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/lit/ - Literature

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17800645 No.17800645 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else just love reading, like the act of reading is very pleasurable and it feels nice & relaxing to get engrossed in a book?

>> No.17800655

yeah man I'm a big fan

what book you reading now?

>> No.17800659

i fucking hate it, my life is a prison

>> No.17800660

yeah man it's pretty far out

>> No.17800672

reading is awesome dude, I wish more people would do it, but at the same time I don't

>> No.17800704

It's quite nice. I like to read before bedtime. Currently I'm reading Fifth Business, and it's very funny, the scene with the Jesuit on the train is top-tier.

>> No.17801068

It's nice once you overcome the initial sleepiness

>> No.17801091

no I hate reading, that's why I do it

>> No.17801844

That's what Marianne Moore said

>> No.17801850

cool i have a copy of that somewhere

>> No.17801855

I used to love it until they made me realize I was doing it wrong.

>> No.17801886
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oh the places I've gone and the people I've met without leaving my room...

>> No.17801927

I used to enjoy it more but desu I don't enjoy literature anymore as much at all. I still do like sitting and reading philosophy or something purely descriptive though. So I feel u

I like writing more though. Talking with you guys about bullshit is usually more informative than reading these days.

>> No.17802081

I felt that way a year ago until I read Tolstoy for the first time. Peak comfiness my friend, it feels like you're in a kino movie

>> No.17803773
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>when the reading hits

>> No.17803783

I haven't gotten engrossed in a book in so long. I miss becoming blind and deaf to the world while reading so much.

>> No.17803811

We dont read here sir

>> No.17803966

And yet you've met most of them in translation.
Fucking embarrassing the people on this board

>> No.17804108

Tell me how many languages you've mastered lol

>> No.17804632

i love it when a book hooks me and it feels like when a river current carries you

>> No.17806106


>> No.17806114

I only read in the English language.

>> No.17806173

I feel like there must be a balance between production and consumption.
Arguing with anons is a great way to enjoy reading more, as it forces your mind to restructure and reorganize your reading input into coherent ideas.

>> No.17806210

if you read books for pleasure, sex and even masturbation are better, if you read books for engrossment, then video games and movies are better. People should read books only if they feel the need for it.

>> No.17806266

i wish i had more time to read. having a job fucking sucks

>> No.17806931 [DELETED] 
File: 455 KB, 1059x962, snope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then video games and movies are better

lmao do snoys really

>> No.17807746

Is Brief Candles good?

>> No.17808543

Fornication is a sin. Imagine what the world would be like if everybody was jacking off all the time just to feel something.

>> No.17808737
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yes reading is my life

>> No.17809425

I can't read books when I'm stoned. It's actually why I quit.

>> No.17809663
File: 206 KB, 736x1097, David Bowie, making The Man Who Fell to Earth, 1975, by Steve Schapiro. Shots from this scene were also part of the artwork for the cover of Bowie’s 1976 album Station To Station..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea man you're in good company.
>Bowie, who died aged 69 on January 10 2016, said that "when I'm relaxed what I do is read" and described a good week as one in which he pored through "three or four books".

>> No.17809677

yes, that's why we're here except /phi/posters

>> No.17810177

no, it was disappointing

>> No.17810191

OP I too love reading. The reason I have left off from it is because I am actively writing a great work. I feel like, as a writer, I can't devote myself to reading.

>> No.17810866

>noooooooo stop enjoying things

>> No.17811925

I tried it once. I didn't like it.

>> No.17812724

>read book
>book is good
thank you book

>> No.17812779
File: 18 KB, 472x565, 1585852659820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anybody else just love reading?"
>posts question on a board about literature

>> No.17812962

is that jordan peterson