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17805232 No.17805232 [Reply] [Original]

Can life have meaning? If so, who writes about it?

>> No.17805241

>ywn read berserk again for the first time
why live op

>> No.17805281

literally every book

>> No.17805286

>Can life have meaning? If so, who writes about it?
meaning is for coping losers honestly.

they suffer first and try to retroactively find a reason to live, so they can tell themselves that they have "something" to live for.

healthy people dont need a "reason" to live in the first place.

>> No.17805293
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>> No.17805296

The entire literary genre of philosophy is pretty much a giant cope about finding meaning in the world.

>> No.17805354

How do we help the inceldom?

>> No.17805355

Some people just like to ruminate. That’s how a lot of literature was made.
no, lonely kitty has lost all meaning ;_;

I wonder if creatures like dolphins and other higher primates also have identities that need to be sustained with “meaning” of some kind.
I know elephants will build little shrines to dead elephants sometimes.

I have a French bulldog and she finds meaning in pretending to be a guard dog even though it comes off as ridiculous. I know that sounds silly, but that’s how it really does appear to me.

>> No.17805365

This webm destroyed me.

>> No.17805395

The more you interact with others (of both sexes), the more your chances of having sex increase. Incels live walled-off lives and the isolation creates a vicious cycle for them.

>> No.17805404

yes. study Castaneda.

>> No.17805443

I’ve found psychedelic experiences meaningful to my life, one of the few things I feel a deep connection with.
But I don’t know why.

>> No.17805450
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>> No.17805504

Psychadelics aren’t anything outside of real experience, they are however more surreal of a subjection. Of course it will leave you with a “deeper” sense of impingement. It’s unordinary and therefore therefore.

>> No.17805505

>Can life have meaning? If so, who writes about it?

Can your life have meaning? Probably not.

>> No.17805541

do colourless green ideas sleep furiously? "meaning" and "life" are semantically incompatible. qed

>> No.17805543

I cry

>> No.17805627

Well, I mean, you can say anything isn’t outside real experience. It’s more than simply being surreal, they’re more spiritual than other drug experiences.

>> No.17805639

It’s real insofar as the everyday continuity which is experienced in the waking state correlates not only to what I’ve experienced in the past as well as can generally assume within the near future but as well as with others corroborating the same findings.

>> No.17805680

life has too much meaning, it has all the possible meaning.

>> No.17805736

You can see snk

>> No.17806008



>> No.17806023

This post just made me rock hard.

Everyone should write their own book on the meaning of life. It will give you good perspective on your own life. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. The only thing that matters is that it makes sense to you.

>> No.17806029

I struggle to find any meaning. How is this possible?

>> No.17806100

>I have a French bulldog and she finds meaning in pretending to be a guard dog even though it comes off as ridiculous.
And nobody taught her to do this, that’s the funny thing. She learned it from the head dog, a border collie who makes her look child-like in comparison.

>> No.17806191

hes wrong

>> No.17806212

you think them meaningful because the drug inflates the significance of everything in your awareness, that's what it does, it doesn't give any actual weight to, say, childhood events

>> No.17806220


>> No.17806223

Whose this broad?

>> No.17806284

It inflates your deepest thoughts too and thoughts you’ve never had before. It literally makes novel connections in your brain that never would have happened otherwise.

>An Imperial College London–led team reporting this week in Current Biology and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences used brain imaging, electrical activity measurements and subjective reports to track brain and experiential responses to LSD in 20 volunteers. Results from the studies suggest that LSD simultaneously creates hyper-connections across the brain, allowing the functions of seemingly unrelated regions of the organ to ooze into one another. At the same time, the drug apparently chips away at organization within networks—including a system the brain defers to at rest called the default mode network, which normally governs functions such as self-reflection, autobiographical memory and mental “time travel.”

>LSD untethers functional connectivity from the constraint of structural connectivity.
>LSD increases the complexity of segregated brain states.

>More fundamentally, these findings provide the first evidence that cortical hierarchical organization can be modulated in a state-dependent manner, highlighting an important relationship between the features of neural topography and ongoing conscious experience.

Topology will be important in understanding consciousness. That’s where brain states seem to arise from. Otherwise our observations about the brain don’t make much sense since you can still function even with traumatic injuries.

>> No.17806302

it's hard to distinguish the light in sun. but I don't think you are even searching for meaning, people ge depressed and shit and they think it's because of some objective reasons about meaning, when it's a problem with themselves. if you don't have motivation to do things it's not the world to blame.

>> No.17806337

but snk is fucking over next month... i will have exactly nothing left to live for

>> No.17806346

that's just saying the same thing differently
psychedelics are a trick, blinking lights

>> No.17806392

I don’t know if I’d call something that directly affects the very functional connectivity across your brain a “trick.” Tricks don’t usually play with the brain directly, that would be cheating.

>> No.17806413

of course it's a trick, that's how it tricks you

>> No.17806562
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If you’re not content with eating, drinking, shitting, pissing, having sex and then dying in the end, you’re a self-important faggot. People who whine and say “Waaah, I need meaning!” are pussies.

>> No.17806628

I've been neglecting my cat lately and had to leave her alone at home pretty much all day and this made me feel awful.

>> No.17806878

is that Hamsun?

>> No.17807091
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>> No.17807174

Yes. In fact, meaning is completely inescapable, and we were never postmodern to begin with. Meaning is simply the brain taking the patterns it sees in the world, and constructing stories from it. To do this, it uses both hemispheres to create meaning, where the input from the world is recognized by the ‘rational’ hemisphere, and is then interpreted by the ‘emotional’ hemisphere, which links all the chaotic fragments together to form a coherent narrative, out of which your identity and your view of the world emerges.

This is known as the narrative identity and is well studied, such as in people who had a surgery to resolve epilepsy, where some connections are severed between the two hemisphere and some part of the body, say your right had, begins to act on its own, completely independent of the will of the person. There have also been victims of war who sustained brain injuries, where most of their memories became just a wild mosaic of impressions, with nothing linking them together in any meaningful way. To me, this indicates that narratives are not the source of meaning, but that narratives are meaning, and that without narratives, there simply is no meaningful self and no meaningful reality.

>> No.17807183

life is a spook

>> No.17807199

the cat was just sleeping no worries
source: reddit

>> No.17807217

It can never not have meaning. Your question created meaning, your reading of this post is currently creating meaning, your next thought will create a new meaning, and so on. You are always creating meaning. This is what you always do.

>who writes about it?
Nietzsche knew what I just said above and wrote about it.

>> No.17807298

>It can never not have meaning
It can never not not have meaning.

>> No.17807304

because you hate your life and you cope with that by pretending it’s because you are an uber intellectual and discovered the truth about life, when you see people who aren’t depressed you convince yourself that they are living in denial

>> No.17807311
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>> No.17807313

I actually hate all of your lives because it caused my life to be created without permission.

>> No.17807383

makes no sense

>> No.17807421

If it didn’t not have meaning then we couldn’t ascribe our own subjectiveness as a form of meaning.

>> No.17807452

theres no whiter pill than purposelessness... purpose eliminates all other paths, but purposelessness generates purpose itself and includes all purposes... there is something ecstatic in that, and there is no better joy than living without a why

>> No.17807475

False emotion over a negative premise brings forth an absurdity of continuation. You did this.

>> No.17807477

Terrible bait

>> No.17807486

It has no meaning, only you can create it.

>> No.17807501

ohoho shit, buddy. Mighta fucked yourself

>> No.17807504

Just another meaning. I see no refutation put forward yet.

>> No.17807505

He's right though

>> No.17807509


>> No.17807515

Yes. Drawn by Edvard Munch.

>> No.17807526

>If you’re not content with eating, drinking, shitting, pissing, having sex and then dying in the end, you’re a self-important faggot.
Yes. The opposite of you, a self-unimportant faggot.

>> No.17807534

Something pissing you off does not make it bait. If you unironically need something beyond that, that's your problem. You're an animal. An ape. A biological organism. "Meaning" is not something you should be concerned with. Believing in "meaning", and thinking it would fix your life=human megalomania.

>> No.17807544

You people are like drug addicts and consoomers

>> No.17807557

We're all addicts. I'm just addicted to art, while you're addicted to eating / drinking / having sex etc.

>> No.17807572

We have more of all of that (besides sex) than at any point in history and look how unhappy we are.
The context in which all of those are satisfied or not is what matters most.

>> No.17807574

You’re happy there is no reason. >>17807504
Ergo there must be an objective truth for subjectiveness to not be delusion.

>> No.17807584

>We have more of all of that
Do we really? Are we shitting and pissing more than medieval peasants?

>> No.17807585

ergo what exactly?

>> No.17807592

>I'm just addicted to art
Gay beyond words

>> No.17807595

>look how unhappy we are
And? What are you gonna do about it, and why is that a bad thing? Classic meaningfag logic

>> No.17807601

>I'm addicted to shitting
Even gayer desu

>> No.17807603
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>We're all addicts. I'm just addicted to art, while you're addicted to eating / drinking / having sex etc.

>> No.17807611

>basic bodily function
>"You're addicted to shitting!!!"
Repress and cope more

>> No.17807663

Let me dumb it down for you niggers: "addiction" is not an argument because everyone in the end is compelled towards what they enjoy, and thank fuck not everybody is content with just eating, shitting and fucking all day long like you chimps.

>> No.17807674

No afterlife can exist.

>> No.17807707

>"...thank God..."
>Using chimp as an insult
Wow, you've mastered the art of coping and repressing your true, animal nature. Great job!

>> No.17807715

You live like a zoo animal. You deserve to be thrown in a cage like one.

>> No.17807789

Why does the mere mention of the fact that humans are animals bring about such feelings of rage in you?

>> No.17807931

Why does the mere mention of the fact that not everyone is content with living like swine bring about such feelings of insecurity in you?

>> No.17808075

Insecurity? What? What I feel is pity. I can't imagine how stressed out I'd be if I thought "meaning" was the goal of my life. I am content with being my true, animal self.

>> No.17808152

Joyce in Finnegan's Wake

>> No.17808196
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>I am content with being my true, animal self.
Which in this particular case is a domesticated porker that squeals at every sign of "stress." Enjoy your mud, hamburger boy.