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/lit/ - Literature

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17798115 No.17798115 [Reply] [Original]

I've been absent a couple months. This board fucking sucks, you can onl find the same old topics and pseud opinions. Even /gif/ is more intelligent and enjoyable

>> No.17798123

I am visiting it for the first time and yours is the first thread I see. What particularly is wrong with this place? Should I just go back to /out/?

>> No.17798124

I've been absent for years (last checked in in 2012, when I was a no friends freshman looking for company, no matter how pitiable). It's always been like this.

>> No.17798134

>Should I just go back to /out/?
Yes, /out/ is kino. /lit/ can be nice but you really have to dig.

>> No.17798151

>What particularly is wrong with this place?
It's mostly "culture war" shitflinging and sadposting, and the discussion of books for the most part is limited to a couple dozen authors.

>> No.17798236

What im doing is avoiding any thread with 100+ replies, and only engaging with small threads. That way the only people replying are people genuinely interested in what is being discussed.

>> No.17798249

>/gif/ more intelligent

t. coomer with a sissy bbc cuck fetish

>> No.17798271

lol remember butterfly? she posted her pics on /soc/ (allegedly) and never appreraed again. this board is definitely only worth it if you completely lack of company

>> No.17798278

i was being hiperbolic anon provided its a coomer board. at least they dont post their opinions and therefor seem to be more intelligent

>> No.17798287

Also monsieur anon. We should bring back monsieurposting.

This board is a last resort, I agree, although still less pathetic than r9k

>> No.17798315

>still less pathetic than r9k
hell yeah, i think its the only decent (aka white) board to be in if you are that lonely.
alleged butterfly was hot but kinda... butteface. then some faggots started larping as her but the truth is she went away most likely
monsieurposting was pure autism

>> No.17798334

I'm still embarrassed that I actually posted a pic of myself with a glass of wine in one of her threads, out of sheer desperation. My freshman year was truly hell.

>> No.17798362

college freshman?

>> No.17798368

>culture war
Interestingly, I too noticed that after a long period of absence. I didn't see as many /pol/ faggots as I see now. For some reason they've started spilling out of their containment board.

>> No.17798377

She still posts with the 'o' trip. There are two other faggots who larp as her, one doesn't use a trip and the rarer one uses 'm' trip.

>> No.17798383

not only them, i think trannies from discord started invading every single board and that just atracted some poltards

>> No.17798385

Back then, yes. Got to the stage where I would go to bed at 11 AM, sleep until 6 PM, play vidya and drink until 8 AM, go to my 9 AM lecture, go home and rinse and repeat.

>> No.17798388

he never posted a proof though

>> No.17798400

She had the same mannerisms as before so no real reason to not believe it.

>> No.17798405

/gif/ is very degenerate, please reconsider what you've said or I will believe that you're very degenerate.

>> No.17798412

lmao was lowkey that sort of loser too anon, but as a sophomore

>> No.17798520

Depending on how much wiggle-room the topic has for politics, they've trashed them all. This why /sci/ and /tv/ are also rekt, /g/ not so much: The more technically narrow or specialist the thread, the harder it is to annex.

>> No.17798829

I've come to realise that /lit/, along with all boards on 4chan, is best illustrated as a silent scream. We exist only text, we scream and laugh silently.

>> No.17799150
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Haven't seen an interesting thread in a week.

>> No.17799171

/gif/ is honestly the worst place on this site. I went to jerk off and it’s all either fascist threads or bbc threads, and these retards battling eachother to see who can fill the board with either. /out/ is the only other good board I’ve been on, and got some good literature recommendations from there.

>> No.17799710

>I went to jerk off and it’s all either fascist threads or bbc threads
current 4chan in a nuutshell. thank reddit and discord.