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17798079 No.17798079 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17798098


>> No.17798104

de rerum novarum

>> No.17798114

Truth Will Prevail, by Lula da Silva.
If by syndicalist lit you mean books written by trade unionists.

>> No.17798126

That & the ideology of syndicalism, so yeah. Thanks anon

>> No.17798166

George WIll recomended one but i can't find the quote.

Rudolf Rocker's Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory and Practice, is good. Bill Haywood's Industrial Socialism is great if you're in America and are gonna work with boomers who are into american history

>> No.17798190

Anything that Subcommandante Marcos wrote

>> No.17798339

not explicitly syndicalist but this is still a good recommendation.

>> No.17799372


>> No.17799557

shut it papist cuck, rerum novarum is centrist garbage that the pope shat out so the commie latin american liberation theologians wouldn't piss their pants while the capitalists of europe would still be able to exploit people in a church-sanctioned way

>> No.17800347

IWW writings to 1925. KAPD writings to 1935.

>> No.17800354

Georges Sorel

>> No.17800489


>> No.17800595

We haven't had an upsurge of struggle producing a culture of struggle equivalent. I'd suggest 56 and 68 obviously but I doubt OP reads Hungarian or Czech. 89 didn't produce much in Shanghai.

Generally since the 1910s revolutionary wave our class has had its voices stomped out by bourgeois and nomenklatura who have tried to capture our movements. I'd rather not read yet another "toy orwell" pretending to be upset at being betrayed in the head.

>> No.17801167

well i should scrap my rough draft then i guess

>> No.17801183

hugo moyano

>> No.17801223

Please: prove me wrong. Help us all free ourselves.

Unless you're a middle class tourist like Orwell.

>> No.17801284

you could probably categories me like that i guess

i'll just not get involved and ruin anything.

>> No.17801291
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What were you going to write?

>> No.17801298

middle class tourism i guess

>> No.17801309

Ask yourself this simple question:
If you don't work and get paid for that work can you pay rent and eat?
If the answer is yes then you're a tourist.
If you must work to eat you're a worker.

If you're in a syndicalist thread you should have no doubts about whether you must labour to subsist or not.

>> No.17801319

pettybourg bs

>> No.17801327
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A lot of Americans still think of themselves as middle class, but they’re at most “petite bourgeoisie”. The social scientists have made this category called the precariate. Living paycheck to paycheck without any emergency money saved up is just something I personally wanted to avoid, so I chose to live below my means and now have that little nest egg.

>> No.17801383

>A lot of Americans still think of themselves as middle class, but they’re at most “petite bourgeoisie”.
butchering words like a motherfucker jesus christ butterfly you’re retarded

>> No.17801387

is Chomsky a tourist?

>> No.17801394

Max stirner

>> No.17801395

petty bourgious is not bourgious. small business owners are not middle class corporatists

>> No.17801400

No, Chomsky is a bourgeois wrecker.

>> No.17801410

>bourgeois wrecker
you mean this?

>> No.17801416
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What was misspelled, grammar nazi?

>> No.17801459

That's one use of the word. Left cultures which had anti-Soviet-intervention-of-'68 communist parties often use language derived from the 3rd international tradition.

I mean that Chomsky dismantles the capacity of workers for independent self-organised action. Both his moralistic humanism, far removed from the ontic humanism of '56, and his naïve philosophical idealism are useless when the matter is which manager's car is burnt this week?

>> No.17801470

You misspelt the noun bourgeois.

>> No.17801488

So I get syndicalism historically was fairly influential in France, the US and Russia to an extent but today the only reason people care about it is because of zoomies playing Kaiserreich and IWW larders, right?

>> No.17801489

I intentionally spelled boojwazee
Boojwah better there? Whatthefuckever

>> No.17801496

LARP. No working class talk like this. Hating the middle class is, in fact, a sign of being middle class.

>> No.17801541

>I've never been to a party school
>or in an industrial cell

Let me guess, Cliffite.

>> No.17801542
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>> No.17801556

Sorry anon but it's not 1910 anymore.

>> No.17801567

Wrong thread.

>> No.17801571

Old Tony was the 50s midwit.

>> No.17801586
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>> No.17801637

There are none.

>> No.17801651
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>> No.17801658
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I think a number of people are looking at it as an alternative to more mainstream leftist movements. If you're disillusioned with socialism, distrust authoritarianism, or like the trades, it's a natural fit.

>> No.17801667
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You’re blind of course

>> No.17801680

I like Peirats more

>> No.17801685

based video

>> No.17801696

Yeah, nah. It is an illusory a fantasy as the 3rd or 4th internationals; but, an illusion cast in a history of defeat, rather than defeat in victory. The IWW is heroic because we lost. The KAPD is heroic because despite having the largest active workers units in the world, they lost.

The Bolsheviks and Trotskyites are villains because they won, and by winning they lost.

Those who harken after Lenin only to discover the blood of workers on his hands, then turn their idealist hero worship onto Big Bill, who having lost in the United States died a drunk in a sex commune in the Soviet Union.

The only thing we should hanker after is victory. And to do that, as the KAPD advised, we should destroy all past forms and develop future forms from direct working class struggle; aware that should we lose, our new form will again be turned against us as a new weapon of capital.

The past cannot save us. Only we can save us.

>> No.17801709

It is leftism, socialist to the core.
It is a partial measure. Sure, workers should seize the means of production, but don’t neglect everybody else seizing their spaces

>> No.17801727

>trotsky murdered by stalinist agent while in exile
i'd hardly say he won

>> No.17801729

The 4th internationals, even the Cliffites, claim an organic Leninist tradition "which only went wrong when people stopped listening to our particular ideals."

Trotskism. So historically materialist right now.

>> No.17801732

thotskyites didn't won

>> No.17801733
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I would largely agree here; syndicalism offers a "traditional" leftist vision less marred by the past than, say, Really Existing Socialism. Compared to post-left and post-modern leftism, Syndicalism is quite grounded, which has its appeal among a number of people. The task should not simply be a rejection of past modes of thought, but a mapping of these past-potentials onto future actions.

Novel examples are hard to flesh out, but I think there may be merit in introducing Syndicalist ideals to gig-workers or the recent waves of homesteaders. I have no clue how successful this would be (not likely is the rationally-cynical answer) but it may be worth a shot.

>> No.17801766

Having been a gig worker, good work strikes, slander campaigns, chequerboard login strikes, etc, would all need to develop long before the "formal" organisation manifests. Exiting that market segment let me have my own room, service my bicycle, eat, see the doctor. So its going to be hard finding people with a party education who want to become 10 year embedded activists in the gig economy. You forgo a lot of things. Like the basic self-respect and eating that means you score cunt on the weekend when pulling.

>> No.17801774

Sorry bros but in the present day ppl associate the leftist words with the campus socialist and the tranny. how will you win the trade unionists over

>> No.17801814

Do you mean "other trade unionists" who are also dual unionists; or, do you mean that you're not a member of a union.

>> No.17803727

Neat, I’ll check them out.