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17792240 No.17792240 [Reply] [Original]

I started reading Mathew the Bible and all this talk about being meek and humble and letting your enemy slap the shit out of you is really not my style. I understand forgiving people if they seek forgiveness but why would I love those who want to hurt me?

>> No.17792246

New Testament is lame fan fic for slaves. Read the chad tanahk instead

>> No.17792260

Because as you deal with your debtors, God will deal with you.

>> No.17792301

Jesus also says we need to follow the word of God to get into heaven but there are so many little laws and rituals Im pretty sure no one alive today follows them all. Do you guys know anyone that still sacrifices animals?

>> No.17792314

>fables about some chosen race that’s not mine
no thanks

>> No.17792323

Jesus fulfilled the OT Mosaic Law, which is why observing Christians can still eat pork and whatnot

>> No.17792331


>> No.17792337

Atheists are still coping.

>> No.17792358

He also revoked the need for whole burnt offerings, in the sense of animal sacrifice. Our sacrifice now is asceticism, martyrdom, and such. Plus I'm pretty sure jews can't do that anymore either, now that there's no temple or jewish priesthood to observe such sacrifices.

>> No.17792371

Just be a decent human and have faith.

>> No.17792381

Literally read the Bible. Youre going to hell if thats all you do

>> No.17792390

If you aren't a fundamentalist its' more an ideal. Hate is useless. Fight the holy war in defense of others and yourself but don't go genocide people. Love your enemy in that you pity their lack of understanding. Even the Khan commented on this truth when he said "An action taken in anger is an action doomed to failure". The Khan (you know who it is) was not a christian but he understood the main point.

>> No.17792400

>Plus I'm pretty sure jews can't do that anymore either, now that there's no temple or jewish priesthood to observe such sacrifices.
Correct, in fact fasting and prayer has taken the place of animal sacrifice in the most sacred holiday.

>> No.17792434
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>he doesn't know about Kapparot

>> No.17792438

american education in a nutshell

>> No.17792450

>letting your enemy slap the shit out of you
I'm not a Christian but this is actually due to a translation error. The original Greek distinguished between a personal enemy and a public enemy, i.e., an invader, and the enemy you're supposed to turn the other cheek to is the former. Turning the other cheek to people trying to destroy your people is obviously suicidal. Turning the other cheek to your jerk neighbor is kinda beta but I get it.

>> No.17792459


>> No.17792480

>why would I love those who want to hurt me?
Because if you do this you're ahead of most people, and when you're ahead of most people it's like looking at your pet dog, he is still stupid and even when he creates chaos you still love him because he doesn't know, he is ignorant just like the people who do not see themselves in others

refer to >>17792260

>Should we let them in?
Show me where Christ said to welcome in barbarians. You help a man from another place but after forgiving him for hurting you then you should leave or create a wall (best karma respectiong defense). Self inflicted pain is not encouraged beyond/after the initial instance/back stab. The initial instance of pain is an attempt to redpill the barbarian - a mirror

>> No.17792674

>Read this book that's been corrupted over thousands of years by the ruling class in order to control peasants
Literally all you have to do is be a half decent human, that's it.

>> No.17792706
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How can it be completely corrupted if it outs the jew and materialistic catholics?

>> No.17792715

What about the Meek will inherit the earth?

>> No.17792732

Unironically watch Jordan Petersons interpretation of it.

>> No.17792772

Thanks man. If only Baptist preachers down here thought the same.

>> No.17792897

Turn the other cheek is more about little offenses. Say your neighbor drunkenly says some shit to pick up a fight with you. You let it slide and let him say whatever he wants instead of beating the shit out of him and getting into a family feud that last generations and involves revenge, lawyers, death, etc.
This teaching is not against self-defense. The Church has repeatedly stated its support for the concept of “just wars”, both in doctrine and in practice (i.e The Crusades).

>> No.17792908

What about covers their poo when defecating?

>> No.17792926

Another translation error because in English “meek” has this connotation of “cowardly, ineffectual”, while the Biblical definition is more of a “humble, obedient, patient”.

>> No.17793006

These are rules to be used among those in your community, even the ones you have animosity against. People who agree to follow the same rules and prevent evil from taking root, despite having different and even antagonic goals in life than you.
You must not kill them, you must turn the other cheek, you must be ready to forgive, you must be ready to share with those in need. You must not let vendetta destroy your community from the inside.
Against the ones who want to destroy your community, your family and your faith you must be prepared to fight against.
Turning the other cheek to the world, accepting all refugees, letting crime and evil go unpunished inside your community, all that is bullshit

>> No.17793026

mistranslation. it is actually the NEET who inherits the earth.

>> No.17793037

If you're going to make an argument, come up with something better than a 13 year old r*dditor. These questions were answered about 2000 years ago and a quick google search would have saved you the embarrassment.

>> No.17793060

Keep this thread up for another 24 hours please, I would like to discuss this but am too tired tonight.

>> No.17793260

Can anyone recommend me some works by Church Fathers on forgiveness? I feel like I'm not really understanding it and the more I read about it the less I feel like I understand.

>> No.17793372

You’re a labor pig who has to know his place.
So shut it, be good and wait for your reward upon death. Simple as.
Lovely faith, isn’t it?

>> No.17793373

Furthermore, why do heaven and hell exist in the first place? Hell is clearly not going to make people become good, otherwise it wouldn't be eternal damnation. Likewise, why would good people have to go to heaven? To become gooder? Clearly, these man-made institutions are pointless and only serve to scare the peasantry and the uncritical into subservience.

>> No.17793391

This is how you end up burning in hell for all of eternity.

>> No.17793504

God created man and woman, while you are a man-made abomination, unclean and unfit for this earth. I can only pity you as you unrepentantly stray further into darkness and destruction, but I do hope for your return to the light.

>> No.17793564

Mosaic law does not apply to Christians dumbdumb

That's not what those terms originally meant. You're 'meek' before God, not before evildoers. The implication is that you submit to God's Will instead of your own, and thus carry it out (hence Christ driving out the merchants)

>> No.17793662

Because every human is a living, breathing (albeit fallen) image of God and thus deserves love and respect even when the favor is not always returned.

>> No.17793676

I am a woman. Always have been. Stop obsessing and trying to insult, you filthy cretin

>> No.17794544

To share the same posting time as butterfaggot...what an honour.

>> No.17794856

he said 77 times, then after that, knock the ever living shit out them.

>> No.17794876
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>Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

>> No.17794883

we can hear the lack of peace in your soul

>> No.17794900

That sounds metal as fuck dude. Time to be a decent person!

>> No.17794907

good thing i'm elect and don't have to deal with any of this shit

>> No.17794910

sorry i meant erect

>> No.17795262

OP here, thank you all for the insight. Clearly I have a lot more to learn but Im eager.

>> No.17795337

you haven't read the bible.
And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”

>>17792371 is correct, it literally boils down to "be a good person (love god and your neighbor as yourself) and have faith (love god with all your heart, strength, soul, mind)"

>> No.17795338


>> No.17796236

We are at war

>> No.17796901

That’s not what it means. There is a time and season. Study the life of Christ to know when meekness is necessary and when you need to beat the shit out of people.

>> No.17796906

The implications of being baptized by water and of the spirit is why you are correct. People need to study that better because it’s a Gateway into receiving higher communication from the divine.

>> No.17796946

I will pray for your soul Butte.
You are by essence misguided, but usually there is a foundation of goodfaith in your posts that is betrayed by this unreasonable hatred for the Catholic faith.

>> No.17797850

Kapparot is not mentioned in the Torah or the Talmud, is only practiced in some Ashkenazi communities, and has been opposed by a bunch of scholars since people started doing it, including Nachmanides. There's even a religious argument against it on the basis that the Torah forbids Jews from causing unnecessary harm to animals, even psychologically.

>> No.17798857

Forgive one means to surrender it to Gods judgment and you wish them the best, doesnt mean put yourself in the company of snakes routinely, if trust is broken it must be earned, you act accordingly, of course if someome is being a transgrssor dont fight fire with fire thats all it means doesnt mean forgo justice

>> No.17798925

You are weak though, if not now then you will be. Bend your legs before your kneecaps give out, expand your memory with meaningful experience until you turn to dust. You’re completely at the mercy of the universe or whatever god you choose to project onto it.

>> No.17798933
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>Plus I'm pretty sure jews can't do that anymore either, now that there's no temple or jewish priesthood to observe such sacrifices.
The true Jews still do.

>> No.17799014
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>> No.17800206
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Don't listen to these sophists, you are totally correct:
>Mathew 5:17-18
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”

So unless our dogmatic friends want to say that Heaven and Earth have already disappeared, then they're fucked. Besides, the OT is eschatological, and we haven't had an apocalypse.
>inb4 Jesus did us a secret apocalypse
Why are you fucks waiting around for him to come a second time then? With a second set of (cherrypicked) laws from NT? Admit that you are just doing mental gymnastics to defend a religion whose closed minded laws don't measure up to the (admittedly excellent) rhetoric of compassion that crops up in certain passages of Jesus' teaching. Lashing yourself to the Bible is making you bad Christians.


>> No.17800211
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This guy gets it. If you do that and get damned by some pitiless Desert God at the end then you still did good.

>> No.17800229

The Bible benefits from revision over time, like with the "Take up serpents" passage which is kino and very archetypal. Turning the other cheek is important because taking responsibility for the Sins of others heals the world. The Bible saying this or that is irrelevant.

>> No.17800371

Because you gain nothing from doing the opposite. Focus on God, not on the world.

>> No.17800375

He came to fulfill the Law. The contract still stands. Through adam we are born to death and through Christs fulfillment, we are born again unto life. If you read the Sermon on the Mount again you'll see he criticizes the Jews practicing the Law. They may practice it to the letter, but in their hearts they are still dead. If you read Galatians you will see we are to come out of the Law and into the Spirit. So yes, the Law still stands and we are condemned under it so long as we are in Adam. But once we are born again, we are beyond it.

>> No.17800411
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>> No.17800526
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He didn't say that he would get us out of the Law if we put ourselves in Christ. He said that the Law would stand until Heaven and Earth disappear, which they haven't. You are head cannoning in a spectacular way, and if you saw someone else doing the same thing - for instance the "Islam is a religion of peace" crowd who cherrypick isolated statements in the Koran that are superseded anyway by later passages - you would say that they are doing mental gymnastics.

Christ is beautiful, God is beautiful, Creation is beautiful and Compassion is beautiful and Man also and all of these things are Good and necessary, but you can't follow the letter of that book without adhering to the 613 mitzvot so cool it on the dogma and put all that focus instead on your capacity for universal Love and Forgiveness.

>> No.17800545

Imagine missing the point this much

>> No.17800577

>but why would I love those who want to hurt me?
Because it is healthy, moral, and mature to do that. It requires great strength to love and forgive those who hate you, far more strength than picking up a sword.

>> No.17800747

>You are head cannoning in a spectacular way,
What I said is written in the book of Galatians. You don't understand what the Law is and what it means to be fulfilled.

>> No.17800787

just dont be a dick

>> No.17800824

if it was harder to forgive than most people would be in prison.

>> No.17800862

Wherever its written it is clearly directly contradicted by what Jesus said, because it was convenient for Paul the evangelist to put it that way. I have read Galations btw and how Paul believed we were made free of our 'binds'. Shame Jesus was so specific in his Sermon tho. Heaven and Earth disappear.

>"You don't understand the Law like I do"
Pure gatekeeping headcannon shtick

>> No.17800883

So what exactly does it mean to fulfill the law?

>> No.17800884

wrong, the word used is hostis, which means public enemy.

>> No.17801034
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For you or for Jesus? For you its the Mitzvot and for Jesus its fulfilling the messianic prophecies, most of which we have from Elijah. Prophecy and Law are literally the same thing: the word of God.

>> No.17801060

>turns cheek because you’ve been back handed presenting the other to be openhanded, initiating a duel/challenge between peers, rather than servant/slave/subject & Master
Things the Varys of the world conveniently ignore

>> No.17801088

>its muh duelling code so i don't have to be a cuck for Christ, right guys?

>> No.17801202

this is the one of the stupidest interpretation made up by retarded americans who didn't even bother to read the full verse

>> No.17802676

Most people are religious or theyre afraid of the law

>> No.17802681

Abrahamic religions are not religions. They’re systems of power, and you got played very hard

>> No.17802701

Old testament is better

>> No.17802831

cringe and cope

>> No.17804016

Turning the cheek is a metaphor

>> No.17804058

Prove it.

>> No.17804197

I don't buy it. The Bible has been translated into English for hundreds of years and nobody thought to translate it as something more appropriate like "humble shall inherit the earth", or "temperamental" or "tolerant"? "Those with self-control shall inherit the earth" might work too

>> No.17804230

No it isn't.

>> No.17804255

I don’t buy these translation arguments. You think God would have kept that into account when designing the Bible. If it’s going to be widely mistranslated then why didn’t God fix that?

>> No.17804697

In Spanish for example the translation is:
>”Los mansos heredarán la tierra”
“Mansos” being the replacement of “meek”, which has an entirely different connotation. “Manso” is the word you would use to describe a horse that is obedient as opposed to disobedient, wild and rebellious. So you get the idea. Rebelliousness is a quality of the devil, not of the children of God. Obedience is a quality of Christ.
Meek isn’t an incorrect translation so much as an ambiguous one. The word itself has changed connotation because it has been used as a negative adjective to describe “weak, cowardly, ineffectual”. “Manso” on the other hand is ALWAYS used in a positive tone.

>> No.17804709

That’s because it is clear we, the laymen, were never supposed to make doctrinal assumptions based on personal interpretation.
Have you ever read the Bible in a language different than English? You would be surprised at how much language can change your interpretation of a passage. See >>17804697

>> No.17804763

All adherents of Abrahamic filth will fall into Ahriman's House of Lies. You can eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew who was a false prophet and stupid bastard.

>> No.17804892
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>> No.17805034

>Because if you do this you're ahead of most people, and when you're ahead of most people it's like looking at your pet dog, he is still stupid and even when he creates chaos you still love him because he doesn't know, he is ignorant just like the people who do not see themselves in others

Sounds like pride to me

>> No.17805078

most people are cowards, that's why. afraid of law? yes, that's a part of it, meaning it's harder

>> No.17805236

1. He came to fulfil the law.
2. The commandments Jesus refers to explicitly, when questioned by the rich young man, are the ten commandments. When pressed on this issue by the rich young man as to what more he must do, Jesus does not reply that he needs to follow all the rest of the laws set down by Moses. Rather, He tells the young man to sell everything and follow Him.

>> No.17805255

>JC fulfilled the law
LMAO where is the temple?