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17782214 No.17782214 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>lying in bed on Saturday night
>either read or browse internet on phone before sleeping before midnight
>wake up just after 8 am
>browse internet on phone; read latest moldbug
>play vidya for a few hours
>defeat a boss; still feels so unfulfilling
>eat normal food (no junk food left at home); browse internet; write a little bit of my long term diary desu
>go and drive outside
>go for a 2 hour long walk while listening to Cum Town and then a normie podcast that I regretted listening to
>decided to have coffee, buy binge food for one last binge, jog, binge
>decided instead to have a McDonald's meal (first time I've had fast food for a while)
>bought Costa coffee after
>then bought 2 days worth of binge food from a supermarket (likely won't eat any more today)
>about to go home; unsure if I'll go jogging tonight; don't feel bloated somehow

I've just realised that the different Ben and Jerry's flavours disproves the psychology finding about choice fatigue. Under certain conditions, lots of choice causes people to try everything, repeatedly, all the time.

I'm hoping that I'll finally start working hard on stuff tomorrow. I have no confidence in anything I do in my spare time as productive. At the first sign of difficulty I get so demoralised and think of all the Chads and Staceys getting everything handed to them and all the institutions that people usually benefit from when doing things. I think about how much easier things would be if I had a genius IQ. Mind numbing internet then wins the day.

There a vidya sequel to one I completed last year that I'll buy it within a few months. Feels strange to know that something is expected to give me warm fulfillment.

This weekend has felt very pointless. Maybe in a few months when the weather has improved my walks can be longer and feel meaningful. I hope I can lose 13 kg before summer starts.

The Sunday blues aren't present because work has been so mundane. Having savings lately feels good but I'm still a wagie.

>> No.17782221

samefag lmao

>> No.17782712

You already have a thread up, why not just post in that?

>> No.17782756

London Frog never posts twice in one thread. H makes an OP and that's it.

>> No.17782758

It's a generic advice and one you probably expect to find on this board but do find some time to read a book. You'll feel better anon.

>> No.17782853

He sometimes responds like when someone asked him what book he was reading. Besides, when I saw this post is was so identical to all his other ones I was unsure if it was just a satirical imitation of the currently still up thread. I feel like LF is getting stupider these days, he's been spending too much time on /biz/ and /tv/.