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/lit/ - Literature

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17815349 No.17815349 [Reply] [Original]

>you read any form of genre fiction
>you create threads with images of frogs
>you barely know your classics
>you create threads with images of wojaks
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you create threads with images of cartoons (anime)
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you create threads with images of anything not relating to literature (i.e. books and authors)
>you speak a single language
>you create threads with profanity or curse at other people on /lit/
>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>you create threads that belong on >>>/lgbt/
>you read for the plot
>you're under the age of 25
>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read nonfiction
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon
>you mostly read contemporary literature
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>you rarely read poetry
>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

>> No.17815359
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>Finnegans Wake

>> No.17815458

>you read any form of genre fiction

I only read fiction and I'm not leaving. Seethe.

>> No.17815517

>Someone took the time to write this only to be ignored

>> No.17815527

Is Ulysses anywhere online?

>> No.17815738
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Several of these apply to me and I don’t plan on leaving

>> No.17815799

fewer of these apply to me than I expected

>> No.17816154

I do all of these things, and I'm not leaving.

simple as

>> No.17816169

>>you read any form of genre fiction
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you read for the plot
>you read for entertainment
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon
>you rarely read poetry
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

How did I fare?

>> No.17816172

I do none of those things but I will start doing most of them just to (spiritually) piss on you, OP.

>> No.17816196

You had me up to here:
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
See: Orwell.

>> No.17816270 [DELETED] 

alri R. Kelly

>> No.17817380


>> No.17817428


>> No.17817628

He's a great Canadian tweeter

>> No.17817637

>you create threads that belong on any of the following, >>>/lgbt/ >>>/pol/ >>>/b/

>> No.17817657 [SPOILER] 
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Needs something about making a thread for a book which the OP has not yet even begun to read

>> No.17817812

If your so smart how come your never gonna create anything of note.

>> No.17817934

These honestly filter everyone on this board. Even the most oldfag patricians get felled by any or all of these three
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology

I myself fail at, depending on how basic you deem basic knowledge of the classics to be also those.
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight
>you're under the age of 25
>you read [entirely] for entertainment
>you create threads with images of anything not relating to literature (i.e. books and authors)

The fact is that we've talked about everything that can be talked about concerning given and literature that is not bad, obscure -- not translated -- or contemporary.

I believe, and hate me for this, the board should be changed to Literature and Writing because this is what people enjoy and do mostly here nowadays.
Writing is quite a broad term but it would allow for innovation that still has value as literature, stuff we see with poetry threads.
Generally though, all obviously pol, lgbt or b threads should be removed instantly. If you thread begins with > you're doing something wrong, if you ask for a book or author but obviously just want to talk about something offtopic, want to argue in the comments, you go too.

>> No.17818317

>how come your

>> No.17818352

woah he's coloured now !!!

>> No.17818361
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I think I'll stay

>> No.17819222

gonna post this on r/books

>> No.17819247

I miss that little nigga more than anything

>> No.17819252

dumb newfag

>> No.17819264

your interspersed posting guidelines ruin the pace and beauty of novalisposter's work

>> No.17819279


>> No.17819324

>>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
Ouch. You got me on this one. The last book I liked in a literary level was Gormenghast, some time ago. Guess I'll be leaving now. Good-bye....

>> No.17819378

Nigger I know this is /lit/ but I’m not fucking reading all that

>> No.17819383

Dude if you’re over 25 and still use 4chan you should probably kill yourself and I’m not kidding.

>> No.17819605
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There went 90% of the population.

>> No.17819853

>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight
Are you a masochist??

>> No.17819898

>you barely know your classics
>you read for the plot
>you're under the age of 25
>you read for entertainment
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight
7/30, not bad

>> No.17819930

>Generally though, all obviously pol, lgbt or b threads should be removed instantly. If you thread begins with > you're doing something wrong, if you ask for a book or author but obviously just want to talk about something offtopic, want to argue in the comments, you go too.
this 100%. i think this is probably the greatest scourge of this board. like it's not necessarily that i disagree with the politics in those threads but they are seriously just unenlightening

>> No.17820554

Empirically, how has any of this shit benefitted you?

>> No.17820588

>complains about threads that belong on /lgbt/, yet creates the gayest thread currently on /lit/

>> No.17820626

>Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:
>you read