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17810346 No.17810346 [Reply] [Original]

Name anyone more fucking annoying than ANAL-licker (analytic) philosophy cucks. You can't do it.
Every single time someone with an actual brain who understands how to separate things in terms of their importance brings up a continental philosopher, some fucking pocket-protector wearing faggot has to chime in and go "PFFT BRRRT UH d00d UH NO THAT IS JUST POETRY AT BEST LULZ PRETTY WORDS LOL I REMEMBER READING THAT WHEN I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL, TRY READING QUINE OR KANT THATS BIG BOY SHIT" the shit is fucking gay as fuck and also wrong.
Logic is literally just a tool that you use to do things. Its about as interesting as a fucking power-drill, and I mean that literally: a power-drill is a little bit interesting, the mechanics of how it works are interesting, and its applications are interesting, but when I'm trying to prioritize topics of interest by their relevance and significance, I don't go GEE WOW THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD IS THE WAY THAT THIS FUCKING POWER-DRILL WORKS.
You can't do it, I dare you, try to do it. No one is more gay. Try

>> No.17810396
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>Name anyone more fucking annoying than ANAL-licker (analytic) philosophy cucks
resentful continentals

>> No.17810399

Philo-fags need to constantly masturbate about 18th century neurotic schizos and their magical thinking, arguing against each other "complex" issues with polysyllabic pretentiousness to make it feel like a lifetime of being fundamentally disconnected to reality was worth it, because at least they were "le gifted kid burnout".

Philosophy in general is for fags. Political theory and Economy are king.

>> No.17810415

Oh true, two disciplines for which philosophy is the direct antecedent are "better than it"
you're a smart guy

>> No.17810420

not even close you guys are the biggest fags on earth everyone knows it we talk about it when you're not around

>> No.17810426

That is because philosophy was solved in pre-historic times by Aristotle, tweaked a bit and ultimately perfected by Aquinas and if any problem had later appeared in metaphysics it was solved by Objectivism, anything else is just sperging and useless for political ideas that are not utter shit..

>> No.17810433

Holy fucking based.

>> No.17810440

Quine is good. Moore is good too.
>Every single time someone with an actual brain who understands how to separate things in terms of their importance brings up a continental philosopher
>continental philosopher
No such thing

>> No.17810445

Aristotle pretty much refined a burgeoning field of logic that was growing in complexity throughout the Greek age, while saying his personal opinions on trivial bullshit, and then everybody clapped because you're all gay. Same thing goes for most of the Greeks; I don't fault them for it but a lot of that shit is just specific to the time-period and not relevant today, and the stuff that is, is timeless and not specific to Greece. Platonism isn't the only place in the ancient world that the basic gist of Platonism can be found. People just like western civ so they creampie when you bring these people up
And Aquinas? Brother that might be one of the most retarded things I've ever read here desu, Aquinas was just some raving christcuck lunatic.

>> No.17810448
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>Quine is good

>> No.17810463

You're clearly historically illiterate if you think Aristotle had any relevance during ancient greece itself, if anything he became well-known because of Aquinas and the introduction of Aristotelian ideas in the Islamic World. It was Aristotle's ideas on reason and logic that allowed the dark ages to flourish and the islamic world to have a golden age.

>Aquinas was just some raving christcuck lunatic
t. never read Aquinas, man basically solved metaphysics and philosophy in general

>> No.17810470

>but when I'm trying to prioritize topics of interest by their relevance and significance I don't go GEE WOW THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD IS THE WAY THAT THIS FUCKING POWER-DRILL WORKS
That's not philosophy

Use of logic in necessary nowadays to "do" philosophy
It's an universal language

There is literally zero difference between continental philosophy and calling OP a tranny. It's the same thing and holds the same value.

>> No.17810483

>man basically solved metaphysics and philosophy in general
qualitatively insane thing to say

As for your other bullshit, I was talking about his actual contribution to the field in terms of its canonical development, irrespective of when those contributions were recognized. Did you think I was saying that Aristotle was the prettiest girl in Greece? Are you like retarded or something dude, be forreal.

I'm assuming this is the same dude its written similarly and equally retarded
use of logic is literally the core of analytic philosophy, they approach philosophical problems through systematized thought structures. Its literally all rooted in using systematized logic as an applied tool to uncover the answers to the fundamental questions. As they do this, they uncover all sorts of nuanced tricks about how logic works and can be used, because they're engaging in a fucking masturbatory amusement park ride, tinkering with the mechanisms of logic itself; but none of this actually answers anything the way that they think it does, because every analytic approach begins with some sort of auxiliary assumption, however remote, that it proceeds forward from.
Continentals who are worth their salt, recognize this original sin in their systems, and even if they are left with more confusion as a consolation prize for this, they are at least not fucking deluded.

>> No.17810511

>but none of this actually answers anything the way that they think it does, because every analytic approach begins with some sort of auxiliary assumption, however remote, that it proceeds forward from.
This means they have base assumptions. And, no, they fully understand their base assumptions. This is a strawman.
>Continentals who are worth their salt, recognize this original sin in their systems, and even if they are left with more confusion as a consolation prize for this, they are at least not fucking deluded.
Cool. Unfortunately continental philosophy makes no sense because they don't use argumentative form, so they can't prove anything. They are not talking the same language we do.

>they're engaging in a fucking masturbatory amusement park ride
Just don't do philosophy. How about being a gardener?

>> No.17810514

>I was talking about his actual contribution to the field
Yes, you say that his contributions are mostly inconsequential and blown out of proportion by contemporary philosophy enthusiasts, and I'm providing you the historically verifiable information that some good 1500 years after his own day and age there wasn't anything neither equivalent or superior to his ideas, and his insertion in medieval europe and the middle east basically completely changed these worlds for the better.

>> No.17810524

if they understood their base assumptions, then they wouldn't lay claim to answers that they aren't equipped with the tools to broach. But they do it all the time, and to be fair to them; their faggot simp followers do it ten times harder than they do.
You're too dumb to recognize why having an auxiliary assumption necessarily precludes one from approaching anything like objective truth, but trust me on this.
Argumentative form is, again, a tool specific to an applied mechanism; logic. It isn't a real thing. Its value solely lies within the realm of its use within logical systematized thought-structures. beyond that it does not have that value. These are the types of things continentals recognize and take seriously as they tackle the issue of truth, and the things that robotbrain dumbfuck ANAL-lickers sidestep.

>> No.17810529

oh wow nobody furthered logic very much during the dark ages wow that must mean Aristotle was really good
or it means that an entire culture was experiencing the slow burn of collapse and nothing was really progressing you. lol this is really something else

>> No.17810538
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>Was one man really brilliant
>or was just the entire world retarded for 1200 to 1500 years because enlightenment propaganda told me everyone was dumb before them

Through Occam's razor I determine that the entirety of the European and Arab world were just fucking retarded for more than a thousand years.

>> No.17810540

>they wouldn't lay claim to answers that they aren't equipped with the tools to broach
Then just stay quiet just like Wittgenstein said
>You're too dumb to recognize why having an auxiliary assumption necessarily precludes one from approaching anything like objective truth, but trust me on this.
>continentals recognize and take seriously as they tackle the issue of truth
No such thing

>> No.17810554

>through Occam's Razor
good thing you don't need to use Occam's Razor when we have a bounty of evidence showing how and why these advances in the sciences were stunted for close to a millennium and is literally the namesake for the "dark" ages
Oh wait actually you *cannot* invoke Occam's Razor when more complex arguments have support because that's the entire principle behind it. Fuck man fuck man. Fuck man.

>> No.17810557

>all language is truisms
yeah this is the closest that the analytics ever got to understanding the continental frame of mind and the only reason Wittgenstein has any of my respect. The irony therein being that Wittgenstein disavowed most of his work by the end and said that his contemporaries were a bunch of faggots who didn't know what they were talking about.

>> No.17810572

That's irrelevant.
There is no such thing as truth.
Continentals are wasting their time by looking for it.
Either you engage in arguments or you become a gardener.

I unironically think you should read this. Maybe there will be one less retard on the globe.

>> No.17810574

Almost as if everything roots back to my original argument that Aristotle solved philosophy all the way back in ancient greece, but because the greeks embraced Platonism and the medieval europeans did neo-platonism, their entire thought-system was backwards and defective.

>Oh wait actually you *cannot* invoke Occam's Razor when more complex arguments have support because that's the entire principle behind it. Fuck man fuck man. Fuck man.
>Occam's Razor was invented to eschew more complex arguments for the sake of proving that miracles "just happened", and did it with arguments less absurd than "everyone in the world was stupid"

Can you imagine trying to justify your useless philo degree by masturbating to semantics you desperately try to pass as arguments battling randoms on 4chan

>> No.17810581

Btw, I have read your arguments in a thread about "smart philosophers"
You REALLY need to study logic. Engaging in a debated about car idioms shows your true colours.

>> No.17810584

Meds, now.

>> No.17810588

a lot of continentals *don't* look for truth, not in the sense that you take the word to mean. But you do not understand that side of life because you are a faggot.

I not only read but directly responded to your faggot little link that's just a rehash of ideas that have been around for a looooong fucking time buck-o. Its not as profound as you think it is

the dark ages didn't happen because they embraced Platonism. This is probably the most retarded shit I've ever heard desu, but shockingly its not even close to the first time I've heard it. This is actually a pretty standard take among "important" people.
Are you Vox Day? Can I have your autograph faggot?

>> No.17810593

>I'm following you
>you weally need to study logic
been there and done it, all that engaging in that debate proves about me is that I'm petty and enjoying wasting time fucking around with low-hanging fruit because my life's meaningless
but it does not prove what you're implying, cutie pie, you know not who you speak to

>> No.17810597
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>> No.17810601

omg you're the fucking Gödel fag.
I've seen enough here boys, burn it down.

>> No.17810611

The Dark Ages happened because the medieval european placed faith above reason and attached themselves to Plato's equally magical thinking and mystical-minded beliefs rather than Aristotle's reason-above-faith ideas.

>> No.17810626

>rather than Aristotle's reason-above-faith ideas.
You are historically clueless. I'm guessing the name "Aquinas" doesn't even ring a single bell for you. Not to mention the massive influence Aristotle, and not Plato, had on the Islamic tradition.

>> No.17810634

yes yes I've heard the debate many times before, and its not even close to the grand finale that you faggots think that it is. There are, as a matter of fact, a virtual kaleidoscope of new and arguably worse (not worth it) problems which have developed as a result of our world going down Artistotle's path. This is obviously true, but is easier to drown out if you simply choose to treat everyone who recognizes it as a whiny fuck or "stupider than me." Its also easy to do if you're such a fucking simp for intellectual abstraction that you miss the entire point of intellectual endeavor to begin with and think that every problem we have is worth it because reasoning is so elegant and pretty.
That sentiment is pretty much everything I hate about you faggots honestly. Plato had a method behind his madness, and it wasn't nearly as unreasonable as Aristotle cucks like to believe, they just do not understand it because they are essentially alien to human life, robots who cant function around the rest of humanity. Plato, ironically, would have found an economized use for their nature ;)
And I'm not even a Platophile, but I'm so sick of hearing this retarded reductive analysis.

>> No.17810635

>Aristotle, and not Plato, had on the Islamic tradition.
see >>17810463 and >>17810514

>> No.17810638

he's literally agreeing with your sentiment you fucking asperger clown

>> No.17810649

>The Dark Ages happened because the medieval european placed faith above reason and attached themselves to Plato's
Read above, no he isn't. My point is that the Medieval tradition was attached to Aristotle primarily rather than Plato. The "Dark Ages" are a myth, or at best it is merely the aftermath of the fall of Rome, caused by numerous political and economic factors rather than religious. Rome flourished under Christianity for more than a century.

>> No.17810661

>you're such a fucking simp for intellectual abstraction
>Plato had a method behind his madness
>Aristotle was unreasonable :(


>There are, as a matter of fact, a virtual kaleidoscope of new and arguably worse (not worth it) problems which have developed as a result of our world going down Artistotle's path.
>invariably caused by magical thinking autists injecting their retardation into his theories

>> No.17810672

yeah well I mean look man I'll honestly try to tone down the snark, but I would argue that that's because your conception of "decline" is way too narrow. Rome *survived* under Christianity for more than a century, but "flourished" is hardly a matter of fact and a lot of people would disagree, justifiably, too. The Roman aristocratic values are what drove the civilization through most of its ascendancy and peak, and this is actually also true for Greece, they were the same basic value set, Hellenism. The values in Christianity were completely the inverse of Hellenism, particularly with respect to the idea of "excellence," which was at the core of Hellenist virtue.
Rome may have flourished as a Christian Rome, but to a lot of people, a Christianized Rome in a state of flourish looks a lot like hell beginning to be unleashed. It depends upon your historical sense and understanding of the factors involved.
Surely what I am arguing is not the sole or ultimate explanation as nothing ever really is, but there is a lot of weight to the notion that Christian values caused the decline of Rome, through the decline of Roman values; and that the same issues inherent in this value system are what initiated and exacerbated the Dark Ages, which are not called "Dark" because they were bad, but because they were an age of relative ignorance compared to the Hellenistic period for Europe.

>> No.17810682

no, that's not the problem; its that Aristotle's strong suits don't actually solve any problems regarding human behavior and irrationality, they simply view it as anomalous or something to be remedied and assimilated to a "reasonable" system, which is actually something Foucault pointed out among many others.
Aristotle was a master of applied reason and practically invented the sciences. But none of that addresses human irrationality or its consequences other than to say "we should get rid of it," or "we should be lasseiz-faire and let entropy destroy the world."