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17820469 No.17820469 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no more geniuses? Seems like we haven't had new geniuses since the last century.

Sure you have your magnus carlsens and Peter Scholzes, but where are the Ramanujans and Wittgensteins?

>> No.17820483

Modern society has done everything in its power to the destroy the figure of the genius.

>> No.17820502

Information overload and contradictory perspectives and narratives.

>> No.17820508
File: 60 KB, 650x370, Energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low hanging fruit has been picked.
Now teams of 'geniuses' work to uncover minutia

>> No.17820538

What's so genius about Wittgenstein? He's a minor philosopher who you all shill endlessly just cause he hated women.

>> No.17820556
File: 103 KB, 480x599, 480px-Immanuel_Kant_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't even realized that mere scientists are not geniuses
Read section 47 in Kant's Kritik der Urteilskraft

>> No.17820560

there's only so much one person can do on their own. In new fields, it's easy for one smart person to have a ton of impact on the subject. In older fields, the more basic stuff has already been figured out, and more complicated stuff requires more time per discovery/innovation, which generally results in, instead of one genius having dozens of important results, dozens of geniuses together achieving one important result
Also, this is off topic. Saged

>> No.17820568

isn't Kripke one?

>> No.17820590
File: 120 KB, 1100x617, macarthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how the word has been diluted due to the MacArthur "Genius Grant". People can't even recognize genius anymore, they just go by what institutions tell them.

>> No.17820596

serious question name a single non white genius, i mean genius genius not midwit or smart guy.

Someone like Sowell is smart but clearly a midwit, I'm talking people on the level of Einstein, Leibniz, Newton, Heisenberg etc

>> No.17820605

*addendum, they have to have accomplished stuff, I don't care if someone scores really high on an iq test if they never actually discover or create anything

>> No.17820609

https://thebestschools.org/features/50-greatest-living-geniuses/ barack obama, elon musk, conan o'brien and michael jordan, now shut up and cope in the Spectacle like the rest of us

>> No.17820617

OP mentioned one

>> No.17820622

Ramanujan, had he been given proper training in his formative years, would have been Newton level.

>> No.17820627

People have always just gone with what institutions tell them, the difference is that the institutions used to actually have an incentive to create things of societal value and now their only incentive is to create monetary units.

>> No.17820643

because they get canceled for racist tweets

>> No.17820669

>I'm talking people on the level of Einstein, Leibniz, Newton, Heisenberg
Your examples aren't even on the same level, stop arguing nothing.

>> No.17820790

>he hated women

>> No.17820805

Read the nemesis of mediocrity by Ralph adams cram

>> No.17820816

Half of these people look like they were generated by AI

>> No.17820821

they sort of were

>> No.17820958

>He's a minor philosopher who you all shill endlessly just cause he hated women.
Have you ever read or studied Wittgenstein and the people who came after him?

>> No.17821476

Enlighten us

>> No.17821499

Because people in the past had a lot more free time to actually usually their brains and just think all day.
Now we live in a time where people pull off insane hours to make profit for international banks, and the people that don't work or work part time has so many distractions with media, video games, concerts etc that they no longer use their brain either.

We (The West) have become a stupid society, and it will kill us if we do nothing about it. In fact this might very well be the great filter where humans create a complex society and become dumb from it resulting in a collapse.

>> No.17822465

decline of the west

>> No.17822515

It me

>> No.17822536

>Calls for cognitive science in the 18th century
Holy shit I keep forgetting how based the dude is

>> No.17822542

This is plausible

>> No.17822548
File: 24 KB, 387x600, 2B5D2723-009A-4EA4-AF24-8A59B795F511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this guy’s shit. Pretty good new philosophy works. Also I find Yanis Varoufakis to be one of the best “popular economists” around today, although perhaps not a genius.

>> No.17822557

Professional photos do that to a person.

>> No.17822571

What is a genius other than a celebrity?

>> No.17822579

Good. Racism is objectively incorrect.

>> No.17822589

Einstein was Semitic, not "white", so there you go.

>> No.17822615
File: 100 KB, 898x720, David_Deutsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think inventing quantum computing qualifies as an act of genius

>> No.17822626

>Einstein was Semitic, not "white"
American census categories count all semitic, North African, Turkic, and Middle Eastern peoples as white. Considering that this board is predominantly American, that Einstein made his great fame in America, and that American racial definitions define the norm in racial discourse around the internet (western world), it is fair to say that Einstein was indeed white.

>> No.17822629

Semites are white but not Aryan.

>> No.17822634
File: 447 KB, 1536x2339, 31F4EA74-D070-4BC6-A5EF-75C24F441F7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding yuk hui. This guy is one of my favorites

>> No.17822635


>> No.17822636

Now he was a true a genius

>> No.17822639

philosophers aren't either if you go by Kant. If you have a more Romantic notion of the philosopher who creates meaning, then maybe he could qualify as a genius, but Kant would call him a charlatan

>> No.17822647


>> No.17822717


>> No.17822788

Because of the sexual revolution. Sublimation is a rare occurrence in a culture which encourages giving in to base drives.

>> No.17822796

>who is Carlo Michelstaedter
Read more, fag.

>> No.17822812 [DELETED] 

>since the last century
>Carlo Michelstaedter

>> No.17822915

jones poster spotted. based.

>> No.17822948

I figured out the meaning of existence. No reason to speak if I'm right. Even if I told people they wouldn't believe me.

>> No.17822973

Hitler >Wittgenstein

>> No.17822975

Any genius would look at the modern world and realize that the people living in it are not worth the effort needed to create a work on the genius level.

>> No.17823121

I think Kant was wrong to assert that, especially because he knew of Leibniz and just how much of a genius the man was. What do you mean by the creation of meaning?

>> No.17823161

All the easy problems have been solved. Most modern geniuses come up with the insights that made their predecessors famous while they're still getting their education. We might be nearing the end of science and philosophy that can be done by normal humans. I don't like the idea, but it's a real possibility.

>> No.17823424


>> No.17823457

Idiocracy is real.

>> No.17823507

It's funny that progressives and liberals use idiocracy to make fun of rednecks/rural "retards" and conservatives in general because the movie basically advocates for eugenics if you follow it to its logical conclusion.

>> No.17823532

No one but the migatards even knows about that movie anymore.

>> No.17824080
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1616188850662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they would have been white and that is considered raycis and sexis and transphobic under the governance of those who control science and media
otherwise, sure, you can have people juggling with words and symbols, Chinese Room style, like >>17822548 and >>17822634 said...

>> No.17824086

he was persian, so he was white. try again.