.

>> No.17830078

Seeth and cope

>> No.17830134

Living in America must fucking suck. Garbage country