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/lit/ - Literature

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17820613 No.17820613 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good book on the history of Christianity?

>> No.17820644

This book was randomly on my Amazon wish list this morning, despite me never having been aware of it. Mildly spooked to see it pop up again here.

Has /lit/ been memeing it or something? I can imagine waking up at like 2am, browsing and adding it then falling asleep and forgetting the entire thing. My sleep has been weird lately and I keep getting Amazon and Etsy packages that I apparently order in my sleep.

>> No.17820655

i stopped reading at this point:
>Readers will be aware that the islands embracing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales have commonly been known as the British Isles. This title no longer pleases all their inhabitants, particularly those in the Republic of Ireland, and a more neutral as well as more accurate description is 'the Atlantic Isles', which is used at various places throughout this book.

>> No.17820697
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There are plenty of other general histories of the Church and/or Patristics you can read, but I mostly have them in German, Italian and Russian. Key schoalrs you should look out for are Adolf Martin Ritter, Hans Georg-Beck, and John Meyendorff. Honestly, the history of the church can become so large and unwieldy that you'd need to specialize at one point or another.

>> No.17820730

he also seems to have something against Anglicisation and autistically refers to every historical name in its original form

>> No.17820755

>Regarding the conflict between his homosexuality and the Church of England and his own retreat from orthodoxy he said:
> I was ordained Deacon. But, being a gay man, it was just impossible to proceed further

>> No.17820770

He should've read Eve Tushnet

>> No.17820773

da vinci code

>> No.17820852

Yeah i’m definitely not reading this book lol

>> No.17820869

Not seeing a problem here.

>> No.17820951
File: 82 KB, 488x700, c7987cf0f5b655d7791b8d4e551187b3-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• Jaroslav Pelikan - A History of the Development of Doctrine (4 vols)
• Die christlichen Lehrentwicklungen bis zum Mittelalter
A single-volume history of the Church from the Apostles to Eckhart and Cusanus.
• Storia della Chiesa (San Paolo, 26 vols)
• Storia della Teologia + nel medioevo (Piemme, 3 + 3 vols)
The first volume was published by the the Augustinian Institute in Rome, one of the best institutions for patristic research. The other volumes are also quite good, especially on the counter-Reformation.
• Casiday - The Orthodox Christian World
• Hans Georg-Beck - Kirche und theologische Literatue im byzantinischen Reich
The go-to guide for anything concerning Byzantine religion. This is where you'll learn what an Akathist, a Acolouthia, and a Menaion are.
• Hans Georg-Beck - Geschichte der orthodoxen Kirche in byzantinischen Reich
• Onasch - Grundzüge der russische Korchengeschichte
• Hubertus Drobner - Lehrbuch der Patrologie
The single best bibliography for patristic research. First, it lists the standard editions, then intros, then lexicons, and finally general and specific studies.
• Denzler & Andresen - Wörterbuch der Kirchengeschichte
Great work of reference for topics concerning Western Christendom, and thus by extension all things historically Protestant.
• Bardenhewer - Geschichte der Altkirchlichen Literatur (5 vols)
Standard history of Christian literature from the first century down to John of Damascus.
• Бyлгaкoв - Иcтopия pyccкoй цepкви
• Гoлyбинcкий - Иcтopия pyccкoй цepкви (4 vols)
Standard histories of the Russian Orthodox Church.
• Гoлyбинcкий - Иcтopия кaнoнизaции cвятых в Pyccкoй Цepкви
History of canonization processes in the Russian Orthodox Church.
• Кoзлoв-Cтpyтинcкий & Пapфeнтьeв - Иcтopия кaтoличecкoй цepкви в Poccии
Details the history of the Catholic Church after Ivan the Great, it discusses such events as the Union of Brest 1596 and Union of Uzhhorod 1646.
• Ramm - Пaпcтвo и Pycь в XI—XV вeкaх
Details the relationship of the medieval Papacy and the Rus lands between the 11th and 15th centuries.
• Пpaвocлaвнaя энциклoпeдия (60 vols so far, projected to be more than 75)
The best reference work on anything concerning Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Features plentiful bibliographies and masterly written articles on a variety of subjects.
• Macuch - Geschichte der spät- und neusyrischen Literatur
Extremely useful book for an extremely obscure field - that of Syriac Christianity. With this and the syri.ac website, your learning path will be made easier.
• McGinn - The Presence of God (7 vols)
One of the best books on the history of Christian mysticism published in English. I think you should ask Frater Asemlen for further recommendations on mystical works.

>> No.17820991

No one's gonna read all of that

>> No.17821002
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>not studying the history of the Church in depth

>> No.17821006

I am

>> No.17821202

I did.

It's exactly what I've been looking for lately.

>> No.17821367

I am.

>> No.17821374

What an immense amount of time you waste, then

>> No.17821377
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>McGinn - The Presence of God
Looks very interesting. Thanks for the recommendations anon.

>> No.17821757

its pozzed globohomo shit. read some stuff by Christopher Dawson instead

>> No.17822527

>pozzed globohomo shit.
what does that uh, mean exactly?

>> No.17822534

he's mad that a global history of christianity doesn't just cover italy and the united states

>> No.17822538

>pozzed globohomo shit
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.17822695
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nah I’m thinking it’s B A S E D

>> No.17822737

Are you not a Christian, perchance?

>> No.17822846

dude, my daily amazon spam email of "recommended for you" stuff was all dog and cat food even though i have never ordered or even browsed such a thing and maintain no pets. i think something is fucked up at amazon.

>> No.17822884


careful not to choke on westminster's cock there, anon!

>> No.17824013


>> No.17824038

>the Atlantic Isles
are there really no other isles in the atlantic?

>> No.17824378
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>> No.17824383
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>read some stuff by Christopher Dawson instead


>> No.17824478

Did he invent "The Atlantic Isles" or is it a term commonly used by seething micks?

>> No.17824488
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The Church in History by B.K. Kuiper. It is high school level but it is quite comprehensive for a single volume and will give a good general overview.