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File: 11 KB, 167x230, 167px-Evola-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17816306 No.17816306 [Reply] [Original]

>Our plan? Do absolutely nothing. This is what I like to call "riding the tiger".

>> No.17816319

The tiger can't hit you if you are riding it.

>> No.17816347

What can you do when the commies now control all institutions and will de platform, de-person, get you fired and have your banks cancels your accounts if you "do something" they don't like?

>> No.17816351

Ride the tiger sounds like a raw gay sex term. Evola was such a faggot lol

>> No.17816353

But not everyone can ride the tiger, it's literally just one tiger and there's not that much room, and I can't BREED alone.

>> No.17816371

The man that keeps filtering pseuds
This is your brain on porn

>> No.17816383

Information warfare

>> No.17816389

Become Pinochet

>> No.17816395


>> No.17816449

I know anon, it's not a nice feeling to be filtered so hard but it happens to a lot of people here, you're not alone

>> No.17816457

>young men need order!
Thanks for the advice, 20dt century Jordan Peterson

>> No.17816468

Thanks for letting us know you were filtered by a short essay

>> No.17816479

>reactionary diatribe
You know I bet a lot of /pol/tards wouldn’t be so retarded if they had real role models and proper theory. Unfortunately outside of Hobbes the right wing ideological landscape is bleak. Ironically their aversion to academia has left them intellectually impotent as nearly all educated professionals lean left.

>> No.17816490

>nearly all educated professionals lean left.
And this is why the west is disintegrating, they read "theory" (mental gymnastics to rationalize degeneracy and destroy anything that came before) instead of actually building something up.

>> No.17816494
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>proper theory
>""""""proper theory""""""

>> No.17816496

>muh progress
>muh tradition
Literally nothing wrong with things falling apart

>> No.17816498

Kek “the west” is not leftist, they are capitalist consumers and imperialists to the core. Guess which country is threatening American hegemony and the ideology the ruling party follows? It’s no coincidence. Again, very ironic post.

>> No.17816499

poltards don't read Evola, they just pretend they've read him

>> No.17816517

Retarded nihilist
Retard. The west is neoliberal, but
>nearly all educated professionals lean left
Which means they can do nothing to oppose it and only hasten the west's demise. Leftism can only destroy, not build up. The west hasn't been imperialist for decades.
China is not left either, it's something totally new with elements from communism, capitalism and fascism.

>> No.17816518

lol how do you know?

>> No.17816524

What if I read it and didn't get much more from it than fascist propaganda? It's not big brain stuff, it's just "damn, would be cool if we could become legionnaires and be cool and manly bros" and basicly just a lot of emotions.

>> No.17816527

It's the natural cycle of things, learn history. It's not nihilism.

>> No.17816528

Because if they'd read him, they'd hate him. Evola had nothing but disdain for poltards (or the equivalent of his time).

>> No.17816538

>fascist propaganda from a non-fascist

>> No.17816540

>What if I read it and didn't get much more from it than fascist propaganda?
That's what I said, if that's what you got from it you were filtered hard. Read some more history and come back in a few years and maybe you'll get more out of it then.

>> No.17816552

The fact that you can only narrow things into the most asinine of exclusive categories (muh right/left reactionary, etc.), and can't see how people can learn even from those they disagree with shows a lack of sophistication on your part.

>> No.17816559
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>China is not left either
I love how stupid polbabies are.

>> No.17816567

He is to my knowledge classified as a esoteric fascist. What else would you call him?

Okay, then tell me where I am missing the point. I get the vibe that you don't want him associated with /pol/ and alt right, but he so far has only made these emotional appeals to how there was more loyalty and spirit in the past, and now everything is bankrupt. I mean what is so great about the past? I didn't know he was Nietszchean, very interesting. Is that why he hates "petty morals"?

>> No.17816568

That's you on you misinterpreting what I said though. Poltards like to meme about Evola because he sounds edgy with titles such as "Ride the Tiger" and "Revolt Against the Modern World" but nothing more than that. If they actually got something from Evola, they'd stop being poltards.
I don't consider myself left or right but read a lot of authors from both sides and beyond, and also authors I disagree with. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

>> No.17816577

>it's called communist party therefore they're communist
This has to be bait right? You have to look at their actions, not their words, retard.

>> No.17816583

I just posted their actions lmao. Source is WSJ btw, just to pre-empt your inevitable claim that this is propaganda.

>> No.17816592

>Okay, then tell me where I am missing the point.
Everywhere. You skimmed through an essay without trying to understand it, just framing it into the mould you wanted to put him into.
>I mean what is so great about the past?

>> No.17816595

>If they actually got something from Evola, they'd stop being poltards.
And become what, exactly? Centrists neoliberals?
>they'd stop being poltards.
Why? I read Spengler, but I didn't magically transform into a defender of Prussian aristocracy.

>> No.17816605

Hitler and Musolini put serious controls over the private sector, too, retard.

>> No.17816610

No, you posted what they said about their actions. That's very different.
Why should I trust the WSJ?

>> No.17816615

wsj is propaganda retard, lol. also was hitler left wing? you sound like a registered democrat

>> No.17816616

>i-it's not real communism!
>it's only communism when it fails and validates my American views!!

>> No.17816617
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How do you read Evola and not get a vibe of him being very crypto fascist?
I mean the modern idea of the alt right blending in and hiding their true beliefs for normies is on point with what Evola says here. A "silent revolution" and men in this revolution can recognize each other by character etc. It seems very much like the whole dog whistle neo nazi thing.

>> No.17816620
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>massive multinational corporations

>> No.17816630
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What percentage of their economy is private vs collectivized? Is this percentage increasing or decreasing?

>> No.17816631

>And become what, exactly? Centrists neoliberals?
It seems like you're the poltard here. WHat do you think Evola's position was?
>Why? I read Spengler, but I didn't magically transform into a defender of Prussian aristocracy.
I said "if they actually got something from Evola", not "if they read Evola". You can read Evola and not take away anything from it but that's not what I meant.

>> No.17816633

>t. has never read Evola
you fags are almost as bad as Nietsche never-reads.

>> No.17816634

So what does he propose exactly? What is this "do absolutely nothing"?

>> No.17816636

>What can you do when the commies now control all institutions

Do you unironically believe this?

>> No.17816638

communism is an ideology and it's theorized that it can work best when it is not actually in direct control of the organization but is a body outside critiquing the system from without. to describe such a thing as communist is fine.

>> No.17816641

nonsense, he would have total respect for /pol/tards for mustering up the courage to shatter the bourgeois-worldview.
however, he would definitely take issue with the vulgar nature of the /pol/tard

>> No.17816643

>crypto fascist
>dog whistle neo nazi thing.
I'm being baited aren't I? Evola defended himself in court against allegations of partaking in fascist activities and won. He obviously was adjacent to fascism but he disagreed with them on many points. Frame him as a bogeyman all you want, but that's just you being disingenuous.

>> No.17816649

He spent a lot of time critizicing fascism, to the point that when the party took over the country he had to find protection under one of the local leaders

>> No.17816650
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>> No.17816655

And I got something from Spengler, you assblasted retard. You're making a massive assertion that someone reading Evola will magically transmute to a higher substance of something other than this ambiguous "/pol/tard," whatever that is. Because nobody can really have an opinion unless blessed by your pseudo-nuanced sense of approbation.

>> No.17816665

perhaps in his early years, but later he didn't believe in taking political action to restore a Traditional society

>> No.17816666

Hitler and Mussolini massively privatized their economies lol. As usual, poltards don’t know history. Again, super ironic since you are the one that is trying to bring up historical myths to justify your position. The facts aren’t on your side.

>> No.17816671
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>> No.17816676

Stop sperging out faggot, you're totally missing the point. The point was that many retards like to paint Evola as the typical poltard author while he's very far from that.

>> No.17816677

Apparently his fascism was of a different brand, but he did call himself a "superfascisti".. I mean the guy wasn't aligned with Mussolini, but he was definitely a fascist thinker.

>> No.17816680
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>> No.17816686

He said the fault was not with Mussolini-chan but with the Shitalian people for being cowards.

>> No.17816688

You're talking to multiple people retard, but you
essentially proved my point that China is not leftist but an amalgamation of various ideas.

>> No.17816691

How? In that he shows up on reading lists?

>> No.17816693


>> No.17816697
File: 193 KB, 828x933, F2624402-B4CA-4705-8702-80A584F49077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go all day lol

>> No.17816703

And do you know what he meant by that?
Yes, and? They also incorporate many capitalist and fascist tendencies into their system. Is it originally based on leftism? Sure. Is it solely leftism now? Not by a long shot.

>> No.17816706


If you took the time to google the title, you would have seen that the article literally doesn't exist

>> No.17816710

I proved your point by posting statistics and articles that explicitly refute your point? Interesting how pol has such a problem with facts and numbers while boasting about being data-driven. Very ironic indeed.

>> No.17816713

This doesn't prove your point though unless you take a very narrow interpretation of leftism, and leave everything else China does out of the picture as well.

>> No.17816714

I genuinely don't, what is superfascisti?

Apparently he admired how Mussolini wanted to make Italien citizens into roman warriors.
How can people say he didn't glorify the past?

>> No.17816715

you know nothing about what hitler and mussolini did

>> No.17816720

Building socialism is progressive in nature. Being an illiterate poltard of course you don’t understand this.

>> No.17816721

a lot of retards ITT who have only read Evola's wikipedia. Evola and Mussolini's ideal state was always Imperium Romanum

>> No.17816722

Replace commies with neo liberal zionists and it’s true.

>> No.17816723

No, by the example of fascists implementing leftist policies, you dense motherfucker. Do I need to spell it out for you?

>> No.17816726

The fact that there was still private business and industry doesn't mean the state didn't have a strong interventionist policy, you dumbass. How do you think they established autarchy?
And China follows a similar trajectory when they have a class of bourgeoisie and multiBILLIONAREs. Of course you leftie trogladytes constantly squeel /pol/tard this, /pol/tard that, while you're incapable of following an argument logically. The actual point is that state interventionism isn't intrinsically leftist.

>> No.17816728

Super fascist, like a fascist but super.

>> No.17816730

Heya here’s a question for you:
From where did the word “privatization” originate and during what period of time? The results will shock the poltard, who is of course ignorant of history.

>> No.17816733

You can call me a poltard all you want but you're not making any point, retard.

>> No.17816740

Really? Name one? Privatization of railways, energy, and manufacturing don’t seem to be leftist to me lol.
Wrong on all counts lol. Imagine thinking building socialism is done overnight.

>> No.17816743

>I genuinely don't, what is superfascisti?
See this is what you get when you skim but don't try to understand. It means that he is beyond fascism, he said "I am a fascist only insofar as fascism aligns with my traditionalist ideals but nothing more than that." That is one of the many reasons he was so disliked by the fascist establishment.

>> No.17816753

of course it is leftist, there is no imperial dynasty anymore

>> No.17816758

As I said in my opening post, it’s quite ironic you screech about leftism when you have never read anything Mao or even Xi has written. That goes for any political theory. Books are scary! Ignorant and proud, the slogan of the average poltard.

>> No.17816764
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Do you build socialism by privatizing more of the economy every year
are thousands of billionaires a good way to build socialism

>> No.17816765

Retard, it's not an either/or, black or white. That was my entire point. Fascism took ideas and policies from both communism and capitalism and added their own. Modern China is based on communism but has appropriated many capitalist and fascist ideas and policies, making them no longer leftist or communist but something totally new.

>> No.17816768


>> No.17816771
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You can do nothing about it. China is now a national-socialist state.

>> No.17816774

It's not either/or, retard.
You can stop projecting now.

>> No.17816780
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>Ride the tiger sounds like a raw gay sex term.

>> No.17816788

>How can people say he didn't glorify the past?
That's not what anyone is saying but it's much more nuanced than how you're presenting it, which you would have known if you had taken the time to read the actual essay.

>> No.17816795


That I can accept. But commies oppose zionists and viceversa.

No need to point out the fact that original kibbutzim were socialist, I know. That conception of zionism died decades ago (it obviously had majors internal contradictions)

>> No.17816799

>How do you think they established autarchy?

LMAO, imagine thinking they established autarchy

>> No.17816802

>It's not either/or, retard.
not in the eyes of Evola, retard.

>> No.17816803

Sounds like you're the ideal poltard then, only being able to think in dichotomies and oppositions.

>> No.17816806

>Not only as a doctrinal orientation, but also in regard to the world of action, it is then important for men of the new arrangement to recognize correctly the concatenation of causes and effects and the essential continuity of the trend that has given life to the various political forms in play today in the chaos of parties. Liberalism, then democracy, then socialism, than radicalism, finally communism and Bolshevism have historically appeared only as degrees of the same evil, as stages that prepare each one that follows in the complex of a process of decline. And the beginning of this process stands at the point at which Western man broke his ties to tradition, denying every higher symbol of authority and sovereignty; he claimed for himself as an individual a vain and illusory freedom; he becomes an atom rather than a conscious part of the organic unity and hierarchy of a whole. And the atom, in the end, had to find, opposed to himself, the mass of other atoms, other individuals, and to be involved in the emergence of the reign of quantity, of the pure number, of the materialized masses and not having another God outside of the sovereign economy.

What exactly is it he wants to return to? Roman Empire? Didn't Rome have slaves though? How would Italians become more free and live a better life under strict authority and "tradition"?

>> No.17816808

>Outside of Hobbes the right wing ideological landscape is bleak
True, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Kant, Nietzsche, Spengler, Hitler, Evola, Peterson, etc. are super bleak.

>> No.17816810

Typical nu-/lit/ shit thread. Anons discussing topics they have not read yet care to blurt out their opinions as if they matter.

>> No.17816811

Yes, we know you haven't read Evola because that's not his point at all, retard.

>> No.17816812

>Why has a Nazi thinker garnered such a lively reception in China? To some degree, it is a matter of convenience. “Schmitt serves certain purposes that Marxism should have done, but can no longer do,” Haig Patapan, a politics professor at Griffith University in Australia who has written on Schmitt’s reception in China, told me. Schmitt gives pro-Beijing scholars an opportunity to anchor the party’s legitimacy on more primal forces—nationalism and external enemies—rather than the timeworn notion of class struggle.

>> No.17816820

How can you lump in Hitler and Peterson with the others? Are you retarded?

>> No.17816830

>What exactly is it he wants to return to? Roman Empire?
In some regards, yes.
>Didn't Rome have slaves though?
Yes? Why is that bad? Evola didn't believe men are equal.
>How would Italians become more free and live a better life under strict authority and "tradition"?
It's not about becoming more free, and living "better" lives is subjective. Strict authority and tradition are seen as allowing man to live to his full potential. Just read the essay in its entirety instead of clipping "soundbites".

>> No.17816833

you're right because he would never talk about in left/right terms like pseuds (like you). he would talk in terms of castes and make no mistake about it, the Chink state was a product of the Sudra caste

>> No.17816840

>Liberalism, then democracy, then socialism, than radicalism, finally communism and Bolshevism have historically appeared only as degrees of the same evil, as stages that prepare each one that follows in the complex of a process of decline. And the beginning of this process stands at the point at which Western man broke his ties to tradition, denying every higher symbol of authority and sovereignty

I'd like to ask him "A Giuliè, ma allora la carbonara?"

>> No.17816841

Because they write philosophical literature? Does "philosophy" to you only include things that came before 1900?

>> No.17816857

If you think that is philosophical literature,
I can mail you my shit when I take a dump tomorrow.

>> No.17816859

>he would never talk about in left/right terms
Except that he did, just not in the retarded way you do. I only spoke of left/right in regards to ehr retard claiming China was left-wing to which I said it isn't but rather is an amalgamation of communism, fascism, and capitalism. Sounds like you're the pseud here.
>he would talk in terms of castes and make no mistake about it, the Chink state was a product of the Sudra caste
You're correct, but he did not talk in terms of castes exclusively like you're implying.

>> No.17816869

So he wanted to bring back slavery. Very cool. I take a guess that Mr. Evola by chance wouldn't be of the slave class, and most followers of him don't think they would be either, right?

>> No.17816873

>Not even De Maistre

>> No.17816875

>even Calvin&Hobbes has porn

>> No.17816881

>I take a guess that Mr. Evola by chance wouldn't be of the slave class

>Yes, why?

>> No.17816883

Retard. I have told you countless times to just read the essay instead of going for gotchas and assumptions. You're exactly what's wrong with this board, you don't read.
It's not that he wanted to bring back slavery, but that slavery is an inescapable aspect of human life.
>I take a guess that Mr. Evola by chance wouldn't be of the slave class and most followers of him don't think they would be either, right?
He wasn't, no. And most of us nowadays are slaves whether we like it or not.

>> No.17816893

Modern China is most comparable to the Third Reich, and he called them leftist and too proletariat.
just because it isn't full blown marxist-leninism doesn't mean it's still not leftist.

>> No.17816902
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>Modern China is most comparable to the Third Reich
It’s actually the exact polar opposite of Chinese economic policy.

>> No.17816904

I'm not an Evola fan but I am a big believer in slavery and I should also clearly be a slave myself. They could cycle me between agriculture and killing sand people or whatever, just give me alcohol or drugs or something to keep me pliant and motivated

>> No.17816908


>> No.17816914

>Hitler, Peterson
christ you have to be 18 to post here
you could have at least said schmidt, dostoevsky, maybe moldbug

>> No.17816915

But they're not nearly the same as the 3rd Reich, they're something totally new that's based in leftism but has gone beyond it. Yes, from Evola's view it's all degeneracy and subversion (and he would be correct), but then so is any other modern nation/state and then the distinction originally made at the beginning of this thread no longer makes any sense and you've been arguing to prove nothing.

>> No.17816918

>A working paper from the World Economic Forum stated that “China’s private sector - which has been revving up since the global financial crisis - is now serving as the main driver of China’s economic growth. The combination of numbers 60/70/80/90 are frequently used to describe the private sector’s contribution to the Chinese economy: they contribute 60% of China’s GDP, and are responsible for 70% of innovation, 80% of urban employment and provide 90% of new jobs. Private wealth is also responsible for 70% of investment and 90% of exports.” Today, China’s private sector contributes nearly two-thirds of the country’s growth and nine-tenths of new jobs, according to the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, an official business group.

What did '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''socialist''''''''''''''''''''''''''' China mean by this bros

>> No.17816919

>right-wing philosopher

>> No.17816929
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Maybe this book would be more in tune with your philosophical worldview:

>> No.17816934

It's really the aversion to academia that makes right wing thought good. If they ever actually "won" (impossible btw) the reactionaries would set up their own intellectual institutions and become decadent and boring just like the liberal intellectuals of the 19th century and the Marxist intellectuals of the 20th.

>> No.17816940

>dumb and proud

>> No.17816946

Academia doesn't equate to intelligence when it has become dogmatized an uncritical, you absolute dimwit

>> No.17816947


>> No.17816954

it's all 4D chess in order to have a communist revolution by 2075, right my lefty/pol/bros?

>> No.17816956

it doesn't matter about the nitty-gritty of economic policies, at its core it is a nationalist mass movement, thus it is left wing.
>then so is any other modern nation/state
pretty much and that was exactly his point!

>> No.17816958

Thanks for proving my point
kek, the silence is deafening

>> No.17816965

I've got a PhD in the humanities, trust me it doesn't mean you're smart. But it does mean you know just how boring academia really is.

>> No.17816972

>y-you provedmy point!!
lmao those sour grapes

>> No.17816978

>pretty much and that was exactly his point!
Evola's yes, but not the poster (you?) who started the argument >>17816498

>> No.17816980


>> No.17816982

Are you going to try and refute what I said or are you going to keep crying?

>> No.17816990

>refute my schizo ramblings and bias! I dare you!

>> No.17816998


He was indeed. Why does this surprise you?

>> No.17817000
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correct, carry on

>> No.17817024

Okay retard.

>> No.17817032

>hurt academia bad because I don't like it! Refute this!

>> No.17817039

Okay retard.

>> No.17817042

>seething so much

>> No.17817070

Okay retard.

>> No.17817075

>i-if I keep repeating it I will win the argument wahhhh

>> No.17817113

Okay retard.

>> No.17817118

Imagine wasting your time this way

>> No.17817127

>nearly all educated professionals lean left
This is how you know your ivory towers have become church steeples lolololo. Nice non religion you jewslave protestantism 2.0 sub human satan shit eater nigger loving fuck nigger shit ass faggot

>> No.17817156


evola was a cia agent why do you guys obsess over such a hack desu

>> No.17817160

Education in the West is a full on meme and enslavement. Enslavement to the jewish / leftcuck / globohomo cult the globalist need you to take in the ass and enslavement to the globalist bankers who need more of your money through student debt. Leaving higher education in the West will 10's or 100's of thousand of dollars of debt is willful self enslavement. Why not just become a professional shabbos goy instead?

>> No.17817166

How can read Nietsche and Stirner and then buy into the crap Evola produces?

>> No.17817173

>your brain on /pol/
Communism has nothing to do with it, retard.

>> No.17817180

You keep shilling this meme but never back it up, it's retarded
We're all wasting our time here anon
Evola solved Nietzsche and Stirner is a spook

>> No.17817186

Everything you’ve said is wrong. Shut the fuck up, pigfuck.

>> No.17817190

It does somewhat, communism is just the most obvious manifestation of it through its subversive nature.

>> No.17817195

It's the capitalists that control everything, not communists. Commies are just useful idiots. Huge corporations and international financiers are not communists.

>> No.17817208


> You keep shilling this meme but never back it up, it's retarded

italian fascists were funded in the 70s as a psyop

I don't get what you find so appealing about a wannabe aristocrat who wanted the world to be a neofeudal shithole where 90% of people are spit on and are in slavery. today we already live in that world in the for profit system anyways actually

>> No.17817210

Who wants to see my penis?

>> No.17817213

>Antifa and blm aren't real! they're totally just an illusions of false memories implanted into people's heads! They don't even exist!

>> No.17817221

This is true of Leftism as well. Leftcucks are the useful idiots of Globohomo.

>> No.17817230

Claiming something is not backing it up. Give me evidence.
>a wannabe aristocrat who wanted the world to be a neofeudal shithole where 90% of people are spit on and are in slavery
Except that's not at all what he advocated. Have you even read him?

>> No.17817243

When you're a slave you don't get to choose conditions

>> No.17817253

>Leaving higher education in the West will 10's or 100's of thousand of dollars of debt is willful self enslavement.

What do you do?

>> No.17817257

pinochet's bigger supporter was israel

>> No.17817259

Fascism/anti-semitism is literally illegal under China's constitution

fake article btw

>> No.17817266

>solved Nietsche
Pray tell, how?

>> No.17817277


>> No.17817279
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>> No.17817294

Read Ride the Tiger. He was very much influenced by Nietzsche though, he just saw through Nietzsches flaws of only breaking down and not building up, and having a much too narrow view of metaphysics (which made it so that he had no grounding to build anything up from).

>> No.17817302

>his slavemasters aren't based
lol what a fag you are

>> No.17817333

but they cleanize uyghurs like a boss uh

>> No.17817341

commies don't oppose them and they also don't get canceled by those neolib zionists
they are literally the bootlickers to the neolib zionists

>> No.17817343

Everything I have read from Ride the Tiger has seemed supremely idiotic to me. In fact it looks like he did not understand Nietzsche at all and projected all his bias into Nietzsche's writings.
>Nietzsches flaws of only breaking down and not building up
This is a complete misreading of Nietzsche to me. How is Zarathustra not uplifting?

>> No.17817348


hi r*ddit

>> No.17817362

>nooo not daddy Nietzsche!

>> No.17817364

>Unfortunately outside of Hobbes the right wing ideological landscape is bleak.
Hobbes is fucking idiot

>> No.17817368

>Noooo you can't reeducate muslims by teaching them how to read and giving them skill in a profession, you have to keep them in guantanamo with no charges for decades

>> No.17817374


You have never met a single communist in your life

But that's ok, you probably live in a white neighborhood in the usa

>> No.17817383

That's on you then, having read both it made a lot of sense to me and addressed the exact problems I had with Nietzsche. Nietzsche is great for his criticisms but not much more.
>This is a complete misreading of Nietzsche to me. How is Zarathustra not uplifting?
That's not the point. Sure it's uplifting, but that doesn't mean you can build a new type of man from it like he intended. It has no metaphysical grounding. Therefore it's like trying to build a house on quicksand. There is a reason Nietzsche has been (ab)used by so many wildly differing ideologies. I don't blame Nietzsche, his ideas were a product of their time and he did what he could. But his own failings in life are the testament to how his ideas were lacking in some regards.

>> No.17817388

There is no man more spooked than Evola. His writings are embarrassing if you view them under that light.

>> No.17817402

why do incels obsess over this dude so much

>> No.17817409

>Sure it's uplifting, but that doesn't mean you can build a new type of man from it like he intended. It has no metaphysical grounding
That is somewhat the point. There is even a section in the book where Zarathustra rebukes one of his followers for demanding specifics...

>> No.17817499

Fuck Evola
I was gonna make a metaphysical theory called magical idealism only to realize hed already stolen that name long ago

>> No.17817501

Which is exactly the problem, and why Evola solved Nietzsche by addressing that.

>> No.17817503

Which is why you shouldn't because spooks are spooks

>> No.17817534

Oh no the degenerate communists now rule instead of the degenerate capitalists how far we've strayed!

>> No.17817544

Yes? Degenerate capitalists are bad but degenerate commies are worse

>> No.17817553
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nah dude it's fine

>> No.17817558

bruh im on day 8 of no fap, don't do me like that

>> No.17817570

sheeeeit mup da do didda muhfuggen bix nood

>> No.17817584

Were it 150 years ago you might have a point. But just because we're still in the bourgeois economic system of capitalism, does not mean that we haven't already slipped into a plebeian spiritual mode. Changing the economic system wouldn't do anything since you can't get much lower. It's basically inevitable at this point anyway that the major western nations economic and political systems are going to adapt to this new nature and become plebian structured themselves. Which means communism, fascism or some other equally equally focused on the masses.

>> No.17817605

You think antifa and blm run the world's institutions? Not oligarchs and billionaires? Retard.

>> No.17817612

muh dicc

>> No.17817620

Yes? That was my point. Capitalism is bad, communism is worse. Reverting to capitalism will solve nothing, but it was less bad than were we are now.

>> No.17817756

Was Evola a closeted furry?

>> No.17817962

There is plenty of actual RW, the problem is people on the right don't read.

>> No.17818049

/pol/tards can't read more than 2000 characters at a time let alone a fucking Evola Book without fatiguing getting filtered with the force of a thousand suns and giving up.

>> No.17818151

>But that's ok, you probably live in a white neighborhood in the usa
All communists live in White neighborhoods, anon.

>> No.17818159
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My friend is one. His dad bought him a Dodge Charger last year

>> No.17818194

Damn, that's probably how I am going to end but without the 11 people

>> No.17818385

wow you really burnt me there lol

>> No.17818433

commies is colloquially a broad enough term to include inheritors of marx, focault, and a fair amount of the school of critical theory. even though these three branches tend to conflict with each other on a number of points, they’ve all been effectively ingested into liberalism, synthesized into something infinitely worse. liberal-communists, if you want to borrow from Fisher. they maintain control over the system and its opposition to preserve power indefinitely through education, think tanks, “grass-root” movements, lobbies, academia etc. i don’t cringe at all anymore when some old 70 y/o boomers calls them out like that anymore, even when they’re off the mark by even a bit because they’re more or less correct.

you will all be ingested into an ahrimanic age of mechanization and the complete destruction of spiritual consciousness as you degrade from a soul-bounded body to meat vessel delivering resources from one corner of the planetary organ to the other unless we revitalize God-consciousness

>> No.17818436
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take your meds.

>> No.17818437

whoa all of those facts are so damning to a man's character! because i am retarded!

>> No.17818449

>taking serpent pills to shut down continuous revelation
im good

>> No.17818604
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>Our plan? Create small nazi terrorist groups that will not achieve anything, except for larping and going to jail.

>> No.17818732

>Ironically their aversion to academia has left them intellectually impotent as nearly all educated professionals lean left.
to be fair the leftoids too, but they jsut polluted academia in the first place, which shows caring about academia i pretty retarded in democracy

>> No.17818747

>the commies
i despise a good deal of the left as well but to call neoliberal globalism with a cultural lefty soundtrack communism you have to be retarded. read "the globalists" by quinn slobodian and see for yourself what hayek and the likes have done to inaugurate our world

>> No.17818752

zizek calls them communists and he grew up in a communist country. i think i'll listen to the actual communist instead of you.

>> No.17818753

how are they larping if they're going to jail you low iq retard

>> No.17818764

Kill yourself retard. Neolibs and marxists are spiritually the same soulless globohomo ideology. Marxists are just more mentally ill

>> No.17818766
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Who do you think funds and protects BLM and antifa retard?

>> No.17818767

God, americans are so stupid and victim to propaganda.
if commies really were in power, you'll probably be in some gulag now, without internet access or anything

>> No.17818770

They're not capitalists idiot. They have nothing to do with free market.

>> No.17818772

Corporations don't want anything like a free market.

>> No.17818776

>neomarxists must use the same means as marxists
Times change brainlet

>> No.17818818

internet threats, retard

>> No.17818834
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>> No.17818860

Holy shit, I knew snipes was bad that really is something else

>> No.17818910

The plan isn't to do nothing.

It's to isolate yourself from clown world.

Its about keeping the ideas alive for a time when they could be useful again.

>> No.17818922

And who will bring these times?

>> No.17818964
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The change of the age will be wrought by forces unseen. It is closer than you think.

>> No.17818968

Ok schizo

>> No.17818988

Ok hylic

>> No.17819056
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>> No.17819089

This one may struggle to adapt, I fear.

>> No.17819098


>> No.17819131

Other than Marx and maybe Voltaire, who does the Left actually have in terms of serious historical intellectual figures? Meanwhile, the right has Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Spengler, Burke, Nietzsche, Confucius, Dostoyevsky, Hegel, Filmer, de Maistre, I could go on.

>> No.17819144


>> No.17819147

>it is unclear whether conspiring to blow up federal buildings should be described as an act of domestic terrorism

>> No.17819292

>That image
I'd beg you to tell me it's a meme but I don't care at this point if it's legit or not, there's stuff going on that's similar enough it may ass we'll be true

>> No.17819305

> tiger sounds like a raw gay sex
Only somebody who has gay sex on his mind would say that.

>> No.17819341


>> No.17819348

>Neolibs and marxists are spiritually the same soulless globohomo ideology.
if you knew just how stupid this is, you wouldn't have said it

>> No.17819351

>thinking anybody is going to read this garbled nothing sauce

>> No.17819353

Where is he wrong? Both stem from the same ideological underpinnings and work to achieve the same goals

>> No.17819375

Its about letting the system destroy itself and then emerging, riding the tiger.

>> No.17819389

if this is what you got you need to improve your reading comprehension

>> No.17819666

what can you do in commie land

>> No.17821345

Nietzsche was an obvious reactionary you idiot. Have you actually read his books?

>> No.17821450

translation, you will be eating bugs and living in a 90 sqft apt in some McCity in 50 years performing soulless labour for a boss you’ve never met

>> No.17821453

This really does sound like something a person who thinks Hobbes was a man of the right would think.

>> No.17821478

Hegel was a racist. How was he not right wing?

>> No.17821596

Fucking kek

>> No.17821629

Always wondered if this was a direct reference or not.

>> No.17821636

I know it seems like a meme but there is no legal definition of domestic terrorism in the US. She wasn't convicted as a terrorist because there was no legal ground for it at the time.
So saying "convicted terrorist" is a half truth.

>> No.17821640

Why is it that left terrorists are given promotions, but when the right does it they just fall for FBI honeypots and spend the rest of their lives in prison achieving nothing?

>> No.17821648

It's a common expression, Evola didn't invent it

>> No.17821650

LIVE ACTION role play, retard.

>> No.17821653

The key is just do nothing and watch them destroy everything

>> No.17821699
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Leftists hit the law books in the 1930s and realized (at least to some degree) that being defeated and opposed doesn't make you right, it just means you've been defeated. The cops will walk you straight into jail and then you can be convinced you're a real rebel BEHIND BARS for the rest of your life if it assuages your conscience. Also better at backing each other up instead of throwing other people under the bus at the slightest inconvenience and being careful around guns, which right wingers use as a crutch, which is also very convenient for the state since there are a lot of laws about that.

>> No.17821878

>whole thread is just faggots fighting about their gay politics

>> No.17821999
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legitimately very funny

>> No.17822038

none of this is true, Marx had connection to very rich people and they sent him money, including his relative Philips, found of the Philips company.

>> No.17822104

I didn't know Evola was so based and Taoismpilled

>> No.17822919

I guess just keep voting for the people who are fucking you over, huh? MAGA! Two Weeks!

>> No.17822944

What are you trying to say?

>> No.17823462

checked dubs of truth

>> No.17823554 [DELETED] 
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This man has done more to help me than any other writer and I can never thank him enough. His books accomplish exactly what Ezra Pound claims books should: to be a 'ball of living energy in the hands of the reader.'
He has put an indomitable FIRE in my soul. It's all a furious ascension from here on out.

>> No.17823577

>oh yay an evola thread
>political shit posting
Every single time.

>> No.17823681
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>proper theory

>> No.17823813

>but I didn't magically transform into a defender of Prussian aristocracy.

Gefiltert. Grüße aus der Mark Brandenburg, Ronald McDonald.

>> No.17824519

>Duurrrr hitler wuz a socialist

>> No.17824534

join evolafags

>> No.17824560

>it's a tranny server
No thanks

>> No.17824951

That's not the point evola is making, stupid /pol/ bitch. The point is that there's nothing today WORTH fighting for.

>> No.17825886


>> No.17825988

How much of a soft flabby brainwashed slave do you have to be to view this talk of mystical self-transformation and discipline as “having fascist overtones and reminiscent of Neo-Nazi dogwhistles”? You know the past 3000 years of Western art and thought can’t be summed up by modern US Democratic Party propaganda?

>> No.17827244

I read it and can confirm that he's got it right.

>> No.17827466

for people like him everything that doesn't reek of disease is "a nazi dogwhistle"

>> No.17827477
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>implying fascism is bad

>> No.17827497


>> No.17827660

did you even read Evola?

>> No.17827681
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Do nothing material, at least

>> No.17827684
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>> No.17827689


>> No.17827691
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>> No.17827719

He literally looks like a comicbook villain, how can people take him seriously.

>> No.17827738
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>So saying "convicted terrorist" is a half truth.
There's a thousand different quotes talking about her they could have taken as the main argument to be examined. But they chose the specific one that allowed them to reach the specific conclusion that allowed them to bend reality in a specific light. Why wasn't the assertion they used "Susan Rosenburg was once part of a violent left wing terrorist organization that was responsible for bombing federal buildings"? They didn't use that because then they couldn't pull out their bullshit "mixture" conclusion because then they couldn't waffle it over some pedantic "but it's not true according to THIS definition" bullshit.

Pure fucking propaganda.

>> No.17827758
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>> No.17827796

It's definitely as using violence, coercion or intimidation for political purposes against government or civilians. According to the FBI

>> No.17827808

Because most people are not children who still believe in comic book villains

>> No.17827922
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If White people simply stopped working we could shut down the whole economic/industrial/Jewish system.

>> No.17827930

>whites realizing niggers had it right since the beginning

>> No.17827956

The problem with white peepo is that they are simultaneously too bootlicking by nature. They'll only ever do what the official authorities tell them to

>> No.17828030

Absolutely based schizo poster.

>> No.17828044

>In fact it looks like he did not understand Nietzsche at all
pseud detected

>> No.17828125

and still, ironically, they are the least bootlicking of all races...

>> No.17828134

these are the same commies who happily buy iphones and won't tell a staff member if their order is incorrect irl right? that's who you're scared of?

>> No.17828148

No, they are always the most in that respect. It's simultaneously the greatest blessing and curse of huwhite peepo. It's a blessing when united under a leader/system which is upward-oriented, and a curse when locked into a bourgeois democratic system with no higher purpose other than consoomption and prodooction.

>> No.17828163

well, judging by how you write, you can't have an IQ over 85, so your observations are either incorrect or you got them wholesale from your handler

>> No.17828177

>wholesale from your handler
Meds schizo