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/lit/ - Literature

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17824407 No.17824407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, life is so painfully boring that I'm considering killing myself because of how boring and meaningless everything is.

Books on this subject?

>> No.17824424

You're retarded. Go learn how to paraglide. Go buy a turbocharged Hayabusa. You act as if you're already dead; why not do something thrilling?

Dumb fuck. Go mope on reddit

>> No.17824459

I will do drugs till I overdose and die. That's what I'll do.

>> No.17824500

Read whatever by Michel houellebeck

Forget what the French title is... The continuation of suffering or something. It's about the very banal type of suffering people go through these days... Yes nothing ever happens. Go out and achieve something, and a few days later it will be merely a prerequisite

>> No.17824513
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Dude, you should like, read the Bible.

>> No.17824517

lame and cliche if you ask me

>> No.17824529

>frog poster
>boring and meaningless
Checks out

>> No.17824532

Speaking of reddit.

>> No.17824544
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>> No.17824570

You should buy a keyboard SAP
Wouldn't you like to learn how to play beautiful chords? I know you would

>> No.17824587

>Go learn how to paraglide. Go buy a turbocharged Hayabusa.
This unironically still sounds boring to me. Yeah, it’s an adrenaline rush I guess but it’s not really anything out of the ordinary of life. It certainly isn’t something that could change your outlook on life permanently.

>> No.17824597

Unironically move to a dangerous country. Shit always happens there. If you want to feel alive, those are the places.

>> No.17824626
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>> No.17824657

>not living to experience the infinite variety of literature
I thought this was a literature board.
I get depressed thinking about the fact I will not live long enough to read every good book.

>> No.17824796
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> tfw literature will only ever be literature and at the end of the day I know I read and write because life isn’t satisfying enough

>> No.17824818

Is including a South park reference on a text about the EU a bad idea?

>> No.17824833

go outside

>> No.17825124
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Do not bother reading books on the subject, for they are as boring as you are now.

>> No.17825140

stfu westernoid scum

>> No.17825304

Unironically read Camus' L'Etranger. There's a beautifully constructed protagonist that faces great emptiness and apathy and kills a man for so. It is not self-help bullshit or anything, it is actually quite pessimistic, but I think taking that approach is rather eye-opening. Helps to put such feelings into perspective. I would say that is the most essential work of fiction every smart young person should read. It somehow takes a different form over the years; you understand it differently.
Find something that keeps you moving forward. Despite what christian morons on this board say, or the ones that will try to sell you Seneca (no more their Jordan Peterson), today it is quite easy to fall into such nihilism. But I would say there is great beauty in the world if you know how and where to look; in art, in life, love and nature

>> No.17825342
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me, waiting for the Call to adventure to come knocking ANY DAY NOW

>> No.17825343

Same here, anon

>> No.17825498

>the myth of sisyphus

>> No.17825523

frogposter. kys immediately.

>> No.17825575

What book is that?

>> No.17825654


>> No.17826125

We don’t care.

>> No.17826234

that’s because it’s another anon’s idea and not your own... you have to find out if there is something you would rather be doing over your current routine

>> No.17826251

>there is great beauty in the world if you know how and where to look; in art, in life, love and nature
How to know where to look? Does the book you referenced tells me what to look for?

>> No.17826263

A quick Google search turns up "Whatever" by Houellebecq

>> No.17826298

Hedda Gabler is exactly about this, OP.

>> No.17826306

Probably Man's Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl. Really short but good book about how you'll always feel like your life sucks, but you can mitigate suffering through focus on a goal or purpose

>> No.17826308

you're talking about the dick, pussy, asshole analogy aren't you?

>> No.17826327

Give me the exact name anon. I can't find it but would like to read it.

>> No.17826332

Why do you make it exiting then?

>> No.17826865

Whatever by Michel houellebecq

>> No.17826921

How can boredom be real if our eyes aren't real

>> No.17827027

I hated that book.

>> No.17827028

watch battlebots, anon

>> No.17827030

lmao just do something nigga like learn to code or something who fucking cares about meaning unironically