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17819469 No.17819469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

bros...he went full Beatnik. Here's a photo of him masturbating in public he posted on his Instagram.

Also do you think these are good rules for running an independent bookstore?

>> No.17819509

>literal who

>> No.17819534

it really does look as he's masturbating

>> No.17819554

this photo screams "american upper-middle class"
disgusting bougies

>> No.17819569

He’s a modern day Diogenes...

>> No.17819596

The guy on the right on the frame here, that's John David Card, right? I heard someone claim that here the other day.

>> No.17819660

I thought that guy was F. Gardner.

>> No.17819860

This "guide" has nothing to do with running the bookstore, but is rather someone's frustrated rambling, which he didn't have the guts to tell all of the customers who clearly wronged him at his workplace.

>> No.17819965

So the guy on the right clearly fucked him, right?

>> No.17819979

Waldun is a volcel and thinks sex is gross

>> No.17820026

>too dense corduroy pants that just look lile tacky velvet
>short socks in a preppy outfit
>collar messily tucked into cheap jumper
>both probably wearing uniqlo pants due to the exposed ankles
>no pillow on the collumn, no doubt uncomfortable
Terrible LARP

>> No.17820061

Neither of them look Anglo, why would you label them American?

>> No.17820066

I mean, he goes to Harvard or Yale or one of those, so...

>> No.17820129

I thought we were done Waldunposting, we already bullied him enough

>> No.17820140

t. Waldun

>> No.17820218

You will never be a woman
You will never be a marxist revoltionary

>> No.17820241

He deserves it for treating books and reading and writing as a subject rather than as a means

>> No.17820253

why would I want to be either?
both are worse than being a nigger

>> No.17820291

The guy on the right is the guy that's been spamming People Mover here for weeks yeah?

>> No.17820306

Based and Lennonpilled

>> No.17820315

In his most recent video he seems to have found our bullying helpful. It made him realize how much of a pretentious pseud he was, and it made him realize he was LARPing at being literary.

>> No.17820337
File: 205 KB, 432x526, E9394D8D-DAC4-4C96-AC53-C785D4F5E263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the guy in the right is Jaidyn. He's some random Aussie street poet Waldun has attached himself to. THIS is John David Card. He literally looks like a Yaqui mutt version of the retard from my high school.

>> No.17820349

I was told JDC was Waldun's new white friend.
which seemed mostly plausible
who the fuck is that guy?

>> No.17820416


>> No.17820430

That is a picture John David Card posted of himself on /lit/ way back in early February. He used to be genuine about his novel and being a Native American writer. Then he had a mental breakdown and decided to turn himself into a meme.

>> No.17820436


>> No.17820444

>>17820436 **

Meant to write:
Archive? or it's fake.

>> No.17820449

Forgot the warosu link

>> No.17820462

We can't know that's real

>> No.17820489

Yes you can. Here's a thread where John was being genuine about his book and reveals his is from the Tlingit people. Now ask yourself, why would a Canadian Native American be in Australia hanging out with Waldun?
Post proof that Waldun is hanging out with John David Card. Post proof that Jaidyn is John David Card. I have more evidence than you. You have none.

>> No.17820513

ok then, what's the point of your information?

>> No.17820551

Refuting that the white guy in the OP pic is John David Card. John David Card is a Tlingit Native American residing in Canada or nearby the Canadian border. He is not an Australian street poet hanging out with Waldun. Are you that fucking dense?

>> No.17820582

yeah but, what's your point though? if it's even true, does it matter?

>> No.17820610

Yeah and now he's LARPing as a beatnik, we didn't really help

>> No.17820615

Stop trying to make yourself look like you have the upper hand. You have the mind of a /pol/tard and you were easily fooled by lazy 4chan bait. You were wrong. Admit and move on. Stop trying to win an argument you have lost. You look like a right knob.

>> No.17820677

i'm just saying i don't see any evidence it's the same guy as the guy on the right of the op pic

>> No.17820709

Lmao now you gaslight. Classic /pol/ move. THAT IS WHAT I WAS SAYING THE WHOLE TIME RETARD. I was arguing John David Card is not the same guy in the OP pic.
Fuck you.

>> No.17820726

love seeing anons have autistic meltdowns over the most trivial things

>> No.17820733

so, what's this guy chinese or something?

>> No.17820737

Love seeing /pol/tards think they're the next Cicero. You're not. You're an idiot.

>> No.17820854

You are not a working class hero

>> No.17821082

are the poltards in this room with us anon?

>> No.17821114

Someone stupid enough to believe a bait as lazy as "Waldun hangs out with John David Card and this white guy whose name is Jaidyn Attard and is a street poet in Australia is John David Card" could only have come from /pol/. So yes there is one in this thread.

>> No.17821120

if anyone it sounds like you took the bait bro..

>> No.17821134
File: 62 KB, 570x537, A80A70D0-6C4C-4DE8-8CDB-860EAC2E6F0A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17821144 [DELETED] 

Die eceleb worshipper, sage.

>> No.17821172

>worships the scribblings of café society celebs
Die café society worshipper

>> No.17821213

For sure, it’s not really beatnik unless someone gets fucked up the ass

>> No.17821332

lmao who hurt you

>> No.17821342

Literally who tho?

>> No.17822369

anon it was a joke. Please be more considerate of your autism the next time you engage with "bait" or humor, because no one took the "it's JD Card" seriously.

>> No.17822400

Not anon but I know that now

>> No.17822560

new computer who dis

>> No.17822936

I love these fits and they seem like bros

>> No.17823700

Truly Waldun is our generation's Allen Ginsberg

>> No.17825274


>> No.17825281

who is this?

>> No.17825366

Waldo or whoever

>> No.17825527

where is he?

>> No.17825550

Who is that Jackie Chan?

>> No.17825904

The New World was a mistake. I want to go back.

>> No.17826003

J D Card is literally a new persona of Waldun

>> No.17826023
File: 516 KB, 2443x1768, 5CC56E92-F42C-47DC-851F-6FC0E5C849DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Card is based you’re all just mad that women don’t read your books

>> No.17826050

are you a woman?

>> No.17826084

No but the Maori women I hear talking about this book are

>> No.17826089

what a handsome boy. maybe i will buy his book.

>> No.17826100

fake and gay

>> No.17826122

I’m indigenous, this book is making rounds in the indigenous communities all around the world right now. Maori and Pacific Islanders are sharing it all over Facebook groups.

>> No.17826134

sounds like horseshit
no proof i suppose?

>> No.17826250

I can't wait for his new book to come out

>> No.17827187

You'll know them by their gay ass shoes

>> No.17827575

Surely you could post multiple screenshots of this as evidence?