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17818584 No.17818584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most important book of the past century?

>> No.17818605

>creates thread immediately after the Taleb thread

Fuck off, Charles Murray is a fraud and a charlatan.

>> No.17818613

I can’t understand why someone would make another shitty thread of this book for the hundredth time.

>> No.17819283

Not this book, although well-meaning, self-applauding anons on /lit/ will trip over themselves trying to argue that the group who never invented writing, agriculture, or the wheel have the same cognitive ability as the group that flew rocket ships to the moon.
Pretty funny, how powerful the idea of human egalitarianism is.

>> No.17819294

I haven't read one good book from the 20th century

>> No.17819306

a book that applies to one country will never be important

>> No.17819310
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>> No.17819322

I’d say Mein Kampf has had the most influence

>> No.17819349

Well, what exactly, is so spectacular about flying to the moon? It's literally just a waste of taxpayer money.

>> No.17819435

It has more value than your life

You will never be a woman

>> No.17819548

I'm this poster: >>17819283

Waste of taxpayer money or not, that's another discussion. The comment was about cognitive ability.

As regards OP, I'm not sure how to grade "importance.' Are we talking about most widely read? Then it would probably be a novel of some sort, Great Gatsby or 1984 or some such we all read in school. Impact on how economies/societies are structured? Much tougher to answer, maybe some of the seminal Marxist works that influenced large parts of the third world "liberation" movements, affecting millions of lives. Lenin's works, perhaps? I'm pretty unfamiliar with that niche.
As far as longevity, I doubt many other works will be read as far into the future as Lord of the Rings. It's on par with the Eddas, Beowulf, Homer, etc. It is the epic of our civilization.
Change my mind! What other works do you think will stand the test of time better?

>> No.17819560

This book is very expensive.

>> No.17819576

Pirate it

>> No.17819582

Because it's cool. I'd unironically rather spend all taxpayer money on setting up a moon base than on gay shit like healthcare for fatties and gibs for niggers

>> No.17819599

>Because it's cool.

No it's not. It's literally 'I fucking love science-tier basedboy shit' and I'm not surprised that this is what a racist like you is secretly like.

>> No.17819607

>The comment was about cognitive ability.

Well cognitive ability is a meme. Most people in the West don't even understand how electricity works, but a Xhosa man can track a wounded buffalo 50 miles.

>> No.17819610

It's likely some semi famous or barely read book on mass psychology. The people that make use of that kind of knowledge are naturally secretive about it, but the effects of human understanding how the human mind works will have lasting consequences for centuries to come in advertisements, politics, population control.

>> No.17819612

It's objectively cool. But if that's not to your tastes we could also spend it on something more realistic, like colonizing Africa again or something. Anything but the welfare state

>> No.17819626
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>It's '''''''''''''''''''''''''''objectively''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' cool

>> No.17819632

Please explain what you'd rather do with the money. More gibs?

>> No.17819707


Didn't know that, sounds cool. Doesn't make cognitive ability a meme. Every race has evolved to be excellent at various tasks within their environment. That's how evolution works: the environment places pressures on populations that select for various genetic expressions. The mental capacity to track a buffalo 50 miles is to be respected, but does not mean that individual/group has an equally capable prefrontal cortex, ability to think conceptually, etc. as another group.
IQ is a "meme," because it only measures certain aspects of intelligence. Overall cognitive ability is not. Look at the differences in adopting western technology between Africa and the Far East. Africans have fared miserably, East Asians have been off and running for decades. Same technology, same time period, two very different evolutionary groups.
If an ELE were to occur, the Africans that are still living hunter-gatherer lifestyles are going to fare significantly better than us "soft" westerners that haven't even grown our own food for generations. Most of us will die off, they will thrive in the aftermath. But that doesn't mean they have higher cognitive ability, it means their knowledge and experiences will have prepared them more for the new survival metrics.
Fighting the obvious fact of differing intelligence in different evolutionary groups is a hopeless task, despite the massive amount of very powerful egalitarian propaganda we're subjected to from a very early age.
It doesn't mean that whites are "better" than Africans any more than Jews or Asians are "better" than we are because they have higher IQs.

>> No.17819722

>It's literally just a waste of taxpayer money.
when elon musk says he's going to colonize mars on his own dime you still cry so don't give me the tax payer bullshit

>> No.17819727

>Every race has evolved to be excellent at various tasks within their environment.

That's true, but the environment between Europe and Africa isn't that different, and it shows. The biggest difference between Europeans and Africans are phenotypic traits like skin color, meanwhile if you bring an African baby to Germany, he's going to grow up speaking German, have entirely German cultural references and he will never suddenly start playing bongo drums at age 15 and speak Xhosa.

>> No.17819728

tracking a dying animal that weights 800 pounds is not hard

>> No.17819735

Well Elon Musk is probably one of the worst rent seekers of our age. His entire wealth right now comes from tax farming green subsidies and from NASAs budget. I'll give it to him that he's a very clever businessman, but if it wasn't for the government he would be a nobody.

>> No.17819744

getting government contracts and using subsidies is not rent seeking

>> No.17819750
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>2 images posted so far
>only one of them is a response to OP

>> No.17819755

It definitely is if the business the contracts and subsidies are for aren't profitable in themselves.

Do you think Tesla would exist today without subsidy? It wouldn't. He literally started the company during the worst parts of the financial meltdown in 2009, he would be bankrupt in a year if it wasn't for daddy government.

>> No.17819772

he didn't start tesla, he bought it. if you don't even know the basic history of tesla, i doubt you understand how the business works. do you consider boeing "rent seeking"? the government supporting companies that create dual use tech is not "rent seeking". you seem to have low cognitive ability. good day, sir.

>> No.17819789

If you can't survive in the market without help from the government you are rent seeking yes you dumb idiot.

>> No.17819802

Despite there being more Africans than Europeans we have situation where there are incredible disparities between the two, no matter where or when
- lack of literature
- lack of innovation
- lack of patents
- lack of industry despite dirt cheap labor force
- lack of industry despite dirt cheap labor force and immediate vicinity to industrialized fworld
- no wheel before 19th century & other people bring it for you
- fares incredibly badly in every measurable feat and ability when compared to any other group. No matter where or when.
- more violent and inability to coexist, no matter where or when
Both violence and cognitive ability are genetic and when the environment favors things we'd consider negative over what we'd consider positive it's natural that after tens of thousands of years of natural and manmade selection you'd end up vast differences between people
Places with winter require people to work together and plan for future, or you die and your children will die
Places that require you to outrun animals don't require you to do any of that
There's reason why some places didn't have WHEEL but recently and why tropical paradises see people eating dirt cookies because the people living there are so fucking stupid and on top of that violent too so they can't even enjoy the tourism boom

>> No.17819830

All of these things can't simply be explained by Africans having low IQ. The Chinese literally had the exact same civilization for 4000 years and they aren't low IQ people, statistically Han Chinese have higher IQ on average than Europeans.

A society only changes and new technology invented when it is necessary.

>> No.17819922

Of course they can be explained by Africans having low cognitive ability
Progress isn't linear to better things and people responsible for the societies around Egypt 4k years ago are not the same ones currently occupying most of Africa today
What use is new tech if the people can't make use of it because they are too fucking retarded. Yes corruption and incompetence play big part. But people who are too fucking retarded will never create better future for themselves or can upkeep it, even if they were handed civilization on silverplatter
We already know what mingling and end result of mutts after hundreds of years looks like from places like Brazil and USA and it's not really good look from the objectively measured things

What use are better means to farm the land when the people living there are too retarded to make any use of them and eat the seeds before even putting those into an use and burn all the trees and end up eating dirt cookies and are so fucking violent and stupid that no one wants to even tourism your shit hole despite it being tropical paradise.

>> No.17819966

>Of course they can be explained by Africans having low cognitive ability

No it can't. Like I just illustrated, China had the same feudal system for 4000 years, and never invented either capitalism, the steam engine, or rockets.

Explain why, when they have higher IQ than Europeans.

>> No.17820014

Steam engines and rockets are quite big leap from basic things like WHEEL though
I don't think there's satisfactory answer as to why China didn't land on the moon 3,000 years ago. Maybe they are really corrupt country and not really creative or innovative and just cheat in everything? Even in those IQ tests? There are actual riots in China over not being able to cheat
>For the students, and for their parents waiting outside the school, the new rules went too far. As soon as the exams finished, a mob swarmed into the school in protest. “I picked up my son at midday [from his exam]. He started crying. I asked him what was up and he said a teacher had frisked his body and taken his mobile phone from his underwear. I was furious and I asked him if he could identify the teacher. I said we should go back and find him,” one of the fathers, named as Yin, said to the police later.

>By late afternoon, the invigilators were trapped in school offices as students pelted the windows with rocks. Outside, more than 2,000 people had gathered to vent their rage, smashing cars and chanting.

Something like this would be inconceivable for anyone living in western country and if they score well because they cheat that naturally does not do credit for cognitive ability as much it does for being underhanded and being dishonest

>> No.17820021

Stop moving the goalpost you fucking bad faith brainlet.

>> No.17820039
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Again, IQ is an imperfect measure of overall mental ability. And mental ability is not the only measure of "worth," no matter how you define it.
Let's compare and contrast Europeans, Jews, and Asians.
East Asians score higher on IQ tests than whites. One could take this as being "smarter" than we are. They do better on average than we do in our own economies, having higher average incomes, higher levels of education, etc. But what have they invented? What have they created? Gunpowder 1000 years ago that they never put to use? They have taken technology developed by westerners and transformed their countries with it, raising their standards of living and even making relatively minor technological advancements themselves. But they are responsible for very little innovation overall. It was Europeans that developed the math and science (and the transmission of this knowledge over centuries and spans of geography!) that led to the mind boggling innovations in communications (radio, television, telephones, computers, the internet), medicine (antibiotics, prosthetics, robotics, even basic sanitation procedures and surgery), transportation (trains, planes, and automobiles), name it brother. The east Asians have adopted our technology remarkably well, but have developed very little of it themselves. They generally lack some sort of creative spark that is more common in our genotype, something that causes innovation and not merely adoption. Hence their stereotype as "bugmen" or highly functioning robots: they can learn the rules and play the game well, but do very little thinking outside the box.
Jews also outperform whites pretty drastically. Without getting into /pol/tier bullshit, Jews are highly successful in western nations. Like Asians, they do better in most intelligence/economic metrics than we do. But a cursory examination of Jewish history shows their defining peculiarity: they are a people in diaspora. The majority of Jews have spent the majority of history outside of their Jewish homeland. Even when "given the chance to return," as now and under Darius, half/most choose to stay in other lands, enjoying their success in America/Babylon/wherever. Being highly successful in their host countries, they have little incentive to return to their own home, where they have failed time and time again to thrive and create a "Jewish civilization." Instead of building a great nation of their own people, Jews tend to live in nations built by others, and tend to rise to the top of the economic/power ladders in these countries. Hence their stereotype as "parasites" than must live off a host nation.

Now I have plenty of great things to say about Jews and Asians, let's not let this discussion devolve into /pol/ level faggotry.

The point is that IQ is only a measure of certain aspects of intelligence, as evidenced by two groups that have higher IQs than whites and outperform us in certain ways but drastically underperform us in others.

>> No.17820069

Well, you did ask why they didn't invent those things before Europeans. I did counterclaim that maybe they werent all that smart?

Not to mention progress isnt linear and inventing from abstract something concrete isn't something that happens naturally or linearly to all civilizations and people in some specific timeline as if it was Civilization videogame

Steam engine doesnt happen naturally to every civilization after certain points in culture and science have been achievent, nor will capitalism, steam engine or rocket, because for most part these are pretty abstract inventions to conjure from nothing

But you have to wonder why not even WHEEL was brought by Africans in the thousands or tens of thousands of years by the hundreds if not billions Africans before Europeans showed how handy it was lol

>> No.17820072
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Wow this some peak cope posting.

>yes they have higher IQ, but ACKSHUALLY they aren't that smart


>> No.17820109

I read the Ode Less Traveled. Is it worth it getting this as well?

>> No.17820117

>Steam engine doesnt happen naturally to every civilization after certain points in culture and science have been achievent, nor will capitalism, steam engine or rocket

I never claimed it did either you fucking dweeb, but you're the one who is arguing that the main reason Africa is so underdeveloped compared to Europe is because of Africans' low IQ, and clearly that just isn't true because as I demonstrated, just having a high IQ doesn't mean you'll become the most technologically powerful inventors on the planet either.

>> No.17820123
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>deboonks your IQ argument

>> No.17820124

I claimed that Africans possess low cognitive ability, which I would say we can both agree to, no?
IQ is imperfect measure for intelligence and is in no means measure for innovation. But IQ is quite possibly best means we have to measure intelligence objectively

>> No.17820141

>I claimed that Africans possess low cognitive ability, which I would say we can both agree to, no?

No, the only thing I'd agree to is that specifically Sub-Saharan Africans have *on average* lower IQ scores compared to other populations on the planet, and those studies were done 50 years ago and might even be wrong, given the current replicability crisis in social science.

I'd argue that most problems in Africa stem from political instability and corruption, which are not features that are unique to places where people have a lower on average IQ.

>> No.17820144

the stark differences in 4chan posters

>> No.17820145
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>> No.17820162

why does TBC make /lit/ seethe every time it is posted?

>> No.17820164

I read about the first 100 pages of this book and put it down because it was just painfully repetitive and mostly stating obvious things.
Does it get more interesting or is 500 pages of statistics vomit?

>> No.17820166

Being terse and getting your point across in few words is a skill anon, clearly one the top poster doesn't have.

>> No.17820176

Yes, brevity is effective. Avoiding refuting points in an argument and posting memes is not a sign of intelligence, young one.

>> No.17820179

You do realize we have access to educational results from everywhere and from every group, even last year for most of the planet
If we had group of people
- that didnt invent or put wheel to use until foreign group of people introduced it for you
- are incredible prone to violence
- fares really badly no matter time or place (as per educational results across the globe)
- fares really badly no matter time or place no matter what field if it's not basketball or some other field where it involves traits that'd are linked to outrunning animals
Is it all political instability and corruption happening everywhere simultaneously only for them and not for everyone else?
Do you even consider intelligence and violence to be genetic traits? You realize traits like psychopathy are hereditary too?

>> No.17820206

The guy is just moving the goalposts. First the /pol/goloids in this thread claim it's IQ that makes Africa a shithole, and when confronted on this they change it to "cognitive ability", a word that lacks any definition.

The racists and /pol/goloids in this thread who are obsessed with essentializing specific features to African people will never argue in good faith.

>> No.17820207

And mind you, I'm talking about people who've immigrated to safe and welcoming society, such as nordic countries from where we already know the educational results by nationality, nationality of parent or if you are 2nd.. 3rd.. 4th gen immigrant in that country
Why is that the groups in question, those that you so valiantly deny to suffer from cognitive detriments suffer from one gen to another from the same deficits despite other groups not suffering those deficits?
Why is it so difficult to admit that some people are just fucking dumb as per genetics? That doesn't make them any less human and the end result does not change, they are still fucking dumb be it genetic or some bullshit you conjure to avoid facing the fact that intelligence and behavior for large part are genetic

Do you honestly believe that no matter what kind of natural or man made artificial selection happens, people remain the same in their cognitive ability after tens and hundreds of thousands of years?

>> No.17820227

>science is fun
>unless it's about people not being the same!
The fact that some places have winter and others do not would be sufficient enough to tell you that it has impact on the survival of specific kind of people

Do you even believe intelligence or human behavior to be factored by genetics?

>> No.17820228

25% of the human genome relates exclusively to the brain and people still walk around in a daze like "there's no variation in intelligence" ok lol

>> No.17820242

Typing buzzwords like "moving the goalposts" in no way disproves any of the arguments listed above. You are, essentially, calling those posters names instead of disproving their logic or data. Which aspect of the argument do you disagree with? Do you have proof of Asian ingenuity or Jewish civilizational prowess? Perhaps a different understanding of evolution by natural selection? Maybe you can posit that JESUS came down from the clouds to sprinkle some fairy dust on the planet to make us all equal. At least put forth some sort of argument on your own!
Prove your mettle, little one! You can do it! Provide a counter argument as to why different population groups all magically have the same cognitive ability!
If you cannot, then return to /pol/ where you can fight with the white nationalists, Jewish trolls, and other faggots of your ilk.

>> No.17820249

Yeah and we can run them over with our tanks

>> No.17820254

But his I.Q. will probably be lower

>> No.17820260

If there's no such thing as cognitive ability then what are you comparing?

>> No.17820261

If we're rejecting studies and going on common sense, I'm going with my gut that Africans aren't as smart as Europeans

>> No.17820262

Of course I do think it has an impact, but you're grossly inflating that impact. Like I said here>>17819727, human beings are not that different even though they have lived for several thousands years apart in different environments.

An African child that is adopted by a white family and grows up in Great Britain will become British in every single facet of their character except their skin color.

>> No.17820267

I despise when people latch on to this as if their race having a higher IQ makes them special. As if it automatically makes them more worthy of comfort and leisure at the expense of everyone not in their race. White supremacists are the dumbest white people alive, but they cling to the idea that because they are white, they are smarter than everyone else. They look to the achievements of others and act like they contributed to them. White supremacists are the niggers of white people.

>> No.17820280

>White supremacists are the niggers of white people.


>> No.17820309
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An IQ test evaluates cognitive ability (g). IQ is a comparative measure that determines where you are in relation to other people and g is the general factor of intelligence. These terms do have definitions but are colloquially used in the same manner.


>> No.17820333

Have you ever bothered to read the criticisms of this in the same article you linked, or is that just beyond your g?

>> No.17820353

I was in middle of answering to that post, but that's simply not true. We wouldn't even have this conversation if that was true.

In Finland there's clear contrast for MENA+Sub saharan africans to crime and how they fare way worse in every coinceivable way, be it education or employment
MENA/African men rape 17 times as much Finns in Finland and even after socioeconomic factor correction the difference remains tenfold.
https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-7877771 (Finnish national news)

The immigrants from MENA/Africa in general fare really badly in education, Asians, with the exception of South Asians don't see this problem. Be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd gen. (PISA)
https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000002720952.html (Pozzed Finnish newspaper)

And this is not limited to Finland, the same problem persists in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. In Sweden it was such big problem that they removed people with immigrant background entirely from PISA results.

Do you honestly consider it a coincidence that every country populated by Africans to large numbers becomes a shithole? Even literal tropical paradises become places no one wants to go.

>> No.17820364

Do you believe cognitive ability is genetic?
Do you believe human behavior such as violence is genetic?
Do you believe traits like psychopathy are genetic?

Why is it that without a exception all the places with dumb people are just suffering from injustice instead of just being populated by literal niggers and stupid people?

>> No.17820365

sorry but intelligence is still variable and heritable. it doesnt matter how much you hate white supremacists

>> No.17820375

How exactly does this disprove what I said anon? First generation immigrants aren't the same kind of foreigner as adoptees. I specifically chose adoptees to show you that it is *not* genetic.

>> No.17820380

There is a huge difference between being adopted and mass immigration. An adopted child has parents that teach and nurture them. They can much more easily become assimilated and achieve success. Mass immigration is completely different in that sense. Your example does not counter what the previous poster said.

>> No.17820382

>ba dum tish

>> No.17820398

>missing the point this hard
I'm not denying that white people score better on an intelligence test created by white people. My point is that only the bottom of the barrel whites think this makes them special. Anyone that actually contributes to society knows intelligence and achievement are more complicated than this. If all you can hang your hat on is the achievements of others and a mean shift, you're a nigger

>> No.17820402

Still doesn't disprove anything I said. An African child raised in a white German family in Germany, won't be African, even if IQ is heritable.

>> No.17820405

And yet he will never be German. Your fixation on learned things discards the innate, the existence of the latter isn't even disputed in psychology anymore.

>> No.17820412

I read quite a bit of the primary literature. They always prominently include criticism in the wiki no matter how fringe these views are in the field, it's a politically controversial subject. But obviously it's very difficult to define intelligence for example because people have different strenghts or the question of how you would evaluate education in this.

>> No.17820419

>And yet he will never be German.

Of course he will. He won't know anything other than German culture and language, that's the point. Just because you don't accept him as German, doesn't change the fact that he is.

>> No.17820420

I understand that you hate the white supremes. Your message has been received, ok? But let me repeat it for you again: intelligence is still clearly variable and heritable.

>> No.17820425

Is this a literature thread.

>> No.17820432

>Lee further suggests that causality may run from IQ and other behavioral variables to differences in pre-adoption experiences rather than the other way around, and that race by itself as a visible characteristic may have affected pre-adoption experience.[5]
Hmm almost like there are a number of factors that go into IQ and success

>> No.17820438

Whites do not 'score better' on intelligence tests. Asians and Ashkenazi Jews do. The 'culturally biased' tests are actually the best ones for Africans because they have a strong verbal ablitity.

>> No.17820443

Is this thread literature related.

>> No.17820447

Intelligence is clearly variable and heritable. 25% of whites have less than 100IQ, and you're definitely one of them.

>> No.17820452

Hey bud: go to the catalog, find this thread, click the little, hit "hide thread." This'll save you lots of bitching. You're welcome.

>> No.17820451

>Asians and Ashkenazi Jews do.
I knew this but I'm always curious what /pol/ types think of this. Does this mean whites should take their place below them?

>> No.17820455

A thread died for this.

>> No.17820460

You're having an emotional reaction to objective science.

>> No.17820461

Does this thread belong here on this board, thoughts?

>> No.17820465

this thread is full of SNEED

>> No.17820467

Is there any cognitive test where black people don't simply end up being literally the worst contenders among mankind?
Of course there's individuality always about people, but we're talking about groups not specific people here.
The whole tantrum you are throwing about cognitive ability not meaning anything and if you think it does, means you are a nigger is plain childish. Any society populated by retarded niggers will never be successful or good place to live
Passport makes it German true, but ethnically it'll be African. Culturally probably American mutt, rap and all that shit lol.
Is there any cognitive test you are willing to admit would be objective enough for this then?
I think I already linked the pisa bit for Finland so I'm kinda loss what you are exactly after here?
If every and all tests and situations are just not good enough if they show africans fare badly no matter where they are, I wonder what shows they fare just as good as everyone else?

>> No.17820470


Yes, we're discussing the content of the Murray book. Being a non-fiction work, the implications of Mr Murray's evidence for differences in intellectual ability carry far-reaching, non-literary consequences.

>> No.17820472

Do you think you're going to be ok?

>> No.17820473

What are some off-topic discussion threads?

>> No.17820474

And you think this "objective science" doesn't apply to you and your race.

>> No.17820477

Average IQ in Israel: 95

>> No.17820480

It doesn't have anything to do with a fundamental political hierarchy but nazis will generally point so some mystical white ability for creativity which in my opinion would actually be true when compared to Jews but not Asians.

>> No.17820484

This is another ego-based attack which I will ignore as easily as the last few. You're still reacting emotionally to objective science.

>> No.17820492

How do I make a thread OP with the appearance to board relevance yet entirely non board relevant discussion.

>> No.17820493

I'm saying read this book >>17820123. IQ is not the end all be all determining factor in a person's life. The only people who care about it have nothing else in their lives going for them.

>> No.17820497
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Debate the topic in the Murray book, don't slide the topic because you have no proof that all races just magically have equal intelligence.

>> No.17820500

What is literature.

>> No.17820503

What is not literature.

>> No.17820504

You're having a meltdown about a book discussion, bro.

>> No.17820505

That's not a fair assessment. If you look internally at whites who have an IQ of 70 and what that means in their lives and then you look at Africa and find that to be their average it has enormous impact on how to evaluate all sorts of things. Expectations for one.

>> No.17820506

Nobody has ever claimed all races just magically have the same intelligence you strawmanning national basedcialist.

>> No.17820507

Kindly provide a source for your claim

>> No.17820512

Is this a new shill tactic? Melting down and posting 20 times a minute to crash the thread and ignore reality???

>> No.17820515

>"Africans are dumb, therefore we should annihilate or enslave them"
>"This is not an emotional reaction to objective science."

>> No.17820516

>Debate the topic in the Murray book
That would not be a literature discussion, or a philosophical discussion. Take it to >>>/x/ where all the pseudoscience threads belong.

>> No.17820519

You're hallucinating posts I never made as having been made by me. Another symptom of your ongoing emotional reaction to objective science.

>> No.17820520

Denying entire fields of science puts you into the pseudo camp.

>> No.17820523

The thread is off topic and the OP is extremely low effort.

I'm sorry that you don't understand how or why it doesn't meet the standards of this board.

>> No.17820528

honestly you leftists are so abhorrent I don't k ow how they can be respected by anybody. according to leftists dumb people automatically must be enslaved or killed. I guess this is why they choose to live in white neighbourhood but import the third world to be their slaves far from sight or their pets that they show off on television.

>> No.17820529

Provide proof of equal cognitive abilities among the races.

You see, you delusional twat who "sticks up" for people who don't even have basic respect for you, your silly ideas of human egalitarianism are the pseudoscience, and have no basis in reality. Learn to distinguish between the dominant ideology of the day and reality, they are usually drastically different.

>> No.17820531

It's just dudes having an emotional reaction to a topic. It makes them uncomfortable and rather than just hiding the thread they try and shit it up to stop others from discussing it. Classic example of toxic masculinity.

>> No.17820533

The thread is the topic you cum drinking idiot. We're discussing the material in Murray's book. First day on /lit/?

>> No.17820536

No one has ever claimed we ought to organize society according to the IQ of one's race. The argument being made is that the reason niggers fail isn't because of evil whites but because low intelligence.

You don't need IQ to prove that multiculturalism is a shit idea, unironically just go outside and have a look at the ghettos

>> No.17820539

Pseudoscience is not science and the term pseud applied to a person is referring to pseudo-intellectual, which only has the prefix in common with pseudoscience.

>> No.17820541

IQ is imperfect measure for cognitive ability, that much is clear, but it's quite possibly best objective measure we've ever had for it. It doesn't take into accoun things like innovation and such, that much is clear, only logical reasoning, which is quite good reflection of general cognitive ability of a person or group.
That said there are clear indicators of cognitive abilities in general, such as failure to invent or utilize basic shapes like wheel or how they affect their immediate surroundings or countries. It's quite feat to turn tropical paradise into something no one is willing to pay visit, despite dirt cheap prices. Or how there's no massive industrialization in the coastal region of Africa, despite the labour force being practically free. Mind you, ultra capitalists who don't consider drinking water to be human right would have no problems building massive industrialized cities to produce cheap garbage there. It's not there because they can't produce even cheap garbage.

>> No.17820545

>according to leftists dumb people automatically must be enslaved or killed.

Do you think I'm dumb enough to believe that the reason you're obsessed with the IQ of Africans is because you care about "science" ?

>> No.17820546

but sneed sells feed and seed, anon

>> No.17820555

>No one has ever claimed we ought to organize society according to the IQ of one's race
In fact, the Bell Curve only brings up race at all in order to futher its central argument: that we should not allow society to become stratified according to cognitive ability. Somehow its critics totally miss this fundamentally antiracist position that it clearly takes. I'm guessing most of them haven't read the book.

>> No.17820559

I'm personally fond of the subject because it's how western society will change and form in the upcoming century and what impacts it will have and naturally I will see and live some of it

Denying the situation or traits of people don't make things better for anyone

If there's group of people that are too retarded to even pass basic education, well you don't make the world better place by insisting that they are actually smarter than they are and fail to even complete basic education as a result

>> No.17820563

There are no races, or each individual is his own race.

A thing predicated upon such arbitrary subjectiveness indicates (is a proof) of pseudoscience which is a thing which may be discussed on the appropriate board, not this board which is for literature.

I'm smarter than you.

>> No.17820572

I wrote pseudo not pseud. The fields you are not accepting are established in a peer reviewed context. The main method you are rejecting is statistical mathematics. That's already quite something but as the methods develop you are also approaching the rejection of genetics and molecular science.

>> No.17820573

*way smarter

>> No.17820575

Except society is already stratified according to cognitive ability, which the writers of that book ought to have known given that they are both PhDs in the social sciences in one the most intellectually elitist countries on the planet.

>> No.17820579

The 'races' in question imply groups of people that can be classified per some trait
semantics don't change the situation or reality that there's clear difference for cognitive ability between these groups of people, to the point where one has failed to utilize or even invent use for wheel for thousands of years and only recently, because foreign people brought it, they started utilizing even basic things like wheel

>> No.17820581

There are races, as is confirmed not only by common sense but by rigorous analysis of genetic distribution. Your denial of the science is a symptom of emotional reaction.

>> No.17820585

Why do you think you can get a dna test and it will tell you what region(s) of the world your ancestors came from? How exactly do you think that works lol.

>> No.17820586

But there's nothing stopping people who work 2-3 jobs in bettering themselves and becoming surgeon or scientist and just work one job for 20 hours a week
I suppose they are just lazy because they don't put in the effort to educate themselves in countries where education is free or paid by govt LoL

>> No.17820589

You're just repeating the book's argument and then saying the authors ought to have known it. They did know it, that's why they wrote the book. You haven't read it, have you?

>> No.17820594

I think it's more likely that the reason you're interested in the topic is because it gives your racist politics perceived scientific legitimacy, after all, what better way to oppose establishment politics than using science as a weapon in an era where people worship science.

It's not going to work however, because the most powerful and wealthy people in society have zero use for racism other than as a tool for the plebs to engage in petty squabbles.

>> No.17820595

If you deny the biological realities of race, there is no hope for you.
Even learning the basics of medicine shows how different races deal differently with various pathologies and pharmaceutical drugs. It is the basis of how we treat patients in the American medical system, one of the fundamental data points when considering a disease and how to treat it.
Denying the realities of DNA belongs on /x/, along with other superstitious idiocy.

>> No.17820597

It's not only science. It's to realize how people like you, i.e leftists, are acting only ever for your own interest. I used to be swayed by leftists lies in the media when I was young. but now I understand all leftists only look for their own interest. You will never live with a non domesticated migrant. only dumb people you brainwash will. You will profit from the economic growth and live in white communities or domesticated minorities. those who have to live with the non domesticated ones will not. when you talk about enslavement, you are projecting.

>> No.17820599

Are you also flat-earthers and follow astrology? Do you believe in Bigfoot?

>> No.17820601

Asian IQs cluster around the mean, European IQs are more distributed. This explains why western civ dragged the world into modernity and why Asians can keep up but only after the door was opened for them.

Africans, on the other hand, have such a low mean IQ that they are unable to adapt and thrive within the template created by western civ. Stop doing mental gymnastics because you can't face reality

>> No.17820602

The chinese had a civilisation.

>> No.17820603

You're attempting to psychoanalyze that poster because this topic provokes an emotional reaction in you. If you can't discuss objective science from a dispassionate POV, I really recommend just hiding the thread and moving on. It will be better for your mental health.

>> No.17820604

That's not his point. The problem as he sees it is that genetics over time will make this stratification heritable. A development of a genetic aristocracy and its lower end counterpart.

>> No.17820606

I'm not a leftist at all you sperglord, but keep being a schizo paranoiac, it makes your argument ever so much stronger.

>> No.17820607

Notice how none of the "anti-racists" in this thread have bothered to provide a single piece of data to support their egalitarian worldview.

>> No.17820612

Are you saying that this is a science thread?

>> No.17820618

To add to this. You can thank social media for this realization. It's because it has made me actually talk with leftists like you that I realized you are the truly evil people. a lot of people are coming to similar conclusions.

>> No.17820619

This is yet another example of trying to attack the pride and ego of other posters because you personally are having an emotional reaction to the topic at hand. It's transparent, childish, and will not have the effect you desire.

>> No.17820628

>If you can't discuss objective science from a dispassionate POV

There's nothing dispassionate or objective about IQ per definition. You're literally talking about human beings and their abilities. If I said it was genetic that your mother was a whore, and kept repeating that this is "Just Science™" it won't take long untill you either disagree or get pissed off.

>> No.17820630

No counterargument, only ad hominem. and leftist claim they are well read and intellectuals. I used to believe those lies too when I was young.

>> No.17820634

Well you keep arguing against positions I don't hold, or political camps I'm not a part of.

Untill you stop doing that, the only recourse I have is personal attacks.

>> No.17820635

This is a thread where a few people reiterate the objective science of IQ and a few other people emotionally react by trying to insult them or imply the thread shouldn't exist at all.

>> No.17820640

at best they can provide some bullshit sociological vague hypothesis
first they thought of the notion that all races are equal and then they made up something as to why

>> No.17820647

>Hence their stereotype as "parasites" than must live off a host nation.
Israel is more succesful than your irrelevant country and will be even more so in the years to come.

>> No.17820648

It's obviously a very easy argument to win. You have to realize that the reason for that isn't that you're smarter than the antiracists, it's that they are so terrified of even considering the rather obvious reality that they're extremely mentally handicapped.

>> No.17820649

No it's a fair question. There's likely some data showing that if person believes in x pseudoscientific theory they will also believe in x pseudoscientific theory. I'm asking for confirmation of the research.

>> No.17820652

Again, nobody has ever claimed "all races are equal" in this thread. You guys literally can't stop constructing strawmen and arguing in bad faith.

>> No.17820653

You are denying variance in intelligence among human communities, a conclusion which is inevitable from the theory of evolution, based on emotionally or ideological ground.

You are a leftist.

>> No.17820657

Well behaviour is genetic and some people will make that deterministic but we're not really talking about that. We're talking brain structure in a more fundamental sense, it's more like arguing with the opposition that the notion of a foot being genetic is pseudoscience.

>> No.17820659

You're just modeling the emotional reaction that I keep referring to. The fact is that studying human biology and behavior is well within the purview of objective science and the book in OP is a survey of such. If you can't handle it, leave and hide the thread. Really. It will be better for your mood than continuing to get owned.

>> No.17820662

>You are denying variance in intelligence among human communities

I have done no such thing, anywhere in this thread.

>You are a leftist.

lol ok NatSoc.

>> No.17820663

The thread should exist but not on this board as it is not a literature thread. Try /sci/ or maybe /x/.

>> No.17820667

Bad faith mong, get out of this board and stop posting

>> No.17820670


>> No.17820673

More pride/ego based attacks stemming from your emotional reaction to the topic. Snore.

>> No.17820675

It's difficult to make these distinctions. We're more discussing books in general here than literature.

>> No.17820679

Since this whole thread is tethered to a book, as can be clearly seen in OP, you're wrong. You just want the thread gone because the topic provokes an emotional response in you and you're too immature to simply hide it and move on.

>> No.17820680

Bros, do they come here because they want their minds changed?

>> No.17820687
File: 172 KB, 954x1368, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Africans are dumb, here's why"
>"This also applies to at least half of white people

>> No.17820699

Mischaracterizing the dialogue, greentext sarcasm, soijack face and veiled nazi accusation. Typical emotional reaction.

>> No.17820705
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1613904776278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the whole point of the book, silly. :^)
Putting it simply, they argue that this stratification leads to people inhabiting completely different "realities" and fail to understand each other's viewpoints, which ultimately undermines democracy and society as a whole.

You should try actually reading the book, you might even find it interesting desu

>> No.17820707

Well what you believe about me is it's thing entirely, but I think you are only lashing out because you don't like what you are hearing
The most powerful and the wealthy probably don't have your best interest at heart. You don't get to that position by playing nice or being nice. If I had to guess their interest lies in creating the cheapest and most easily utilized drone that doesn't threaten their wealth or power, aka ideal slave for them and for their ideals
And they indeed do have use for racism, that's why they push for identity politics regardless of place and that's why they push narratives such as don't have children if you are white because of climate or have children if you are not, because of future, through medias they own.

Hell it's astounding how you can think the elite have best interest of humanity at heart. I'd reckon they'd push for eugenics instead of dysgenics if they did.

>> No.17820710

It doesn't apply to this degree to white people. Half have an IQ below 100 but that doesn't mean they're 'dumb'. The vast majority of those are above 80. For African we're talking 70 as the average (that's 10% in the white population). An average white person would be exceptionally brilliant in an African context which if you have ever met an average white person should be quite concerning to you.

>> No.17820714

>Half have an IQ below 100 but that doesn't mean they're 'dumb'

Cope more /pol/goloid.

>> No.17820722

Intelligence is genetic
So is behavior and traits like psychopathy
If you so wish I can provide ample sources but even slightest effort on your part will do just fine, since that way you can read sources you yourself deem acceptable, and they are indeed plenty

>> No.17820728

It's not nice to think in this manner. A person with an IQ of 90 can contribute in a meaningful way to society. When specialized he will know many things that you don't, it's silly to use a pejorative here.

>> No.17820731

They receive more play money from USA than most countries of their size have to use for annual budget, even the western counterparts
Yet they hardly don't provide more literature or patents per capita than say nordic countries

>> No.17820732

so if you concede that races aren't equal what is your argument here?

>> No.17820734

I have never denied it is genetic, I have simply criticized the idea that it matters in the grand scheme of things or that it justifies any kind of politics.

>> No.17820742

>just because you don't close your eyes to the obvious differences pointed out in this thread doesn't mean he's not German!

>> No.17820744
File: 125 KB, 1076x749, amazon-document-diversity-is-weakness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not going to work however, because the most powerful and wealthy people in society have zero use for racism other than as a tool for the plebs to engage in petty squabbles.
They actually have a lot more use for 'antiracism' for that purpose. If you accept the IQ differences between populations, what policy and culture does that promote? It promotes raceblindness and judging individuals. Probably it promotes pushing the IQ differences under the rug, and trying to not talk about race much in mainstream discourse at all.

Antiracism on the other hand paints a very different picture. If the populations are actually equal then something has to be causing the massively disparate outcomes, and that something is White RacismTM, which makes the *entire* white population guilty in a kind of decentralized fashion. Very convenient way to get the proles to despise each other

>> No.17820754

I concede that different populations on the planet are different, just like I concede that there is a difference between Albert Einstein and a British coal miner.

>> No.17820768

Well that's a vague statement if i've ever seen one

>> No.17820771

Of course it has political implications. For example if you have a welfare state in Europe and invite a 70 IQ population into the country you can expect that idk 80% would make more money by not working. That's important information.

>> No.17820774

Well in grand scheme of things you'd see decline of another society by foreign group if they fare and act worse in every conceivable manner
If that group becomes more numerous it's logical to think that the place they inhabit would as a result become less safe and dumber for it, no?
And when you are less safe and successful, well that just means societal decline and eventual collapse
No one wants to eat dirt cookies, but when you are so fucking stupid and violent, that no one would pay to visit your land even if you lived on cheap tropical paradise and can't figure out how to make sustainable means of feeding yourself or people, well you end up eating dirt cookies that way. I'm pretty sure there are not many places that have had a habit of eating dirt cookies as permanent solution because you are just that goddamn stupid and violent.

>> No.17820785

>For example if you have a welfare state in Europe and invite a 70 IQ population into the country you can expect that idk 80% would make more money by not working. That's important information.

By that logic also means that you should murder around 30% of your native population, but I have a feeling you don't agree with that.

>> No.17820786

Not to mention what kind of work is there for people at 70iq stratum?
That implicates that they are unable to work written instructions and are probably quite violent too, being unable to put words for their feelings or thoughts

>> No.17820795

Try not making extreme strawmen if you don't want to be laughed at

>> No.17820800

It's 10% but where the hell does that leap come from? Genetic randomness can put your own children into that category, it is in your direct interest to have a humane view in these matters.

>> No.17820802


>> No.17820803

If the logic is that you shouldn't invite immigrants because they are dumb welfare leeches, the implication of this is that you have to eugenicize your own population as well by removing all the welfare leeches that are natives.

But somehow I bet you think that the natives "deserve" to be leeches because they belong to the correct race, even though their intelligence is comparable to the dumb foreigners.

>> No.17820808

Are leftist really this evil or are you just memeing
holy fuck are things going to be grim once pendulum starts to swing another way

>> No.17820814

By that logic people who build themselves welfare state don't deserve it because niggers are too stupid and violent to build their own

>> No.17820825

>the implication of this is that you have to eugenicize
No, it really isn't. You're having a paranoid reaction. Nobody is talking about violence here except you.

>> No.17820835

>No, it really isn't. You're having a paranoid reaction.

No, I'm not having a paranoid reaction, you just can't handle the real implications of your Objective Science™.

>> No.17820842

The native population has accounted for people that can't be productive enough and that's why the welfare state was put in place, so we don't murder or let those people starve to death. This is a humane thing to do which does not place an extreme burden on the rest of the people since the underachievers are just a fraction of the population.
Now if you open the floodgates to people that are chronic underachievers to the point of them being ~40-50% of your population then the burden placed on the rest is not sustainable.
Resource competition within a society is a real thing and a very simple concept to grasp. Of course you will never admit this and you will keep making strawman arguments because your view does not come from an objective point of view but rather from emotional catchphrases

>> No.17820846

Those are not positions that have been advocated towards you. It's just that if you load the side of people dependent on help it creates enormous problems for society. In my opinion we have to deal with members within our societies that are in need and a certain percentage here will always exist. As I said, those will be your children at some point. Eugenic policies are also not by definition exterminationist. It means stuff like giving tax cuts to college graduates that have children. That's not exactly Auschwitz.

>> No.17820851

You've hallucinated some kind of genocidal argument nobody has made. This is a paranoid reaction, an unhealthy emotional response to the topic. I recommend you leave and hide the thread for your own mental health.

>> No.17820884

They don't need a mere 5billion a year to be succesful. If you take it away they will do just fine.
In fact most of the money is sent back into the American economy because they are forced to buy American military technology with it.

>> No.17820890

that's just one existing deal, then you add others on top of that

>> No.17820898

Thank you for convincing me of the evils of leftism and all its adjacents.

>> No.17820899

Why is thread still up?

>> No.17820906

That's one and the same deal, dumbfuck.

>> No.17820918

>'why is thread about a book that talks about iq and cognitive ability still up'
If this can't be here, then by same logic books about fantasy or philosophy can't be here either... et cetera

>> No.17820919

It really is amazing how they project their own paranoid violent fantasies onto others, then blame them for it.
Why haven't you hidden it yet? Your emotional reaction can end with a single move on your own part.

>> No.17820920

>You've hallucinated some kind of genocidal argument nobody has made.

Several European countries have immigrant populations that number in the double digits, do you think I'm dumb enough to believe that the only reason you are obsessed with their intelligence is because your afraid that the welfare state will collapse?

Stop arguing in bad faith for one simple second and just say out loud what you actually want you fucking coward.

>> No.17820930

lmao get a load of this brainlet

>> No.17820932

Literally all most people want is to halt the mass immigration and remove the culture that blames whites for all problems. The only thing that could conceivably be called oppressive people want to do is more heavily police highly criminal migrant areas, which would unironically help those people not hurt them.

>> No.17820937

Are you neutral or happy about ethnic replacement?

>> No.17820940

are you willing to admit these things
>intelligence is genetic
>behavior and human traits like psychopathy are genetic
If so how on earth can you not think that nordic welfare states are not in jeopardy by immigration?

>> No.17820941

I am telling you in good faith that you are the only one talking about violence in this thread, that it's a paranoid fantasy on your part, and that it's a symptom of an emotional reaction you're having to the topic at hand, which is simply that intelligence is variable and heritable (a fact). I don't like to see a fellow anon suffer as you clearly are and I strongly recommend you leave and hide the thread so it doesn't bother you any further.

>> No.17820944

Best post in the thread. Not hateful, condescending, or pol style garbage.

>> No.17820948

YOU stop arguing in bad faith and say out loud why you think resource competition between native and imported peoples is not a bad thing

>> No.17820954

Honestly, does it matter? The world is globalizing in every corber and it won't be long until societies are a decent mix of people from various backgrounds. If you can't stand that then go live in the bayou.

>> No.17820955

>I am telling you in good faith that you are the only one talking about violence in this thread

And I'm telling you that your IQ babble will effect a society you don't want.

The only thing that will happen if it becomes politically acceptable to deny people immigration status, or kick them out of a country because of their perceived intelligence, is that this will happen everywhere else in society too, from jobs to schools, to government employment.

And it will never *ever* be confined to race, every single person in this thread will be denied a job because they don't have 130 IQ.

>> No.17820962

>slippery slope fallacy
Hmm wonder if they did this with a certain sexual orientation and pedophilia/bestiality..

>> No.17820966

It's not a slippery slope, it's literally a perfect tool to make class society more strict, anything that can be used to justify why someone should stay rich and others be denied access to wealth and status will be used immediately, and yet you guys gleefully think this is fine.

>> No.17820972

>eventually we're all mix of people
It's more like that those western nationas that practise it see hard decline as a result and these things wont affect countries like China, who already put their undesirables under organ harvesting and concentration camps
I think it's far more likely that as a end result western nations become far worse places to live while China doesn't see change and becomes more able to do whatever they wish without even token opposition, meaning actual global concentration camps and the like when they start their colonization project in it's truest

>> No.17820981

At last you've shown your true colors. You WANT certain people who have created a certain comfortable way of life to get shafted because for whatever ridiculous reason you want "a mix of people from various backgrounds" to take advantage of it

>> No.17820985

First of all, you're using the word "babble" to diminutize the topic because the topic makes you uncomfortable; second of all, the rest of your post is paranoid catastrophizing, and does not indicate mental stability. It's not healthy to subject yourself like this to things that give you a strong negative emotional reaction. You can find peace simply be leaving the thread.

>> No.17820987

I just don't want nonwhites and kikes in my country because the presence of those two makes it objectively worse.

>> No.17820992

Well if you want that, why is it so hard to admit that as a end result you create far worse society as a end result because things that determine society, aka intelligence and human behavior undergo massive negative change as a result?

>> No.17820995

>I want Brazilian society but it will not be violent or dumbed down because people that used to live there were not violent or dumb! But the new people are dumber and more violent but naturally they are not because they are actually Germans because they live in Germany or Europe and those people are not dumb or violent!

>> No.17820998

>I just don't want nonwhites and kikes in my country

Wow it took 200 posts to just say what you really think. Well done you fucking dumb idiot.

>> No.17821001

Brazil was great in the past. Go outside more.

>> No.17821008

Not him but another poster.

One can use the same assumption about


>> No.17821011

>Europe was great in the past, that's why it will be great in the future, no matter even if they replace their current people with genetically dumber and more violent ones
oh gee

>> No.17821022

Are you serious? Brazil was always multicultural, well into the 20th century.
With blacks holding positions as university professors.

Just be like >>17820987 and tell us you hate people that aren't your """race""".

>> No.17821029

Brazil was always a shithole

>> No.17821033

At what point Brazil was great?
My point was not that brazil had undergone a change, but that it's shithole a country, violent, poor filled with the mutts and probably the end result you yourself want
My point is that by changing genetically people to be more violent and dumber you create worse society in Europe

>> No.17821042

Why exactly you'd desire to engineer Europe to be genetically more violent and dumber?

>> No.17821058

>"I have an intellectual curiosity in the field of IQ, I am simply trying to seek Objective Science™"
>60 minutes later
>"I don't want filthy mutts, kikes and non-whites in my country."

You guys are so predictable it's embarrassing.

>> No.17821063

Considering genetics, behavior and traits like psychopathy are genetic why'd you intentionally want to engineer places like Europe to be worse places?

>> No.17821070

>IQ isn't real
>60 minutes later
>IQ is indeed real but we shouldn't talk about it because it might hurt the brown man's feefees
>also we should import everyone into our countries even if they become violent and poor
guess who's embarrassing himself fren

>> No.17821076

Are you dumb? This is the status quo. The current situation. school, university and job interviews are all proxies for iq and a few others traits.

>> No.17821083

Obviously the latter type is attracted to this topic, that doesn't mean that the topic itself exists only to support their views. weak logic on your part

>> No.17821086

Cope more pseud. Stop making threads on /lit/ where you pretend to be an intellectual when in reality you're just a retarded /pol/goloid with a political agenda.

>> No.17821100

Considering genetics, behavior and traits like psychopathy are genetic
Now if we agree that there people that are more violent and dumber
Now why'd you intentionally want to engineer places like Europe to be worse place?

You cope behind pretend of being intellectual yet you attack people presenting claims instead those claims itself. If you don't like what is being said you don't prove them wrong by saying the person who said them stupid, you are aware of this?

Also google dunning kruger

>> No.17821104

In a way, it's not his fault. He's just having an emotional reaction. You can tell by how he writes it "Objective Science™" that the topic traumatizes him; he can't argue so instead he resorts to sarcasm. Sadly all too common from certain quarters of the political spectrum.

>> No.17821115

Because *on average* means very little you dumb /pol/yp, most people in general are law-abiding and not criminals at all, just like in every single society.

>> No.17821122

lmao stop posting already braindead lefty, you've been btfo in every single """"argument"""" you made itt and 200 posts later you're in the verge of having a mental breakdown because you can't form an objective thesis. All you've done here is project your rotten, almost religious beliefs that you have been force fed by years of propaganda

>> No.17821137

>Because *on average* means very little you dumb /pol/yp,
It means quite a lot actually. Everyone in a multiracial society instinctively knows this regardless of what they believe are the reasons for the situation, their actual actions(where they live, where they send their kids to school, etc.) show that they 100% are aware of it.

>> No.17821141

Stop pretending you actually give a shit about IQ and your "objective thesis".

If immigrants had 150 IQ and were all of them law-abiding, you still wouldn't want them in your country, because the actual religious beliefs here are your fantasies of racial purity.

>> No.17821142
File: 180 KB, 1320x770, 8e1a36b8-63e7-11e9-b745-17e2afcf325c_1320x770_121105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think books are that important.
Also, everyone ITT is getting "important" confused with "my favourite"

>> No.17821153

>Yes those places will turn to worse directly because of my desires
Alright, you admit as much, but why would you want that, that's what I'm asking?

Also, most people dont commit crimes that much is true, but you don't need everyone to commit violent crimes to become utterly unsalvageable shit hole, you are aware of the fact as well hopefully. It's not like most dangerous places in the world have everyone commit crimes as per clarification, it's just that you gradually become worse and worse place when you increase or change the genetic make up of the country.

And if we both agree, that as a end result of actions you deem desirable you see worsening of safety and living standard in those places - why would you want all that? To make those places worse in safety and living standard? That's what boggles my mind. Are you just evil?

>> No.17821156

The reasons are more that immigration decreases civic engagement, lowers trust, makes people feel alienated, and depresses wages.

>> No.17821159

Look at the magnificent cartwheels you're performing to avoid acknowledging the objective reality that intelligence is variable and heritable.

>> No.17821165

The whole point is that these immigrants are not and will never be 150IQ and law-abiding. Therefore the country is reduced to a shithole

>> No.17821181

>And if we both agree, that as a end result of actions you deem desirable you see worsening of safety and living standard in those places - why would you want all that? To make those places worse in safety and living standard? That's what boggles my mind. Are you just evil?

The North of England is also a "shithole" full of crime and drugs and 99% of the inhabitants there are white Britons from former coal mining families. Are you're going to argue that Northern Britons are a uniquely low IQ race of people that are just genetically psychopathic?

>> No.17821188

Even if he hates people that aren't his race, that is fine and a behaviour that exist in many people across the globe. but personally, I don't hate people that aren't my race, I am friend with people of different races, I just recognize that they have different distributions of traits, and I think a part of them are able to integrate well in european societies and another part are not. mass immigration might be good for the wealthy, and while I am not lucky enough to be part of the wealthy I do mostly interact with the well integrated immigrants. but the native population which isn't rich and can't escape shouldn't have to be subjected to ethnic violence. these people who can't integrate would be better off in their native countries. it is good for both my country and them. as it stands these people are blowing themselves up or decapitating people and then dying to police bullets. there are also fights between first gen and second gen immigrant groups. for example in France we have public fights between Islamic Chechens who are fervently religious and tribal (and white btw), and second gens maghrebians who are mostly degenerate muslims who sell drugs. this is considered normal in france. when a Islamist decides to go on a shooting spree, the reaction of French leftists is to claim the rise of islamophobia is the main problem in France. If they were honest they would recognize that nonmuslimphobia is the main killer in France.

>> No.17821198

You failed to answer the question
Why would you want to change places like Europe for the worse in safety and in standard of living?
And northern england is not that place, maybe bit poor, but it's not unsafe or shithole in it's actual meaning. If you want we can look over stats and compare it to most diverse places like Brazil or worse shitholes like haiti or most of africa

But yeah, do answer the question before we do that, it's not that complicated after all and you do love to advocate for it

>> No.17821235

>Why would you want to

I never said I did, these are simply words people in this thread have put in my mouth because any opposition to their politics a priori means that you're a boogeyman left-winger.

>> No.17821236

No. but if China or Japan refused to mass import those Britons, they would be perfectly justified to do so.

>> No.17821239

northern england is paradise on earth compared to the shitholes from which you want to import your wife's bulls

>> No.17821244

You admitted you have a desire to kill dumb people and that is why you need to make yourself believe that they are not dumb in order to not do that.

>> No.17821246

>northern england is paradise on earth

Yeah sure it is m8, you've clearly never experienced getting a Glasgow smile at 4 am in the morning.

>> No.17821259

you missed the part where i said "compared to the shitholes from which you want to import your wife's bulls"
but that's you, your mind shuts off when you see something outside of your programming

>> No.17821265

>You admitted you have a desire to kill dumb people

Nope, I just don't think that using *on average* IQ statistics that are 50 years old is a particularly good reason to deny someone entrance to a country.

>> No.17821275
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I think you should stop projecting your fantasies about wives and bulls, mutt, nobody is interested in your sex life.

>> No.17821277

So you don't want to create worse societies or places to live

You just want to import people that are dumber and more violent on genetical level, to degree where everyone is mixed, but that will have no bearing on general or average standard of living or safety, even if the people have been engineered by something you advocate for to be dumber and more violent

Dude, you realize that places like haiti are literal tropical paradises and vacation there costs absolutely nothing but no one goes there because it's absolute shithole and made such by the people living there

>> No.17821284

do you want to test immigrants IQ directly then?

>> No.17821288

your love for these people at the detriment of your own compatriots reveals a pathology only possible when there is a sexual element involved. You have been exposed

>> No.17821290

Janny is asleep

>> No.17821297

denying someone entry should be the default in the first place. otherwise anybody can be a criminal in one country then migrate to another anonymously. mass migration also has other negative aspects, long term trust is not built between people who move every year, and the spread of disease is facilitated, as we've seen.

>> No.17821431

The statistics today are the same. We get the broad analysis every 4 years or so.

>> No.17821471

The average btw is important because this establishes a propability baseline. If a couple of high IQ immigrants from Africa prorcreate in the west their kids will drift towards their native average. This is a great tragedy because it means that high IQ immigration doesn't work as a strategy. They are just discovering that in Britain where people are perplexed why the origninal black immigration worked so well and now their descendants who have had so many advantages compared to their grandparents are stabbing each other in the streets. It's all very simple if you understand the basic principles of the science.

>> No.17821487

Sorry but the bell curve is a book. It's valid for 300 post discussions in here just like white fragility is.

>> No.17821491

>assuming ulterior motives
>on an anonymous messaging board
>in a last ditch attempt to "win" the discussion


>> No.17821497
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Why give a shit about IQ-data and so on? Aesthetics (in regards to both the people themselves and their creations) is all you need to prove why Europeans/whites are superior, or at least that they were before "the enlightenment".

>> No.17821505

>all books are literature
Nope, not even.

>> No.17821533

Not really, you have to give history and geography room in your analysis. Japan for example didn't have the concentrations of wealth to create a comparable amount of great artists and if you applied that thinking three thousand years ago it would've appeared like Europeans were the incapable ones. IQ just gives us a better general understanding even if it fails in some details.

>> No.17821554

Afrikangz get plenty of gibs and accomplish nothing

>> No.17821580

I'm arguing for a multivariate analysis. Looking at an outcome and reducing it to one variable is simplistic. We for example have to explain why the highest IQ countries did not win the technological race to the industrial revolutiion.

>> No.17821585

Brazil is objectively a violent dump and has been for at least 1000 years.

>> No.17821644

The braindead lefty is now trying to brigade by posting this thread in Hasan Piker's discord. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.17821657

Yeah, this is the right board for talking about the bell curve though. That's why the thread is still up :)

>> No.17821663

You can actually perceive social stratification through skin colour in a country like Brazil. Their elite just looks European, income goes progressively upwards from dark to white. Obviously without knowledge of IQ this can only be interpreted as a racial caste system.

>> No.17821704

>their elite just looks European
due to racist policies

>> No.17821761

>muh wealth
The material isn't all there is to a work of art, you also have to acknowledge the spirit, which you'll find harder to measure.

>We for example have to explain why the highest IQ countries did not win the technological race
Which shows intelligence isn't all of it either. A mind that doesn't have a sense of logos and the consilience of all things is a worthless one regardless of what an IQ test shows, but of course intelligence helps to make things of it.

>> No.17821778

Racist policies actually don't work very well as it concerns the prevention of economic success. I doubt that this actually exists in Brazil but it does in Malaysia against its Chinese population, it doesn't work. But again this analysis is the logical result of denying science. If you would actually be interested in oppression you would do something like look at average incomes by IQ so you could establish that something is off. The thing though is that income usually corresponds with the IQ. Meaning 80 IQ blacks earn as much as 80 IQ whites but there's just a greater proportion of blacks in the 80 IQ segment. You see the problem this poses for a racial oppression narrative.

>> No.17821808

I'm not saying that IQ is everything (I made the point that it wasn't) and obviously you need to have the surplus resources to even allow for the existence of artists. It's not like all the great painters suddenly happened to be born into the tiny piece of land that we call the Netherlands or Great Britain and Italy for that matter. Clearly wealth is highly significant in this but again obviously not everything, just look at art today. I'm against the reductionism, there's no simplicity in my personal view. Jews for example are terrible in the arts and I think I know why, it's another genetic thing though and not cultural.

>> No.17821864

Jews are not terrible in the arts, though many of the best Jewish artists appear to be Mischlings. Jews only started properly integrating in European art culture in the 19th century, when it was in total upheaval, and they were naturally predisposed as a semi-alien cultural entity to tap into the radical subversion of conventions that was going on.

It is obvious that a Proust or Mendelssohn had about as much natural talent in the conventional sense as it is possible to have though. There is no Jewish Shakespeare or Mozart maybe but there isn't a German Shakespeare or English Mozart either, they were absolute peaks of a whole civilization.

>> No.17821869
File: 9 KB, 225x225, BP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's newer but anyway

>> No.17821887

Nice bait

>> No.17821922

>asian iq clusters at the mean
Is there any proof of that? My going assumption was Europe advanced because European philosophy was better, because Athens was an unprecedented outlier when it came to trade (due to its unique response to its war with Persia) and therefore had to deal with more abstract concepts than other people's on a regular basis.

>> No.17821937

>due to its unique response to its war with Persia
how did it respond?

>> No.17821949

I'm not making this argument at random. Jews aren't terrible in relation to Europeans, they are terrible in relation to their IQ. Any exclusion narrative applies broadly but if you look at the sciences today Jews dominate to such an extent that we should expect similar things in art. But this goes further, if you know about Jewish intelligence you know that it is highly verbal. Meaning they should dominate in literature to a much larger extent than they do in math. Then to adress the particular point of exclusion, this isn't oberservable at all in the arts where technical ability is required. Here suddenly Jews have the greatest violinists, pianists and whatnot, conforming to their dominance in other intellectual enterprises. Clearly here arises a picture of creative weakness and if you think about it, it would be the expected genetic outcome. This now gets extremely controversial. The psychometrically measured personality trait associated with creativity is 'openness'. Meaning the same trait that would've led a Jew to leave his community and assimilate is the one responsible for creativity. You see where I'm going here? They've been selected for a closed 'xenophobic' mind.

>> No.17821961

Iirc, before the Persians invaded they tore down their own city and all took to ships and waged war against the Persians along the eastern coast. They basically existed as a pirate nation for a while and because their main ally, the Spartans, suspected their general of treason they were able to establish control over the trade networks in the Mediterranean Ocean.

>> No.17821978

The punchline being that in the aftermath Athens was basically able to subsist entirely off imports, which afaik was fairly unprecedented for the time.

>> No.17822009


>> No.17822601


>> No.17823041

I assume the question itself is bait, but it's significant in that it marked the end of any acceptance of "race science" - or what it's called "scientific racism" - and a complete shift to social constructivism as an explanation of ethnic or cultural differences. Charles Murray's latest book was an assigned reading in my course and he's far more subtle about genetics (i.e. interclass marriage increasing the gap of intellectual ability between working and upper-middle class Americans) No academic would dare touch these subjects anymore for the sake of his reputation.