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17804730 No.17804730 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature on the fall and degeneration of Christianity? What religions/ideologies might take its place in the future

>> No.17804744

blessing =/= recognizing fag "marriage" as a sacrament

>> No.17804766


>> No.17804774

what possible reason would there be to bless them other than defection to modernism?

>> No.17804784

Maybe they just see it as an expression of good will. Hate the sin and all that

>> No.17804800

>Any literature on the... degeneration of Christianity?
The Bible lmao

>> No.17804806

Have you looked into the theological justifications that these """""""""""""""""""""""""""'men"""""""""""""""""""""""" use? Not memeing, have you?

>> No.17804814

>The Lord makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust

We are all sinners and we all wish to be blessed regardless. Without repentance we aren't worth of it though. I imagine there could be a repentant gay couple whose state/country had recognized a marriage. I don't know that there is anything to be gained by asking the Church to bless that so-called marriage, however.

>> No.17804835

I see rainbow flags on every other church driving around the Midwest.

>> No.17804838

The Book Of Enoch

>> No.17804839

If anything the fact that the Vatican still holds this traditional stance even with this questionable pope is commendable.
Maybe I’ll convert to Catholicism someday. I’ll keep watching.

>> No.17804845

Christianity changes every generation. Why cling onto the late 20th century version?

>> No.17804851

Welcome to the cacophony of competing Protestant sects. Remember to thank Martin Luther as you drive past.

>> No.17804853


The destruction of the Christian tradition by Rama P Coomaraswamy

>> No.17804877

lol yeah bro i don't think that's what's going on up there with these people
again, why bless them if not as a way of condoning their behavior?
i don't need to, people can invent reasons and justifications for anything. the only thing that matters is why they justify and to what end, which is just blatantly obvious in this case. theological arguments only serve to obfuscate the actual intentions which prompted their desire to argue in the first place
>I imagine there could be a repentant gay couple
there's not, because if there were, they wouldn't be gay or a couple. these people, by definition, are not repentant. it is impossible for them to be repentant, because if they were, they wouldn't be in the category of people under consideration, which is homosexuals in a homosexual relationship. that's why i don't need to know what their argument is to justify this - you can already recognize the contradiction just by thinking about it for like, probably two seconds

>> No.17804889

>every generation
The church says the same things it was saying 100 years ago. It just sounds different now because they no longer have as much political authority and need to pick their battles more carefully.
That being said... choosing a religion based on its "basedness" is stupid.

>> No.17804890

Well if the end days have to sau othwr wise it is a temporary great apostasy as prophesized innthe church which is currently happening.

But some form of one globohomo religion will likely replace if and anyone aho resists are to be killed.

>> No.17804903

Free your mind from primitive fairy tales and embrace science!

>> No.17804904

I don't know, refusing to bless marriages just because a manlet told you not to seems pretty gay to me bro.

>> No.17804905

You described the /pol/ brainlets.

>> No.17804908

Not on its basedness but on its doctrinal integrity. I’m already a Christian, just not Catholic.

>> No.17804924

>there's not, because if there were, they wouldn't be gay or a couple.
It depends on how you define repentance. Clearly the repentant gay couple is unlikely to go forth and sin no more, but that doesn't mean that the two don't feel regret or contrition and a desire to make amends.

An imperfect analogy - I (and I assume many others) often struggle with pride. I confess and repent, and even as I do so I know that I will still sin in the same way in the future, though I still work to avoid it. It's not up to me to determine whether or not I am worthy of receiving God's blessing regardless (well, obviously I'm unworthy in and of myself), but I still hope for it.

Living with contradictions is part of being human, anon.

>> No.17804935

Catholicism is based and this is just a repeat of millennia old dogma. All the press about il Papa supporting gays in the past is liberal media trying to make homosex more tolerant.
Anyway, Taylor Marshall's Infiltration is good if you're interested in Catholicism specifically

>> No.17804952

Fairies exist though. Our ancestors were right

>> No.17804957

>Free your mind from primitive fairy tales and embrace science!
Free my mind from literature and embrace an Enlightenment-era theory of inquiry?

>> No.17804959

>claim to have eternal, unchanging truth
>change throughout history with the times
>just add a jesus watermark to it
Today, Jesus died for BLM, transexuals, President Joe Biden, and yesterday, he died for capitalism, family values and President Reagan. What's the merit in a religion like this? It isn't a new feature of Catholicism. A week ago, Jesus died so Constantine could unite the Empire. Jesus is basically a Ronald McDonald figure for the political establishment.

>> No.17804969

>that doesn't mean that the two don't feel regret or contrition and a desire to make amends.
actually, it does, because if they really felt regret or contrition, they wouldn't continue to be committed to their homosexual relationship. saying that you can feel those things and continue to be committed to doing things that completely contradict with the supposed source of those feelings absolutely destroys the possibility of those feelings actually meaning anything to you. if you can supposedly be repentant while not actually doing anything to repent, what the fuck does it even mean to repent? you say you struggle with pride, apparently that little voice in the back of your head telling you to cut it out is certainly as much "repentance" as is needed in order for it to be said that you've repented, so why feel bad about it? if a sodomite can be blessed while continuing to be a sodomite, surely you can be blessed for whatever your sins are. so rejoice! you are already free from sin, as long as you feel a tiny bit bad about it. hope you enjoy heaven!

>> No.17805012

There are so many passages in the Bible talking about the soul being at war with itself or with passions. Think of Augustine's conversion ('Oh God, make me pure, but not yet!'). The concept of struggling with sin and repentance and having competing desires is not a new one.

I don't even particularly disagree with you that the vast majority of gay couples seeking the Church's blessing are the farthest thing from repentant. But I can't help but allow that a few might indeed be. In any case it is not for me to say.

>> No.17805562
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thank you >>17804853 for the recommendation. does it touch on the decline of textural analysis and Biblical scholarship among believers?

>> No.17806020

Oh. In that case, best of luck! I'm obviously biased, but the church holds the line pretty well.

>> No.17806030
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Based Francis.

The teaching's not changing. It's been the same for 2000 years and it's not changing. If you don't like it, there's the door.

>> No.17806039

He is a good pope.

>> No.17806053

He's much better than the popular press makes him out to be, that's for sure. I'm a fairly right-wing Catholic but I still like him. I especially like how he seems to be finally getting around to reforming the curia. Things are seriously starting to happen there now, which is nice.

>> No.17806060

The popular press (outside of this last week) has made him seem like a cuddly teddy bear, though he's anything but. I like him a lot, and I think he's especially canny* about how he maintains his popular image which has been good in helping to bring people back to the Church.

*Don't get me wrong, I am certain of his sincerity as well.