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17818615 No.17818615 [Reply] [Original]

Christcucks btfo

>> No.17818673

But my God is Marduk (PBUH) and he admits that he isn’t omnibenevolent

>> No.17818676

Arguing with tools makes you a moron
Just live your fucking life and ignore the schizo LARPing relitards

>> No.17818684
File: 9 KB, 480x360, bart_soyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bart D. Ehrman
I've seen some of this guy's lectures on YouTube, I genuinely couldn't tell if he was arguing for Christianity or against it in some videos

>> No.17818735

Is this book genuinely good?

>> No.17818797

Bible does answer that in the first 3 chapters of the bible

>> No.17818801

What is the answer?

>> No.17818803

What part of "willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known" is so difficult to understand?

>> No.17818835

Satan questioned God's authority. Notice how Satan offers Jesus the world? He's in charge. Satan is basically saying all intelligent beings should be able to live or rule however they want. But history has shown the results are a complete disaster and everyone suffers which only proves God right and Satan wrong. In reality of course Satan only wants to be God and be worshipped himself. That's why he asks Jesus to do something for him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temptation_of_Christ

>> No.17818843

Brainlet here, How does that explain why we suffer?

>> No.17818848

Basically if you suffer it's on you because you didn't believe enough

>> No.17818872

who said humans should be above suffering while on earth? Even Christ (God) suffered while on earth, what makes you think you're better than God?

We suffer because we fell in our father (Adam) and the whole universe groans for restoration (romans 8:22) until the final conclusion when all will be restored and God will be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28)

>> No.17818884 [DELETED] 


>> No.17818894
File: 59 KB, 320x383, soyfem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"if God real why boo boo happen??" the book.

>> No.17818905

God is already all in all, we must recapitulate the virtues, this path is now open to us due to Christ assuming human nature.

>> No.17818912

>Psalm 115:3 Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.
God is omnipotent, omniscient, etc. God exists on such an unfathomably higher plane of existence when compared to man that the notion of us lowly humans being able to understand the motivation and reasoning behind why God does what God does is hilarious at best, offensive at worst, and utterly futile in all possible attempts.

>> No.17818927

Perhaps he is just drawing academic conclusions rather than being an apologist for either side.

>> No.17818931

finite minds pondering the infinite, St. Dionysius makes it clear that God is above both sensible and intelligible objects as He is their creator, or from scripture:
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
while we partake of His grace, according to our disposition (the analogy of the seals from St. Dionysius) ultimately God's essence is unknowable.

>> No.17818941
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christshits are so pathetic

>> No.17818948

What? That doesn't sound right at all - those who believe the most are those who suffer the most.

>> No.17818959

this is wrong lol, have you read Job bro?

>> No.17818991

yeah he is wrong, Christ's suffering on the cross has shown us that we must transfigure ourselves through suffering in order to attain to the glory of resurrection. God helps us with this through His grace.

>> No.17819011

take your fucking pills

>> No.17819016

But also God helps you find job and your lost keys

>> No.17819031


>> No.17819407

>suffering is a goal
No wonder the religion's been getting less popular

>> No.17819433

Bart is well known for not shoving his views unto others. Of course, as an academic, he will talk about his views about Biblical research etc., but he never ridicules believers and tells them they're wrong. His approach is more: "These are the facts, come to your own conclusion. Personally my conclusion is x"

This is why he's way betyer than Dawkins, Harris and all the other fedora atheists

>> No.17819449

>Basically if you suffer it's on you because you didn't believe enough

"Created sick, commanded to be well."

>> No.17819568

Athiests sure do whine about suffering and evil and the christcuck answer to it but don't really offer an alternative or a reason it exists either

>> No.17819995

The part where that still doesn’t explain the state of the world, given the properties God’s supposed to have

>> No.17820003

Atheists never claim to have all the answers, that’s what the religious do

>> No.17820028

>Atheists never claim to have all the answers
Why should I listen to atheists then?

>> No.17820077


>> No.17820110

Is this serious? Literally one of the core tenants of Christianity is that we suffer because of sin which entered our blood in The Fall.

>> No.17820125

So he's an atheist who studies the bible??? Interesting, like I said when I watched his videos I couldn't tell if he was advocating for Christianity or against it, so that says a lot about how neutral he is. As a Christian myself, I can respect him for being professional and academic about his beliefs

>> No.17820213


>> No.17820234

He even used to be a hardcore Evangelical Christian, that's the whole reason he enrolled into academia. He always wanted to become a NT scholar, reading the NT in its original language. Then as time went on as he studied, he became agnostic. He's not an atheist per se. There could be a God. It's just that he doesn't believe in the Judeo-Christian God.

>> No.17820304
File: 110 KB, 853x437, Calvin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why we suffer? is the most important question
Limp-wristed retard detected.

>> No.17820564

>being a Calvinist
Kek. You literally worship an evil god.

>> No.17820691
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>> No.17820783

because eve ate the apple
its that simple

>> No.17820796

He is a professor at my university. He used to be Christian, then converted to very liberal Christianity, then stopped being a Christian altogether because of the problem of pain and evil. Probably depends on how old the lecture is, but his background means he's pretty good at trying to balance faith

>> No.17821041

Its not a shame to not have all the answers, it's a shame to pretend you have all the answers. Life should be a constant search for knowledge and if you're so arrogant to pretend you know everything, then there's no reason to seek knowledge at all. Socrates was the wisest of all Greeks but not because he knew everything, but rather because he admitted to know nothing and therefore dedicate his life to learning.