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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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17792295 No.17792295 [Reply] [Original]

What will this board look like in 5 years?

>> No.17792299

literally the same

>> No.17792307

blue /r9k/
it's not that far away

>> No.17792403

all threads have a frog in the OP

>> No.17792423
File: 263 KB, 1645x2048, okayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all threads have a vtuber in the OP

>> No.17792765

Probably more white supremacists due to the influx of /pol/ users.

>> No.17793012

>he thinks 4channel.org will still exist in 5 years

>> No.17793019

If I'm lucky I won't know

>> No.17793047

Not sure if 4chan will survive this long. It is already extremely neutered compared to the past. The internet is being locked down by government powers that have finally realized its impact and potential.

>> No.17793059

in what way? it's significantly edgier than it was a decade ago
I guess it's creatively neutered

>> No.17793064

Same as it is now but worse

>> No.17793072

Less reactionary shit because the funding is going to dry up in the coming months.
Nervous Pepe is appropriate. The frogs are going to die out as the seasons change.

>> No.17793074

It seems like they should already have axed /pol/ years ago, or at the very least alongside the wave of bans all over the internet in January. Perhaps the site is simply too irrelevant for them to care about

>> No.17793085

>Less reactionary shit because the funding
we're not funded though, we are simply loud retards

>> No.17793095

4chan will never be banned because it's a honey pot. Every alt chan gets taken down with in a year.

>> No.17793098

Both I guess. There is a lot more moderation these days. There was always a risk of seeing really nasty stuff even on blue boards. Topics and threads were all over the place and witnessing a thread being moderated was a fairly rare event. A lot of the memes people still use nowadays were born out of relentless shitposting, too.

>> No.17793108

Christ LARPing will have become mainstream by then, and /lit/ will have reactionary neo-neo-atheism movement

>> No.17793109

everyone will be jacking off to anthropomorphic turkeys and pretending to have read a book called "Salami Cult" by some right wing Twitter faggot named "Salami Jihad" who has 20k followers. 8 year olds will still be making the same 3 marx, Nietzsche, pynchon threads eternally

>> No.17793112

What does this even mean though? What does that accomplish? And it's not true about all alt chans

>> No.17793122

Its a convenient way for alphabets to monitor the general sentiment of the internet underground.

>> No.17793135

>the internet underground

it's not 2005, this isn't a secret club, and the FBI doesn't give a fuck that some autists pretended to worship a meme frog god 4 years ago

>> No.17793137

Some of it is. Hence there will be less.
I know they still have an influence in my private life. But that’s been rapidly weakening.
They don’t like me for some reason. I wouldn’t even care to acknowledge them, but they’re spergs and obsess over me like a stamp collection.

I only want to part ways and I will never give them a second thought as long as I live because they’re going to be crushed before I can even think about doing anything myself.

>> No.17793150

Oh it's you schizoanon. I hope you are doing well and I still recommend you try to talk to someone about this stuff

>> No.17793153

This board will always be divided into communitarianists and individualists, like the rest of the world. So Nietzsche and Marx will never leave this board. Also Stirner since he is the hipster version of Nietzsche and cooler because he is more obscure.
What is the hipster version of Marx?

>> No.17793157

This place is definitely a FBI honeypot, which is why the Trump administration discovered me at all and threw me in their weak MK-Ultra program.

>> No.17793162

What’s schizo about what I say?
Do you even know how I’m involved in politics.

You don’t even know who I am... do you?

>> No.17793163
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There is something endearing about this term. Like you are observing some wild creature in its natural habitat.

>> No.17793171

I like schizoboomer more, desu
We’ve had a lot of schizoboomers after infinity got shoah’d

>> No.17793173

I recognize you from a thread a while ago, you said that Trump's FBI was targeting you to make you macho or something. I forget the details.

>> No.17793176


>> No.17793177

There will be stupider people as time goes on and as attention span gets reduced. Zoomers are already a proof of concept.
My best guess is that /lit/ will kind of survive idiocracy since idiots don't read, but will still be diminished compared to what it was before.

>> No.17793181

No, that wasn’t me.
I guess the Trump administration were busy stroking their dicklets.

It takes a lot of concentration to stroke a dicklet smaller than a chink’s.

>> No.17793182

Mate, it's 2021. Anything outside of Twitter facebook reddit instagram etc is the underground.

>> No.17793188

This place isn’t going anywhere. It plays a key role in legitimizing power. Having boogeymen like this site keep the charade going. We don’t organize and are seen as bigoted schizos in the eyes of the public. We don’t actually threaten anything but elites scream at normies that we’re everything wrong with the world. That’s the fiction they sell the public to distract them.

>> No.17793189

Some might call it DISCIPLINE.

>> No.17793192


>> No.17793193

It was definitely you m8, you said the same thing about how the 'harassment' or whatever was winding down now that Trump was out of office. You said they tried to psyop you into become masculine or altright or something like that.

>> No.17793205

Eh, this site is actually pretty good at axing any threads that could actually get it in trouble. Plus they cooperate with law enforcement and the like, so I doubt it'll get to that point. Worst comes to worst, /pol/ could be deleted.

>> No.17793209

That was not me, “m8.”
Don’t you have some noncing to do, Mr. Anglo?

You guys sure like sticking your noses where they don’t belong. Thanks for the chinks!
I don’t think it’s fair to blame the Chinese for any of this, but they’re ultimately reacting to you and the pedophilic elite in the DoD.

I hope they take over and y’all fry like onions sauce on hot rice.

>> No.17793241

It will be worse. It's bad now but it will be worse

>> No.17793257
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The FBI and the CIA aren’t monitoring this shithole for potential arrests. They noted 4chan’s role as a Mecca for the dredges of society in the early days of the Internet, quietly overthrew the old moderation (moot hasn’t been seen or heard from in years and no amount of awkward pictures they circulate around every few months to make it seem like he’s still alive and living his best life in Japan will change that), and handed the reigns to Google and their former 8ch informant Nishimura to carry out a long-term social conditioning and data mining project. Having so many easily corruptible young men flock to this largely anonymous website year after year (I once read somewhere that 4chan hosts nearly 700m unique vistors per calander year) was not an opportunity the United States government was going to pass up.

>> No.17793277

>conditioning autists to post frogs
Well they sure accomplished a lot

>> No.17793323

>onions sauce
Erm, what?

>> No.17793351
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I don’t think Pepe serves much of a purpose anymore aside from maybe occasionally rallying the autists on this website to support CIA-sponsored actions (the recent US capitol riots and the protests in Hong Kong come to mind). Pepe and Wojak have been tools of implicit social conditioning for a very long time, but whether that was their original purpose cannot be determined of course

>> No.17793357
File: 2.74 MB, 2498x2142, megaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people will not only be starting from the greeks, they'll be learning greek (attic, homeric) to do it, and anything less will be met with derision

you can screencap this

>> No.17793382

>I don’t think Pepe serves much of a purpose anymore aside from maybe occasionally rallying the autists on this website to support CIA-sponsored actions (the recent US capitol riots and the protests in Hong Kong come to mind)
1. This website is absolutely flooded with Chinese shills, not American ones (spend five minutes on /int/ if you don't believe me)
2. How tf are you going to blame the CIA for an attack on the US Capitol? They work for those dudes.

Maybe we will have Greek threads where we converse in Attic Greek :)

>> No.17793449

experts on early greeks, quality will increase exponentially. Start reading now or leave

>> No.17793735

It's already mainstream, it's either already peaked, or is about to peak. You're underestimating how quickly fads fade.

>> No.17793759

We'll waste our lives discussing my book

I hope :)

>> No.17793761
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In five years you will only be a couple years through your decade-long prison sentence, you fucking pedophile, and that is literally the only good thing this board has any right to hope forward to.

>> No.17793778


>> No.17793788

how is it edgier than the days when things like CP were still common and not particularly looked down upon with all sorts of cutesy memes related to it, and things like gore spamming was much more common? this is honestly an extremely bizarre statement

>> No.17793793

Capslock spaniard faggot is a pedo, and not a funny haha irony I like Lolita pedo like every other anon on this board, no, a certified kiddie diddler.

>> No.17793794


>> No.17793804


>> No.17793815

90% of the posts will include one or more of the following words:
And it's beautiful

>> No.17793819
File: 275 KB, 1280x1920, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks I'm gonna save pedo material on my computer.
It is known.

>> No.17793824

>it's significantly edgier than it was a decade ago
Just look at this newfag

>> No.17793853

I didn't mean that. Many people have screencaps of the weird stuff he posts. I was asking for a written proof.

>> No.17793866
File: 7 KB, 320x180, 28E17118-5DEE-4433-9CF5-3CB6625089B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe actual trans will start posting here. The fucking neotrads keep calling for them

FOCK. You’re probably right.

>> No.17793926

He doesn't have any, because there isn't any. This anon is just a seething with envy nobody.

>> No.17794050


>> No.17794753

>The FBI and the CIA aren’t monitoring this shithole for potential arrests.
The FBI is.
I made fun of the FBI on here and got put into the Trump administration’s gay little NEET program despite not being a NEET. Probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but still worth it that I made some sensitive Fedfag that buttmad. Fuck them and fuck the US government.

>> No.17794851


>> No.17795110

the sad truth is that it'll probably look exactly the same

>> No.17795143

Honestly I don't know where else to go. I have nothing else.

>> No.17795157

This current edginess is incitated and politically directed to generate actual conflict outisde of the internet, like a false flag tht gives casus belli to 'moral intervention'.

>> No.17795161

I'm really not seen how centennials would be better than zoomers.

>> No.17795221

Get a fucking life