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17818697 No.17818697 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this masterpiece, what did i think of it?

>> No.17818703

Even the title alone reeks of Judaism

>> No.17818707

I guess you thought it was a masterpiece

>> No.17818709

>da jooz
Take your antisemitism back to >>>/pol/ fag, you must be 18 to post here

>> No.17818710

>book by some poindexter geek from the debate club that talks fast

Into the locker with you, nerd

>> No.17818714
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>> No.17818723

>everyone with criticism is nazi
Very nuanced take, Shlomo.

>> No.17818728
File: 16 KB, 645x770, poljak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone that likes jews is a jew
The next step is dropping ridiculous infographs claiming that jews own the world

>> No.17818737

The next step is letting the conversation devolve into the lowest denominator, people like (you) thrive in shitfests like that.

My point was merely that Mr Shapiro's methods are rather lawyeresque and not in good faith, as you can deduce from the title alone.

Now off to the youtube comment sections you go.

>> No.17818745

But I thought that the Jews were leftists?

>> No.17818773

That looks like a porn video cover.

>> No.17818837


>> No.17818863
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>yet another cringe jewish book

>> No.17818870
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>> No.17818902

I can't tell if he actually believes the shit he's saying

>> No.17818916
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He's controlled opposition funded by jews

>> No.17819113

back to pol

>> No.17819117

back to r*ddit

>> No.17819119

>stream of incoherent but fancy sounding words
>conclusion unrelated

How did this worm get such a big following? He's worse than Sam Harris!

>> No.17819130

the conclusion is related though. imagine getting filtered by a literal midwit

>> No.17819139

>only debate inexperienced college students because everyone else can see through your bullshit
>disingenuously overwhelm the debate by talking really fast, throwing out more talking points that could possibly be addressed by the other person

Is there anything more to this grifter I'm missing?

>> No.17819164

The conclusion is related to the topic, yes.
A follow-up? No.

>> No.17819188
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