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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 640x480, aug27_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1780483 No.1780483 [Reply] [Original]


Should I buy this?

>> No.1780492

people still go there?

>> No.1780497


>> No.1780500


>> No.1780506
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>> No.1780508

Tao Lin's a fan of Shintaro Kago? He's cool in my book

>> No.1780509


Tao Lin is my baby! So aspy.

>> No.1780513

oh never mind, it's just an issue of Vice

>> No.1780516

I haven't read any of his books (and I don't plan to) but I feel bad for him. Something about his voice and the plan of selling something so personal is pretty depressing to me.

>> No.1780525

I didn't even know it was used as a cover of Vice, lol, I just knew it was Shintaro Kago's work

>> No.1780532

he could always get a day job or sth

>> No.1780565

I agree. What makes it especially sad is that its obvious he's high on something (probably heroin). When I watched the video, I thought to myself that there is something off about this guy but maybe that is just how he is naturally.
When the girl at the end comes on it's pretty obvious she is high. Not that there is anything wrong with doing drugs. But there is something wrong with letting drugs fuck up your life.

>> No.1780567

Tao Lin is autistic 24/7 365. No heroin required.

>> No.1780582

tao lin is a cool dude
i haven't read any of his books tho

>> No.1780587

What? Ar eyou saying he's snake-like?

>> No.1780595

Tao Lin is crazy autistic. That's all he writes about.

>> No.1780596

how do i not be autistic

>> No.1780607

>No! I'm being normal right now!

>> No.1780623

>1 outline of my book tour for RICHARD YATES including a key conveying exactly what drugs were ingested at what dates
>Unreleased MDMAfilms feature film titled MUSHROOMS
>LSD/PCP handbook
>~4 governmental forms regarding my 2 to 4 incarcerations the past
>talking about "future biographers"
>obviously high on drugs

don't do drugs kids, and don't wind up like Tao Lin

>> No.1780625

i've never done drugs and i act like tao lin so how do i fix this

>> No.1780627

ITT: Tao Lin

>> No.1780643

Maybe he needs money for research to cure his ironic autism.

>> No.1780652

>Have u read any of his books?

Closed tab.

>> No.1780661

lol u faggot

>> No.1780666
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>He doesn't get Carles' meta humor

>> No.1780667


normal authors sell their personal things to universities and librarys, how is this different than that?

>> No.1780671

He's auctioning them off on eBay, most likely for money for drugs.

>> No.1780672

take drugs.

>> No.1780678
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from his ebay account history

>> No.1780680

man, he's slurring so badly

he's got to stop with that shi

>> No.1780682
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>paying to talk to Tao Lin on drugs

>> No.1780686

id do it if i had money and wanted to pay tao lin to talk to me while on drugs

>> No.1780688

that fiction issue of vice is p. good

>> No.1780691

I'd pay for that shit any day

>> No.1780692


yeah 'they' still 'do'

>> No.1780694 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1780715

tybrax why did you delete your post I dinnint see what it was :(

>> No.1780735
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>> No.1780741

I saw the post, I didn't see the image

>> No.1780744

it's just a screencap of the comments on OP's link

>> No.1780749

This is just for publicity: I'm English and his books are on the shelves here so he must be doing something right. Maybe not rich but enough to live by.

>> No.1780755

what store?

>> No.1780762

Tao Lin is a shitty writer but this is really sad

>> No.1780768

Tao Lin is one of my favorite writers. I don't see why people need to make controversy about writers. They're just people writing things. There's a lot of humanity in what Tao Lin writes. That's why I like what Tao Lin writes.

>> No.1780776


>There's a lot of humanity in what Tao Lin writes.

A great achievement, considering Tao Lin is not actually human, but a sophisticated computer algorithm.

>> No.1780778


>Tao Lin is one of my favorite writers

can't stop laughing

>> No.1780785

Sometimes machines are more human than humans.

>> No.1780792

Like rob zombie?

>> No.1780794

Yes, that was the reference. It wasn't a joke, though.

>> No.1780796


Tao Lin is one of my "favorite" writers. I "don't" see why people need to make controversy about "writers". They're "just" people writing "things". There's a lot of "humanity" in what Tao Lin writes. That's why I "like" what Tao Lin "writes".

>> No.1780807

Tao uses single quotes only when he uses non-literal phrases.

>> No.1780808

>Tao Lin's blog now has a link to this exact discussion
>it's a publicity stunt

>> No.1780809
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>> No.1780811

tao lin should read some frank ramsey and deflationism about truth.

>> No.1780814

Tao Lin has a way with quotation marks that most people aren't capable of imitating properly.

>> No.1780817
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I have a fun game /lit/

Who can pick out which posts in the thread are Tao Lin?

>> No.1780820

why does tao lin bother tweeting about us

>> No.1780822

this 1

>> No.1780823

is tao lin

>> No.1780829

I genuinely like Tao Lin though. He is very funny. He also quoted I Hate Myself, which is one of the best bands.

>> No.1780835



>> No.1780836

Tao Lin

If his career activity includes not only posting on 4chan but also posting on twitter about posting on 4chan, it's little wonder he's fucking broke

>> No.1780838

tao lin reminds me of being a teenager and this feeling i'd get in my stomach where i'd be so sad i'd want to throw up but also it felt really good at the same time and i'd think about how cool and terrible the world is

>> No.1780839


you should save this thread on a 5 inch floppy disk and sell it with all your other shit

>> No.1780846

I think you're 'interesting'.

>> No.1780849

hi Tao.

>> No.1780852

yo tao lin have you listened to the nation of ulysses or the other ian svenonius projects

>> No.1780854


>> No.1780857

Also (the real) TAO LIN!

>> No.1780860

Fuck you. It's called building hype.

>> No.1780865

Why does Tao Lin care about us, this board doesn't even get much traffic

>> No.1780867

i threw out richard yates after reading it

>> No.1780868

As opposed to just finding us interesting without the irony quotes that imply the distance of superiority?

That's interesting because we think you're a self-aggrandizing piece of shit.

>> No.1780873

'The April Reader' would be willing to pay 'Tao Lin' ~$50 for a 'short essay' on 'how to write' if this interests him

email in field

>> No.1780874

Tao Lin is everywhere in this bitch.

>> No.1780875


Tao Lin tweeted this thread

>> No.1780879

That avatar.. so deep

>> No.1780880

I'm surprised nobody's made a "postin in a Tao thread" jpg yet.

>> No.1780883


How can he be getting this information? It's time to face facts...

/lit/, we have a mole. A hipster mole.

>> No.1780886

Probably because there's only one Tao Lin thread. Don't think this is going to become a regular occurence.

>> No.1780887

OP's nutsack is illegal in Florida

>> No.1780894

>implying I haven't posted on /lit/ on and off for over a year

>> No.1780898

I used to stalk Bebe Zeva, that was until I found Tao.

>> No.1780899

good, that shit is almost as obnoxious as the people who own them

>> No.1780902

>implying you're real me

>> No.1780905

the next night we ate whale
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the next night we ate whale

>> No.1780906
File: 183 KB, 502x600, James-Woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw five out of the last seven posts in this thread have been this dipshit talking to himself in the hopes that the links will momentarily boost his pagerank

>> No.1780908

hey Tao, how do I be like you w/out middle class hipster foundations and a good education help me out

>> No.1780912


COOLDOG ON TWITTER, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1780913


James Woods is a goodfornothing cynic.

>> No.1780914

Tao can you post "hi cuppy tea" on twitter to prove it's really u reading

>> No.1780922

>Implying you're me.

I'm sorry, but you aren't. I didn't want to be the one to tell you.

>> No.1780926

Don't be a fucking cunt. I'M TAO LIN!! I'M TAO LIN

>> No.1780929

Kind of like Tao Lin but without the distinction of being a cynic.

>> No.1780936

yeah my english teacher said tao lin was pretentious but he also criticized me for not liking family guy enuf said

>> No.1780938

seeing tao lin self-promote makes me want to promote tao lin for some reason

>> No.1780939

>trying too hard to make people think he's tao lin

>> No.1780943

why would tao lin say something like that, what i said was way more predictable and ordinary than what tao lin says

>> No.1780946

Such a lie.

>> No.1780950

image being tao lin and reading this thread

>> No.1780957

Of all the posters in the thread, the ones with names are the least suspicious of being 'him', much less ones with 'tao lin' followed by a tripcode.

>> No.1780960
File: 3 KB, 113x127, 1303150103452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.

>> No.1780964

he's already famous and not scared about that and has hipster gf/wife and job is writer/performance artist but yeah it would possibly been a moment for him to think hes successful.

>> No.1780965

"...or something dark like that.

Have u read any of his books?
Does he 'deserve money' 4 being an author?"

Is he trying to be ironic or doubly ironic? gonna shoot myself in the goddamn mouth either way, i hate all humans now

>> No.1780966

but maybe not even that because that article said he has magazines with him on the cover. so if he wanted to feel like that he could just look at one of those.

>> No.1780976

hey tybrax you know Tao Lin reads your posts and thinks about you from time to time

>> No.1780979
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>> No.1780981
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>> No.1780984

but it's true

>> No.1780993

bumping this thread for future of literature

>> No.1780997

Indeed. I want to be Tao's future biographer.

If I can 'write' as 'good' as 'he can'

>> No.1781002

can't believe so many ppl like u exist

>> No.1781017

4chan is so low brow why don't any of you fucking get tao lin or carles it's like you have no oxygen going to your brains and you aren't sentient beings fuck

you're prolly just here because autism

>> No.1781021

i don't know why so many people compare tao lin and carles
they don't feel anything alike when you are reading

>> No.1781022

HRO ruined its layout and Tao hasnt OCR'd his ebooks for free, you mad?

>> No.1781027

you know at the top left of HRO it has classic + other layout options 2 choose from hth

>> No.1781057


>> No.1781061

so observant

>> No.1781063
File: 11 KB, 484x136, Screenshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also back in the old days he used to give advice and talk about shoes and stuff. so its like if you dont have a strong 'personal brand' and go out to parties, do drugs and stuff you're not as cool as other commentors

>> No.1781067


>> No.1781074

i was trying to commentate on your decision to use it
i know what it means.

>> No.1781078

i didnt use it i was just showing that i looked it up. and maybe so he'd tell me if he was making fun of me.

>> No.1781091

God does it even matter.

This author is worthless. You're posting on 4chan. Nobody cares.

>> No.1781092

Apparently you started your tripfag life as Ada/Ador.
And you posted as JD Salinger a fair bit.
But you will forever be known as Tybrax.

How do you feel about this?
Even though your posts as !WvWWh.l.CE 7069 is far more than Tybrax 1802 .

I assume it's because people like having a name.

Ada/Ador!WvWWh.l.CE 9183
!KPok7x0csI 452

9,635 total.
Possibly more.

DeepandEdgy!pSkjEcB9sQ 9848
Deep&Edgy!pSkjEcB9sQ!!MIZaZ3gTWFo 438
10,286 total.

Looks like you have been beaten out.

The next closest to you too are still several thousand away.

>> No.1781099

I don't get HRO, am I supposed to read it in Bruno voice or something?

>> No.1781100

>And you posted as JD Salinger a fair bit.
nope. get your facts straight before you speak to me again.

>> No.1781105

Carles speaks in a nasal monotone.

Carles has gone now.

Fuck HRO. There's nothing worthwhile/relevant/hip about it. May as well be readin perez hilton ffs.

>> No.1781109

This is true (it was also true two years ago but w/e)

>> No.1781110

JDSalinger!WvWWh.l.CE 145

145 posts is a fair bit.

>> No.1781114

So like Ben Stein? That only makes it even more confusing

>> No.1781115


It's shocking that it's still being discussed and linked.

Let's stop.

>> No.1781117

why did you post like this for so long >>1780979

>> No.1781122

but those werent me.

>> No.1781123
File: 28 KB, 336x350, 1305105083699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw Tao Lin and his two shitbirds are still samefagging it up about Tao Lin

Takes his mind off the fact that his life is a lie, I guess.

>> No.1781126

Tybrax has the most posts on /lit/ and JDSalinger was just his friend on MSN

>> No.1781134

They were someone else who knows your passcode to your tripcode then at least.

>> No.1781135


Tao Lin is a literary paragon who is entirely deserving of the critical praise he has received.


>> No.1781137

Aw MSN friends cute~

>> No.1781139

cant remember but that period clearly means i beat DandE. i think its cause at that time i was getting banned sometimes for even just posting in other peoples threads.

can someone tell me what the secret thing im not meant to know about is?

>> No.1781145

yeah like quentin TOTALLY isn't stagolee

also fabulous and tybrax raus, tybrax is the worst seriously

>> No.1781154


>> No.1781159

no i only have 1 friend on msn.

>> No.1781165

Why ar eyou using German..?

>> No.1781166

i am ambivalent about tybrax its a love/hate relationship like many other ppl in this thing even tho they don't like to admit it

>> No.1781169
File: 347 KB, 732x1598, battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty can you do one of these for onionring and d+e

>> No.1781178

no youre boring and i dont like you. please go away from me. you said you were leaving this board. i dont care what you do but id appreciate if you didnt bore me.

how can i improve?

>> No.1781184

Oh hey so you're famous on /lit/? I remember arguing with you on /mu/.

>> No.1781185

you're being a fuss

i don't know why you act like this and then later complain about having no one who loves/likes you

>> No.1781186

i meant to say annoy. please dont use me to get attention from this board.

>> No.1781187

"famous" is the wrong word.
The correct word is "notorious" or at least "infamous"

>> No.1781189

ive seen you around for a while. yesterday you dropped argument when i kicked your ass in that tyler thread. i listened to Goblin earlier and it was better than Bastard though. i liked alot of it.

>> No.1781194

you have a few serious character flaws

i think you're selfish

that's probably you're biggest problem

because of that you're also a hypocrite

>> No.1781195

ITT: Clique-centric mutual masturbation, and Tao Lin thinking if he samefags a hundred times he can join the wank clique.

And me dropping in an insult every 45 minutes, not even bothering to sage because I know that, like evil, faggotry simply has to burn itself out.

>> No.1781211

>yesterday you dropped argument when i kicked your ass in that tyler thread.
That's only possible if you returned to the thread at least 20 minutes after my last response. I monitor the threads for responses for at least that long.

Go ahead and bring up your last argument then so I can quickly dispatch it.

>> No.1781214

youre still doing it fabulous. and because of that im not actually going to greentext prove you wrong.

>> No.1781218

/lit/ why have you let your tripfags get this confident what is wrong with you augh

>> No.1781224

because they've gotten used to endless waves of hate. also, they have their own little clubs where they can go to talk about stuff and increase their moral and plot and stuff. they have offsite forums.

>> No.1781228

no but you're also self-righteous which is another one of your flaws

idk if its because of the aspergers but any normal person would say "no i can't do that, talk to you later" to let the other politely know the conversation was over

but you're self-righteous

>> No.1781232

i had that tab open autorefreshing. you ignored my last thing to chase after some smaller fish if i recall correctly. you sound like the real deal tho so lets call this one a draw/i concede and wait for next one.

>> No.1781241

>they have little clubs/offsite forums
nope. i do not. 1 msn friend though.

why dont you like me

>> No.1781248

tao lin has big soulful eyes

>> No.1781249

you are literally talking about winning an internet argument.

>> No.1781251

otoh this is tybrax here, we already know he's pathetic frankly

>> No.1781252

youre off on a tangent.

>> No.1781253

i just want to be tybrax friends but i know it will never happen... damn

>> No.1781254


especially for an asian

makes me think he's an extraterresitla

>> No.1781256



i made that MSN account so that i could add you i'm gonna be mad if you made me do all that for nothing

>> No.1781258

no. im saying thats its a draw. learn to read.

>> No.1781290

didnt block your address or anything. just youre not my friend and i might ignore you if i want. youre being irrational and using me to get attention here. please stop.

>> No.1781320

what are you crying about?

is this about how i told you first about the prince charming thing?

i didn't actually tell you first but i thought you'd like to hear that and i value your opinion so that's why i did that

i don't know what else you're being fussy about though, you have a very high opinion of yourself

>> No.1781332

This conversation between Fabulous and Tybrax is hilarious.

Hilarious because of how pitiable and pathetic it is, that is.

>> No.1781333

im going to bed but we're going to talk about this tommorow

>> No.1781344

the reaspn it seems that im crying about nothing is that im not and its you making a fuss. i just asked you to stop leeching off me then you went off on a tangent. bye.

>> No.1781348

>I'm not going to get near enough attention if this is resolved tonight. Let me draw it out until tomorrow and pester the shit out of /lit/.

>> No.1781359

my point completely.

>> No.1781598

bump for interest

>> No.1781608

i don't know. i really like tao lin, his writing reminds me of algebraic equations, or something digital...
like i think maybe html coding or something.....

also i have thoughts about thinking things and then being conscious about that, and tao always seems conscious of this thoughts so i guess i feel some kind of connection to that alienated self-aware thought process. maybe not to his extent. also, megan boyle, his wife and fellow muumuu house contributor, is an amazing writer with so much life in comedy in her writing. i would honestly buy and read any book she ever writes.

tao sells his stuff because people will buy it. he has talked about stealing and selling batteries on ebay, even in his books i think, so it's nothing new. i guess he does it because people will buy what he sells. i would if i had the money, but i am still holding out for some kind of hamster drawing. I guess if you don't like him, whatever, don't read his work. no need to be babies.

>> No.1781684


>> No.1781722



>> No.1781730

We didn't report it, Tao. We know you made this thread.

>> No.1781742

>Tao Lin thread
>173 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
guess I'll go back to /tv/

>> No.1782043

i made the thread im not tao

>> No.1782052

>my penis was “out,”
That said, I have ordered Shoplifting...

>> No.1782063

Tao Lin can write reviews of himself, evidently.

If you call how you (Tao Lin) randomly put single quotation marks around words with no-rhyme-or-reason 'a way', then yes, it certainly is 'a way'.

>> No.1782065

hey buddy fuck you ok you just don't get tao lin because you have shit taste you probably watch family guy

>> No.1782069

He puts it around anything he considers figurative.

>Highly recommended... my expectations were exceeded

>> No.1782074

>proper nouns
wtf am i reading here

tao lin apparently needs his morning fix

>> No.1782203
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-04-04 at 12.44 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1782205

>>proper nouns
>wtf am i reading here
I'm going to give my "Old Man" a little "how's you Father". You know, "Dick Downstairs".

Are you an idiot?

>> No.1782211

that is all fine and good, but that is not how tao lin uses them. your move, 'autist'.

>> No.1782220

Why should I care about this guy again?

>> No.1782222

bump because i am really enjoying this literary discussion

>> No.1782237

What part of "he considers" don't you understand?

>> No.1782600


which one should i buy? just got my unemployment check

>> No.1782602

richard yates

>> No.1782619

None. They're not worth anyones money.

>> No.1783222



>> No.1784250

"Tao Lin is 'Carles' on a relevant blog at www.hipsterrunoff.com . —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:41, 12 October 2010 (UTC)"

from Wikipedia's talk page on Tao Lin

OP's article is by Tao Lin.
Tao Lin has linked this thread on his twitter.

>yfw when you've been viral advertised and being used as promotional material by Tao Lin

>> No.1784307

why has this not fallen off c/lit/ yet?

>> No.1784308

hoho, better bump that shit back to first page!

>> No.1784310


forgot to sage

>> No.1784337

Carles isn't Tao Lin though, Carles does podcasts and he sounds nothing like Tao Lin.

>> No.1784357
File: 11 KB, 237x213, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Tao Lin is Carles

>> No.1784385

/lit/ can't say no to a troll.

And if they do, it is while saging, which is ineffectual as fuck.

>> No.1784386

I've never heard of him, but he's not the first poet to go completely under this year, obviously close to being homeless. Just like philosophy it's one of those jobs that you won't be making money with pretty soon.