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17790295 No.17790295 [Reply] [Original]

Incel bros... we got too cocky

>> No.17790306

They can smell the incel revolution in the air. Roasties get the rope first ;)

>> No.17790314
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What's this book about? I saw that it was written by a w*man and immediately forbade myself from reading the rest of the cover. I need a human (man) to describe it for me. Something about incels?

>> No.17790325

The rope for women is always a chain rather than a noose, but it's not going to happen anyway lol

>> No.17790334

Have sex

>> No.17790348

>book written by a women
and next thread unironically

>> No.17790355


>> No.17790356

I did
I don't know but if you want to some serious incel shit read
>Sexual Utopia in Power by F. Roger Devlin
>Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong by Dr Castle

>> No.17790366
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Incel defender

>> No.17790369

Simps and thot-enablers get the rope. Roasties get put back in their place.

>> No.17790371

What about that grumpy pencil-shaped Catholic guy? Didn't he write some books about Jewish mind control via sex?

Evola's Metaphysics of Sex is also good. And Weininger's Sex and Character.

>> No.17790384

Pick up artists just want pussy, they don't hate women they are just brave coomers trying to score. This dumb culture has so many skittish women which is why I prefer foreigners.

>> No.17790391

Based boomer
E. Michael Jones. I've read Libido Dominandi but that's not really incel /lit/. Weininger is certainly good for a more philosophical take but at the bottom incel theory is more concerned with the biology and psychology of female choice

>> No.17790395

>I did
No you didnt

>> No.17790407

Yes I did

>> No.17790408

Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Write Books About Them
By A. Nonymous

>> No.17790422

It’s impossible to be conscious and not hate the vast majority of young women in America

>> No.17790466

This was written an older Brit woman

>> No.17790474

34 is not older

>> No.17790498
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Why can't men and women live peacefully together? When will this war end?

>> No.17790506

It's certainly not young

>> No.17790508


>> No.17790528

Hopefully never. I hate women.

>> No.17790536

When a new religion arises that solves societal issues.

>> No.17790551
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>> No.17790554

>I hate women.
You're part of the problem. Women hate men because men give them reasons to.

>> No.17790572

Women started the hate spiral

>> No.17790579

why is there tape over the H. Is the book called Men Who Ate Women? that'd I'd read

>> No.17790584

What religion would that be

>> No.17790588

Not really, men started it by subjugating them

>> No.17790589

most incels experienced sexual assault as children? that's interesting. I'm going to look more, but since you guys probably are already informed, can you link any good reads on this?

>> No.17790620

You mean the natural order? I think w*men started it by rebelling against it.

>> No.17790625

based and sillypilled

>> No.17790651

His claim that most incels are rape victims is likely false, but othewise, Bates got BTFO'd.

>> No.17790663

>the incel revolution
Imagine trying to lead an incel revolution lmao, you could peel away every leader they managed to produce by just offering him a spy girlfriend

>> No.17790671

Maybe that's the intent.

>> No.17790685
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>tfw a german cutie liked this review
Do European women in general always side with men?

>> No.17790724

lmao he is prolly right about her but claiming incels are all peaceful rape victims is the same kind of bs he is criticizing

>> No.17790734

stop simping

>> No.17790781

I would say the opposite is more true

>> No.17790792

Incel Cope

>> No.17790802

Oh look white fragility 2

>> No.17790823

>be me
>have cute loving gf
>love her a lot
>she loves me
>happy and comfy together + good sex
>realize incels will never feel this
>smile since I despise incels
>realize god really loves me and hates the resentful rabble


>> No.17790833

I can’t wait until she dies.

>> No.17790855

How did you get a cute loving gf?

>> No.17790858

you're projecting again. not everyone is an incel like you buddy

>> No.17790878

>incels have no rights

>> No.17790882

so despite being in a loving relationship, incels still live in your head rent free?

>> No.17790934

I'm on the incels side now

>> No.17790938

Met her through friends

I barely think about them, I just happen to stumble upon this thread

>> No.17790945

Hell if I know. Just something new that seizes the collective spirit.

>> No.17790957

How to find a cute loving gf

>> No.17790964
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I hope she gets hit by a bus

>> No.17790966

>realize god really loves me and hates the resentful rabble

>> No.17790979

She's getting dicked down by Tyrone on the side, you realize this, right?

>> No.17791013

God commands you to abstain from sexual encounters until marriage, you fucking sinner. Repent

>> No.17791036

Either meet through friends or some activity you share with other people and strike up a conversation. You can also try dating apps altough I'm not really a big fan of those

>> No.17791073


>> No.17791093

>you could stop incels from commiting violence by providing them with a woman
Wowie! Its almost like thats exactly what they fucking want in the first place? How long did it take you to figure out how to capitulate to their demands you stupid whore?

>> No.17791101

Literally as you type this she is sucking nigger cock. The moment you reply to this post your girl will be taking another mans load on her face.

>> No.17791118

Not sure where that guy is getting his info. First I’ve heard the claim.

>> No.17791851


>> No.17791860
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extremely redpilled

>> No.17791895

based but i know people who brag about their oh so perfect relationships also have the worst breakups

>> No.17791906

>endorsed by abortionist Gloria Steinem
Kek. To the trash it goes.

>> No.17791920

we did live together peacefully when they just fuckin cooked all day and cleaned and everyone was happy. then they wanna work shitty corporate jobs all of a sudden and don’t want kids, so now we’re stuck here

>> No.17792012
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this guy's an author lmao

look at his fucking books

>> No.17792062

A woman gets a graduate degree instead of starting and family and then decides to start telling the world how all men should behave. It sure is a good thing we have people like this to help us become the men we're supposed to be, right boys?

>> No.17792070
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>> No.17792094

women hands types this

>> No.17792104

wtf kek

>> No.17792126

>>tfw a german cutie liked this review

>> No.17792147

Not sexist just don't like em

>> No.17792179
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im not accepting any form of benny bashing is heralded as a massive mounument to that of former diplomatic voice. imjustsayen.


>> No.17792199

natural thot destroyer

>> No.17792204

You will inevitably get cucked and you will remember this post.

>> No.17792375

I can confirm, he has a cute loving gf that knows how to suck dicks.

>> No.17792593
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undulating forces

>> No.17792800

I think women have the capacity to be good. If I had a daughter I am sure I could raise her to be a human being.

>> No.17792833

My greatest fear is that I will have several daughters and no sons. I know three families who have 3 or more daughters. Nearly every one of those daughters is a whore and/or a coal burner. They are all irresponsible prodigal babies who think that life is about doing whatever you want until you're 25 while daddy foots the bill, and then magically finding a man who will take over for daddy from there (after you've "had fun" by fucking 5+ other men first of course).

I am engaged to a girl right now and we want to start a family as soon as possible. If I have daughters I will begrudgingly raise them the best I can. I will do my best to try to save even one of them. But the odds are not in my favor and I know it. I will therefore make a dread pact with myself, to cut any daughter loose and stop loving her the instant she reveals herself as a thot. From that moment forward I will not be her provider except in the barest sense required by blood relation. I will no longer encourage her to play the violin or follow her dreams, because it will be clear she has traded in her violin for instagram likes, and her dreams for cock. Every daughter of mine will have an emergency eject lever installed, except when I pull the lever it ejects them from my life.

I will also continue having children until I have at least two sons, because I assume that only 1/10 women will be good humans on average (if that). I need at least two sons. At least if you fuck up a son, you can take some responsibility for it. With a daughter, you can do everything right and she'll still become a thot.

If you are someone's daughter reading this post right now, know this. Every man feels this way unless he is blind, and if he is blind, he is just a pathetic slave. Do you want your father to be proud of you and really love you? Or, if he's too blindly indulgent to judge you, do you at least want to avoid humiliating him and treating him like your slave? Then do not become a whore. Do not act like a thot. Every time you do, you not only make it impossible for good men to love you, you humiliate your father and break his heart.

>> No.17792891

no one says this

>> No.17793061

I don't want any sons, like hell I want to bring a boy into this world to suffer the fate of dealing with women or becoming an incel or any of the other countless misfortunes that may befall him, least of all the fact that he is more likely to die.

>> No.17793083

I read some of this book, it's typical propaganda where you take the worst examples of extremist incels and use them to define all the incels that are moderate and just hate themselves for being unattractive to women.

>> No.17793119

>John Davis, professional thot-patroller
...I kneel.

>> No.17793168

>"she is referring to one incident in Canada in which a man had a car accident and he had posted comments in a group known as INCELS"
this is an incredibly disingenuous description of that event.
alek minassian did not have a "car accident" it was a case of vehicular homicide that left 10 people dead.

>> No.17793419

>Every daughter of mine will have an emergency eject lever installed, except when I pull the lever it ejects them from my life.

Maximum zozzle.

>> No.17793430

if she's a terf then this is based

>> No.17793454

Holy based.

>> No.17793797


>> No.17793840

There isn't any, it's entirely fabricated. If you could push him for a source he'd probably cite some qanon bullshit or just say "trust me, it's obvious."

>> No.17793861
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>> No.17793908

bitch shouldn’t have eaten that apple on god

>> No.17794129

Anyone read the book "Bad Women" by Jude N. Shaik Else?

>> No.17794792

When feminism stops trying to fabricate reasons for existing or returns again to something that is more than thinly veiled misandry.

>> No.17794799

Thought this was about girl with the dragon tattoo

>> No.17795377

The dude is an author, so maybe in his books he talks about it

>> No.17795410

Again, I repeat what I said yesterday for these young men who want to advance in life:
> go where you're treated best
Some jurisdictions are more helpful than others and the US is a "liberty trap".

>> No.17795446

Just wanted to tell you a memory resurfaced of a girl in high school flirting with me really hard even though we'd never spoken to each other

She touched my hand constantly and one day started rubbing her legs vigorously against mine under the table, if she'd sat any closer to me she would probably have gone for my cock

>> No.17795459

>that's not really incel /lit/
The word incel itself is meaningless since its thrown at everything, its also the most efficient single thing to get (you)s, I've never seen anything like it.

>> No.17795460


>> No.17795468

cant wait for you to get cucked

>> No.17795546

When will the newfags learn not to reply

>> No.17795680

>>>she loves me
lol, just like she loves her other orbiters

>> No.17795697

he is the final boss

>> No.17795709

>to be a human being.
no, at best she will be so in public, but never in private

>> No.17795731

Not an incel

>> No.17795763

Speak for yourself.

>> No.17795987

I was once you.

It still hurts.

She doesn't love you like you love her. Though she does love you like any other woman loves any other man. To love, as a man, means finding someone or something that you would willingly sacrifice everything for. To love, as a woman, means to find someone who would sacrifice everything for you.

>> No.17796667

This^. So many people forget that Eros in its fullest is male love, the Messiah's love for humanity is male love and even the MC of titanic is an example of it. Women don't have any sacrificial love for their man, but they see a man who can do that for them as "romantic".

>> No.17796669

>be me
>have cute loving gf
>love her a lot
>she loves me
>happy and comfy together + good sex
>realize incels will never feel this
>feel compassion for my bros

>> No.17796813

When Western Society finally dies and another society, Islamic or Eastern, Supplants it.

The West has somehow managed to literally think itself to death, and it is honestly kind of pathetic.

>> No.17796862

Honest to god, if this is a real post and you're not just trolling, I hope you don't get taught by life just how much of an idiot you are.
Statistically speaking there's probably gonna be one in a million sort of cutesy couples like this that go on for a happy lifetime, and maybe you're the apex chad that could rebound from any breakup, scar free, onto the next amazingly everlasting relationship.

But reality often isn't so kind. If you managed to be happy and fulfilled in this shit world though, honestly, I hope you don't lose that.

>> No.17796867

>laura bates
>laura masturbates

>> No.17796878

>honestly, I hope you don't lose that
lol bullshit

>> No.17796880

You love her more than she loves you, right?

I have bad news for you anon. Read Madame Bovary.

>> No.17796912

I'm serious. It's kind of like an act of rebellion. I'm as bitter as it comes, regarding this reality. If someone actually manages to be happy in it it's basically an act of rebellion. I support that.

The fact is even people that are very attractive and have an easy time getting in relationships can often get hurt by this, or become some of the most cynical ones. I have two friends that had an average of 50~100 partners per year around their 20's, and both of them sort of settled onto having only one girl closer to their thirties. Both of them started creating these illusions of something greater. One of them got cheated on and went back to fucking random women and the other one is absurdly depressed and addicted to alcohol.
All of the couples I met in my life that looked perfect turned out to have a ton of shit hidden from the rest. Their breakups were always the worst I've seen, even on people that were already engaged.

Finding an actual meaningful relationship and living life happily is so impossible in my eyes that I only regard it as a theoretical possibility. But people who manage to get there, even if I sometimes am envious or angry at those, should live that out as much as they can as a fuck you to this shit reality.

>> No.17796916

I´m just built different

>> No.17796938

>liberty trap
Quick rundown? Do you mean go physically as in to other countries?

>> No.17796987

AHAHAHAhaha you're never gonna make it

>> No.17797014

When we stop pretending men and women are the same.

>> No.17797038

Falseflagging. Roasties coast by on their betabuxxers, a sad fact.

>> No.17797051

When we can pretend that women are better than men

>> No.17797054

That's a weird tagline for a Girl with the Dragon Tattoo translation.

>> No.17797062

"God" loves a lot of men, if you get what I mean.

>> No.17797093

I can tell you're a woman with one post.

>> No.17797095

Every man is sympathetic to women as a default. It is only bad experiences with women taking advantage of the inborn benefit of doubt they all receive that drives men to detest women.

>> No.17797113

Feminism killed gender relations but incels (which as a group didn't exist until a hundred years after feminism started) get all the blame. Really makes me think

>> No.17797115

What subjugation do you mean? Women have always been protected and been taken care of due to biological reasons. 99% of men lead equally shitty lives in the past. Feminists are angry that peasant women weren't middle class.

>> No.17797148

I don't hate women, I've dated several, including two long term (5 year) relationships, but I think people's current idolatry of women and femininity is unhealthy and needs to stop. There are more nuanced views to the women question than the black and white views of woman hating "incels" and woman worshipping "trannies". This gender war is only making things worse, and the only winners are the elites who benefit from atomized consumers/workers. We need to have a realistic, nuanced perspective if things are ever going to get better. Women and men are not equal in all respects, though they are of equal worth, with the vast majority being shit. Most young adults are too selfish and immature to maintain a healthy relationship and raise children properly. The only way forward is to focus on improving yourself, use the time you have for individuation, don't perpetuate this divisive gender war bullshit or the commodification of sex and relationships, with Tinder/OnlyFans/etc. Be the change you want to see, be strong and ignore all the noise and propaganda. You may not find your dream partner, but realizing your self potential is better than being stuck in a doomed relationship, with all the heartbreak that accompanies it. Date if you find someone good for you, you can learn and grow a lot from it, but don't put all of your eggs in that basket, because you never know when it may go sour.

>> No.17797170
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>ou may not find your dream partner, but realizing your self potential is better than being stuck in a doomed relationship, with all the heartbreak that accompanies it. Date if you find someone good for you, you can learn and grow a lot from it, but don't put all of your eggs in that basket, because you never know when it may go sour.
What if this leads you to ending up a virgin in your mid 20s. asking for a friend

>> No.17797175

based and truthpilled

>> No.17797187

Here's my thoughts on the subject. Women's right and empowerment. Cool. Whatever I'm down. But here's what's happening. We have generation of young men who have grown up and this is all they've heard. They grew up through third wave feminism hearing "girl boss" and how men are naturally toxic and looking at girls do jobs that are "traditionally masculine" or whatever and about women breaking gender roles. But here's the killer. No one gives a shit about the guys. Any gesture to young men and what it means to be a man is hollow and empty. They grow up seeing a world that's seemingly becoming even more indifferent to their existence. And then you see books and articles wondering why young men seem so hopeless.

>> No.17797192

>I don't hate women

>> No.17797198

I figure I should clarify I'm not going full "women belong in the kitchen" (based burger king). I'm just saying maybe the mainstream needs to acknowledge and understand men, and maybe not be hypocrites about shit. "woke" people on twitter still shit on male elementary school teachers or nurses.

>> No.17797220

Just for once, I would like for modern society to not constantly make me feel shit for being a male.
>inb4 cry more incel!!!1!1!!!

>> No.17797243

When women’s rights and mass democracy is destroyed
After the feminist movement, women became a political group. This directly led to the destruction of the family structure and by extension the society

>> No.17797263

If virginity is truly holding you back and losing it would help free your mindset from ruminating on it, you can work to lose it via Tinder or paying for a prostitute, though I personally think saving yourself for someone you love is better. I hate how our society shames and puts constant pressure on people to have sex, even if it's cheap and meaningless. Sex can be electric and incredible, but that mostly comes from having a connection. Just having sex with a stranger is overrated and no better than masturbating. There's nothing wrong with you if you haven't had sex, but thinking there is something wrong with you will make it so. Ignoring all the social pressure is easier said than done, but they are wrong.

>> No.17797266

I was born in the late 90s, one of my first memories (barely) is 9/11. My entire life has been authority figures like teachers, administrators, professors, and bosses all saying that the system unfairly advantages me so in order to correct for that they have to unfairly advantage people who aren't me. But aren't all those people "the system"? Every schools, business, organization, and company I've been a part of says this shit. They say they're the defending victims while they victimize you. It made me realize that you can't give the people pushing this shit an inch because they'll always take a mile. Hypothetically if we were to try to fix this system, we'd have to crack everyone pushing this stuff like an egg. There is no being "cool" with feminism or CRT because this is all feminism and CRT were ever trying to accomplish in the long term.

>> No.17797414

Yes, as in physically (or not, some passports don't require presence and/or residence) going abroad and acquiring different citizenships in order to have the odds in your favor.
As per "liberty trap", I meant it more in a growth sense. Despite having the 1st amendment, the US has tons of laws limiting speech (even though they might be unconstitutional, they will still be used against you before you get to remove them). The 2nd amendment is also being turned into a joke more and more. To add insult to injury, the US subjects its citizens to citizenship-based taxation (if you have a business that has nothing to do with uncle Sam, if you're a US citizen you still might get taxed, which will often result in double taxation if the country your business you're operating in can just have, but is not limited to, jurisdiction-based taxation), which not many other countries have the vanity nor the stupidity to add.

>> No.17797459

Based and checked

>> No.17797514

based and hits-pipe-pilled

>> No.17797542

There seems to be a real market for these kinds of "clickbaity" buzz word in the title social justice books.

> How to talk to a RACIST
> Peaceful protesting 101: How to BURN DOWN a store

>> No.17797584
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>> No.17797598

based voreCHAD

>> No.17797682

that line fucking killed me

>> No.17797719

Where else has those sorts of guarantees? Europe is even worse off than America with free speech and outside of the West I don't know where you'll find any sort of concept of rights like that.

>> No.17797785

I think people mean incel revolution in the sense that some force will tap into the latent incel energy of society in order to do something rather than a literal uprising of incels.

>> No.17797801



>> No.17797827


>> No.17798037

I don't really hate women, I just think the women that I do respect are so uncommon. I love my female friends but I'd never date them just because it's so rare to find girls you actually find interesting and I would listen to, by dating them you'll eventually break up and never speak to them again.

I don't like the narrative that everyone who has anything to say about the majority of women is somehow an incel, incel implies that you don't have sex or that people don't want to have sex with you which isn't true in my personal experience. Just feels like "incel" is the new playground insult like calling things "gay" if you personally didn't like them. Men don't want to be seen as an "incel" so will do whatever the insulter says to not be demeaned or looked down upon like a lost puppy.

>> No.17798067

This would be a nice attitude to hold. Unfortunately young women are evil incarnate and deserve to be despised

>> No.17798109

I personally had that feeling too. I sometimes pick up a free literature mag and one of the books propped up was titled "Men, I hate them". A pretty cover gets my interest too but such obscene titles just give away that they really have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.17798122

>incel revolutio
You mean like Isis?

>> No.17798135
File: 23 KB, 250x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check this out
It describes how low average man's chances to find a partner are

>> No.17798179

Remember she is not yours, it's just your turn

>> No.17798195

probably bait but i had the exact same thing, it always ends anon. i wish i could go back bros

>> No.17798234

No matter how much you cry about how pathetic you are, it's your own fault. Man up.
Have you seen the average woman? It's a smelly landwhale. Women are not different from you. The lazy, stupid ones end up poor, and alone

Now fuck off you pathetic losers. You're on a board for literature, not crywank central

>> No.17798258

>Every daughter of mine will have an emergency eject lever installed, except when I pull the lever it ejects them from my life.


>> No.17798264

>hurr durr ust man up
fuck off with your shaming tactics tradcuck
There is no point in engaging with bitchy entitled fat western harpies, especially when all laws are against you

>> No.17798428

Have you even read my post? The US already have laws limiting speech; that's why I called it a "liberty trap". There are no real "guarantees". It's just like energy companies when they talk about offloading in their energy production plan to govts concerned about the environment: there's no real benefit that can be felt.

>> No.17798722

This doesn't answer my question, if the US does not have these guarantees where are you saying to go that does? Europe is even worse than the US with speech and in most cases guns, and outside of the West the conception of these guarantees does not even exist. Comparing how the US should be to how it is doesn't justify moving if everywhere else is still worse off.

>> No.17798753

>be me
>go into bookshop
>look for Laura Bates's "Everyday Sexism"
>move it to the Fantasy section
Does anybody else do this?

>> No.17798769
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>alek minassian did not have a "car accident" it was a case of vehicular homicide that left 10 people dead.

>> No.17798776
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>> No.17798912

>Women hate men because men give them reasons to.
hate is proper and good

>> No.17798920

What a king

>> No.17798930

like how women are 93% of all work place deaths?

>> No.17798970

>No matter how much you cry about how pathetic you are, it's your own fault. Man up.
Men saying this to look better to Woman is how Men have ended up in this hole

>> No.17799003

uncle ted was right

>> No.17799226
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This guy hit it pretty on the nose, 90% of feminist movements in the 2010s have been based on a hatred for the male identity and men's agency (man spreading, toxic masculinity, put things in your ass, yes all men/kam, fetishizing, etcetera). It may change but it probably will not, when the genesis of your movement is based on hatred, those tendencies are pretty hard to shed. Women also frequently fail to acknowledge that men face the same realities as they do, men often just have less tools to handle or even realize it besides direct actions to resolve what they incorrectly perceive the cause to have been.

>> No.17799385

Honestly? Based.

>> No.17799616
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This is my theory as well. It seems like feminism when we were forced off the land into the factory and the women into the cottage mills.
Before that it was a partnership just to survive.

>> No.17799621

You're not even wrong when you type this - I know many cases in my own family.

>> No.17799631

Feminism started*

>> No.17799673

being a man is hellish. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

if I ever got a woman pregnant, I'd insist she would abort the child if it's male

>> No.17799708

>another dime-a-dozen lovey-dovey gushy couple who'll inevitably have one of them cheat on the other, or grow bored
seen this so many times. every single stable relationship I've seen has, for some reason, had rather distant, yet supportive partners.

>> No.17799756

>finally started dating a woman at 27
>used to browse incel forums and am growing more and more paranoid of getting cheated on, or having it fall apart, from seeing all the other men in my life who are better than me in every way possible go through horrific breakups
>she's still doting, cooking and baking for me every day, clingy, and in the "honey-moon" phase 1 year and 2 months in

I feel like I should have gotten all of this out of my system when I was 17, like everyone else.

>> No.17799760

better late than never anon

>> No.17799796

allahu akbar

>> No.17799814

this is why i love boomers. genreations just keep getting worse anyways so who are they to blame?

>> No.17799975

You're just leasing her for now. Come back in three years.

>> No.17799980
File: 302 KB, 242x723, asdfasdasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madman reached the final stage, nothing can stop him now

>> No.17799985

>I am sure I could raise her to be a human being
The hero father fallacy

>> No.17800195

Again, the trick is
>go where you're treated best
You're a human being, thus you are mobile. You don't need to find one country; as a matter of fact, you can mix and match for what you want.
More importantly, by remaining a simple US citizen, you're paying your future growth potential for being allowed to scream "nigger" and "faggot" while still losing your job and any other net-positive economic activities. Let's not even consider what your 2A was supposed to be for, since it's made fun of bill after bill.

>> No.17800300

I'm treated best in the US because gun laws and speech laws are still better here than any of the alternatives with a similar standard of living. Why would I move to a country where I can't own any of the guns I can here and I'll got to jail for saying trannies aren't women?

>> No.17800904

This is why the Greeks were right. Imagine the Theban band composed of heterosexual couples! LOL

>> No.17800962

>Do not act like a thot. Every time you do, you not only make it impossible for good men to love you, you humiliate your father and break his heart.
Damn this makes women sound based. Women are smug pepes. They should humiliate neurotics like you... just abort any female fetuses cuck.