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File: 179 KB, 1015x443, MIND BOOK SALES PAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17819555 No.17819555 [Reply] [Original]

*converts you to esoteric mormonism*
heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.17819565
File: 131 KB, 1200x1219, 1616156464154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sole political belief is putting a dictator in power in America who will genocide all the mormons

>> No.17819572

We get it, you're a Democrat.

>> No.17819584

Post samples nigger

>> No.17819586

I will support any party that aims our entire nuclear arsenal at the state of Utah

>> No.17819591
File: 28 KB, 411x523, jdc mind book contents page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the table of contents.

>> No.17819592

>consciousness is physical
That’s wrong though

>> No.17819603

well, I've got 30000 words that disagrees.

>> No.17819673

I wont buy your book, but if you want to post your arguments here or just that chapter to test their mettle I will refute it

>> No.17819712

I thought you were a red-skinned spic. Go back to THE REZ and die of poverty (self-imposed) and alcoholism (genetic).

>> No.17819870
File: 92 KB, 458x573, murad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i download this for free?

>> No.17819895

What's wrong with mormons?

>> No.17819985

I live by a mormon church and they come to my door all the time and annoy me

>> No.17820222

Mormons detected. Initiating Missouri Executive Order 44

>> No.17820548

Their Egyptology is really bad.

>> No.17820665

People don’t know what they are talking about. They have the most comprehensive doctrines of any Christian religion are the only ones who aren’t just a branch of Catholicism.

>> No.17820674

Anything that has influence with physicality has to be physical.

As Joseph said : spirit is matter, just more fine and pure...

>> No.17820712

>Anything that has influence with physicality has to be physical.
Where is your proof that consciousness influences the physical or vice-versa?

pro-tip: there isn’t any

>> No.17820811

shut the fuck up john

>> No.17821531

Everything that is in motion needs a catalyst you dumb bastard. That’s it. Thoughts, feelings, dreams, consciousness-all effect physically s as they propel our actions this way and that.

>> No.17821541

reprograms an NPC

>> No.17822377
File: 822 KB, 1200x1693, C988C685-A9FB-4D9F-9C74-C78E60A315D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything that is in motion needs a catalyst you dumb bastard.
That statement doesn’t prove that consciousness itself is that catalyst, anything else could also be the catalyst.
>That’s it. Thoughts, feelings, dreams,
None of those are consciousness. Thoughts, feelings and dreams occur within consciousness and are observed by or illumined by consciousness, while consciousness itself remains something different from them.
>all effect physicallys as they propel our actions this way and that.
Volition or will is what directs actions, volition is not consciousness but is also separate from it like thoughts and emotions are. That’s why we observe volition occurring within consciousness when our mind deliberates about what to do next. Anything like volition or thoughts that occur as observed phenomena we are aware of within consciousness are inevitably different things from that consciousness in which they appear. That volition, thoughts and memories impel the body to action is no proof whatsoever that consciousness is physical, because volition, thoughts, and the body are all equally things occurring within the field or space of consciousness as something different from it. So what you are actually talking about is a bunch of things observed by consciousness bouncing off of and moving each other like a bunch of billiards balls, you have not actually cited any indication that it is consciousness itself which moves them.

>> No.17823103

Based and physis pilled. RWLDS will liberate Legacy America from the yolk of HIV+ latinX Neo-China

>> No.17823114

Founder was a mirror scrying free mason backed by the same banking interests that funded the Scofield Bible fraud that mind fucked Southern Evangelism into its current Neo-Cohen’d state

>> No.17823857


>> No.17823894

you from r/acidmarxism? Lol

>> No.17824772


>> No.17824974

Some gold tablets that god gave me personally (you cant see them though)

>> No.17825373

They glow in the dark.

>> No.17825462

How do you know the “physical” isn’t generated by consciousness. What we consider to be physical is just a grouping term for sense objects. Things are made of the senses, otherwise there would be no way to empirically observe them.

Besides, causality and motion are only made known and real because one has an intuitive concept of time... built into their minds. Motion isn’t even objectively real.

>> No.17826398

Mormons are Islam if it was founded by WASPs with ulterior transhumanist aspirations. It's literally just too based for some people.

>> No.17826451

Card is trying to be the new Horia Belcea, but he's trying too hard and he thinks he's funnier than he is

>> No.17826462

what? your wife hid what I had you transcribe from my golden tablets and you want me to do it again? uhhhhhh you've made god very angry now and as a punishment he'll never allow me to read that tablet ever again. don't worry I've got another one though, haha

It's the second most retarded cult of all time after Scientology

>> No.17826620
File: 8 KB, 234x216, download (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude like just watch south park

>> No.17827534
File: 2.00 MB, 1202x1200, 1601974571883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mormons are Islam if it was founded by WASPs with ulterior transhumanist aspirations
Wow. On top of this, when accused of worshipping thre gods they simply just say "yes", because of thier tri-theistic views

>> No.17827864

>Anything that has influence with physicality has to be physical
Including God?

>> No.17828471

I am genuinely a heterodox philosophy grad student esoteric shitposting Mormon and this more than the other two books he's been shilling genuinely interests me. Can someone send me the pdf please? I will read and review it for /lit/ if you do. Mr. Card or your ghost or whatever, if you're behind the scam, I still will read your book because we might be kindred souls.

>> No.17828506

around the time when they started letting mormon girls go on missions, some hot mormon girls showed up at my door to convert me. i said fuck it and strung them along so i could keep hanging out with them, i ended up getting baptized even after the hottest one of all of them had to go back because her knee was fucked up.

>> No.17828614

>started letting
This is ancient. I take it you mean the thing in like 2013 that let them go at age 19 instead of 21 instead.

>> No.17828623

don't worry, real baptisms must be made in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
mormon baptism is not authentic.

>> No.17828624
File: 73 KB, 643x511, Jewed_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Cuckservative MIGApede

Fuck Mormons and fuck republicans. Also fuck democrats as well. They all support globalism and big tech and censorship. If you still have faith in the two party system, and you actually think the republicans are 'based', then you are a retard. Everything about our political system, our economy, our military, and the mainstream media is cucked. It's not a partisan issue. Most republicans hate white people and Euroepan culture, and are more interested in Israel and their retarded end-times prophecy about gog and magog and the temple of Solomon and all that shit. Evangelicals, Mormons, and Catholics, are all delusional and anti-White and anti-European. The end times are never coming. Jesus never existed. There is nothing special about Israel. All you end times prophecy is retarded.

>> No.17828821

You have to be proud of your skin because you can't be proud of your own specific accomplishments, your pride is parasitic on some idea you have of other white people rather than your own capacities to do the same. Kill yourself you Last Man.

>> No.17829059


>> No.17829422
