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17795695 No.17795695 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s consensus on Theosophy?

>> No.17795706

It should be discussed on >>>/x/ and >>>/pol/

>> No.17795713

"Truth" doesn't exist - truth changes continuously.
What a dumb tenet for a religion.

>> No.17795723

>"Truth" doesn't exist - truth changes continuously
Is this a truth statement?

>> No.17795738

Claiming all truth to be subjective is claiming an objective truth.

>> No.17795740


>> No.17795751
File: 13 KB, 215x270, Rene-guenon-1925_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17795773

The average 4channer got their opinion on Theosophy from Evola and Guenon, who barely understood it themselves, so by proxy their take is worth noting.

Blavatsky's books filter even some well-read occultists, so don't jump into The Secret Doctrine it thinking you'll understand shit, check out some of the more supplementary texts for it and you'll see it's not that crazy. The Voice of the Silence is also good.

Careful though, some factions of Theosophy went completely off the rails, which is not unusual with occult groups.

>> No.17795778

so by proxy their take is worth nothing*.

>> No.17795784

Where should I start with Theosophy.

>> No.17795798

Postmodernism and working backwards there from.

>> No.17795810

Pretty cool desu. Met a theosophist doctor once, told me that if I wanted to be a woman I should kill myself because I would reincarnate as such in 300 years. I am no longer a tranny, thank god for that wise doctor

>> No.17795840

Are there any charts to get into Theoosophy?

>> No.17795849

Trash is a good beginning and end.

>> No.17795861
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>> No.17795874


>> No.17795900

It's a process assertion. Now it's not.

>> No.17795911


>> No.17795923

As a person who’s studied Blavatsky, theosophy and so forth for its relation to western esoterica in general I must disagree. My major complaints can be found here.


Once more, so much of theosophy concerning eastern material is just made up, the Kabbalah and hermeticism inherent to it is third rate and I’ve never spoken to a single theosophist who actually had some practice in any ceremonial tradition outside of theosophy. With the exception of a few oddball artist and writers by majority I see no reason to study theosophy in the modern day.

>> No.17796002


>> No.17796064

>some old lady who was lonely and wrote letters to herself to seem popular wrote a book that's hard to read
snore, at least jung had cool hallucinations and guenon offers some metaphysics

>> No.17796327

Blavatsky was an interesting character, but ultimately it's all new age mumbo jumbo. the fact that the theosophist movement was quickly flooded with false mediums and other fraudsters isn't any help to it

>> No.17796923

I swear there is not a single Traditionalist work that doesn't have at least one section seething about Theosophy. I mean I agree with them, but chill out guys.

>> No.17796926

Guenon was part of the theosophical society until he realized it was fake and gay.