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17818966 No.17818966 [Reply] [Original]

Street Samurai Edition
Previous Thread:>>17802288

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

>> No.17818980

>another vtuber OP

>> No.17819017

How do you even recognize these random anime girls as vtubers unless you are familiar with or google them?

>> No.17819024

I liked Snydercut. What I should read?

>> No.17819039

black seed kek

>> No.17819062
File: 97 KB, 309x475, 18309415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there actually any superhero novels, though? The Violent Century came the closest for me, and that's not REALLY your DC or Marvel take on the topic but rather "what if superheroes were weaponized for WW2 by all sides?" kind of deal.

>> No.17819063

One day the good and decent hard-working folks will gather and wage war against the animetrannies e-celeb worshippers clad in programming socks and wielding HRT slingshots, such as OP, a faggot of unfathomable proportions, and verily I say to you such faggotry is seldom witnessed.

>> No.17819071

Worm. Thank me later.

>> No.17819080

Lol Worm is pretty shit and as a recommendation should come with disclaimers, not "thank me later"

>> No.17819084

>what if superheroes were weaponized for WW2 by all sides?
this better not be a fucking disappointment

>> No.17819103
File: 722 KB, 800x450, ABEFB9AB-6A68-45DE-9033-2D8D3A64BE60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people here watch vtubers despite what they say. So don’t take their anti-vtubers as nothing more than elaborate shitposting

>> No.17819159
File: 67 KB, 237x280, fuck no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people here watch vtubers

>> No.17819194

>Most people here watch vtubers

>> No.17819230

Seven Blades in Black is fucking dogshit
I regret rolling

>> No.17819404

Seriously, what's up with all the vtuber shit?I don't get why it's popular in the first place but it being popular with /lit/ confuses me even more

>> No.17819457

>I don't get why it's popular in the first place
Not really hard as to guess why its popular.

>but it being popular with /lit/ confuses me even more
Some of the Vtubers are /lit/ in that they read classical books of their country, with even a few of them even reading western books as well. It also helps that a few of them are willing to do a read along of those books if they weren't stonewalled by the company that supports them.

>> No.17819459

it's not popular in /lit/, these shitheads spam every single fucking board with their bullshit non stop, they did in/a/a until the mods got rid of them they did in /tg/ but they were promptly ignored and the mods got rid of them, they were spamming /jp/ non stop and still fo despite having their own board. They actually fucking end and tried to spam /mu/ that godforsaken shithole because some of their shitty vtubers have songs or some shit. And those are the boards I know of because I frequent them.

>> No.17819468

They're stealth simps, it's the same shit as simping for a twitch streamer but since it has an anime flavor it's cool

>> No.17819483

Fuck off already, nobody likes you shitheads spamming your fucking simping targets on other board because they have semblance of a connection to them. Next you are going to spam /ck/ if you didn't already because they are Human and eat food.

>> No.17819543

I like vtubers, I watch a lot of vtubers. What I don't like is seeing them when I'm on a board that has nothing to do with fucking vtubers. It's obvious that one fucking obnoxious faggot is making these threads, the writing threads and the question threads and using vtuber images as an avatar, which is annoying not just because it's off topic, but because it's obviously a mod or janitor blatantly ignoring the rules and culture we all live by. It's not cute, it's not endearing, it's annoying and hypocritical. If you actually care about this board then fucking stop with these OPs. The threads were fine before them.

>> No.17819556

>Threads are on-topic in which pertains /lit/, save for, the Vtubers image for the OP pic but that doesn’t matter anyways since that’s never been about /lit/.
>Only people who are discussing Vtubers are the haters and anti, since they’re autistic as fuck and delude themselves into thinking /lit/ is something else.
The only people talking about vtubers are you people, don’t know why you’re trying to shift the blame.

>> No.17819588

if you wanna give them your life saving so they can mention your name on a shitty stream so you feel like you accomplished something with your life do it. Just fucking stop shilling for them fucking everywhere.
The ever increasing anime and horny posting on /lit/ is already bad enough without you shitter joining in the mix.
>Threads are on-topic in which pertains /lit/, save for, the Vtubers image for the OP pic but that doesn’t matter anyways since that’s never been about /lit/.
People complained about it last thread, people are complaining again on this thread, unless you fucking want to create two threads and have a fight for which one is legit like what happened on other boards fucking stop. They have nothing to do with fantasy or literature besides tangentially in your fucked up mind.
>>Only people who are discussing Vtubers are the haters and anti, since they’re autistic as fuck and delude themselves into thinking /lit/ is something else.
I have no idea what the fuck those terms are but last time I checked even posting actual booktuber wasn't very welcome here.
Much less shitty e-thots who might mention a book or two sometimes. You have your containment board, even brony fags learn to stay in their place before long go back and don't come back.

>> No.17819589

The only autist here is the spammer who thinks he owns these threads.

>> No.17819595

Disingenuous simp, cartoons aren't going to fuk you

>> No.17819617
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Cultivating is breathing manually, and guess what you're doing right now?

>> No.17819624

What the fuck is a vtuber?

>> No.17819631

Imagine a webcammer but it's actually mo-cap anime

>> No.17819639

Now I will thread trough it no matter what just to spite you can call you a little bitch who could finish what is essentially a very basic fantasy series.
And I decide to headcannon the ending. Fuck it I don't like Sanderson and his writing from other shit of his I have read, but i wills till read it tho, l every single last word.

>> No.17819642

thot streamers using a virtual avatar
posting them is an assured way to trigger an incel into a raging autistic fit

>> No.17819690

Any reason why they get triggered into an a raging autistic fit?

>> No.17819696

It's only their nature.

>> No.17819751

chinese novels are bad
and they're made worse by really shitty translators
and they're made even worse that we get the popular ones, that just continue on and on and on and on.... because they're leeching on qidian bucks (word count)
there's absolutely nothing worth reading in novelupdates, nada
last thing i remember reading that was fun was release that witch and it became ultra shit really fast after 200 or so chapters
not to mention the translator drama and other shit

>> No.17819768

>there's absolutely nothing worth reading in novelupdates, nada
sad, but true

>> No.17819771
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Do you guys read to the end of series which are noted for turning into shitters? I could easily have stopped at 2010 but kept going. I am just wondering whether when I start the Rama series if it's worth even reading the Gentry Lee ones (which are known to be shitters).

Other notable series is Dune, I had a friend who read to the very end and it seemed like he was torturing himself for no reason. How do you guys go about this?

>> No.17819791

Such unfilial opinions to have on the world's greatest genre! Anon really is a villain. How can one be so unsociable? But no matter. You're only a C rank shitposter. Hmph. Who cares what you think?

>> No.17819792

Nah "I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!" is very fun trash. There are some enjoyable reads that are entertaining if you don't take them too seriously. None of them are Chinese tho

>> No.17819813

Is there any Chinese webnovel where the characters have human empathy? Disturbs me when it seems like in every single one the protagonist is a soulless bugman

>> No.17819821

Do not read the Rama sequels

>> No.17819826

If you want light reading go over royalroad or something similar where amateur writers gather
The quality in those places are usually abysmal but there's no middle man between the reader and writer and there's no incentive to start writing word salad for the sake of qidian bucks. Popular stuff suffers from filler hell still, but at least that's mostly limited to popular stuff.

Filter your search to 300+ pages and genres you'd like to read. I recommend reading beware the chicken, since you read chinese novels you might enjoy it

>> No.17819837

For fucks sake how did they completely fuck up such a simple and yet excellently executed premise will never not piss me off.
They are a complete waste of time.

>> No.17819842

behead vtubers and their simpathizers

>> No.17819844

Not really, be it how the mc treats enemies, friends or enemies
Enemies are fodder
Wives are furniture
Friends are handy potion dispensers or reason to go bonkers
All the chinese novels are basically dbz shit tier and somehow they're the good ones that land to translators too..

>> No.17820074

Any other recommendations than the chicken?

>> No.17820092

Try weekly populars or popular stories in general, read few first chapters to try out everything out
Perfect run, the runesmith, re:monarch, beware of chicken, tree of aeons (This one is pretty good for litrpg story), delve, displaced are all great and on going currently
Gilded hero is good too, but author went awol for 4 months and i dont think he's going to come back
Then there's the wandering inn and mother of learning that are probably more known from other sources but still worth reading
There are more of course but it's difficult to recommend stuff without you asking for something specific. I try to steer away from harem, gender bender faggotry, female mc tags

>> No.17820104

And I'd like to add that there are some "trap" stories that are good for first 100 chapters or so but then turn into dogshit
Savage divinity is good example of such stories
You kinda get good at spotting what tags and stories are shit in royalroad after a while and most popular stories are kinda shit if we are being honest
There's another good story that I'd like to recommend, which is chrysalis from hfy, it's not in royalroad and the royalroad chrysalis is shit. Just dl epub or pdf of the chrysalis hfy and you're set

>> No.17820221

I’ll read them when J have the chance.

>> No.17820466

you will never be a woman subhuman troon.

>> No.17820550

vtubers is the final stage of simp cuckoldry because they go after the 2d onry virgins who are unaffected by regular ethots

>> No.17820704

Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.17820831

A few threads ago there was an anon who mentioned he was reading Moby Dick and it felt more like fantasy than most modern fantasy and I just wanted to thank that anon if he's here since I was looking for something to pick up after my yearly Dune re-read and I found one actual good suggestion among the Bakker shills and shitposting. Moby Dick has the feeling of actual adventure which is almost the singular reason I read fantasy and, unfortunately, is missing from most modern fantasy.

>> No.17820917

I'll make (You) into my woman, anon.

>> No.17821005

mmmmmmm botan

>> No.17821007

Lord of the Mysteries and Infinite Bloodcore are the only ones that spring to mind.

>> No.17821087

When is
E William Brown
Going to publish?

>> No.17821124

After seeing him discussed last thread, I'm intrigued. Where should I start with Gemmell?

>> No.17821240

Yes, there are a lot. You just haven't looked for them. Even Sanderson has written them.

>> No.17821262
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An Unkindness of Magicians - Kat Howard (2017)
I read this book because of its premise. It's a modern day urban fantasy where magicians contest with each each to see whose house reigns supreme. However, magic is fading and they don't know why. That sounds all well and good, unfortunately that's only what it's superficially about.
What I read was a book about an overpowered woman who can do whatever she wants and what she wants is to destroy the system that created her and little aside from that. At several points I wondered if what I was reading was meant to provide emotional release but I couldn't relate at all and thought they were simply inadvisable writing decisions. As an example, there's a plot point that is built for most of the book and then is resolved in a few sentences and that's how it is. I assume this was intentional to devalue the character's worth to the reader and be humiliating, but it came off as a narrative waste to me.
I would've rated this one star, but it didn't upset me really, it just wasn't worthwhile to read is all. I considered dropping it at 25% and should've, but I didn't because I thought maybe it'd become better. Unfortunately, it didn't. It also became ever more apparent that I was well outside of the demographic for this, which shouldn't necessarily be a problem, but often is. There's a lot more that I could've wrote, but I don't think it matters enough for me to do so.
Rating: 2/5

>> No.17821270
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>> No.17821280

You're not obligated to read any book, anon. If you're not liking a series then drop it. If you hate a book half way through then drop it. You can only read so many books in your lifetime, why would you even start a book that is known to be bad? Rama is good but stop after the first. Forever War is good but don't read the sequels. Read Dune and continue with Frank's works until you don't like it anymore; some people stop at Messiah some at God Emperor. Why are you asking based retards for opinions anyway?

>> No.17821576
File: 27 KB, 516x516, e38416d165b824dec40b2531d4598e7fa2868066_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to write an urban fantasy story on royalroad
>take forever between chapters
>between speed and genre nobody gives a shit about my story
>not even I give a shit because I take so long between chapters I can't get into the headspace I was in when I wrote all the previous stuff so all I ever do is notice all the mistakes I made
>somehow still trucking along

>> No.17821601

You shouldnt become downtrodden, most people don't voice their opinions and in place like royalroad most people are used to abandoned projects and such

>> No.17821717

ur meant to write like 50 chapters and THEN start releasing them so you have some backup ammo

>> No.17821905

>Most people here watch vtubers
I don't even know what it is.

>> No.17821918

I have 0 problems dropping a serie. It mostly happens whith shit /sffg memes me to read like baker.

>> No.17821938

What a surprise, the people who are filtered by Bakker also don't like anime>>17821905
it's almost as if you were...anti-anime and anti-Bakker tourists from Reddit, very strange

>> No.17822006

Any good fantasy books that star the main character being a child soldier or something similar?

>> No.17822021

prince of thorns kinda, not that good tho

>> No.17822064

Imagine acting elitist about animeposting while you're reading bottom of the barrel science fiction trash.

>> No.17822080

Same reason why I know all the ponies despite never watching it: subhumans spamming it everywhere

>> No.17822094
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sffg characters like this?

>> No.17822262


>> No.17822751

Drusus Achamian

>> No.17822776
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1448490091490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any /sffg/ protagonists with Kellhus' whole autistic manipulation power thing, except not a complete bastard?

>> No.17822797
File: 669 KB, 2722x1100, chad vs vergin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh, about that

>> No.17822873

>admits being a faggot.
Only thing you will make is rotting wound between your legs subhuman.

>> No.17822879

Any good places besides Royal Road and Wattpad that I could find some good fantasy literature webnovels?

>> No.17822898

im not sure if a more damaging sequel exists. the first book is excellent on its own and needed no follow-up. the sequel is so bad it retroactively ruins the first book.
it's kind of incredible, it's almost as if it was by two different authors, some crazy shit must've happened to mr clarke between the two for such a horrendous disparity in quality to occur.

>> No.17822918

You don't speak for bakkerfags tranny. Your simping sessions isn't anime either troglodyte.

>> No.17822923
File: 300 KB, 650x650, red-country-audio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Country was great. It's the best I've read from Joe Abercrombie so far. This is definitely more to my taste. Well meaning main characters, even if they're not the nicest people. They're by far the most sympathetic characters Joe has written up to the point. There were a good variety of events. Not just all warring like the previous book. It still had the edginess, but it felt more earned this time. Violence used for effect, not merely for violence's sake. Way funnier too. I normally don't laugh while reading a book, even when I'm amused. But this one actually got a genuine out loud laugh from me.

After reading the 3 standalone books, I think I can say I'm a fan of Joe now. I also read compilation of short stories in "Sharp Ends". That chapter with Javre and Whirrun crossing the bridge was hilarious. I don't think another book made me laugh harder.

>> No.17822933

vtrannies are worse then YA trash

>> No.17822945

Based fuck bakker and fuck vtubers.

>> No.17822960

checked this out, everything about it seems fine except
>female protagonist
hard pass. never works, real shame.

>> No.17822972

ok. You're entitled to your opinion. I think you're being closed minded though. But hey, if your system works for you, then I'm not going to try and talk you out of it.

>> No.17822986

i've tried to talk myself out of it multiple times, the only exception i ever made was for iain m banks's culture novels because they're so fucking good and the female main characters are just a ride-along viewpoint, they rarely actually matter.
every fantasy book i've read that has a female protag has been terrible, without exception. they just end up doing things that men would do, but they're not men, so it doesn't work. seems to be the case with more modern stuff, i wish it wasn't, but i got plenty to read so i guess thinning the herd doesn't do much harm.

>> No.17823000

>iain m banks's culture novels
Not him but you just have chronical shit taste, no two ways about it.

>> No.17823015

Is it just me or are 99% of abercrombie's covers just weapon over map and extra thing or two?

>> No.17823047

your inability to recognize quality and your self-proclaimed fan status of a mediocre-at-best author make perfect sense.

>> No.17823059

No, you're onto something. The alternative cover to Red Country is a person holding a weapon.

>> No.17823078

I don’t think you can be anything like kellhus and not a complete bastard

>> No.17823090

"Not him" he said. He's not the same anon who proclaimed himself a fan of Abercrombie. I'm the anon who said he was a fan. And I have no fucking clue who Iain M Banks is, or what his culture novels are. And I don't really care.

>> No.17823113

/sffg/, will this character get really annoying fast? Mind you most of the other characters in are cartoony weirdos so he's not an abnormality

The character is a dorky optimistic idiot with a thirst for adventure who talks in a mix of early 20th century slang, believes in aliens and dreams of piloting a hot air balloon to other planets to be the first to explore them.

>> No.17823133

There was some book about space travel where humans engineered some kind of psychopathic vampire as leader of the spaceship iirc.
Anyone knows what its called?

>> No.17823169
File: 33 KB, 500x356, photographing something men vs women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me think of this old meme. Left is your typical Abercrombie cover.

>> No.17823276

my bad, somehow i read not him as the poster meaning he is not iain m banks. which makes very little sense as mr banks is dead.
the culture novels are the some of the best sci-fi books ever penned, and are utterly unique to banks' writing style. player of games is the usual starting point if you are at all interested.

>> No.17823288

I'm thinking like Lelouch
Basically something with a keikaku sperg protagonist but not in a hell setting like Earwa

>> No.17823295

Reminds me of The Age of Scorpio, but I don't think that's it. I vaguely recall the book you're talking about anon, but it was so long ago I can't recall anything else about it.

>> No.17823299

And another thing. The only real disappointment in the standalone books, is that the magic is far too subtle. I barely understand what is happening in this world, magically. I suspect things are happening, because magical people are around with magical abilities. But nothing is ever shown to the reader. Save for like one instance where someone was obviously using fire magic. But even then, it's never addressed directly that someone is using fire magic.

Joe tries so hard to dodge fantasy tropes, that he ends up neglecting the fantasy elements. I want to get into the new first law books, but it says that it's about an industrial revolution, and so I'm afraid he's going to diminish magic even more.

>> No.17823341

Not going to lie, this thread has made me wary of boomer authors. Some are good, but then others are bad. Anons in this thread laud the bad ones. So I don't know if I can trust your word. Couple that with the fact that you have some weird irrational distaste for female protagonists, I probably won't be reading Iain's books any time soon.

>> No.17823347

Don’t be sexist.

>> No.17823348

Now I know why we make fun of Sando:


>> No.17823349

that's a shame, your loss though.
the only horrible author i've seen recommended here is of course bakker, sffg tends to shit on almost every author in some way shape or form.

>> No.17823351

hope someone will recognize it

>> No.17823472

human beings are sexist by nature. The overwhelming majority of peopel preffers one sex over the other with regards to intercourse and everything related to it. It makes sense then that such a preference extends into other aspects of their lives.
I can't related to female character very much because I'm not female, the basic human condition is there to empathize with but beyond that it's alien to me, so I prefer when a female point of view does not take the majority of the book.

>> No.17823606

There's like 5 things you said that don't make sense. But just to point at 1. There's a discrepancy between what you say now, and what you said only a few posts ago.

You say that you can't related to women and they're alien to you. And yet, you dislike when female characters do things that men do. If a woman does manly things, then shouldn't that make her relatable to you?

>> No.17823758


>> No.17823797

god, these sandersoys are pathetic. Why don't you read something made for readers old enough not to shit themselves on a daily basis, like Animorph Farm

>> No.17823799

>bakkerfags singlehandedly colonize and derail a /v/ thread
pretty based ngl

>> No.17823803


>> No.17823808

This thread almost died in the meanwhile tho.

>> No.17823815

Anybody got the second half of Gaskun’s space opera? I just finished book 5 and I want more. Does he still come here?

>> No.17823826

>Animorph Farm

>> No.17823854

>If a woman does manly things, then shouldn't that make her relatable to you?
Yes and no, saying I can't relate at all with women was an exaggeration. But I can't relate to them as well as I can with males.
Lets take a male character and a female character do x I can see and try to puzzle out the "exact" mindset he had while doing said thing. I can't do the same with a female, I can't try to approximate it but something about it just fells off to me. Probably because I romanticize female thinking too much. Which is why i said besides the base human nature i can't empathize with them.
Also I'm not the same anon who you replied to at first, I just jumped in with my two cents. I don't mind females doing """"Male things"""" I just ratter not have most of the plot focused on them.

>> No.17823914
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1605375209264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did the Bakker/Sanderson rivalry thing happen? People seem to assume hating one means you like the other and vice versa. Is it just that one meme of the goodreads dipshit who didn't like Darkness that Comes Before?

>> No.17823920

So, true, what happened.

>> No.17823928
File: 644 KB, 405x589, 1601284766725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What rivalry? Are you retarded?

Also, explain to me how it's possible to enjoy both author's when Bakker is miles away from Sandaro's anime capeshit.

>> No.17823956


>> No.17823976

Why do you need to know the exact mindset of a character in order to enjoy their story? I mean, not all male characters are the same, right? If you read 100 books, then you'll read about 100 different men. Can you related to them all equally? Personally, I don't understand men who jump into danger, because I'm more of a sneaky person. Hide and wait for an opportunity. Run away from direct conflict. Does that stop me from enjoying the point of view of a hardened warrior? No. If anything, books allow my to exercise the imagination. I get to learn about different people. Getting to know them through the writing.

>> No.17823995

>What rivalry?
Rivalry isn't really a good word for it, but /sffg/ seems to have weirdly linked the two together for no reason. Nonetheless why not bring up Wolfe, or Herbert, or Vance as examples of good authors when someone mentions Sanderson? It seems like Bakker is literally the only thing a third of this general has read.

>Also, explain to me how it's possible to enjoy both author's when Bakker is miles away from Sandaro's anime capeshit.

I'm not a particularly big fan of either of those two but you can like different things for different reasons, anon.

>> No.17824017

>took me an hour to read one chapter of reverend insanity in Chinese
Some day I will experience this wild ride as it was meant to be experienced

>> No.17824018

What if it was Kellhus but he actually had no ulterior motive beyond bringing fulfillment to peoples lives. What a swell guy.

>> No.17824056

From what I've gathered, Sanderson is like entry level anime. Your Dragonball Zs, and Narutos, and One Pieces...
And Bakker is the dark and edgy stuff that the kid who paints his nails black watches. Your Evangelions, and Lains, and Madoka Magicas.

And the Sanderson posters are blissfully ignorant, and overly enthusiastic about their entry level shows. Which annoys the edgy Bakker posters, causing them to go into an autistic rage about good tastes. Which annoys the Sanderson posters, because they don't want to acknowledge their shallow tastes, and also Bakker posters don't know how to communicate in a friendly way. They only know confrontation and insult.

>> No.17824068

Was Jesus a dunyain?

>> No.17824077

>Why do you need to know the exact mindset of a character in order to enjoy their story?
I don't which is why I still like SOME female led stories I just prefer male led ones. I can recognize the fact that most female stories being published recently being shit has too do with the current state of publishing and not female characters in general.
>Can you related to them all equally?
No but I prefer the ones in which I understand them on a basic level at the very least, if i can't do that i can't really enjoy reading. I can do that with women I can't do that with some dumb fucks I have read recently
Again it just come from my own mythology of the world and how I perceive women. If a man and a woman do x they do it for different reasons. Heck if 2 men do x they do it for different reasons but their thought process must be somewhat more similar to each other than the woman if they all were raised in the same environment, and had the same
upbringing, etc
... get it? it's just my own autism I will admit that.

>> No.17824114

You have good taste except for "the runesmith". It's so mind-numbingly boring. Read Vigor Mortis instead, it's a bit new but very interesting.

>> No.17824119

So what you're saying is we need to gatekeep /sffg/ so hard we shut out both the entry level Sandersonfags and the first step beyond entry level Bakkerfags?

>> No.17824126
File: 237 KB, 265x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Apocalypse is the Hellsing of literature
>protagonist is an amoral godlike figure who is on a level beyond almost everyone else in the setting and the main conflict is how everyone else deals with that (Kellhus/Alucard)
>notable portion of readership is because of memes (Bakkerposting/Abridged Series) but the work itself is not memey
>the longer part is set after a lengthy time skip while a prequel series exists (Prince of Nothing/The Dawn)
>extremely violent
>bizarre sexual horror shit out of nowhere (Inchoroi/Rip van Winkle)
>author is kind of a weirdo
>whole thing is fantastic in its main medium (art/prose)

>> No.17824145

>Your Evangelions, and Lains, and Madoka Magicas.
Yes which are all also entry level anime but with and edgy twist to them.
Bakker is entry level but edgy, there is nothing grandiose about him.

>> No.17824162

>Lord of the Mysteries
It could have been so much better if Klien was more of a person and he interacted with the members of the club in a more meaningful way than behind 20 layers of deception. Still, probably the best Chinese web-novel I've read.

>> No.17824178

>it's just my own autism I will admit that.
I'm glad you said it. Because I was thinking how to approach the topic of autism without being too presumptuous or rude.

Have you tried just taking people at face value? I mean, if the author tells you that a character is angry, do you need the character to be a man in order to understand why he's angry? You can just take it as face that the character is angry because the author said so. Though often time, a character's motivations aren't plainly stated. But you could probably figure it using context clues. In many cases, motivations are intentionally hidden until after a character follows through on their objective. At which point it's revealed why they did what they did. So if you just stick though it, then you'll eventually figure it out.

idk, I just look at new characters as opportunities to learn really. What I don't already know, I will after reading about the character. If the author is actually good that is.

>> No.17824183
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, EF8FB25A-8BFC-4F47-B50E-FE1C8EAE5DA3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what I've gathered, Sanderson is like entry level anime. Your Dragonball Zs, and Narutos, and One Pieces...
>And Bakker is the dark and edgy stuff that the kid who paints his nails black watches. Your Evangelions, and Lains, and Madoka Magicas
Do you even know what you’re talking about? How can you say this shit without being ironic? Good lord, why happened to this board.

>> No.17824192

I admit my anime references are dated. Since I haven't watched new anime in years now. But yeah, I do know what I'm talking about.

>> No.17824223

When you stack him up against fantasy's historical heavy hitters sure. But in the modern climate of fantasy, he is head and shoulders above any schlock being pumped out the presses, and it’s a refreshing thing to see; someone who wants to write what is more than the shallow puddle of a story with a magic system tacked on.

>> No.17824347
File: 606 KB, 2821x1255, 1608880437300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animorph Farm
Fitting considering these threads exist to contain troglodytes who don't read to begin with. Go join the /sffg/ discord, as they welcome newfag filth like yourself.

>> No.17824492

I want to come up with a magic set of kitchen knives to put in my setting. how do these sound?

>Reforger: originally a massive santoku, every time it breaks it reforges itself as a different kind of knife. If you break the blade off completely it turns into a lightsaber knife
>Soul Schmearer: this butter knife has no point and a dull edge, but the flat can smear even solid steel like warm butter
>Baguette Saw: this serrated bread knife can extend and retract as the user desires. The serrations move with the tip when the blade extends, so rapidly extending and retracting it make it usable as a power saw
>Blade of Banach-Tarsky: any object cut by this chef's knife will regrow while in its shadow. He who takes it to an onion will be slicing that same onion for hours
>Slay Cheese: this cheese knife can emit tendrils of foul smelling vapore that the weielder can control
>The Unboner: this boning knife can remove a bone or sever a tendon while passing harmlessly through the skin and flesh. A skilled pickpocket can steal your organs without you even realizing

>> No.17824502

Sanderson and Bakker are both dogshit and Bakker isn't worth reading just because he's sun-dried dogshit and Sanderson & co are wet sloppy dogshit. Wolfe is dead and there is nothing left to do but embrace /wg/ and save the genre yourself. Are you a bad enough dude? Of course not, you post on discord all day and haven't written anything other than twenty chapter ones. Buy scrivener and shape up my lads because your soul is required of you. If the chad author who can ignore the demands of twitters and transgenders and thrive in spite exists he is here and he must step forth. Call forth your inspiration and love and will and write me a novel that will make me feel young again. Cast aside the worship of dinosaurs and become the modern beast who plows the fertile fields with claws and dredges up adaptation deals and audiobook sales and advances. Write two books and learn from the first and come back to this very thread and see your name inescapable. The competition wants and so may you but I am sure that one of you fags is the one to do this.

>> No.17824555

Alrighty, lads. Either I suck and people aren't interested what I write.

Synopsis: A bunch of unaware kids decide to harass their magical neighbours who have an aura of bad juju. They bite off more than they can chew, discover some magic stuff, yadda yadda. It's written in 3rd-person omniscient. 3237 words total.

https://pastebin.com/5uKWsW8Z Part 1/2
https://pastebin.com/bvjyhyhU Part 2/2

>> No.17824577

>there is nothing left to do but embrace /wg/ and save the genre yourself.
The only writers in /wg/ are animefags and Vtuber fans.

>> No.17824609

You are trying harder than you should be to write this sort of material and it is obvious from the opening paragraph.

Completely debunked. They are simply the only ones shameless (soulless) enough to post their unpublishable work here. The majority of the thread is interested in discussing writing in the abstract because their writing is for literary agents. It's the ones you speak of who have no aspiration for their effort and do it for free and post it for free and expect to receive attention for compensation but never do.

>> No.17824628

Anon is right. Your writing reads like forced animation looks.

>> No.17824728

>the ones you speak of who have no aspiration for their effort and do it for free and post it for free and expect to receive attention for compensation but never do.


>> No.17824795

>They are simply the only ones shameless (soulless) enough to post their unpublishable work here.
No, they're the only ones that simply write and update their progress.

>The majority of the thread is interested in discussing writing in the abstract because their writing is for literary agents.
The vast majority of the /wg/ thread is made up of shitposters, blog posting, or blog posting about how they possess a meagre talent for the craft therefore superior to everyone else, but when called out on it, never post their work, trolls in the thread, or asking basic questions they can search up. Then you have the animefags writing and updating their stories. Then, a very few non-animefags posting their stories on pastebin, then you have even fewer anons asking legitimate questions to problems they have. To state otherwise is delusional and ignoring the reality of those threads.

>It's the ones you speak of who have no aspiration for their effort and do it for free and post it for free and expect to receive attention for compensation but never do.
Jesus, you're never going to make it.

>> No.17824842

>You are trying harder than you should be to write this sort of material and it is obvious from the opening paragraph.
Thanks, I guess.

I don't know what that means. The narration is from one of the character's from a point in the future.

If you guys mean I should be more simple and direct, then I guess I can do that.

>> No.17824877

>They are simply the only ones shameless (soulless) enough to post their unpublishable work here. The majority of the thread is interested in discussing writing in the abstract because their writing is for literary agents. It's the ones you speak of who have no aspiration for their effort and do it for free and post it for free and expect to receive attention for compensation but never do.
I would rather have animefags be the ones doing the writing than whatever pretentious fuck made this.


>> No.17824947


What I mean is that you seem to be more focused on the prose than the story and that it shows in a bad way. I can't succinctly express advice in this matter because whole books have been written about it but some of them are listed in /wg/ and I recommend you try reading some of them.

>> No.17824963


>Fear not for the bell's toils. It's naught that might yet-not be undone. Never find yourself weeping for the tolling, the tolling. It rings salience from the fry, its piercings through the crisp air to grow but dimmed with day’s progress and weighten down under the humid sea breeze. Beneath blanketing clangour awaken the men of the town, their cottons clinglong still the residual warmth of bed, out of which must be drawn, they, into the crisp. Sittings-up muffle in tuplicate throughout the town. Sleeping arms gently lifted, no, let them sleep a while longer yet. There's time still for a stogie in the morning, upon the porch, or over the table and the day's papers.

>Sleepwashed anew, it falls to me to do for myself what must be done. Rituals, scratching in the nascence of a new day, day like any other really, but day nonetheless, as I might, as I might. Yawning. Stumbles, small sip from morning's fiery flask, another for good measure. Ring, ring, ring. Porches and paunches, all around. Waves to Bill, compatriot across the way. He'll be doing the same thing. Smoke, smoke, smoke, and it's a hell of a morning, isn't it? Sol, that dooming slut, she outdoes herself. Pastels and partridges color the haze. Limned luminescent upon the horizon lie coastal ranges, their tireless peaks reaching and reaching. The new breeze across my knees' knobs, leg hair rising in mock protest to something buried deep beneath the cool earth and appreciating. That fucking whore, I say, letting ash drop unheeded to a peeling thinly laminate. Don't mean it, not really. Just gets the better of me sometimes. Smile, Grace. She do. Rile me, Grace. She hop on. Grace! fades to Mercy! fades to Holy Shit! fades to Breakfast Around the Table with the Kids! and all its biblical apocrypha. I think breakfast was passable, but the thought come through squeezed as it is around a mental behemoth heifered inbrain ontologue inheterous. What was: my wife's cunny, of course! Yes, for 500, but also undeniably. It seems like it was just some n-tupled multiple for n = 4'33 ago that I had in my little hand the quivering meatus of my wife, O fuck tunnel begging prolapse, O graveyard of hope and all its banal accoutrements, themselves aggretating a banality with a recursivity which integrates itself up to the very top. cant bite the hand that feeds you not to say i havent thought of it if only in passing. Performing cunnilingus often as I do, in creeps )strictly in passing( on occasion an urge like lightning across the forehead—that swollen frisbee—as I tease the poor woman's clitoris, lightly with the tongue _ive gotten quite good atit a tit innit in it_ and when occasionally POCK POCK comes the pecker, duly ignore it.

Yikes, this is some horrid shit, if I ever saw it. Who is he trying to imitate?

>> No.17824989

>Who is he trying to imitate?
Some dead author, he was actually confused as to why nobody wanted to read his story.

>> No.17825022
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>> No.17825142

>more focused on the prose than the story
This is going to be hard because the prose comes naturally to me. Thanks for saying it sticks out more than the story.

>> No.17825206
File: 83 KB, 884x903, 6d6b24f790c5ac4b36d72641093ff20d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only seems to come naturally to you because you have not yet developed the abilities you need to realize that it is not good. Continue writing but be open to understanding that there is always a reason of perfect legitimacy when nobody is interested in finishing what you write.

>> No.17825317

Jesus, you sound so elitist and pretentious.

>> No.17825338

Meanwhile the ""novel"" that you've been working on and off for years and where you honed your gay prose remains unfinished

that guy 1 vs 0 you

>> No.17825383

lmao based

>> No.17825390

I've been working on my novel for less than a year but I have written short stories regularly for about eight years and have the decency to post none of it here.

I only stated a reality of creating anything that anyone who has worked seriously for a long time at any art whatsoever can accept. If you want to stand by the writing that I said was weak feel free but it remains weak.

>> No.17825540
File: 52 KB, 465x600, the ghost pirates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this in one setting because it's short and comfy as fuck. For a book titled The Ghost Pirates I would have put more piracy in it, but it's only supposed to be a spooky ghost story and I reckon it works. The "epilogue" section makes it sound like the kind of story that would get a brief mention in on of those paranormal stories youtube videos.
The version I read has some pretty rough misprints towards the end, which unfortunately dragged me out.
The "ghosts" are discussed as being beings from an overlapping dimension rather than traditional ghosts, which was interesting.

>> No.17825658

When does the darkness that comes before start resembling a plot?
I keep getting different characters talking about a bunch of factions and places and I don't see where this is going

>> No.17825667

Right around the time akka’s ex student dies

>> No.17825682
File: 63 KB, 1280x768, origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should my world's age of consent be, bros?

>> No.17825691

as soon as they can procreate

>> No.17825810
File: 625 KB, 1256x2063, 91HDH2-HluL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/'s opinion on Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion?

>> No.17825834

Oh, and Endymion/Rise of Endymion...
I guess

>> No.17825839

Hyperion is great. Fall of Hyperion goes off the rails and isn't a very satisfying ending unless you're the religious conservative flavor of schizo.

>> No.17825925

I don’t think the first Rama is worth the time. There are hardly any stakes in the plot, and the characters are laughably thin. The author uses these to describe Rama for 200 whole pages. You may as well just read:


and be done with it

>> No.17825933
File: 87 KB, 453x709, chaos_space_marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name a more evil bad motherfuckers in scifi

>> No.17826033

I literally am. Guess I need to read it.

>> No.17826057
File: 46 KB, 387x512, i just know nedroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Fall of Hyperion, though not as much as Hyperion. Simmons seems to really fall into the trap of characters just "knowing" or intuiting things because of time travel, where motivations essentially turn into, "I just KNOW!"

Also his Keats boy crush is a bit silly.

>> No.17826068
File: 102 KB, 800x1058, i just know nedroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. better non-ants quality version here.

>> No.17826336
File: 39 KB, 520x445, 11S0349253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you stack him up against fantasy's historical heavy hitters sure.
Why would Bakker be inferior to most outdated shlock out there? Most of it is given respect because "old gud, muh pioneers" when it has terrible pacing, paper-thin characters and is overall an excuse for some 80's author pervert to self-insert in his own magical realm where he gets to fuck barely nubile girls, while maintaining the pretense of religious moralism IRL (looking at you Wolfe and gay suicided loser Howard).
Bakker is a clear improvement from the old fantasy pulp wankfest, with rich characters with actual motivations, a detailed world with realistic politics and not some flimsy oneiric backdrop, and most of the time (exposition can get slow) an impeccable pacing.

>> No.17826530

Says a follower of the false emperor.

>> No.17826826

>I've been working on my novel for less than a year but I have written short stories regularly for about eight years and have the decency to post none of it here.
God, its like back in /wg/ same excuse and all.

>> No.17826936

i'm prepping for a really fat literary turd rn and i'm hoping for some help:

rn a resurgent marxist view of the future is pretty much monopolized by Fully Automated Luxury Communism, which is so easy to parody that it basically writes itself-- easy enough. Duginism is basically speculative from the word 'go', so it can be criticized in basically the same manner. from there it got me thinking about what other ideologies have a vision of future embedded within them.

the acceleration/nrx/rationalist axis is a bit complicated but it's definitely shitty and online enough for these purposes. and the ecofascist/primitivist sector works as well. while trying to cram all these in one work would be annoying as shit for any reader, i'm still curious on others.

any modern speculative fringe-politics that you guys are aware of?

>> No.17826951

good post and yokai

>> No.17826961
File: 683 KB, 847x2086, 1609075094622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the autonomic intelligence clusterfuck route.

>> No.17826969

you think it'll be possible to really distinguish from acceleration? it's different to me, but i have more autism than i expect anyone else to

>> No.17826989

>america is an otherwise pretty prosperous country with no major problems causing anyone starve
Dropped, there's literally bread lines in the US right now, people living in tent cities, and most Americans, even those who would be considered prosperous otherwise, are always a medical condition away from the abyss.

>> No.17826996

For there to be bread lines requires there to be bread, to be a medical condition away from debt requires there to be medical treatment. That's a prosperous country.

>> No.17827266

Ok here is to decide once and for all who is the best.
Which puts endless cuckshit in his works?
Sanderson or Bakker?
Well there you have it, and you also understand why people so vehemently defend bakker and his writing.

>> No.17827444

Aren't Sanderson's novels full of empowered, liberated sluts while Bakker treats women as the worthless whores they are?

>> No.17827469
File: 170 KB, 1200x1200, the-poppy-war-book-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read The Poppy War? I've heard mixed things about it's quality, and a lot of the praise I hear seems directed at the author's looks/ethnicity rather than writing ability

>> No.17827471

I love the heroin

>> No.17827475

Black tar?

>> No.17827483

Hyperion: 8.5/10, solid read but the prose carries it hard
Fall:7/10, it’s still good but the Keats fixation is a bit jarring and the whole Machine God vs. Human God plotline never goes anywhere. Also Moana?Merina? Kassad’s fuckbuddy, whatever her name is, the story could’ve done without her and her turning out to be the Jewish professor’s infant daughter in the future was kinda disturbing

>> No.17827494
File: 3.68 MB, 2300x3638, Amelia sitting on a roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the good parts:

>Solid, enjoyable world-building, with the competing philosophies of shamanism, the push towards modernization and conformity, and the historical ebb and flow of power and subjugation being the standouts. I found myself oddly intrigued by the history of martial arts.

>The military portions, while exceedingly brutal (do NOT mistake this for YA and give it to your child -- hell, even if you're an adult be prepared for graphic violence, including sexual), were a lot of fun. There's a mix of practical warfare, including chemical weapons and incendiary devices, with magical stuff that was honestly pretty engaging.

>A common problem when you bring gods and magic into fantasy is "Why is there any conflict if the characters are this powerful?". That is not present here. The consequences of trying this are shown, and they are BANANAS. It's great.

>If you like characters who are allowed to be horrible people, then you will not be disappointed here. I saw another review that said the heroine seemed insane by the end. This is a feature, not a bug. Between the very graphic war crimes and what we learn of the human relationship to the gods it's amazing anyone is still remotely functional by the end.

>You get to the end and it's like...wow. This can't end well. I consider this a plus.

Weak points:

>Did feel like the first book could have been condensed. The primary conflict didn't come into play until 40% of the way through, after which the military portion kicked in and carried it through to the end. (Oddly you could conceivably start with Book 2, since it even included its own prologue.)

>The style may be hit-or-miss for some. It lacks the stuffy tone of Tolkien-esque Epic Fantasy, which I appreciate, but occasionally veers into Quippy Territory. Depending on your preference this may be a pro or a con.

>Very particular point: May read a little weird if you're a Japanese-American. This is influenced by real atrocities committed during the Sino-Japanese War, so if you're not willing to think about that ugly bit of history just skip it entirely, but oddly what bothered me more was that the Japanese proxy race were described in the same generalized terms of hive-minded fanatical hordes that were used to describe Japanese-Americans during World War II. There's a touch at the very end that indicates the culture isn't uniform evil, but we never seen anything to challenge their depiction as anything but sadistic monsters. There are also some textual reasons to present them as one-dimensional, and it may be challenged in the second book. Obviously this didn't keep me from enjoying the book, and it may not bother others at all, but if you do happen to have this background and just wanted to settle down and enjoy some Asian-inspired SFF do not be thrown.

All in all, a little bumpy but intriguing enough that I'll be checking out the sequel.

>> No.17827581
File: 281 KB, 572x700, C1CE48E1-F436-4F31-B374-059166C5120C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of those books where I really wanted to love it. The story is pretty unique and interesting, and I think this book could have been a lot better if it had gone through a few more rounds of rewrites. But...nope.

The first chapter annoyed the heck out of me. The main character, Rin, is trying to figure out how to get out of her upcoming arranged marriage. So, she decides to start studying to take a test that will get her into the best school in the country, a school that's something akin to Harvard or Juilliard. There are people who have literally been studying for their entire lives to take this test.

Rin, while smart, is uneducated and works as an unpaid shop girl, so she has very little time to study and only 2 years to learn what other students have been learning all day long for 15+ years.

When Rin finally takes the test, she doesn't JUST pass it, no. She gets the top spot out of everyone, beating students that are three or four times as skilled as her. She scores so high that the officials are convinced that she cheated.

I know some readers may find this inspiring, but it just simply makes no sense. There's no explanation for why Rin would score that high, other than because she's the protagonist and a girl so she's awesome.

As we see during Rin's study times, she has to master four subjects to even think about doing well on the test. She's pretty good at one of them, but she continuously struggles with the others. Then suddenly, a few pages later, she's aced all of them. How? HOW?

I could have bought it if the author had made Rin just barely pass the test and scrape her way in.

This is a running theme throughout this book. There's another scene where Rin is placed in combat against another student. He has been studying martial arts his whole life, and she has just learned. But she beats him. Why? No reason. She just does.

Ugh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'd like to see a protagonist like Rin start at the bottom, get knocked down a few times, but overcome her challenges. Not have little to no challenges in the first place because she's some unexplained Supergirl.

>> No.17827913

I couldn’t imagine being so pathetic as to watch something like this

>> No.17828028

Would you ratter women have some form of unrealistic self determination and prowess and assurance or they be worthless whores?
I, for one, don't mind "M'uh powerful female" trope as long as it doesn't go into blatant demagoguery territory.

>> No.17828206


>> No.17828228

Is ‘Stormlight Archive’ America’s Iliad?

>> No.17828291

I thought the marvel movies were our Iliad?

>> No.17828313
File: 906 KB, 1280x1920, Horizon Dawn early Art (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm not that guy, but Ian M. Banks, Stross and Scalzi are write the most annoying characters imaginable. Stross does have some really good ideas though. I cannot fathom someone enjoying Banks yet having the audacity to criticize female characters. And who cares if they happend to be men with pussies, as long as it doesn't push dreadful modern politics.

>> No.17828422

By 'historical heavy hitters' I meant 'the best fantasy writers ever, across all time'. So that wouldn't include the likes of Howard, I mean more so the Tolkiens or Dunsays.

The key is both aiming high and meeting that aim. The likes of Howard or Wolfe met what they aimed at, but didn't really aim all that high. Bakker has aimed high but, imo, has yet to meet his aim. Its why you can't compare him to those in the past who aimed super fucking high, and actually fully delivered on the worthwhile thing they set out to do.

That hardly makes sense, but I hope you get what I'm driving at.

>> No.17828445
File: 113 KB, 1262x633, 10494917_10152587332927958_1017612210595262103_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are fantastic, though Fall is so different from Hyperion.

I went, not expecting much sci-fi or very soft at best. But it has plenty of sci-fi for Egan/Chiang nerds like me. Incredibly diverse, themes and characters, shitload of sci-fi concepts. And those "feels"

To me this would be the perfect book for non sci-fi readers to get in to sci-fi.

>> No.17828502

>or Wolfe

>> No.17828550
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>> No.17828611

>Thinking Wolfe is Tolkien tier
I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.17828704

wolfe was better

>> No.17828711

Wolfe is garbage.

>> No.17828719


>> No.17828744
File: 133 KB, 600x600, Gene Wolfe pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17828764

Recommend something light and fun, /sffg/. It's been a shitty week and I want to lose myself in a fun, fast-moving, adventure. I've been reading Bakker, and I can't take any more grim, horrible reality right now.

>> No.17828769

Cradle is a pretty good mix of action, adventure, and levity.

>> No.17828770

My diary desu

>> No.17828778

Try cradle

>> No.17828805

only at short stories
he was extremely prolific though and his peaks were much better than anything tolkien did
peace alone is probably more densely detailed than anything in lotr and the prose being superior is not even up for debate

unfortunately most things i can think of that fit the description are not /sffg/ or are childrens lit, e.g. any given redwall book
even ya is too edgy these days
your best bet might honestly be rr but i couldn't name a fucking thing on that website

>> No.17828996
File: 116 KB, 446x1000, 1605432059214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a Botan. THIS is a Botan.

>> No.17829025

Hyperion is amazing. And a tough act to follow. So I don't blame the Fall of Hyperion being so different. It's a little jarring at first. But if you were paying attention to the first book, then the second book is a good follow up. Though the ending is a tad unsatisfying. With too many linger questions. Still, it answered most things.

Endymion is just a random adventure book with callbacks to Hyperion. Not really worth it in my opinion.
I couldn't finish Fall of Hyperion. Just more random adventure stuff. Not worth it.

>> No.17829102

>Bakker is anime
Actually true. Not sure it's something to be proud about though

>> No.17829260
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>> No.17829460

Is this that passage in the Talmud that talks about how Jesus learned black magic from the Egyptians that he used to preform the miracles described in the Bible?

>> No.17829844
File: 50 KB, 640x480, C8ciQrXVoAAywCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt they stop

>> No.17830339
File: 50 KB, 863x1024, Don Quixote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for stories about experimenting with a newly discovered magic. For example, Alice discovers she can make objects move with telekineses, so she experiments by testing how large of things she can move, what directions she can move it, how fast she can accelerate it, etc. The whole story doesn't have to be about that, but at least part of it.

>> No.17830482

A better explanation, I guess, is a story that uses the scientific method on magic.

>> No.17830794

rivers of london by ben aaronovitch

>> No.17830800

Debatable, but Dune. Khellus and Paul are both confusing instances since it isn't actually clear whether or not Khellus IS a bastard, or if he is in fact just doing what is necessary to maximize humanity's outcome.

>> No.17831000

What makes a good story? One which is entertaining or one pseudo enough to get nerds on youtube to make countless video essays on how much they like it with titles like "The Art of Storytelling" or some shit.

>> No.17831026

The first can make you money, the second makes them.

>> No.17831249

100% Name of the Wind. Yes there will never be a third book, yes the second book is half sex scenes, yes the protagonist is a simp cuckold, but also almost the entire thing is about wizard scientists and engineers in an arcane university inventing magical machinery.

>> No.17831289
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Buy his books.

>> No.17831311

>yes the second book is half sex scenes,
> yes the protagonist is a simp cuckold,
Not him, I appreciate your recommendation but this is a deal breaker for me.

>> No.17831317

I will start with the blade itself hopefully this year still
After i finish the wheel of time

>> No.17831322

/wg/, I have read so many goddamn fantasy novels where a low-born girl with an abusive upbringing who lives as a petty criminal hiding her magic powers besides a hot boy who is slowly becoming politically radicalized against The Empire finds out she's actually of noble blood which is where her magic comes from causing her to become entwined in dangerous political intrigue (also, the only adult who cared for her was a back-alley doctor who at some point instructs her to drill a hole in some boy's head to save him from a brain hemorrhage)

Just once I'd like to see the script flipped a little. Instead of the vaguely middle eastern setting almost every one of these stories has, it takes place in Massachusetts and this little thief girl finds out the reason she's so fucking ugly is that she's part degenerate fishperson

>> No.17831567
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I've transcended,

I'm a non binary trans-gender-human-animal-biological collective and unified mega-conscience

>> No.17831611
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lets extinguish our AT fields and blend in together in the LCL lake

>> No.17831860

I loved Rendezvous With Rama but Rama II was absolute garbage and had to struggle to finish it due to OCD and could not be bothered to read the rest.

>> No.17831867

maybe ....stop reading the same kind of book and expecting something new.

>> No.17831897
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Are there any scifi books like the Zero Escape games?

>> No.17831927

My three favorite fantasy books are
>The Throne of Bones (short story collection by Brian McNuaghton)
>The Barrow (and soon its sequel)
>The Book of the New Sun
What else can I read with these same type of dark themes?

>> No.17832032

Book of the Long Sun
Book of the Short Sun

>> No.17832054

But know about those bud.

>> No.17832087
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if I wrote an epic poem do you think publishers would be interested?

>> No.17832122


>> No.17832125

Are you a gay, black, tranny?

>> No.17832297

I'm already annoyed.

>> No.17832320

This made me angry.

>> No.17832460


>> No.17832599

Reads like a chinawoman's genocidal fantasy against the japs for the rape of nanking

>> No.17832612

The Dawn can hardly be compared to Prince of Nothing given that the former is only seven chapters long and still unfinished.

>> No.17832732

player of games

>> No.17832784

Requesting lesser known no cliche dinosaur books that are actually good pls.

>> No.17832867
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unironically a great read, nothing like the movie

>> No.17832872

I just finished these 2 and I loved them both. I think the conclusion was about as good as it could get; if there wasn't some transcendent god stuff involved I don't see how any of the set-up could possibly make any sense.
There are some minor let-downs I guess. Like the other anon said the author's obsession with some random dead poet is strange, but it still manages to be enjoyable. I also found the Consul's story in the first book a bit weak. It's kind of hyped up as the pilgrimage progresses but then turns out to be some gay Dances with Wolves in space shit with talking dolphins. It also felt lazy making the Ousters just straight up better/smarter/more moral than the Web humans in every way. And the Core being able to make mimic Ouster swarms felt like a bit of an asspull.

Also Ummon the AI was the most based character.

>> No.17833125

is abercrombie a memennial or a gen xer?

>> No.17833136

I've read dozens of shitty Royal Road stories and the best one was Beware of Chicken.
So if you are interested in western webnovels check it out, and if you don't like it you probably won't find anything better.

Take it more as a warning than endorsement, though the story is pretty charming.

>> No.17833162

By knowing all popular anime girls, if I don't know her and she still gets forced it's a vtumor.
Seriously though those shitters only post a few of them, so you just need to read ten posts calling them out and you know 99% of the crap that spills over from their containment board.

>> No.17833165

It's just one guy, at least in /sffg/.

>> No.17833171

vtumor ain't anime

>> No.17833204

Try western xianxia if you want characters with some empathy.

>> No.17833255
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is William Dale Jennings' The Ronin western xianxia?

>> No.17833257

This, I've tried a few times, only to get disappointed.

>> No.17833262

Ewww... Not Roger Corman...

>> No.17833266

>nothing like the movie

>> No.17833269

Ohh, The Ronin is a good read.

>> No.17833275

Doesn't matter, it's been STAINED.

>> No.17833304
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do the dûnyain have more empathy than your typical xianxia protag? are xianxia writers proof that conditioned autism can be bred in rieal life?

>> No.17833312

>nosy kid MCs

>> No.17833369

Sounds incredibly gay.

>> No.17833391

and yet there's nothing anon asked for in those books, everything is handwaved

>> No.17833444

Warning for Second Apocalypse spoilers

>Wrath. Ever had wrath been his fame and foundation. And ever had it been his weakness and his strength, the goad that rendered him reckless and heroic in equal measure, an imperial hatred, wild and unrestrained, a rapacious will to visit woe and destruction upon his foes. The Despiser, his Kinning had named him, Immiriccas the Malcontent, and it spoke to the darkness and violence of the Age that such could be a name of pride and glory.
>They were the object of his fury—the Vile! They had done this. Everything that had been stolen had been stolen by them!
>Fury, wild and blind, the kind that battered bones to gravel, swelled through the Believer-King, crashed molten through his limbs. And it renewed him. It made him whole. For hatred, as much as love, blessed souls with meaning, a more terrible grace.
>He pressed himself about, saw Oinaral Lastborn standing mere cubits from the edge, sweeping Holol from side to side, his nimil coats shimmering, his porcelain scalp and mien white as snow. His ashen kinsmen lurched and thronged about him, each sullied face reflecting antique horrors. They hemmed the brilliant arc of the sword, at once dazzled and bullied. Several already lay dead or bleeding at their stamping feet.
>And dismay stamped the youth’s fury to mud, for it seemed perverse that any glory should remain. The mail-draped Siqu seemed a figure out of legend, a glittering remnant of the past fending a bestial and desolate future—proof of doom fulfilled.

what a fucking passage, lads
i don't even know how to properly describe it, i'm just blown away

>> No.17833480

>YA shit

>> No.17833544

why was that 1 guy so BIG?

>> No.17833565

For you.

>> No.17833594
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>An unearthly roar hammered his ears. Achamian whirled, raising his hands against a titanic shadow.
>Billowing gusts staggered those standing, waved the arms of those fallen. Cries of dismay and horror rifled the air, then a cataract of boiling gold engulfed Nautzera and the High King’s attendants. There was no time for screams. Teeth cracked. Bodies tumbled like coals from a kicked fire.
>With the force of a toppled tower, the dragon thundered to earth, his descent yanking smoke and ash into towering veils. Portcullis jaws clacked shut. Wings like war-galley sails stretched out. The light of burning corpses shimmered across iridescent scales of black.
>“Our Lord,” the dragon grated, “hath tasted thy King’s passing, and he saith, ‘It is done.’”
>Laughter, like the wheezing of a thousand consumptive men. The Great Dragon reared his bull-chest above the sorcerer, revealing a necklace of steaming human heads.
>“Thou art overthrown, sorcerer. Thy tribe hath perished, dashed like a potter’s vessel by our fury. The earth is sown with thy nation’s blood, and soon thine enemies will compass thee with bent bow and whetted bronze. Wilt thou not repent thy folly? Wilt thou not abase thyself before our Lord?”
Where to find more fantasy written like this?

>> No.17833619

Can we all agree that Robert E Howard is the father of fantasy?

>> No.17833635

Because that dude was fucking MAD. Cnaiur on steroids levels of MAD.

>> No.17833917

Or perhaps was wondering why you would shoot a Nonman.... before throwing him off the Inculcû Rift.

>> No.17834011

if i take that amiolas off, would you die?

>> No.17834062

Read the next five books in the series, dummy. That's not even close to their peak. Hell, that's not even the peak of The Warrior Prophet.

>> No.17834076

Kindness to ur enemy is harming yourself

>> No.17834081

Trash. If the author wasn't Jewish no one would praise it.

>> No.17834186

What is the greatest work of science fiction of the last three years?

>> No.17834187

Just finished Wheel of Time
Why'd Jordan insist on 13 books when he clearly didn't have any content for books 7-11? He probably could have finished it himself if he didn't pad out the middle just to hit his meme number

And (ending spoilers) why did so few people of relevance die? Doesn't feel very end of the world-y if so many main characters make it through relatively unscathed. Especially when people like Taim turn into jobbers

>> No.17834209

That's the editor's job

>> No.17834234

I'd rather see the main characters live against all odds than have them killed off for no reason other than to shock the reader.

There's no way someone wrote this unironically. I refuse to believe that not even the turbo autists on this website are capable of that, even the ponyfags

>> No.17834270

It doesn't have to be for shock value though. Dying heroically, especially when a character has knowingly been heading to their death for some time, isn't edgy or whatever

Well he should have consulted with the editor so the final book wasn't 3 books in length. Then he could have compressed the middle ones so they weren't garbage

>> No.17834275

>There's no way someone wrote this unironically. I refuse to believe that not even the turbo autists on this website are capable of that, even the ponyfags
Anon, whoever wrote that story was 100% serious. I shit you not. He was trying to write a new Finnegans wake of our generation

>Besooth, for what accompanies the motion of his beak? but violence applied living flesh, Dangerous thoughts for a man who is struck in strict passage by the transposition of the beaking pecks towards a gentle toothing—just a teasing on mother’s grave—yet a toothing nonetheless of a fleshy hood covering so inadequately a little engorgement which a full-blooded man might see according to his nature as potentially a fruit and proceed to wondering at its nectar. This man, in keeping with his Nature, with his Ontology, his noumenal Encasement (or is it Encasedment) may, strictly and hypothetically speaking, wander from time to time down a hallway of sorts, get lost at times in its byzantine myria; Ah, yes! should I miscalculate for a heated moment, lost in the unforced lust; Ah, yes! if I were to miscalculate the force applied by the jaw; Ah yes! then this might happen, and that might happen and by that time she’s quizzical at the delay, apologies my love, let’s finish you off.

>Th’kitchen table splays limp before me, grainy tendrils serpentined and reaching OUT, ACROSS, and BEYOND for which, why, and who aren’t? With moai’s dignity looms my wife, Eileen, directly across. Pass the peas, Grace. She do. A shyness to her movements; my mind's eye dispels it immediately with prejudice. Beneath the demure lies something I've lain with myself, and beneath it all a little engorgement jutting. It's near time for work. Send them off. I do. To send myself off as well, I do.

>My linens starchened, my hair crusting over in pomade, gaol to gaol, gaoler to gaoler. Ring ring ring. Why's not the belling chastened? Ring ring ring. Out the window life goes on. Is it me? My own bell? Can't ask them, not now, not while there remains some manner of self-idolatry to combat the crushing infetterence of ringings and Others and whyfores and hownots perchanced—interrogative—w ah ..n te(———((——(((— n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n?.

>Fencing grows larger as I closen the prison. Larger and larger yet. At the gate, Bill, from across the way. How's it, Bill? Good, good. Good. Wife and kids? Delectable, all. Delectable, delectable. All, all. Should I tell him? This morning, Bill, as I lay with my wife, Grace, I, myself, became fixated upon an object. How should I put it? Bill, we've got an issue. My eyes wander to the lone willow yarding and words fail me. Bill follows my gaze, he knows. I know that he knows. Go get your kit, he says, we'll handle it. Grab the prisoners on the way.

>> No.17834305

Main characters deaths should serve some purpose, whether to disrupt social systems, impact the other main characters in some profound way, etc. Unfortunately, most fantasy authors feel that they have to kill someone important in every major battle or else it won't be realistic or some nonsense.

I don't remember most of what the other students wrote in my undergraduate creative writing classes, but I know that nothing they wrote was even close to being as bad as that.

>> No.17834335

I like anime, I don't like cringe shit like Vtubers

>> No.17834399

What are some pagan fantasy books? Gene Wolfe's Wizard Knight had heaps of it, and I enjoyed that a lot. mask of the Sorcerer also had a lot of it, but it was egyptian rather than european. Jack Vance's Lyonesse seemed to have some of it, and I want to read it, but I keep getting bored of reading about a roastie going through puberty.

>> No.17834455

It's what happens when you get your knowledge from /lit/. You get a bunch of anons trying to write like they're in the 19th century or early 20th century.

>Within my coward's chest leaps a leaden heart dully. The men emerge from their cells and I walk down the line. I confess I've made their lives difficult, but all has purpose, purpose being its own recursion when diminished. In its absence we all decay. I confess I've created a purpose for these men, who stand in front of their cells, eyes fixed firm ahead, silence. Disobedience heavily punished, I'm afraid. Might there have been a time where I could have changed it? As its architect, I can offer a resounding affirmation that this is, in fact, my design. Its fact; my fiction. So falls to me as well the matter of its enforcement. Closest the door, the shortest the men. A touch of arbitration—the very shortest on the left with the next-shortest on the right. It gets slightly more complicated here, as the third-shortest man stands directly behind the second-shortest man rather than the first. I’ve a strong distaste for bilateral patterns, so once the fourth-shortest man takes his place opposite the third, we break the semblance of any bilateral symmetry by taking first the same subset of men on the other end of the spectrum, the ordered set of the four tallest men, and then by adopting the pattern, rotating it once clockwise, finally adding an extra man at the end, establishing a five-tuple of the tallest men in the prison arranged in a transposed non-permutation of the previous set in the series which nonetheless is consciously arranged and will suffice there-for. We repeat this purpose front to back the jailhouse ward. The end result is far from orderly in appearance, but as we all know, no beauty can eclipse that of a meaning hidden. Ring ring ring.


>Me tierdendottir elle acht pun memine-ed ferra spell. Ich. Gracened by Eileen o’er backpass yon-the-way, Graylene. The third she ought be, yet fer the two priory, eache seems being lessen a full neither. Far in, beyaucht mollen int'r, thron tsist bayough whomart fluffin tay'n mottir. Royly it is, wellen truly. Fucked. Straight fucked.

>> No.17834824

40k books are so bad
even ciaphas cain books are solid meh
that said i like the lore and the world and dark eldar are way worse

>> No.17834837

Cradle is horrible because it follows template set by chinese in qidian novels and they suck

>> No.17834887

>It doesn't have to be for shock value though. Dying heroically, especially when a character has knowingly been heading to their death for some time, isn't edgy or whatever

It doesn't have to be but usually is. Why have then die when living is just as likely of an alternative? I'm not saying having characters have to stay alive no matter what or that them dying is bad. But I do believe that if you just kill them off at the end in an attempt to "give them heroic death" it's just a easy and cheap way to try and make the ending grandiose.
Honestly I'm tired of just having character be killed off for no reason. If it happens once or twice trough out the whole series it raises the stakes and can make things feel more real but if it seems like every series does it multiple times I just feel like I'm wasting my time getting invested in anyone.

>> No.17835000

t. tranny in denial

>> No.17835293


>> No.17835685

Who's the author?

>> No.17835688

Will Wright.

>> No.17835761

the Nail ut it's much more likely a space station or satellite than a portal.

it's in geosynchronous orbit with Earwa (same place in the sky day and night, all year long) so it has to be something that is moving with the planet.

>> No.17835842
File: 372 KB, 2424x1370, Cyberpunk 2077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good cyberpunk novels I can read to wash out the bad taste 2077 left behind?

>> No.17836004


>> No.17836044

/sffg/ featuring rape on the metaphysical level?

>> No.17836048
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>> No.17836181
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x3000, jLul37v1NcF8XpdSEh4RHsmGocA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch Blade Runner 2049. It's the cyberpunk genre's peak

>> No.17836194

Prince of Nothing

>> No.17836384

Pretty much. Having characters miraculously stay alive through plot armor is annoying too, but I'd much rather have that than watch a bunch of people I've invested in be killed off just so the author can imitate GRRM. I finished reading the Licanius Trilogy a few months ago, and the final book was so bad with killing off major supporting characters both out of nowhere and for no good reason.

>> No.17836699

>Would you ratter women have some form of unrealistic self determination and prowess and assurance or they be worthless whores?
>I, for one, don't mind "M'uh powerful female" trope as long as it doesn't go into blatant demagoguery territory.
I used to agree. I liked the idea of an equal partner. Like, give a girl like Kitai in Codex Alera as the love interest and I would be fine but nowadays I just hate women too much to not get annoyed anytime a woman shows up a man. I just want more stories where men show women why they should stay in the kitchen. You know, the kind of thing that I grew up being told was EVERYWHERE but never actually saw anywhere.

>> No.17836741


Anyone recommend some good military sci fi where China is the boogeyman.. or ww3 books? Just did TC McCarthys.. Subterrene series, and Tyger Burning. In both China blurs the line with merging their soldiers with A.I.. so they pretty much cease to be 'human' and become something different, and become the evil enemy of humanity. Which is probably not too far from the mark since in RL they have almost no morals with human experimentation.

>> No.17836988

For anyone who knows the fictional world of Glorantha, is anyone here able to recommend some novels (besides King of Sartar, obviously) that give you the mythic, heroic vibes of that setting?

>> No.17837255

Prince of Nothing

>> No.17837260

I was just conned out of $2K USD in one of the biggest scams in /biz/ history ($GRUMPY). And holy shit bros, Bakker is so, so right about human nature. The way we hook our unknown desires to powers that seem beyond us. The way we delude ourselves into making our base cravings seem lofty and meaningful. The animal striving at the heart of every man, intermingled and impossibly confused with his yearning for truth and clarity. The vastness of the darkness that comes before.... and how easily men can be manipulated by those who understand its power.

When I saw the rug being pulled, the money empty from my account, the hopes and dreams I’d hitched on this dream vanish into mist, I understood exactly how Saubon and Proyas felt.

>> No.17837280

How do you predict the end of asoiaf?

Will the others be exposed as simply radiation mutated beings from the long night nuclear war and we learn a lesson in not being xenophobic againat the others

Do you watch preston jacobs

>> No.17837397
File: 28 KB, 200x219, 200px-Bookset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.17837628

I like preston but his post nuclear world theory is bullshit.
As for others, I think even fatman does not know their endgame. My headcanon is that Bran will use them to conquer westeros.

>> No.17837641

>As for others, I think even fatman does not know their endgame.
I thought this was all but confirm.

>> No.17837677

No one cares anymore tbqh.

>> No.17837688


>> No.17837690

Speak for yourself.

>> No.17837691

I care.

>> No.17837703

>I like preston but his post nuclear world theory is bullshit.
In what way?

>> No.17837721

Rape is edgy.

>> No.17837733

God, I fucking hate you.

>> No.17837740

it seems too far fetched. Martin definitely didn't have that intention. Preston loves to go full autistic most of the time. His video about dragon hatching genetics is the proof of that.

>> No.17837754

>Martin definitely didn't have that intention.
Should have gone with the time skip.

>> No.17837763

New thread

>> No.17837774

I agree.

>> No.17838695
