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1781706 No.1781706 [Reply] [Original]

Stagoo, I have the unpleasant task of informing you of some very distressing information.

"I go on little weedfests. I’m a pothead. That’s my drug of choice." - Joseph Gordon Levitt


>> No.1781715

i don't think i can ever view him the same way

>> No.1781727
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>> No.1783056
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>thinking worse of someone for having different hobbies than you

>> No.1783068 [DELETED] 

playing basketball with your friends is a hobby
smoking weed (sitting around doing nothing, harming yourself and other people) is not

>> No.1783072

And this guy is your role model?

Weed is no joke my brother OD'd after injecting it.

>> No.1783077
File: 19 KB, 222x277, nancy-reagan-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>harming yourself & other people

Whatever, Nancy Reagan. I know how much it pains you to see someone responsibly enjoying marijuana.

>> No.1783079


My cousin died from smuggling weed in his butthole. The bag broke and he couldn't poop, causing massive internal swelling until he just popped. It was only a dime bag of shake and seeds, too (he was really tight). RIP cuz.

>> No.1783080

According to Merriam Webster
Hobby: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

Now explain to me how smoking weed does not fit the bill? Drugs are not my thing, and I do not partake in any of them, but I have the common sense to know what a hobby is.

>> No.1783083 [DELETED] 

He's not my role model, he never was, except in fashion.

"responsibly" enjoying marijuana is like "responsibly" committing murder
either way, you're breaking the law which makes you a criminal

>> No.1783090
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you've got to be kidding me.

>> No.1783091

>compares smoking weed to murder
Stagoo, how baked are you right now? That has gotta been one of the dumbest arguments against smoking I have ever heard.

>> No.1783095 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1000x624, stoner-logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't smoke weed never have never will

weed's not a hobby deal with it fag

>> No.1783105

I never really understood how someone intelligent could really dislike someone else for different taste.
I still don't understand, but that post has proven you are a complete dipshit. Or 7/10
Either way, doesn't look that good for you.

>> No.1783108

Stag gets my vote

deal with it you potsmoking scumbuckets

>> No.1783113 [DELETED] 

i'm not fond of criminals. I'm a fan of objectively good people and make role models out of them.

>> No.1783115

sorry for your loss stag

>> No.1783120

Weed is a hobby. Murder can be a hobby.

Whats wrong with you.

>> No.1783124 [DELETED] 

It's ok there are others out there
just have to delete 500 days of summer from my film library but w/e

>> No.1783125 [DELETED] 

hobbies don't break the law

>> No.1783129

I see no requirement for that. Whose definition are you going by? Some retarded 16year old's?

>> No.1783133 [DELETED] 

i'm going by society's morals, something which smoking weed defies

>> No.1783135

>i'm going by society's morals
Laws =! Moral consensus

>> No.1783137

the morals have changed, bub

>> No.1783143 [DELETED] 

where do you think law's came from

morals haven't changed society has just become increasingly decadent and it's because of ideas like smoking weed is ok

>> No.1783145

>delete 500 days of summer from my film library

sounds like you torrented the film. Hm.

>> No.1783146


>> No.1783148 [DELETED] 

blu ray digital copy asshole

>> No.1783149

>where do you think law's came from
It has more to do with Herrschaft than consensus.

>> No.1783155

Color me surprised, /lit/. I didn't think this many people were still ignorant about pot.

...unless I'm getting trolled hard.

>> No.1783153 [DELETED] 

if that's what your conspiracy-obsessed mind thinks is true then that's your problem
laws were made to protect people...there's a reason smoking weed isn't legal.

>> No.1783159


Stagolee is clearly trolling. You should probably put down that joint.

>> No.1783163

Marco Polo and his story about Assassins, which probably wasn't true.

>> No.1783164


Yea, I just reread his posts. I am pretty high, actually.

>> No.1783167

so you still own the actual disk. But you didn't mention throwing that out. Breaking up is hard to do.

>> No.1783185

I know this is a troll but just in case

cannbis is only illegal fairly recently, and mostly because of pressure from cotton farmers (you know, those folks who fought for slavery too).

We have at times in American history had laws forcing people to grow because the hemp plant is one of the most valuable. If it wasn't for cotton farmers it wouldn't be illegal.

>> No.1783193

"and why cotton farmers" you ask well they were super butthurt about mexicans having a much cheaper import material than them, so cried and cried until it was made illegal. Smoing it didnt become an issue until much later and then it was never the smoking of cannabis that caused its status of illegality.

It continues to be illegal because we are at war with one of the main growers of the plant (Afghanistan) if it were legalised we would be giving a valuable trading resource back to the middle east. Heaven forbid we let them make money on the international market.

Cannabis illegality is very little to do with morality.

>> No.1783198

weed gave me psychosis not me the weed did it regardless of what pro-weed non-sentient kids with no actual facts and just their impassioned cause of 'liking weed' say

>> No.1783228

ever notice how blase potheads are about supporting mexican organized crime? If you call them on it, each and everyone of them will be like,

"No man, i like got this really cool old hippy guy who grows it in his basement, i don't buy weed from a skeevie ass nigger/spic!"

Because all stoners think they are the first person to come up with this story. Personally, I think they should keep it illegal, but no more prison for it. Giving potheads a chance to avoid work is just foolish. Instead, if they are caught, they are publicly caned and shaved. For second offenders, cut off their nose.

>> No.1783232
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Well, no suprise since everyone does it. It's just that people tend to keep quiet about it because it's illegal

>> No.1783235

they grow opium in afghanistan, not weed you dumbfuck.

>> No.1783238


lol, obviously you are like 10 and have never smoked before

it isn't harmful to society, what do people do when they smoke? relax or watch a movie or something, not go on crime sprees and kill people

to each his own

>> No.1783241
File: 188 KB, 692x960, 1267635451783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I got some news for you. They do both.

>> No.1783245


The plant originated in the middle east. It grows in the fucking wild there

>> No.1783249

They do both, dummy. Pot grows in the wild though. Lrn2hashish.

Ever thought that maybe you're just fucking crazy?

>> No.1783256


You were probably predisposed for that psychosis and was probably going to go through a psychotic episode for whatever reason that would trigger it.

>> No.1783265

I'll just leave this here


>> No.1783262 [DELETED] 


that doesn't mean that something else wouldn't have triggered it or that he wouldn't have developed the psychosis sooner, thus being more damaging.

>> No.1783274

Does it say that marijuana makes your brain schizophrenic directly? Because that is a load of bull.