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17807722 No.17807722 [Reply] [Original]

List of books I'm reading rn:
The Victorian Underworld
Fifth Business
Norwegian Wood
On The Road Original Scroll
Inherent Vice
Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction

And others at various times. Is that bad?

>> No.17807732

it's seems like a lot to me but you're a free man anon

>> No.17807739

If you can pick them up and remember where you were, then there’s no problem. Multiple books provides a variety of interesting things, thus leading to more reading. Don’t want to pavlov yourself into not reading if you only have one book and you hit a boring part.

>> No.17807851

I don't have trouble reading two books provided one of them is meditation literature or a poetry anthology

>> No.17809502


>> No.17809591

If you read multiple books at once they all can’t be dense. I think it’s best to read a fiction/non fiction along with a poetry book

>> No.17809593

Read 2 or 3 at most. Any more and you're not getting anything out of any of them.

>> No.17809999

Mind giving a place to start in regards to "poetry books,"? I've never gotten on with poetry but would like to try it. In case you need my taste to make an accurate reccomendation, my favorite painter is Friedrich.

>> No.17810704

bad in what context you stupid fuck? to understand them? to memorize them? to read more books? to entertain yourself?

I honestly think people like you have something in your brain misfunctioning or you're incredibly selfish - in asking any question unprovoked to others you're definitionally asking them for help but then you either refuse or are incapable of making it easier for them to help you - you literally haven't given anyone enough information to answer the question.

>> No.17810718

well the obvious choice then would probably then be the germans themselves, goethe, trakl, schiller and novalis

>> No.17810728

>Multiple books provides a variety of interesting things, thus leading to more reading

This. I find that variety helps me actually stay focus.

>> No.17810788

I read a poetry book, a novel and sometimes a short story. Reading two novels is a big NO

>> No.17810881

Depends on what you're reading. Unless you're reading novels for their artistic merit, the concept of reading a whole book from start-to-finish is largely done out of social conditioning. If you're studying various subjects then it's absolutely acceptable to just bounce around to whatever interests you. But if you're just dividing your reading time among various books to work through them all front to back, I wouldn't recommend that. It makes things too rigid. Just look at the books and see which interests you at that moment and read that. I always tell people that you read non-fiction books differently from novels. Reading non-fiction front to back is a dull, mechanistic instinct of the uninspired. Your goal in reading this content isn't to read for its own sake, or to achieve a certain quantity, but to gain information. It makes sense to read for information, not for quantity.

>> No.17811186

I always read one non-fiction for day time and at night a fiction in bed.

>> No.17811874

I appreciate the advice, and have noticed those names.